Prince Rupert Da,! Nrw. Monday. June i ' Wallace's Depf. Store Venice With Maze of Canals Sinking About Inch per Year BOY TRAPPFH ruuTr HELPS RESCUERS SAW LZ VANCOUVER (,Eiilv TI.r,. 9 k '. V VENICE n Venice the romantic city of lagoons and singing gondoliers is slowly sinking under the caressing seas. l""'" ,1??.- e" S "ran, Experts say no technique now known can save the most famous of the world's strange cities. It is sinkinj almost an Inch svery ten years. " l"e "mo so he could s,u' help,, he i. j 7he .boy was playing witn compaCn , tumble. The branch, n he part of a low bush ft-near the foot and came out near th ,te pn. hl5 rit Ambulance driver Tom v ' Andrews v w ... ' ""7 ui . " oul 01 the wa y ,, i " e t j anu 11c uiuii l uuve iiine to think." m nm bu j St. Mark Square has beo:i awash in reecnt years with a foot of water almost every spring at high tide. The marble of the great square is only 15 Inches above present sea level. Yet only a couple of centuries ago, the level of the square was raised 29' 2 inches to avoid such flooding. The same thing has happened to the great palaces alon? the main lagoon. Their original gondola landings now are a foot or more below water level New en-tracnes are used, or the old ones have been raised. FI.OODKD CELLARS Cellars of old buildings now tie almost entirely inundated and unusable. Enssinerr E'lenio Mlo'l, who for 25 years has been chief tech 50 VESSELS (Cont'nucd from pae In FUR STORAGE , Spencer 8.000; BaUar t ,. B 20.000; Tony norgund 7,000- Pari CIW II. 23,000 F' 45 3.000; MRB 2ljoo; Cape Spear 14 000 f ' Robert B. LiOOo pounds, mediums 11.000 U7.3; large 500 (16.3; chicken 500 (14) sold to B.C. Packers. Invercan II, TOOOO pounds, mediums 15 000 117 5i: larce 4.0'K) ..cjiune 12 00A- i Viiti ti PHONE Kvrie.,.3 "Ufl0i " . Now WALLACE'S Give You BRANDED Nylons at New Lower Prices! WELDREST AND WHISPER . . . NEW LOW EVERYDAY PRICES At Wallace's Of Course , the AnnaMle with 4.500 ! B;n Asnnrm... ii ..,..,.... - (JV-W . . NORTH RAV (; chicken 1.000 U4i sold to Bacon Fisheries. Co-Op landings Included the Ingrid H with 25 000 pounds; ths Marble I.,laiid lOuutt, Kaien 8.000; Shafer 14,000; Zenith 15.000; Miss Margot 8.000; Lutah 3,000: Primrose 6.000; Shlrlu 12.000; Advance 10.000; Sea Maid 22.000; Oslo 20.000; Selma H 20.)0; Charlotte 8 7,000; Cape roUU e nf nrfrlli... , .. ' -1 SlMMLIl has duvanced far enough for these young lovelies to come out of their cabins, but Hi probably be a while before they hit the water. Modeling the latest in beachwear at Deligny on the Seine are deft to right: -La petite Americaine" worn by Claude; ' Miss Monde" worn by Llliane: "Francesca." by Muriel; and "Laetltla." by Brigitte. The designs are by Arabelle. TODAY wav.f, y.. "0J V "'' stalk rrl nical adviser to the city of Venice on such problems, says: "It must be remembered that the islands whicn form our citv arc subject to a general and steady sinking . . . which averages about 2' 2 centimetres, one inch every 10 years. "Recent excavations have brought to light perfectly pro-served pavings of old parts of the city now completely beneath water. "Sadly enough, with the passing of more centuries, Venice, like other sea-built ancient towns, will have to- be aban-. doned. .wv ana nesj Office Workers TODAY AND WEDNESDAY BILL SCUBY FURS BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD 'The only word fe'Bra;?)! " (Daily Ne.v Classifieds r y Sir Laurence carries off hit rol Conservative Kidder' Gets "Forced" Into Came "Our task is to conserve as best possible the art and beauty of Venice with such means as we now have available. In the hoe that future techniques may finally save the c'.ty." of hard-riding, hard-drinking and hard acrobatics a la Douglas Fairbanks with his gswal exuberance. And he takes Captain Macheath's endless intrigues with the ladies Fine players adjust their bidding to fit the skills and abilities of their respective partners. . To mak? this admirable plan' work, remember this: Do not overdo it. . South dealer liuth sides vulnerable in gallant stride." -i,mi, WrM l,r I fa, ir. v rtnn 3 Niirlll (Mr. Hull ) 8 2 H Q 10 5 3 D K 10 9 3 C A Q 7 Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15. p.m. For KETCHIKAN If you make several extreme and obvious underbids playing with a loose bidder for a partner, his own bidding will gnt wilder and wilder, to "balance" jour conservatism. Similarly, ir jcu press your cards too much when playing hist "tueBeggar's opera" - "TECHNICOLOR S K 9 7 3 H 7 (Mr. Xli.ll S-Q J 10 4 H a D A J 7 3 C K 10 3 2 t Q 6 5 4 with a very conservative part-j c J9 "So You Want to be an Heir" "Carnival in Rio" "I Gopher You" TOTEM WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service Snllth (Mr. Meek) S A 8 S H A K J B 4 2 D 8 C 8 5 4 DRYER $329. Shows al 7 . 9 p.m. A EAMOI S 11. A VERS Till ATI! ner, you will soon find him lng you out at the most Inopportune moments for fear your next bid will put the hand overboard. The best you car. r'j ; to apply the plan to "close" hands- For reservations write Ol call City or Drpot Office WASHER $419.95 New Low Terms I Prince Rupert, B.C. Tin blildiKK'-.South Vvest I H . P-.U.S Waging Feud With Machines , By HAL ItOYLE NEW YORK iP-There is a new kind of class warfare going on. It is a war between the white collar class and the coln-vcnd-lng machines in the office locker rooms where millions of whit collar workers now consume thj lunches they carry to work. In some offices the locker rooms resemble supermarkets, crowded with automatic dispensing gadgets that peddle everything from mystery novels to stockings. The locker room in my firm has omv seven of these coin-operated mechanical salesmen, which yield two kinds of milk, several flavors of ice cream, seven brands of cigarettes, four varieties of soft drinks and! about 20 kinds of candy burs. But even these seven machines j have turned our placid locker i room into an exciting battleground- where men and metal monsters grapple in mortal combat. IK EE snow I have praclically given ud eo-1'icr to the theatre or watching television. When I want ; to study human nature in the raw, 1 1 go to the locker room. Who will win man or machine? 'This Is the crucial Issue every time an employee approaches one of the machines with a coin. Nine out of 10 times there Is a happy ending. The machine hesitates, grumbles, then reluctantly coughs up the desired merchandise. The 10th time mnvbc the machine doesn't like the frcl of the coin or the color of the neck-i tie the employee Is wearing nothing happens. Then anything can happen! Nurl.h i H JAMES All Pikia hands which are susceptible toitH GORDON & ANDERSON two bids; one on the conserva- j diamonds. The ace went on and Phone 46 live sine aim on on me aggrcs- , ;le ruilt d sive side, but neither subject to . serious criticism He -went to dummy again with a trump and returned the ten of DALE'S HAND ; diamonds, on which ho parked 1 Mr. Dale had such a hand in1 club. Mrs. Keen won the , today's deal. When his partner j queen, cashed the king of spades i opened the bidding with a heart, and led a club. But Mr. Meek he had enough to take some for- i went up with the ace and dis- ward-going action. He could j carded his last club on the good bid two clubs on the first round,! nine of diamonds. planning to give a single raise! " ' 'C - f t . . "J- . . - if .'At- .j., . '.it 1 ; l V L ... ii .... ' 1 : i :,. - ,p5' :i V .i . ' ' rvv A 1 ' ,. "V US. Holds First Talks With China 4'"J& " at. v j in hearts at his next turn. Or he could jump raise hearts immediately. He was a little short for the latter bid, but not much. He chose the double raise because his partner was Mr. Meek. And Mr. Meek might drop the bidding at three hearts when game was a laydown. Mrs. Keen led the four of diamonds, dummy ducked and Mr. Abel won with the jack. The queen of spades was returned and Mr. Meek was in with thi ace. GENEVA The Unlteu LV X WAINII ilO. J States today made its first offi- clal and direct contact with j Communist China. j i An official U.S. statement said j Alexis Johnson, U.S. ambassador to Czechoslovakia, accom-panjed by a British official, held ' a meeting today with a member rff the Peiping delegation to the Far East conference hew;. Later, a member of the U.S. EDW.G. Usually the engagement ends after a flurry of wild blows and LOBDIMISON MFEK PESSIMISTIC If the queen of clubs could b.' finessed successfully, there was nothing to it. But Mr. Meek, pessimistic as usual, "knew" th; king of clubs was wrong. He found another line of play. Surely Mrs. Keen's opening lead had not been from the ace-queen of diamonds and if not then the ace was still In Mr. delegation said the meeting with the Chinese ' does not involve recognition of any sort." He explained that in the past th'e U.S. has always negotiated with its enemies on prlsoners-of-war, "so why shouldn't we do it DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JB kicks, a series of high-pitched human yells and low stubborn mechanical growls, with the employee nursing bruised fists and sore toes and the machine sneering with the natural superiority it feels toward any white collar worker. Since the profits from our machines go Into an office welfare fund, we have an umpire who settles most of these disputes by returning the lost coin a truce that really appeases neither tho man nor the machine Involved, j '" 1 1 1 "i'! hitim Abel's hand. Entering dummvJ TODAY TO WED. 7 p.m. 8:20 p.m. , HUH with a trump, he led the king of , here?" : The negotiations were opened It's SALE! SALE! SALE! RESULTS on instructions from Washington, it was learned. A Peiping spokesman said further meetings between the two sides will take place. He described the contact as only "a preliminary one." The U.S. does not recognize the Peiping regime. The U.S. delegation here has hitherto avoided any contact with the Chinese delegation outside the conference chamber. WE'VE BUTCHERED $ PRICES $ Above Temptation FETEIUlOIto'UGII. Out. (Pi Authorities at St. Anne's school me taking precautions against further 'theft of the rope used (Tor raising the flag. Since the fire (rt'pnrtcment Installed a new rope, the school has been using a ladder to tie It high enough to discourage theft. We're Selling Cars By The Pound This is no Baloney that Smart Policeman Uncle Bob is Slaughter- Choice Pork Chopt COUNT! f SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, England I CP Police sergennt George Stephenson ' mnrchert unnroeced into a railway car filled with 80,000 angry bees which had es-.i caped from a box during shipment. He calmly scooped them I by hand Into a sack, without be-1 lng stung. from 43c to 49c per lb ' 50 I'OMiU' Tl :W Like ?1451 New low 1251 Mileage DOG MEAT .. from Hie to 5c pc l 4-1 ANtlH ing Used Cor Market All kinds ... all conditions . . choice cuts Dog Meot (wrop these up) NEW YORK CUTS from 51c to 65c per lb. 52 Ford Tudor f QQrT All extras UtFtf SI Ford Sedan Mfi) A sharp car.... MAJmO 51 Chcv. Sedan SJ FQP Your Regular Ad In I OR THAI ' EXTRA SPECIAL . PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Giim Se rt)is!us CHOP SUEY... ... CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside. Orders Phone 133 THE DAILY NEWS Is Your Blueprint For Sales Success jminacuiaie .... onp Shape .., NO BUM STEERERS IN OUR STOCK taj BOB PARKER LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor' Control Board or by the Government of torltlsh Bolumbla. Tho Home of Blue Ribbon voi" '!'