MiMiflay, Jt'iH CFPR n j ' 4. . "H- I DEADLINE FOR If:: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 fM. DAY PREVIOUS FKOAf THE S5 BOATS AND ENGINES j 38-FT. GILLNETTER. Best Offer i Phone Red 224. (133p) ! 3t ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE housekeeping room, furnished, suitable for couple. Central. Rhone Green 241 even- 7 7 14 BUSINESS PERSONALS NEARLY everybody uses 99. LOST WOMAN'8 LeRoy watch with gold expansion bracelet and raied crystal. Lost Saturday night, May 29. Write Marlenp MichJel, Terrace. (132p) CHANGE purse at Suoer Valu lings. - (135 or thereabout::. .lunie on. Rtr- (FURNISHED turn Box 969 Daily News. Htpl I rooms. Newly - - 1 3rd West. DYED-IN-THE-WOOL GIANTS-Laraine Day, wife of New York Giants manager Leo Durocher, and Mrs. John McOraw (right), widow of former manager of the New York team, sat together at the Polo Grounds at a recent game between the Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers. . . Naughty Nineties Recalled For Latest London Fashions RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycl&a SubJert to Chance) tmma PM. ami F.ux Rftdlu Theatre 7 oo CBC News 7:16, t;BC New Roundup 1:30 Hummer Fallow f. : Mumc bv Nuvello 8 15 Win's Showpflace 8:30 Don Grey-Marine Investigator f "'O :,., , i bliow 9 ::)0 The Dreamer 0:10 Provincial Ar.nn 10 30 Music by CamarHtft 1 1 oil Weather Hip.r) H llsical Miiitcrite4-ett 12:00 1M. 7.00 B.C. PUnerinen's Broudast 7:15 Mti.;U ciiNh 7:30 CbC Nfwfi; Weatlier 7::U Miihliai l.M k MorntH- l'.ithiiiH VIM M:ir h Iat Weather 8:10 Ktfe'B bill Gcjijd 8:4.1 Popular Kliigerft ...'h.. ...... v'onity. 0:15 Aul.t W;y 9 30 Laura Ltd. 8:45 oine Vt hal May 8:59 Time Signal Mrnin- Mslt jo:I5 Musical Program , f , 11:00 A Man and His Music i.n.k. : ile.t" e-i.,.l 1 1 ; (uriialloh F.nlertaln r U1 j.im Horn X Years Too Soon CHC News C'hC Showcase IS B.C. 1-urm hroadcii.'it i:i:,Vi liilerlmle I :im It.-. 111 .Is fur Von ' t :5n :fin Afernocm CnniTrt 2:15 Today's Guest -.., M ivlutineo 3:15 Brave Voyage 3 .HI lliieilnit 11 3:45 CBC News and Yesterday's Favorites 4:1.1 i.r:llie anil Slin k )Hlil;it lolls 4:30 Alice in Orcnestralia 4:46 Hliepyume Ktjry Teller 6:00 Howdy Doody , 6:15 At Home with the Lennicka 6:40 International Comty. 6:45 CBC News, Weather 5;-V1 llaily NeMH GEORGE DAWES . AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 12. I) I DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe 1 Profits Down For Seagrams i MONTREAL (P' Distillers Cor ! poration-Seagrams Ltd., tod ft reported a net profit, in U S ! funds, of $4 203.098 for the thrift month period ended April 30 1954. Net profit for the corres-i ponding period in 195J was re ported at $S,32,658 in U.S. funds BUSINESS And professional; DON'T THROW THAT BATTERY AWAY! . Consult Rupert Battery Shop Blue 126 234 Third E. NEvV FUEL TANKS fl:0 Gal. Tank . ..... 811000 S75 Oal. Tank DO 00 275 Gal. rank 76.00 12 Gauge Steel 3 Extra. INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. Green 84 - 221 1st An. Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avonue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126. OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smitherj Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632.' IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY -ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS scott McLaren CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Elock, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 i: V -1 j from an early talkie film. White Swiss embroidery was used in a court ball gown with crinoline skirt, its gathered tulle bustline slotted with white satin to give the impression of a lover's knot. White organza embroidered with- black floral sprays was used for a short evening dress with wide skirt, cap sleeves and deep revers, tucked back to expose the throat. The skirt swm.g arid rippled from a wide black taffeta sash. SMART SUMMER OUTFITS 6 ' There were chic, simple suits and dresses for early fall wear but most outfits were styled for a royal summer season. Un-crushable ' linen and jcotton out- fits. Rmart enough to catch the eye at the big race meetings, : were part- of a boutique collec- ; tion supplying off-the-peg i clothes costing 20 to 57 pounds. Couture prices started above that and mounted to three figures. ! Interesting innovations included uncrushable romalne silk used in a straight dress with a 1920 flapptr look. . The most daring 1920 line was j a V-necked, sleeveless midnight blue taffeta, smocked from shoulders to low on the hip. Skirt flounces swept outward from hip to short evening length and a wide satin sash encircled the hips at a slant belt. the waist. Only the length ' the skirt differed much from yes- 18 HELP WANTED MALE CLEANERS and helpers, also watchmen, $2220-$2580 (plus special allowance of $180 per annum) 37 at Prince Rupert, B.C. Flail particulars on posters at office of the National Employment Service and Post Office. Application form. obtainable thereat, should filed NOT LATER THAN 38 JUNE 19 with the Civil Rcivlw r-.,mt.,inn, P'h floor. 1U0 W. Georgia St., Vancouver 5, BC. (It) TP'TV driver for hniMino s""-plv firm "t Tritimit. Ptaon" "r'1 to arrange interview. (134) F-yppRjFwriEB ',' butcher Vv 3HA Super Valu. (1341 l HFI.P vVANTF t FflVII T. SECRETARY wonted Mr ni't. time work. Box D67 Dnltv ' News. . (1331 WOMAN for housework one flay per week. Phone Blue (1371 U SITUATIONS WTO. MALE 4 il FIRST class heavv dutv and auto mechanic requires steady employment. 14 year's exnerience plus 10 months automotive schooling. Phone Black 2182. (134) 45 1 Silmtinns Wanted female By MURIEL NARRAWAY - Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (I Dresses with the romantic appeal of the naughty Nineties and the gay Twenties were swished through a London salon to tempt the 1954 glamor girl with a bar.k account. A French court might have I inspired a pink, grey .and gold I evening gown striped like French wallpaper and styled with camisole top outlined In ruffing, ! corselet wn' t, straight skirt and I frilled hem. I The dress was pa it of the first i Independent show given In more I than five years by Angele De-I langhe, who resigned from Lon-I don's top dress-making society to work as resident couturier in a store owned by Canada's Garfield Western, Fortnum and Mason. LACE EMBROIDERY Now the Belgian-born designer ; Is back In the competitive field in a salon In Brutop street. The ; highlight of the show Is handr made lace embroidery worked on tulle. The Queen's choice of lace gowns for wear on the world tour retored interest in a glamor fabric that had become a post-war back number. A hand-produced coffee lace by Delanghe in a new-old dress line K booked for New York display. With high neck, short sleeves coming almost to the elbow, clinging lines and flouncing hem. WILL look after children Green 283. " Classified Kates time 4 30 pm. rtfty previous i(,d 3 cpnts per wora per m- minimum change u cents. jjotK'fR. mJ cerun; inmi oi lnth Notices, funeral Marring' and KtigftKtniit mnccnif nts. 2.0U. Di.splsiy double price. No Refund jyil nrrcpt rrpohsibllHy , Rifled nd InserU'd incorrectly ,,r vront; cliLHSlflciitlon unless jlldll 01 Siirn erriirn in recrivru H ti'iurn of first Inftertlon, ANT AD REPLIES are holdirxj replies h the following News hexes: 953, 959, 962, 967 Replies must be l!ed for in person DEADLINES ;rt by a newspaper' to iorf accurate production actually help you to 1 1 the mast lor your vprtiMiii dollar. a-sk that all Display vertislng co;;y be In our ids by 4 pm. two pub- nlng days In advance the day the ad l.s to pear. ad 1 1 n e (or Classified vrti.sing will remain p m. the previous pub- (by. (It) t C0.MI.Nii LVENTS ' Daughters Rummage Sale day. June 12, 208 6th St., Stork Shop. ran Tea and Home Cook- .JIP 19. painting course, rs. July 5-14. 4l56p hytrrian Rummage Sale, 6 II. j Ladies bake Rule, June 5. vteriun Fall Bazaar No- '25 f'.CT Alcoholics Anonv-(132) PO. Box 343. ; r Avon Products call 1 54. (132p) PERSONALS COMPLETE British Empire infomation U'COMMODATIONS I SCHEDULES PRICES, ETC. ikilile at . . . RT MURRAY MEN'S WEAR (133c) W'SINicss PERSONALS 'NiNQ and landscaping, 's evergreen planting, rock 11 "pnnci, patios and roolt-llc Free estimates. Rod U52p) S FlEf'T M.F.ANKR- TKOI.UX. Phono Blue mr Parts Sales. Service. (c) i -- - BLONDIE By CHICK YOUNG fK - I f-l' ''ipi WHY ARE YOU I I 'I.' WE'Pc NOT V'' I I 1.. 4 (eWOMRSvtOOOLEY v, SPEAKING J i LEGAL NOTICE "I.1MI ACT" Notice of Intention to Apply liircliae I.iiiiiI In Land Recording District of AT-LIN. BC, and adjacent to the Town of ATUN. BC. TAKE NOTICE that I. Harper Red. of Atlin, BC. occupation retired. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a pout planted at the N W corner of rl"'rlrt lot Wi'l Blk 'A" thence about 40 chains north; thence about 20 chains eaat thence south to N E. corner poat of nut. l.nt, H'AFil THENCE went to noint of commencement and containing no j acres, more or less. J The purpose lor which land is re-; quired is for development and provement to District Ixt 6351 ' HARPER REED. Dated May 31st, 1964 , lJ7.14.31.28 C) Today's Stocks (twurifBf ft. 1. irnM.im 1m. tM i VANCilliliK American Standard If?' Benver Lodge Uranium .bV Beta Gamma 16 Bralorne 3.25 Cariboo Gold Quartz . .80 Uviieen .00 "i Estella : .20 Giant Mascot .50 Granduc 3.75 Indian Mines .05 Pioneer 1,80 Premier Border .03', Privateer .03 Quatslno : .15" i Sheep Creek .85 Silbak Premier .10-. Sil-Van ... .11 Silver' Standard .82 otuu vant'y , UZV21 Vananda .' 01 1 Western Tungsten 75 Oils A. P. Consolidated 37 Central Leduc 1.90 Mercury 08!'2 Okalta 1.60 Pacific Pete 107a Royal Canadian 09'2 TORONTO Alhona 10'2 Aumaque 09 i2 Con soi. Discovery 1 W4 Bevcourt ,.. .19't Buflalo Canadian n:2 Consol. Smelters 29.50 Conwest '.... 3.35 Donalda 44 Eldona : 22 East Sullivan 4.1i Giant Yellowknife 8.25 God's Lake 82 HardrocK 1 l3:2 Harricana .'. 21 Heva Gold 0378 Duvex 2(1' 2 Joliet Quebec 40 Little Long Lac .64 Lvnx .09 Madsen Red Lake 1.(13 McKenzie Red Lake MacLeod Cockshutt Moncta Negus Noranda Louvlcourf Pickle Crow Petrol, Oil and Gas ias New Senator -.'.10 -SberMtt oordoif. V-,-3.9& I Silver Miller 1.10 Great Sweet Grr." 118 Golden Manitou 1.75 Can. Chcm. & Cellulose 7.36 Landover Oils 08 Rix Athabasca 1.30 Nesbitt Labinc 1.70 Boreal 2.00 . . . the Inter! itirt. Then from all over the free world come iurh comments at these from readers of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, . n intemilionil daily newtpsper: "77ie Monitor u must rmd-int for straight-llunkint peopl. ..." "7 relumed to tchool afta ( iapu of 18 years. I will get my rfegree from the colleft, but my erfumd'on comet fiym the Monitor. ..." 'TAe Monitor give$ me ideu for my work. ..." "f rny enjoy in com. Jinny. . . ." You, loo, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news. You will discover commie live viewpoint in every news ilory,. Use the coupon below. The C.liriiiiah Science Monitor , One, Norway Street Boston 15, Mass., U.S. A. Please send me The Chriitiin Science Monitor for one yesr. I endow $15 Q (3 moi. $3.75) '(name) (drfrto) () (one) (mn) ' .ll'tf. housekeeping decorated. 613 H36p) TWO rooms. 1136 Hays Cove Avenue. U32p) ROOM AMI UOAKl) ROOM and Board for working man in private home. Close to town. Red 2128. U33p) COTTAGES, CAMPSITES FOR RENT By day, week or j convenient Riverside Cabins. Phone 107M, Terrace, B.C. (135) KUTKS HK KhlT Unfurnished Suites For Rent The Elizabeth, modern 3 and 4-room apts. Electric range and refrigerators. Laundry facilities. Rent $90 to $125 per month. Black 468. (153) 2-ROOM suite for single person. Call 830 6th West or phone 53. -(133k HOMES I'Olt SALE YOUR OPPORTUNITY! $2000 down gives possession of a large 4-room suite if desired and provides substantial monthly income. This ideally located three-suite conversion on three landscaped lots has an unobstructed harbor view. For a statement or appqintment to view, call ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, LTD 342 Eves Red 953 (133) 7-ROOM house and four lots in Masset. Central location, near dock. Write Mrs. ,J. Singer. Queen Charlotte City, B.C.. for particulars. (135p) BUSINESS man wishes to rent or buy a 3-bedroom home. Apply P.O. Box 195. Prince Rupert. (136) ! HOMES OR SALE NEW 3-bedroom house, half, rash. 1119 6th East. (132pj ! BUSINESS LOCATIONS pqr RENT- Offices in the Stone Building, modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3, Stone Building, or phone 424. (135) WANTED TO RENT 3-ROOM suite or 4-room turn- j Lshed house for July and Aug- j ust.. Box 962. Dally News.' " - - r SELLING YOUR HOUSE? We have several buyers with cash for houses up to $15,000. "You'll Do Better at" II. G. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. (137) SMALL furnished suite, east end town. Apply Box 968 Dailv News. (132p) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI stand with or without car. Best offer accepted. Black & White Taxi. . (132) LEGAL NOTRE I.AM ACT N'ollee of Inlentlon to Aiil.v to Lease Land In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. B.C.. and situated on foreshore of D.L. 21ft C R. 6, Oona River. Porcher Island, BC Take notice that I. John Anderson Group of Oona River. B.C.. occupation Sawmill Operator, intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the NE comer of D.L. 2199 Range 8 D. (As shown on Plan 1420. filed In the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C.I, thence due East for a "Instance of one chain; thence: North-Northwest to the point of intersection with the Provincial Public Works Bridge; thence Southwesterly along said Bridge to point of intersection with H.WM.: thence Southerly alonjj W.M. to the point of Commencement, and containing 14 acres, more or less, for the purpose of Sawmill and boat hullrtlni; site and Log storage. JOHN ANIlHItHUN IIKOUO. Dated May atst, lot " M23, 29, J6, I2p) LI'L ABNER , ; t.a3li; ' . . . " By AL CAPP I V '' m ' ll" III'IU'L'..1! 'i ' ' V ' )'l t J'PI ' II UllMI ' III "III . I l.-.-H-argJ' -ri . . j . " ' -"" .' . '. ' ' ' -v4W9OcW I SWEET l rfiu.!f-H0 t eWeMArS-''BOOT WvMSv AHC-CStfrt ) A OSlS GX1-' . ' "VOl.a LAfry'AVlT 7j r I LI'LGAL,A4 M W44 " AH GOTTA HUMK WAS 4 CUT HER J Arl'SHE GLOWED :i "' i LIKvE TTl.LyO' J LSV i KMOWEO f MB..T rw&fT M. JL HEP MANNERS. OTT- TS UPT'BEA ' SUMPTHIM' THAT ) THEN, NAME I ST'OP t-SER.?') BASAJf 5HF NEVW yOtV.r J( UGLV WOOMIN- MAPPEMED IN . OF PANSY , FO' 'T.fJ Jnf INTERRUPTED ' . V -' j davs. (1311 WILL care for children. Green 283. (1371 26 BIII.JJING MATERIALS , PHILPOTT EVITT & CO LTD. Phone 851 or 652 INQUIRE about our budget plan for your home Improvement. 1 No down payment. $100 to $2000. 1 to 24 mos. to pay. (132) lEL For your fuel requirements: "Shell" Heating Oils. "Foothills" (sootless) coal.. 40 "Pacific." Propane Gas. Phone 651 or 652 PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. (132) j MA SEWING ..kH illNES j 41 SALES Repair Nentnls. Singer ; ncwing v.tiu:. . p-vtic p'n. 32 I'Olt SALE MISC. 00 HEAD of Oxford and Suffolk sheep. One ram, three years 43 old and 20 lambs, throe months old. J. E. Flnnlgan, Smitherj, B.C.. " .. .. U32p engine, niut flju man, nu shaft, one propeller. P. LeClaire, 1433 8th Ave. East, phone Black 2163. (132) EIGHT mm 1.9 lens movie camera, Cine Kodak, complete with light meter, floodlights and nrnjeclion screen. Phone Red 430. (1341 AUTOMATIC coal stoker "Fairbanks Morse," good condition, complete with timer relay and all automatic controls. Phone Blue 454. (137) 46 GERHARD Helntzman piano in good condition. Excellent tone. Phone Green 501 between 6 and 7 p.m. !i37) BEDROOM suite and two spring. filled mattresses, $90. Washing machine, $30. Phone Red 988. (130p) FINDIAY wood - coal - electric range. Phone Black 300. 134p 1 MrvTnw-mrvrt.E i2 h.p. Pixie Can be seen at Daily News. (If -nc) 200 HENS for quick sale. $1.25 each. 1865 11th Ave. East. (137p) APARTMENT size Astral Refrig erator. What offer? Green 804 (133p) 33 SWAP TRADE 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook, in C good condition, for late model ia-ton truck. J. Ditjer, Parksitle Motel. 132p) 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, H radiators. Phone 543 Cull 83(1 6th Ave. West. (c) WANTED Maple flooring which has been stored inside. Any THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE . and rlinclnt-fUtlr! ' . .... n nJS i.T. " Vit ! motor. i.iKe new. : CONTSO BUJMINiS WUPSELr: H4L NO .MAN Tj A MAM'S 60T HIS WOR IN LIFE THAT'S -H.T"l '!" 1 ' evEI?W3(?EP HABPtt'N "SOU... ITS JUST THAT... CUT OUT FOR WIM... t SUPPOSE NONSENSE, I ' 1 WfLL, I SUESS I WASN'T 60O0 ENOUSH TO GET ENOUGH ENAMEL I JUST WASN'T MEANT TO BE HOWARD ag"B- -- i ' , OUT TO ICEEP THE CUST041ERS aiTISFCP... ys retrtrl ANYTHING BUT A... BOOKKEEPER... AH... EXCUSE 7 I wi' i " ! ' Y-K fTfTX- V-l: TAKINfl ORPEKS...ASKIN NO u ME A MINUTE. - I "' x r 'K"37t'VjM U Ir-i NJ". ,:ii , Vi- TT -r-H I QUESTIONS... WILUYOU JX - . , , ; ARCHIE By BOB MONTANA -i " ""JWsEAK- OUT T"9 THEPE A YthmS WTTCW go ON. LAUGH.' 1 PvOUR IMG fSOl I IN TUP fcPEINa w K1GMT CU47E FOP 15 PCACTlCAL, ( YOU'LL EE HOW ) , AAOVE' ) AAE', J''?l CVElfVOJE UKW THAT THING 07 YtXI PlCKLf' V POPULAB IU. K' J '' ID f(LAk OUT IN K CCAL I HEAD' . S ' i . ' I ' ' sssv , . juus. rnone i ". Mr. j. Kempstor. ll52) ACOOUNTANT7Tnoome 1 specialist. S. G. Furlt, Building. Phone 424. (20m) rRD "Electrical" Works, Mo-1 ;ii8ht, sold, rewound and "' (147) MATlukT "Painting ;' -"actors. Phone 101 - days, ""'-evenings. U47) L'!,HNG A" typMOflaws! "in , saw FiiiiiiT 9i n ict :iln tlir. "est. IlJOi RD Electrical Works doal-Eknllte Sounders (13H) "v Bob Pa rker'a of course. (147) ;AZlNEa Novelties. Eddie'a, Stand. (O , mrXm E Q K8888 m VkA rs? J reasonnhle nnantitv. Apply at I H.rWOi i-UtnWXA AUcJmi I I :i I Dally News office. Uf-nc) Jll