As i See It K'Xitt LWI)llii i-'ull) JVU9 WIV. Monday. June 7, 1954 OTTAWA DIARY id l Jt'f r.v t ' n? rhuL ... .n InUppMndnnt dally iwwspappr dvotd to the upbuilding of Prlnn Rupert and N.rtliern and Central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureitu of Clrrulatloiia Oanaoian Dally Newspaper Asoclatlrn. Published by The Prinre Kupert Daily News Limited. J. P. MAOOR. President H n. PKRRY. Vice-President Aubarrlptlon Kates: ly carrier Per week. 26c; per month, (I 00: per year, inofl. jg.TjA?!! iiy mall Per month, 75e: per year, $8 uu. Vit . nlhu;l?ed as wv-ond mass mall ny the Sost Offltv Depnrtment. Ottawa 10 -flu ... The Progressive Conservntw, group excels all other parties In I the House in at least one not i lneonsioeruDie achievement. That is to say, It suceeds In i keeping the correspondents hi I the press gallery, who supposed-j ly are skilled parliamentary observers, In a fairly constant stale of nearly complete be- wiklerment. The most recent example was the avowal a few days ago of J. M. Macdonnell, the party's giant financial thi ker, that he wasn't defend ' f the Bold stanrtioH but accepted the prli -iple 0( managed currency. Now it is well-knoivn that the principle of A managed currency in at ienm an old as the Saxon kings. They used to manage the currency by mixing a Utile lead ana otner adulterants in with 4 - v - , "V s 4K S 2 the silver and gold. Whenever 1 court in iu , " ithey were caught doing it, they j mas II. SaundmilTl' generally .t their heads. magistrate fur 47 ,", Modern currency imtimiffiiient i by L tuti ; Need Fla-i Poll THK Prime Minister of Canada has told his colleagues that be is aiainst' parliament trying to soled an official Canadian flag, j :n the near future. .He is iiwarc thut there is a pus -jsibilily of 1(f) Hi'aVaco on (he ' 'iiic.i mn of wlii'lliiT or nut tin : Lii fit-ittl .flag of Canada .shoulil j ivlain tilt- Union Jack, whettier (lie flat? of Canada should y j i entirely Canadian. j The lOfil fonvenlion of llu-j ! Youni; Liberal voted iinani- . ' nioilsly for a flat; "exelusively ll'anadian." However, It is fail 1 to say that the real issue wa- j j not debated mid hence some ol j" j the delegates may not have re-1 j alized that the vote would be ; interpreted in the press as fav-lorint! a flat; without the Union ' Jack. 1 1 DO NOT think there is any way j to settle this flat; ?uesUon in ! Canada, except by a free vote of j tile people. However, no government of ; Canada is soon likely to choose i a flag, and then stand or fall by the flag nl-the next election i Tile whole flat? question is so Hacked with political dynamite that all I he party leaders are certain to treat it with the utmost caution. Moreover, even an official plebiscite held in connection with a general election, would be a risky business from the standpoint of national unity. We j THK frKMGHTKK SCOTT MISN'EK, shown getting Ihe finishing tuuehex in dock at the Port Weller, Out., shipyards, prior to her launching May 2fi, may be the Inst bir ship built on the Great Lukes for some years. The ship, of mo re than 32.0 10 tons gross, has cost her owners. Colonial Steamships, about $5,500,000. Capt. Sc ott Misener, Colonial president after whom the .ship Us named, said construction costs are so hi h that his firm will order no new ships until costs come down to the level or six or seven yea rs ago. Builders blame unemployment in ship yards and lack of building orders on present hi ;h costs. (CP Photo l Develop Air Service ONK of the obstacles to the rapid development of northern H.C. is the high cost of railway and highway construction. Whereas the new ('Nil line from Rherridon to Lynn Lake in Manitoba cost $!tf,000 per mile, the line from Terrace to Kiti-mat is costing $217,000 per mile. As for highways, it is estimated that the cost of construction in H.C. is at least twice the average for the rest of Canada, and perhaps four or five time,s the cost in the prairie provinces. This, among other reasons, is w hy it is so imperative to develop ajr transportation in this part of the country. We note with interest that a new airport has been opened at Castlegar, This, of course, is excellent All through the Kootenay area there is great development in progress, and at Castlegar in particular there is promise of a busy future in view of the plans to establish a large pulp industry there. Yet it must be remarked that this and all the rest of the southern part of the province are already well served by other means of transportation. When flying conditions there are poor, the traveller has the choice of a rj'iway or a highway'whic-h, in most '-cions, i.t good. Up here the highway defies classification and, at the important western end of the line between Terrace and Prince Rupert there is no air service at all. It is difficult to see why this growing part . of the country should be so penalized. Countries are developed on faith, .and the people who live up here have this quality in good volume. How much longer must they wait before it is reciprocated? Nation .7,;..? 1ath ben.m H.'u"na l brief. th ;;vu, vl-1 free Z ' would have j;" -'n-ntatlol1 "fasuies. Old .L tnlly had wul1" Mucdonnel turaeVhu Sold .tandard aad "infusion at to L , Magistrate 41 Yf his -ou . year in Wiien he fn,. Villi . t FISHERMB Spilsbury & Tindl MARINE TELEPH ml-. J. ,! l Ft-- I MOT I 25 WalU Pure fm Channels Vraihij and Kcrrivrr Itruatliast Kaint Absolutely (hr Mi liable lladio till the Markrl. Rupert Radi and Eleclfi PliJ 313-3rd Ave. IV. Thousands of Canadian Brides To Forego tVedding Bells in Favor of Civil Ceremony Ity W'ALTKH GKAY provincial secretary, said lir an do not know of any lawful im- Caimuiaii Press staff Writer , Interview that the province j pediment why I, John Doe may ... .h-t- tPWMt- ",auc ",B --'ciouujf irKm ut me rZT J cnurcl'p!V ' "c cijinmiuic uiauc toe icir- m"y leeai in luau. since men, mole tnan 4 000 clvil marriages have been 1 performed. 1AKt R1" r Some :uropan.s, following the custom of the homeland, are married in civil ceremony, then B mrougn -ine cnurcn riuiai Under Ontario's Marriage Act. civil ceremonies may be perform- ed only by county court judges and police magistrates between the hours of 9 a m. and 5 p.m. "We didn't want the Holly- wood-tyne-of marriage- getting the Justice of the peace out of bed at midnight," said Mr. Cud-ney. "We wanted f; maintain a certain amount r dignity- mi,. ,,i ticular form of ceremony is re- quired, except that in some part lca iiiu.l uciiaic. Is. of course, a vastly different art. Instead of resorting to such crudities as debasement by lead and other low-value metals, the method now is to leave paper 'currency unchanged to the naked eye, but to lower the purchasing jxiwer of the dollar to about 55 cents or lers. This plan has the nd vantage over the older system that so fur the governments not away with It. There's been no record yet of any finance minister being shot by an Irate citizenship for debasement of a country s paper currcncy. Nevertheless, it came as a dis- tinet shock to press gallery cor respondents to hear the Conservative party's ultra-orthodox Mardonnel endorse "managed" money and disown sound currency based on the gold stand ard. For hitherto the aim of the PC's during th:- present session had been to establish themselves as the group in the nation's politic which stood for free enterprise and orthodox finance against tin? weltare state and Socialist bureaucracy. Thut has been the clear distinction be tween themselves and the CCF ant (il0 Liberals alike which Uie PC's have been anxious to have the public draw. To that end they have taken almost, automatical!" ui oopo- site side to the Socialist CCF and to the Welfare State Liberals on almost every win I and economic ouestion that has come before the House. They reversed their stand and voted against TORONTO No wedding ' bells will ring for thousands of j Canadian hr r es thle war Tliov ' will have no eliibornU trnnn, or fancy church wedding. I . There are the ones who choose the civil marriage, performed In a judge's chambers or magis-1 trate's office The simple 'ceremony is free of ; ecclesiastical ties. renulrln rmlv the presentation of the marriage licence to the judge or maels- trate or in some provinces, the Kast year. British Columbia ; K.1,1 iUa ... . . l..ll I nun vnc iiigiiir.b iuic Ul tivil ' .;:, ? ' P! . ., i total number of marriages. Al Krif t o rtnrl K -rt, r- nin Anl n .l might, or might not, find the j marriage commissioner, j country 'split right down the ! IN FIVE PROVINCES i middle, not only by percentages ; civil marriage has been acl-i of the total vote, but also racial- I opted by five provinces Ontario, jly'iind geographically. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alber- I ! ta and British Columbia. -' :,...,",,.. ; lY-'- I a V I"!!- L . t j - -- I ; , ! I : , inn uc juuu u 10 imuioiMioy u ; IL0... I i ,r r i And each of the parties say to the other: "I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, John Doc, do take thee Mary Green to be my lawful wedded wife or husband " Then the judge or magistrate ! saV!i: I "I. Henry Brown, judge or ! magistrate of the county of I York by virtue of the powers i vested In me by '.he Marriage i Act, do hereby ..onouix-e you John Doe ano Mary Ore n to be husband and wife " Th ci lemony costs i!0. us set j out hi the act. Mr Ciidney said the C, : I...- . ... j formed, following puswRO tif the act, that any additional rem irks j 1 during the ceremony would be ' permissible, such as' 'Marriage ; is the voluntary unl,.-. of one uj une woinail Willi itir ex- l nunl nieetins; of the Canadian Mi nu tact uroi Association : which ushered in ihe 1954 sea-fn at Jasper Park lodge. It was , th lodge's earliest opening in years. "This should be the biggest i season we've ever had." said Wil- , " , . . national playground, play on tne ( ! "b-ynpionshlp Jasper Park lodge j ''"" mr8 und of c"ul so' ,lls-! t u;"s """""'ss. j : Business sessions started to- j day by which time the dele-! gates are expected to number! i ibout 400. Convention topics; ! include Industrial relations, in-j i tcrnatinnal trade, atomic energy! j for industry and the outlook for; 1 Canadian business. ! DRIVE 1 "at h 4 vJ . v r .' !- - -:r ? , . V ; OK'-'-.: . -v. . r - ; , v 1 V. '1' i; . "v ... ,, r-i . ,, , " ' ' ' . "iof the ceremony, in the presence S I, 1 a 0 t or magistrate and less t than 1 Pr tw0 witnesses, each of the par- "I do solemnly declare that I eh lon of all others foi life.". Manulaclurers' Convention Start For Summer We Off Biq Season al Jasper Park Cool Sturdy Shol rs r trt7V S'cl:il to Th Dallv Ni-w.i JASPFR. Alta A bear in a ;hlna shop would hirdly sur-orise anybody in this famed Rocky Mountain resort where the animals mindly sociably with he paying guests hut even .th? bears mi'jht have raised their A Roof Overhead critics of Canada's new National Housing FOR act, there's some interesting information coming from a Toronto builder. Under the new legislation, he obtained bank mortgages, -ind was able to offer attractive small homes worth $12,100 for down payments of $1,925. Before the change in the law it would have taken a $575 larger down payment to buy the same house. Hut the builder was able to anticipate bigger demand with its consequent savings from larg-erscule production and cut the price by $."00. Ivtsier terms did the rest. In the first three or four days he sold 58 homes. And shortly after, sales totaled 10!). Now he has opened lots for 100 or more houses. No one expects the new legislation to father thousands and thousands more houses this year. No one expects it to put a house on every suburban hilltop, or on every ravine lot with overflowing stream close to schools and transportation. , Hut hei'e is a definite! case of helping Oanad-Kins wtthSMaHft'AnijielitkwnVtjsto houses of their own. And that, by itself, is achievement. Financial Jv:i'i. I WOULD like to see all the ' j newspapers of Canada conduct a coast to coast flag poll, on I some day agreed on in advance, j .To hold .such a poll it would first be necessary for some com mittee to select about three or four flag designs. Two of these designs might contain the Union Jack in the upper corner and two of the designs might be without that U i in at : f ck. The flags couid. be .hown in I full color in special magazine sections Hike Weekend, or by special inserts. On the agreed day (but on no 1 othert all thn newspapers of Canada mlyht carry a special ballot on which the peor.le could mark their choices for the 'four designs fhown marking them ! i one, two .three. lour, hach news, I i paper could print its own results. ' I I IT IS JUST possible that such a coast to const fla.i poll na- , tional in .scope but unofficial in its effect might pave Ihe way ! for a final agreement on this ! flag question. . . ' ' Once we hau a coast to coast ' poll, we would no longer need to : guess about the general basis ! of the new flag. If no clear 'choice emerged, he whole ques-i (iglr,. .could- tu- .,;tyo'wed to suht v isiiie.' ''-' ' " . ".-.-.';' - f New Dock Slated For False Creek j j VANCOUVER (CP) -A new fish- ! I erman's wharf which, when ; completed will accommodate j 200 boats, is to be built on False ; j Creek in the near future by the j federal government, city offic- j ials have announced. j ! The wharf, expected to cost between $800,0110 and $lJ()0(),()0(l j when completed, is to be admin- j istered by the city. A grant of by SAVAGE Featuring 9 lonic-weariii? S" soles . soft leathers Suniliziil for M healtliier near Selection Includes HOOTS . . . 0XF0W SADDLE SHOES . TKM STRAl'S-'. PALS Fashion Foot! jOli 3rd Ave. tt. - M monies that attend ,d the o'oen- I !',am , H,' .Cofolrlh' mme lg(lKP' A ,arR'' numbrr of this'"10 In" of Jasoer Pail' lod-'o i conventions are scheduled and welt nd Two hundred of Canada's top inf for ?Tr. KUests ar? Jen heavier, than they were at industrialists and their wives ..,,.,. j ttils time last year, when wc had rived here Saturday on a spec- ,..,.,. ... .,... ' . .. record , , ,'a summer, lal CNR tra.n from th and i Tnp CMA d''-8ates are the ran Into a real ranch-style re- Uvil ot ')n" I4 0,, sltors who ception staged by their western colleagues Brc expected to stay jit Jasper Few of'the hiv.ts were r.cog- ' Var u0 between now and nizable as captains of western ! nW-September. While they are Industry. Jasper Park lodgs was hm wi" tllkc "Igh'seelns f..n i. ..ii.. L... . i 1 trios. Gxnlnrn sonii at thr bpant.v Ontario adopted, civil marriage in 1950, after the four western provinces. In 1953, 1,500 of the 45,448 marriages in the province were civil ceremonies. It. J. Cudney. Ontario's deputy i r-- J -i m s I , ' I ! , , V : a - :' i. t- I i It: V.' I)K. LKWIS W, Mcl.KAN, 49, of .Vlctoriawasftle, moderator of i-. nniu i the 80th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada at Toronto. He succeeds Rev. W. A. Cameron of Toronto. Dr. McLean, u native of Peterborough, Ont., was ordained In the Presbyterian ministry in 1930. He held charges in Toronto and Leamington, Ont., before he became minister in 1933 of St. AndT rew's Church in Victoria. Militory Museum CALGARY (CP)-A new regl- iir,;Mu ITlW, of North-Amertca's. largest REFLECTS and REMINISCES Kcsy it .tiiyci-.itiiuui'u muuii. .i. IU1 uair room looked like Calgary at .stamped time. In the swank main dining room stood, anion;; other things, a genuine Indian teepee, brought several hundred miles for the occasion. For din- ner the delegates ate roast steer. carved on the spot and served buffet style. After that they held a square dance right in the dining room. The occasion was the 83rd an- LEARN TO Ifallle Selassie, emperor' of i WKNT AIX RIGHT Elhlopla. has been honored by About 1,500 rmocrats paid Monteral and Quebec. The Lion I $100 a plate to hear Harry S. of Judah wears the uniform of a j Truman speak at the Jefferson-Field Marshal. His 'height Is Jackson banquet in Washington. $350,000, to- cover cost of pre- j mt'ntal museum was opeited liere paratory earth moving and roarl;by the Princess Patricia's Can-! building, has already been made j adian Light Infantry. IU prrzf in Ottawa. - , j (0nPOli(m incill()p.s the shrapnel. " j pocked original colors presented j HISTORIC IINIVMtSITV j in 1914. and a dollar bill dated Queen's University, opened In! March 17, 19)7, bearing the tag- 1842 at Kingsloii, Ont., was the ! nature ,,f Lady Patricia Ram i first in Canada to introduce stu- j say, honorary eonimander-in- j dent self-government. chief. ..'-., ., J J H "DrwMSiKUi- coNtfN" five feet, three inches, and there are seven rows of ribbon. What sort of strategy did he use In i lindinj: room? j "What's an operetta? "Don't be foolish: It's a girl who works for the telephone company." The population of the United States has grown to a tolal in excess of 'a hundred and slxlv-one millions. This is a good sized lamlly for Ike and Mamie to watch, particularly to see they don't remain out too late. THE DANGER EXISTS North coast defence came into the picture In the debate in Ottawa, not long ago. with Howard Oreen (Vancouver-Quadra) submitting questions concerning the Kadlo Act and Its general maintenance. Said Mr. Green in part: "Take, for example, the .situation on the west coast where actually new? Nevertheless, the have done, and are continuing to do a lot of good. Always drive so that your license expires before you do. Digest. The ex-president was in good form, had something to say, and said it. "We cannot fulfill our responsibilities If we are to in-' suit our allies and friends who helped us to win the second world war." It was costly to ILs-,len to, but Ihe crowd didn't mind. HOW THF.Y ARE SITTING Hansard prints the remarks of a Federal member who doubtless will discover numerous Canadians In full agreement with him. Mr. Maclnnis says: "The old age security payments have been a Godsend to a great many people, particularly those people who had small savings and can now use those social security payments to augment them. To use the vernacular they arc sitting pretty. They are economically secure. Mrs. John Du'nbury, says a London daily, is slowly changing into a man. She is 28, dark-haired and slight and believes a divorce is quite possible. Both herself and husband are agreeable to the change. As for social life in future, one should be quite without anxieties, v CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. , 1954 CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN This is to advise all citizens that from June 7 until' ' . June 15 (inclusive dates), the City Forces will collect ' and dispose of all accumulated debris and trash, if , placed conveniently to the roadway. An accredited driving school will be opened here shortly. Applicants are requested to make application to avoid disappointment. A limited number will be accepted now. All students will be GUARANTEED to pass their driving test. "DUAL CONTROL CARS" Address all applications to DRIVING SCHOOL P.O. BOX 195 - PRINCE RUPERT 9Med, CSUM and ttvtttfdi This service is free of charge I'HONK CITY WOKKS 1)1 PARTMKNT, Leave Name and Address. Thl. l not publithd Cayaik Cantral kxid ar by th. ft.""""1 " r