A.. 2 Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Ray Reflects ancS Reminiscn j "Laugh at yourself and prolong pensive new hou.se. Sounds at- ; From New Ynn-1 your vnnr life, Hf.' '!iilvis.'s advises one one oi of those inose tractive. !i ,,,. K , Monday, June 29, 1953 ' health doctors. First of all dis But in tiny type wirier the title tor while tliicvc.s " ' S n h " "Addenda," some more details cateswn sturt. i ', A ' cover what it U you are chuck ha independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prints Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member or ('Knadiun Prons Audit Bureau of Clrcufttlotu ('HnAtllan-Dully Newspaper Association. Publlah.'d bv 'I he I'rmce Rupert Dally News Limited. J. F. UAUOIt, President 11. O. PEHKY, VU--lresldent Every day. there Is a I ax follows: A few ants; here and I remained hot'unrir our fellow man. It's there a mosquito, sand in your' it .... - - r ling at. laugh in by 1 in ore fattm.rii.i'.Tnn' ni broken Khllt ull nvoi. ttiere, it you only make up your I shoes """ill ou per cent, of H lall"n "f Parkistan "i mind to discover it IK'S eI " Muh'rlptlon Hales: IK carrier Her wrek, aac; per month. HI. 00; per year, (10 00. By mall Per month, 'Ibc; per year. $8.00. KulhorlM! a.i w-e.nnl cla mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. rugs; earache from too much gulf water taken while sailing; tough grass to mow; damned sharks taking your bait; house won't be finished fur another couple of months. :Iil)NT IlltKATHK A WOltJ) It is generally know that So-jvlet Russia sent a battleship to ' Breat Britain's Spith;-ad naval : review. But possibly It isn't i common knowledge that Soviet Russia has udded to the gra-: clousncss of the gesture by not even claiming Russia had In vented it. No man who lucku u good hip, so fur as Cunada is concerned, should wear the kilt. This appears to be the opinion of tailors. Well, he could ulways gle it u waggle. IOI'K-Y'EAIt-OI.I ANTONIO MKDfCI says he wants to mak? money to help Iris imrents. His father lias been 111 five monlh.s. Anionic, who arrived in Montreal from Italy 11 months ago, has asked for permission to play bis accordion in Montreal night rlubf as a professional eiiteit:tir..T. lie discusses his request for a permit necessary fur anyone under 10 with city councillor Alfred riagllnidl. i Sixty actors from Hollywood have arrived In Jasper Park iThey will film "Rose Marie" and I that means suM b entertaln-; merit in a Clod given environment of moutuln and lake. It's not found everywhere. Uhce Real Peace Snag ON THE EVE of the arrival in Seoul of President Eisenhower's representative, the boss of South Korea, Syngman Hhee, notified the population to turn out for a-demonstration. Dr. Rhee made it plain he ex-Dccted every man, woman and child to be on hand. Meanwhtie, he showed what happens to those who oppose him. Howard Hundleman cabled to the Hearst papers on June 24: "Meanwhile, Dr. Chough Pyung Ok, leader of organized Korean opposition to President Syngman Knee's armistice stand, was hunted down and viciously beaten by 'patriots' after a mob of 500 stormed through his Seoul house in search of him. "The mob violence flared following the appearance of posters on the. streets of Seoul hranding Chough as a traitsr." EARLY in 1952 a majority of the elected members of the assembly of South Korea had petitioned for something approaching western style democracy. Dr. Rhee had them beaten up, in full view of the diplomats who had been invited to attend the public meeting. almut a runiiius nmin POLITICAL ROUNDUP " . . by J. K. Nesbitt. A columnist asks what became of the fellow who was known uf. Nature Hoy. Our guess Is that, U4ng another columnist he made sufficient cash to move Indoors. In attic or hasriiient? Sound finmlr It will s.iuud even belter when you learn how little it fosls! Greer & Bridden Grooming a Leader hh THE KXCUSKS advanced for the resigna-nation of Harold Winch last March were just tii'-much talk. Most of the ballyhoo that followed bis "exit" from, politics stressed that he was ill and intended to retire. ... Now he's the CCF candidate in Vancouver East r.nd he's almost certain to be elected: ' Vheji he quit provincial affairs, suddenly, dramatically, last March, he no doubt had the idea in the back of his mind that he'd like to sit in the House of Commons. , Is he being groomed for national leadership of the CCF? Some people think so. But Mr. Coldwell is solidly entrenched and would dearly love to be the Prime Minister of Canada. However, the CCF has always looked far ahead and such vision has paid good dividends. Mr. Coldwell is 05 years old now. If the CCF doesn't form the government after the August election (and it's chances are none too good) Mr. Coldwell won't have a chance again to be Prime Minister until he's 70. Actually there won't be much chance in 10H7, either. Perhaps in 1901. But Mr. Coldwell will be 75 then. Harold Winch, on the other hand, 10 years from now will be only 55 the prime of life for a political leader. Harold Winch certainly isn't out gunning for Mr. Coldwell's job. But somebody has to be trained and who is more able and efficient and sppetatcular than Mr. Winch, with his 20 years of B.C. legislative life behind him. The CCF, nationally, is short of leadership material. And Harold Winch is already, more or If'S, a national figure. If he gets elected in August, he's bound to go far in the highest councils of the CCF and might some day be Prime Minister of Canada. T . lands; D. M. Eherts for Saan-lc h, and ' there again,, his hair growini; whiter, though he was only in his late 30s, was handsome Dick McHilde, the ruler uf Hiiiish Columbia. ! In 1912 the Conservatives I'liime 90'l 215 1st Ave HIE (.(111)1 N KOI'TII I.AM) Lots of folks, wondering where 'I In- ( m-iiilrir Iraifi , summer has gone to, will ersist in sticking around Florida. Here's what a northerner, after he ie- ureu 10 narasoia, listed alter a month, by way of emphasizing southern charms: Kun-riiMMied orunges ten steps from back dooi, music of mocking-birds; a mother quail with young; Inex- went to the people expecting to ' win every seat in the House. It was a Jolt, therefore, when they j lost, two seats but they still ! held 40. Two Socialists were elected, but put one Liberal. If jenly the Conservatives could i have taken those two Socialist seats! I Now It. ls 191fl and time for j another election. Time fur a (lianfe, cried the liberals., Yes, the public agreed let's try . something new let's try the l iberals, tliey're pretty revolutionary, but let's live dangerously for a while. Let's see what VICTORIA. Now that the Conservative party provincial ly, anyway seems dead, it's interesting to look buck on It-, history since those tremendous days of McBride, when Toryism was in its first full flower, ami to the days of Tolmie, when it blossomed again, only then, too. to start the withering: disease that now has stifled It. In between,, its tides have ebbed and flowed, causing alternate hpe and despair, until now there's no hope at all. The Conservative party, the first party to sweep B.C. and to hold it the longest straight run, i., the first of the parties to be wiped out, as political histm v steers Its relentless course There have, of course, been upstart parties that blossniued weakly, and then faded, bnt never before In this province have we seen the death of n party that was once dominant , a vital force in public affair It is sad yet it is history. Ii has happened before elsewhere, and It will happen at'uin, here In B.C. Partv politics came to MC. in 1903. That year the Conserva Try this TREAT But back in earlier years I Rliee's boys went much fur-: ther. j The best book so far written i on the recent history of Korea i Is "Korea Today" by the late JOenige M. McCune, of the U.S. I Btate Department and University of California. It clearly re-! cords how Dr. Syngman Rhee blocked every attempt at, re-! union of Korea by peaceful with fir MEAT mm VP, ill or FISH the fast-talking Ialjerals can do, McBride had seen the wrltin;! on the wall, In 1J1! left the premiership and went U Ijiii-lon us B.C. agent-general. W. J. Bowser took over us premlig . When the votes of 191fi were counted there were 37 Liberals, nine Conservatives and one Socialist. Harlan Carey Hrewster was premier, Bowser the leadi r of the Opposition. There was no official provision for the posi-i T'onUiuied on page 5i means. Thus on page 80: "In December 1946.1 Dr. Rhee, the titular head of the rightist coalition, had left Korea and had gone to the United States to secure mil tives of McHilde won 25 of 411 seats. What jubilation there we, in the Tory camp that nigh1'' There were MeBiide, in all hf. glory, the member for Dewit- j support for the creation of an independent South Korea. I,'i : OTTAWA DIARY J: ' t- By Norman M. MucLeoo ney: C. E. Pooley, the memhefr for Esquimau; T. W. Patter, o't. the member for The Islands; V The wide Rap in the political supervision to the general Que- bee picture. J. Fulton, the member for Kani- Fishermen PHONE 644 arif.Jimotic being relied upon by two old-line parties in the ciiijrtnt election battle is nowhere more evident than in the pruylnre of Qiieisec. Federal political circles recognize that in John Hackett Leader Drew has enlisted the support of the mast influential Conser- FOR COMPLETE In this traditional Liberal j vative In the province of Quebec, of the nation PC outside of Union Nationale Pre- MARINE ELECTRONIC. SERVICE stronghold Korea his party carried on a parallel campaign and in effect blocked all constructive work of thp Legislative Assembly." WHENEVER anybody appeared on the Korean scene who looked as if he had a chance to reunite the two parts, Dr. Rhee's bully boys made short work of him. Thus on page 87: "Terrorist bands of the right, with the apparent collusion of the Korean police, immediately began an anti-Communist campaign. Lyuh Woonhyung, former head of the Peoples Republic, was the first victim of the rein of ter-lor. He was assassinated on July 19 on a Seoul street In broad daylight and In sight of a police Lc.Kler George Drew is reported j mier Maurice Duplessls himself. ON . . . Radio Telephone Auto Pilots Echo Sounders Direction Finders loops; Price Ellison, the meirfc ber for Okanagan; W. J. Hnwj-ster and R. G. Tatlow, retire sentlng Vancouver City. Their names are etched deep Into our political "history. ' The Conservative sweep that year of first Tory victory, however, didn't touch Victoria. Tli" capital went solidly Liberal, electing W, O. Cameron, R. I,. Drury, Richard Hall and J. I). McNiven. The Conservative tide flownd on In the election of 19u7 the Conservatives elected two mine members than they did in lf)(i3. Henry Esson Young came In for AtliMfc-A; il MePhillips for The. BURNETTS WHI" SA"Nii' BURNETT'S Lii!Ll GIN ALSO ... Authorized Radar Service (or authoritatively to count upon But the Liberals differentiate becalming a minimum of 20 seats, jtween Haekett's undoubted per-Ilut Liberal campaign head- i-'-onal prestige and his influence puin lers insist that the Drew as a vote-getter on a provlnce-jrces will win only one seat. It vide scale. They deny his posit Uelieved that the riding which session of any magic of mass the-y are prepared to concede to j vote-getting, the. PC's is Three Rivers. It was So far as Premier Duplessls is held in the last Parliament by concerned, the Liberals say that ... ' ' v - If ' t 1 ' , V . ; t t Coastal Steamships RUPERT RADIO and' ELECTRIC ,Hoxl '.7A . 1'iliire Itupert l.eou ualcer, eu. : there is no indication of the ner- box. He had been mentioned as Trm advertiemenl ii not published or deployed by th Liqiw Control Board or bv the Government o( Biilih Columbm. Thit's a discrepancy of 19'sonal intervention on his part a possible comnrorni.se candl- rohU between the. estimates, of .which 5 unquestionably j oil I d j dnte to head the proposed pro- j uie two parties. Obviously 'one-1 af au.se tnetr ' major v ne visional government. Again on page 98: "On December 2, 1947, Chang Duksoo, leader of the cooperation faction in the Korean Democratic party, was assassinated by a rightist police officer under circumstances which involved ci them is being over-optimistic: most the PC s claim is mat the Conceivably a considerable ele- j Union Nationale Premier is sym-rneut of Leader Drew's confi-1 pathetic. They don't pretend deuce rests upon the fact that i that he ls active, the key f inure in the PC Quebec ! But the factor upon which the organization this election Is Liberals are relying mainly in Montreal lawyer J. T. Hackett. ! , i,.., it.,-. i ,i.i QC. A former president of thel"' r . . ' Ithe Kim-Koo-Kyngman Rhee opposition Canadian Bar Association, W,"L" lJ,rw m"'"6 ,ul "John" Hackett Is a name with i Ontario support. The effect of RHEE'S RECORD clearly shows that there is no hope of a vhW'h to ron jure in professional the strong play of the PC's to Ontario Is reported to be a consolidation of the Prime Mlnls- circles in French-speaking Can ada. In addition, he ls a practl unified Korea or for that mat- ca! politician of demonstrated ter's Frenrh-speaking following ter any semblance of decency cotrjuetencp. He won the ridlnir'east of the Ottawa River. It is or democracy even in South clamled that the re-acllon ex- Korea until the evil old man or fnanstead back In the 1930 tends into the French-speaking I ls deprived of his dictatorial .seats in New Brunswick. power. geimral election. Liberals con-cei that he could carry it again this Election, except for the instruction he ls understood to have been given by , PC head-oumters to refrain from running himself in order to give personal m Vvi - IKHIM ORDERING BY MAIL 0R TELEPHONE ... BK SURE TO SPECIFY BRAND NAME 'Y -n K ;f lrK nn rw' ' & r NEW CONVENIENT PACKAGES v $frf " QAXi EASIER TO SEE NUMBER OF FULL AND EMPTY BOTTLES IN CARTON V . fa i a 'DOZEN , EASIER TO REMOVE FROM CARTON, - NO WRAPPERS V rT , i 1 it"XJjS " " EASIER TO PUT EMPTIES AWAY - JUST DROP THEM IN '-V , ' fJ T h ' EASIER TO CARRY I ' ' Also; PILFER BEER CASCADE EEF.R OLD COUNTRY ALE CREAM STOUT V' ' ' H -"i For FREE DELIVERY . . . . Phone ASA xA fT . J i! VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED 1 ! Relics of John and Charles Wley and other founders of Mt jodism are seen at Wlsley's Chapel in London, England. l:UHi:IHI!HI!M 0STtftft HSPtAY Q eooituT$ 1 miAAI C-fE'l $TAIiWUD( WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US I Dibb Printing Co. . . PftYAL'ClTlf f ; , -C A W W CD FOODS (A COMPANY This dvtiemen U not publishtdor cjiplyj by th; LiQUor.Contrgl Board or by th Government i(yv ifUtf-ilJlS-