Prince Rupert Daily Hew Monday, Jure 7, VJbi n Street Students PERSONALS Season's Pass To Be Awarded At Alaska Music Trail Meet festival Concert it i ' ' - - Music Exams To Be Held During Week Examinations for the Koyal Conservatory of Music of Tor In Prince n.-ipcrt fui cat rite., , r Mr.' gusoii, Friday, were alteni ' w ill be iu'erc lrd lc hear lli.'U . E. Fir-1 he is l;ow re-'flins at Beach son,! Grove B.C.. near jk' er when Street; Hush Rucker, Grade 2; instru- gulden and r uarenm he is in the grocery business. David, of Saskatoon. ..or son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. - ..on a Ugllt fllJJ.- - r, uurlng wnich u ... talari titrul thlK Donald Ferguson of Dawson Creek, her sister, Mrs. George' Mi.-a Claire Ritchie, nurse In Milner of Vancouver, and sister-1 tiaining at the Royal Jubilee in-law, Mrs. James Stark of New j Hospital, Victoria, is spending a Westminster. , . . . , , four-week vacation here with Prince Rupert friends of Mr.j nPr Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Earl Barr, former resident here,' Ritchie, 1077 First Avenue West. .,a m.'ir numbers, I I hi advermcinrm j not ftuhlished or displayed hy ih Liquor Control Hoard or bv ih Guvcrnmcm of British Columbia Season tickets lor the Alaska MUaie 1 rail 01 iy54-55 are on vale at the Civic Centre this week, and tomorrow night some lucky ticket holder wni win a free season seat with a reiund on the ticket already purchased. The winner will be chosen at the annual meeting o fthe Civic Centre Concert Auxiliary tomorrow night In the Centre at 8:30 p.m., wnen plans for the new concert series will be made. A feature of the meeting will be a hall-hour program oi ex-' ccrpts lrom "Brigadoon", to -be staged by the Little Theatre cast which will present the hit musical show later this month. Spokesmen . for the Concert HUtll-stlllg uiiu 'g Wilson was menial duet, trust and Wuilned Rompf; choral speech, "ilie HiUens," Division a; cnoir, Division 5, ''Popping Corn' and "Uingcrbread canes;" recitation, Divimuu. i, "Uranupa Version," Don Love. Choral Speech, Division 3, "The Wonuenui lining oi feiermn Spray;'' piano soio, Paday Meid, Divibion 4; recitation, "'ine Kittens, iiorteniie item, Division tfc piano soio, "iwo Little rrogs,' jiil Weise; recitation, Division j, "Hie Patter oi the Sningie," lorn Harding. 1 Violin quartet, Bobby Anderson, reter Mauser., Don Lewis, Aian Kieber, accompanied by onto, are being conducted here this week in the Civic Centre and St. Joseph's Academy, for dozens of student pianists and violinists. Sessions are being conducted from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, Tuesday and Wednesday by Dr. George Brough, member of the faculty of the Toronto Conservatory who arrived here on the weekend. Piano students are being examined today and tomorrow giain which hp ui"S Auxillary which has struggled with financial problems since inception of the Alaska Trail series, today urged local music-lovers to attend the meeting and to purchase season tickets to guarantee the series. They noted that only season ticket holders would be able to reserve seats in sections I and II for the series. In a circular letter sent to fofmcr ticket holders, the Concert Auxiliary executive notes that the aim of the auxiliary is to encourage public support of the concert series and to provide the means to balance the budget. "Your attendance entitles you to auxiliary membership, and your purchase of a season ticket adds one more spoke to the wheel of financial success," the letter cdncludfco jliibC Hum mc l O f mi" - juii-iice. ,,U ul Hie mnuen .'itadier Associa- NOWtakatkmily,,, Enjoy Big Savings jpienuiu periouii- 0 11 j -3 morning, and violinists tomorrow afternoon at the Centre. St. Joseph's students will take their exams Wednesday at the academy. Dr. Brough holds a Doctorate 0m This Week Siinja Ladies' meeting tonight at the home of Mrs. .. Ander- j in naming as follows: Uiuir. 'kittle t,u,u Song;'' re-loc 'iuie, ' Lion i; tlwial speech, MUluu. ' til -de 2, T In music from Oxford University , son' Mis; C. Anderson; recitation, Division 3, "Last oi the Witcnes," Kaihy 'ihain; recitation, "bund Man and the Elephant," Division 1, Don Grantham; choir, Division -2, Graue b, "Jiany One Moiiiing ' and "Load ot Turnips;" Kecitation, "The Hippo's Dance," Division 1, Paddy dreene; school choir, "The Old Owl's Story, " "Jerusalem;" recitation, "Casey's Revenge," Mike Greene. Principal Wilson conducted choral numbers with the excep- Civic Centre Concert Auxiliary annual meeting Tuesday, 8:3(1 p.m. "Brigadoon Preview." Everyone welcome. He Do wiui OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. VV. Phone Green 960 and a fellowship of the Royal College of Organists. In Canada he has established a reputation as musicologist, performer and accompanist and was appointed coach and advisor to the CBC Opera Company several years ago. 'fit's Umbrella," Lx Named Centennial Rebekah Lodge No. 40, niceling Wednesday, 8 p.m., in the Valhalla Hall. id Church 5l)intiiul under- Hon of the Division 5 choir, con-uii in-ill today s ! ducted by Miss Janet Bernhof. unci ami discord Mrs. G. Calderwood was piano "Save life Week" Successful THRIFTY-THIRTY FRIGIDAIRE juviTsai tieedom accompanist for the choral work More than 150 Prince Rupert take ony problems to the loca the Christian 0I nin clors said ml st.ili'inent. MUSEUM "4 - 1" 5 J ' , r '' ' I- I ' At ' - ' " '- : ,.- J ' ' j ' " ' l Uiii-n.'ii ScU-n-,i,y i.i: us ot the 11; cn. . i ot.s" men-;,! meeting of instructors. He thanked students and others for their support and said that the instructors had gained their thanks through the satisfaction of seeing so many successful in he classes. Instructors included Tommy Elliott, who gave the lectures, and demonstrators W. N. R. briefs residents learned how to save a life at classes staged by the St. John Ambulance Centre here during "Save a Life Week'' last week. Men and wuncn and youngsters learned the two major methods of artificial respiration Holger Neilson and Shaeffer at sessions held Monday through Friday evenings in C.iy Hall. ,,urui. Hie rirst By JoctLHii iJuxTON S .:isl, hi 'enlist, in Armstrong, Cert Blackb.aH, Percy The week was sponsored across i Bond. Jack Ewart, Jack Franks I ' MUIIrE If ONE WAT FARE ll , )rip, 1 f ,ipbr 1 I . for th "Head I S for round trip by S children between C other members or I ft f Familr"- f I ethr parent 5 and 12 reart X K ' family over 12 but I M V ' . under 5 freex Jg . under 22. M Canflria hv fU .Tnhii Amlmlnvw.o ' Bill Rothwell, A. h Iveson and R. E. Eyolfson, ccrue chairman. The weeks roll around vry quiLiuy at the Museum. So many peopic come and go, so interesl-eu ni our exmuiis and some spenu hours really enjoying trie inuian history, reading our oid papers and looking at tne oiu pictures ot Prince Kupert. Last Sunday we hau about 100 tourists in lour bus loads. They were on a charier trip to Alaska ana were Kotanans. They tjok photos of our totem pole and vvent away laden with our folders and enthusiastic about In an effort to prevent the many drownings and otner accidents which annually mar .summer holiday sessions throughout the country. j-nuscUi. i. .-, :;siil nature ..,ursuniling, the Ui;il tlie healing itiieal Cliristian-,, ry human being ,p and nation. it of The Moth-tlic coining ywir Knox of boston, a C h r 1 s tl a n .tiuitt-r active In i .it o ft he denoin-swt M years. His ii one year. For example: Family of two PRINCE RITERT-TORONTO and RETURN For example: Family of four PRINCE UViPERT-TOKONTO and KETl'RN I limn ii in i I MODEL HO-Ji WET SPOT World's wettest place is believed to be in Assam province Jack Ewart, speaking for the local Centre, tonay urged those !of India, with a yearly average Man Wife Coach Save $275.35 $100.40 Coach Save $174.55 $40.15 Father Mother Daughter (18 yrs) Son (8 yrs) SEE IT TODAY who took the courst to keep in i of more than 400 inches of rain-practire on the meli.ods, and to I fall. Inquire about' Family Plan Fares for Tourist and First Class. AS SIMPLE PHONE CALL i AS jaers Prince Rupert and the loveiy day. In fact It was very licart-enui to hear the nice compliments. Wc were happy to niici, Mv. Daggett, once the Mayor oi Prince Rupert and his sun Dr. Daggett. Mr. Daggett kindly oi-lered to donate some of hts oil $339.95 $34.00 Down $17.00 Month McRAE BROS. LIMITED .i The Store that Service Built' In effect June 1 to Sept. 30. Between Eastern and Western Canada. Between Canada and Midwestern and Western United States. Between Western Canada and Eastern United States. Leaving Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdayi. Stop-over Privileges. Generous Return Limit. 300 lbs. Baggage Allowance. Phone go Across the Town or the Nation. lurime Monday, r Aiiiici Min s. (132 Complete informofion from any CN. or CP. Ticker Agent. time pictures to the Museum, rs ot Canadian 1 Lir&dsas CARTAGf Sf STORAGE LTD., ., , and we shall be very happy to Auxiliary and ,, . J , k,we'flnd that people are lnter- ' Phone 6 or 36 ptiun in Mrs. ft mwm Mi in ii nmUVi -frJm ''TT" ' Tlit Ti m In wwi m ii tli Wednesday at taieci in pictures. We had charming guests from Montreal tnl.s week also Tiny were travelling by Union Steam iiiiiuriuii'. Ill) ships to the yucen Charlotte ; Islands, then to Alaska and wore i looking forward to their holiday, i Ihcy bought a copy of "Soog-! f w , 1 1 " o Hid a mini: friull Whit- i -y island,. U.S.A. ... -, , Wc had guests from Texas, j -Prince George, Toronto and Van-louver, of.e oi. which Is Mr. Fair-cloiuh of thi. Wells Corpoi alion. v. h.i remarked lie could spend: hours in our Museum and is j contemplating a trip to Kodi.i't ; Island to hunt' bears. He Is ve-y j i m "Bogey... lO" above and WSim 20 portside... range at 18,000... nlm TO overtaking over lOO knots..." &iim0i) J keen on big game and expressed the desire to shoot a cougar I i mountain l'r A meeting (. the Vnuseum i board was helo in th'.s c.Il'.e May 31, with a very large atieinl- ansc. also meeting of the Kim-Ist Bureau June J. wnicn com- j pletcs nicotine unill after the iiimmer season. Wp have also had nise letters; from E. T Applewhaitc M P., in ! Ottawa, ma he expresses a tie- sire to further the cause of a j .lew tudinsr lor the museum. ' The museum is holding its an- nual Tag: Day July 3, and we i htpe that the clubs in the city will send us volunteers for j 54 I . blj day ONLY k 'fi'A An ""'"''f'ed Plan has been reported over tfhJ 'l . V " ' 'tyrih Canada's northlond. A CF-100 Canuck jet fighter is , i f W rSjW closing in fcificCion. ' JJ' " t'f i ''. 4;Tjfe vl'V'-fl Navigator Larry Parakin is felling Pilot Don McNichol . 4? 5, -Zfcz? ' ' IJSRJCI '"a t"ey will intercept the unknown aircraft lrZ? fWt I 0?''x , ''JfAZ'Xtfi by angling their course upward by 1 0 degrees and to n V A 'IV7V' ! 4'i N"V-. ' 'S ie right by 20 degrees . . . that the unknown is HlL Vf 1 life, 45 MIN. TO . i. 'a"-'. '.-f J. V. KJ'V- l -m . . W.r - 111', ftV - "Vs.X.N J 'SS'. o,jvj ywru5 away , , una tnai iney uicr nvn ' Zt I UWAM7 XMW W ?Z? W I ALASKA kind of exercise and n ,jjt . rr.M s. r h . v -ppi r . : . :i"ei iiiin kiiiu w 1 1 itiiiu cac l e ui u mijhiiiiu vj v-"s 3 mi -h-v flsr,'ssr. -f'y , srs "6 This flying training goes on day and night by Aircrew teams, flying in defence of of - fi& 4LylL freedom. freedom. Preparedness Preparedness is is the the watchword watchword of of the the RCAF. RCAF. I V ' ' V '' ytom.mmmmmmtvsiiM'ws''''''''-''''m 1 I FL DON McNICHOL, 25. ml High tivtr, Albtrt. ha civil nfliiMwim 4btm from tht Ulvmiry fAlhrt. While thtrlMtiHlli in tht Univmtty's NCAF Rsrv Squadron nrf crftw thr lummtri ml Hying training wen hit Pilot'i Wing. On grduHng htm Univwtity in 1950, he joined the RCAF regale-fotce nd hot new em barked on coreer In vlation. f O IARRY PARAKIN, J3. f Undbreek, Albwlo, oind IK RCAF in 1V49 at Aircrew and oil (elected a Navigator. He wen Kit wingi June 1950. end thai year net Don McNichol. The Iwe met again at North Bay while en et conversion courses end decided to fly together. Officially crowed up 01 en RCAF CF-lOO pilot-navigator team, they were posted le 423 Ail-Weather Squedren, where they're now en operation. There are immediate openings for more men to train and fly as Air Crew Officers in the RCAF FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Sit THE RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR -at ItecruitiiiR Unit, Sovereign BuildinK, 10018 102.111 SI- Kdmonion, AU:i. Phone 4-2ti5K. yn LINES v I pp- Pos Offi ce Pltone 266 J