FISIir.niES OFFICIALS X'oniinufu Iroui page H All Livestock Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Saturday. April 5, 1952 From UK Banned OTTAWA (f The federal government today banired all live-1 stock from England and Scotland as an extra precaution! against the possible spread of foot-and-mou'.h disease. Previously Canada allowed .livestock from the United Kingdom to be imported under permit control. ; future y. f DU An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. D. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H, G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year js $10; by mail, per month. 75c; per year, $8.00. JKjfc-' Authorized as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. 5, .'"""I- iiitimii Mm Saturday Sermon Mr. Whitmore, on a two-week inspection tour on the fisheries patrol vessel Howay. also spent two days at the Native Brotherhood of B.C. convention, in session all week at Alert Bay. He spoke highly of the "organized manner in which they sat down to discuss down-to-earth problems. Mr. Whitmore himself was asked to speak for an hour on B.C. fisheries, after which he carried on a question period for another- hour and a half. 1 ' Chairman of the convention is Chief William - Scow, of Alert Bay. Atlin MLA Frank Calder was among the 100 delegates present. Making the trip with Mr. Whitmore Is J. F. Hutchison, fisheries marine superintendent, former Ht ... Labor IJoaby Trap JLL WJ, Rev. H. Oodfrey Bird. St Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove 'Ml. Text: St Luke XXIII 34. "Father, forgive - An them for IF-1 WERE a union official in this critical year 1952 I would watch my step as never before. I would realize that the kind free for all price grab, the un-j ions have had things much their j own way. They had had some' nasty setbacks and failures. But on the whole, in a scarcity market, they have only had to threaten to strike, or strike they know not what they do." On Easter Day many of us will "rise to the casion." What about the week between now and 'Easter? Will WE rise on Eaxter with Christ or CO " St r which got my briefly, to get pay boosts. ; of leadership and more pay The boss has rarely really more in the fisheries inspector on the Naas union River Pant. C W Earnshaw is boosts pasc iew years , fouKht. All he did, in fact, was would not work in the years t0 add nis pay boosts to his without Christ? Will the coming week be Holy for master of the Howay. ahead i costs, add extra profit on that, Pastor: te, j. ST- ""I Tim ,v, ,,,.... nL US? Unless we appreciate the Cross there can be no Salvation in which to rejoice as far we are concerned. Unless we are con- : and pass the whole thing on to the consumer who often as not : was a foreigner or a government i buver. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Slh Ave. at MrRride St. Rev. II. J. Olson b " a fa. Canada's Dynamic Dollar THE surprising vitality of the Canadian dollar continues to he an economic highlight. In recent days it has been trading in New York at a premium as high as two cents. For some people, of course, dollar parity is not an unqualified blessing. Canadian exporters have lost some of the advantage they used to enjoy in world markets. For Canadian business generally, parity means stiffer competition from foreign manufacturers. On the other hand, it means a saving on .the cost of imported materials. Canadians travelling in the U.S. are alstf getting a break. But whatever significance the strength of our dollar may have for economists, one thing is certain: It has served dramatically to focus U.S. attention on Canada. The old stereotype of dog teams and Mounties is giving way to a more realistic picture. Canadians are being seen in a new light as a modern independent nation of enterprising people with energy, industry and "real"' money behind them. ray... Reflects and Reminisces MurntTii, 11',.... :' U 6lh Ar, I , You are Invited to come and Worship at St. Paul' NOW has s"ou 01 Pa'1 , u" BUT supply piled up beyond the demand-bevond PlaV ln,the f rama ,f the Ct0Z the willingness or ability of the n P1, lt1Ie ls ,not R4 Saviour who rises on the Third buyers to buy AT PRESENT The that have to to,11- part we HIGH PRICES. For a union consider a strike under such If1" ln t,v.C!0SS ls Pe,rsonal- circumstances it should ask lt-j1:. is ! Part Lf P one,1f self . , j play for us. This is one task that What will the traffic bear 'if cannot. I would beware of boSby traps especially of being jockeyed into long drawn out strikes which some of the enemies of trade unions might actually be waiting. for, hoping for, in order ; to smash the unions! j i BACK around 1932 wages were being cut right and left. I ' worked then on one of the biggest papers in Canada and we had had three wage cuts of ten per cent each. But the printers ; upstairs were completely union- ized and so escaped the worst cuts. On our paper we had a father and son. The father was a union printer. The son was a univer-j sity graduate, a good editorial man. After the wage cuts the ! Every married woman has three husbands the one she j thinks she has. the one he thinks she has, and the one she ! has. CT iiim Lutheran Church. "The Just Rliall Live By faith" SUNDAY SERVICES April 6, 1952 Morning Service, 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "Christ Predicts His Suffering." 1 "c ,uufJ u. nil traffic stnrvO CATHEMAID looked from the Cross did not have the knowledge of the Third Day to come. WE have PALM SlXDAt-iJ What if we go on strike and the employers prolong the shutdown for several months for the Services at !. "The Story ; """"'"Maw said "Thou shall. the the union union? Christ looks from At the Even: i When the boss has trouble Evenlng 8t'rvlce-'':30 P m. the Cross j Sermon By Mr. O. Mostad. ---- - I one of the lay-members of our INFLUENCED, PERHAPS! More firing of highly placed officials in Washington! Wonder where they picked up the notion, all so sudden? Of course, British Columbia papers feature a lot of political stories. Some good ones come from Victoria. and says "Will you' selling his output it might actu- win oe i series Inter-vrsed tan the Bach Choraie. Church. Sunday School 12:15 p.m. father got twice as much pay as ally pay him to have the whole his own son whom he had sent works closed tight for months, through university. What for, he But it does not pay the men. first Presbyterian Church "V 1 THE FIRST- UNITED CHURO wanted to know? That is why all Canada came out of the depression with certain ideas. Half of these are good and true. But half of them are half-baked. One half-baked idea is that you can get more pieces out of a pie than there There will be a holiday next week, but wasn't there a day some months ago when there was snow, Scotch, and a stout old fellow with white whiskers and a sackful of tin whistles and sweets? 63G Sixth Avenue West, Prince Ruptt.llx EVANGELICAL Rev. Lawrence G. Sitbtr FREE CHURCH J:3fl p.m. EvtNBj Services conducted nt I O O F. i are in it. Frequently, tourists who ; a"Ce!ri"C.e RT':f THE GOOD idea that came out Choir pfpsenu 1. Measa?e in SUiw fmon." icit . ri.nrCCcir,n urn that 11 a m. Mornfhg Worship. Sermon: Praise and Practice. , Children's Story: "Holy Week." Anthem: "This Is My Father s World." on a Sunday inquire mqunc about auuuv: churches. Interest in worship has long been .manifest. Tour R. G. Ure.t. Mr ; Miles and It i unions are a good thing for i those in them. The government wanted labor and farmer to accept fixed wages and fixed ; prices. In both cases it had to Hall, Fourth East Sunday School 11 a.m. Classes for all ages. Morning Service 12:15 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Come and enjoy . . . The warm Christian Fellowship 0 The good Gospel singing. The" inspiring Bible COME AND WORSHIP Sunday Schools at the usual times ists' money, donated over the years, has opened and dedicated a beautiful little edifice in the scenic village of Banff, Alberta. It ls built of native rock, quarried from lordly Mount Rundle, a peak discovered and first 1 made known by a missionary practically a century ago. Arts and Crafts Show IT IS a fortunate thing for Prince Rupert that there I are a few courageous souls like Mrs. Ruth Harvey and her helpers who are interested and active enough in affairs cultural and artistic to organize such an affair as the Arts and Crafts show which is now being presented at the Civic Centre. It brings into collective display many of the projects of art and handiwork which have been going on steadily at the Civic Centre during the past winter season and is an impressive demonstration of what can be done by people of special or ordinary talents when brought together with enthusiasm and under competent instruction. And to provide high class leavening there are the imported displays such as the Macleans cover paintings, the Mexican wood cuts and lithographs iind the Vancouver School of Art productions. The Arts and Crafts show' is a worthwhile labor of love and those associated with it are to be congratulated. Now it is to be hoped that the effort will be appreciated by the public by its general attendance. It is a pleasant diversion from the drab, humdrum routine of everyday life. We extend a cordial Invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Av. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D D. Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and John Curric. APRIL 6. 1952 Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Sunday School 12:15. Evening Service 7:30. ' Remember the Sabbath Day j y to keep it Holy'1 offer inducements to get labor and farmer to accept such. For, had there been no control, wages would have gone far higher than they did and wheat would surely have gone two or three times the price it reached. ! Labor got the right to'organ- 'Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is." (Heb. HOW IT HAPPENED 10:24.) ' ' PRINCE RUPERT (DM! PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVE ! In filling out an i insurance jjze trade . unions. It got that application, the applicant was tight not the old hard way that 'requested to state if his father , the old tough unions, like the ASSOCIATION CIVIC CENTRE LOUNGE was living and, if dead, to state coal miners, had got it. It got i cause of death. The father had it by law by parliamentary ac- been hanged, so the son resorted tion. j to diplomatic language when he Hence we got in Canada' a wrote: "My father was killed , branci new type of arm.chah. I when the platform gave way !labor leader And we got Mt - while he was participating in a i numbers of young boy and girl public function." I unionists-who simply do not be- I ; lieve that less than 20 years ago CONTENT WITH WHEELS - jit was as much as your life was The Canadian National Rail- j worth really physically danger-'ways has invited by tender 194 ous to try to get in to organize : units of passenger train equip- ! a union in some industries. ! It 'ment and it s urgently needed, j was as much as your job was !Much is heard about the speed, ' worth even to be suspected of the comfort and all-round won- j trying to organize a union in 1 ders of aviation but there are most, still plenty of us sufficiently old ! ; fashioned ,enough to stick to a SINCE the Hitler war ended, and dining car and luxury oh wheels, i the government let loose the THE CARPENTERS' DEMAND IS FAIR! HERE IS WHY WE ARE ASKING $2.50 AN HOUR LOCAL 452 HAS JUST MADE A SURVEY OF CARPENTERS' EARNINGS It showed that in 1951 the average carpenter made $!filfl This amounts to S50.77 a week or $1.27 an hour IS THIS A HIGH WAGE! What Is Normal? FOLLOWING what seems to be a general trend, Canada is to have a new cost-of-living index with APRIL 17-8:30 PA O All Progressive-Conservatives in FV Rupert Electoral District are requests attend a meeting of the District Assoc tion for the purpose of nominating candidate for the forthcoming Prov Election. VV. D. LAMBIE, President. $50.77 a week for a SKILLED carpenter is less than the average wage of ALL B.C. Industrial Workers skiMed AND UNSKILLED ol $56.91 a week at November 1st, 1951. t 4 $2.50 an hour ft ill provide no more than a bare minimum living standard for the carpenter's family. :1 , Af WE ALSO WANT ROOM & BOARD ON OUT OF TOWN JOBS IS THIS AN UNREASONABLE DEMAND? Out of town work is done as 'a service to our Employers. It I to his advantage, not ours, for no carpenter can afford to maintain himself out of town and support a family in tiwh on $50.77 per week. the base period postwar instead of the 1935-39 years. This will mean, of course, that officially we are about .to write off the wartime and .postwar inflation and reach the hard conclusion that the situation we find ourselves in today must be regarded as normal. In taking such a step, the Ottawa Journal argues, we are being less than realistic. The old index, it admits, had its faults. It did not take into account a number of present-day necessities. But it did give us a yardstick for measuring the amount of inflation since prewar. Now, with a new base, says the Journal, "instead of measuring living costs from a point where there was no inflation to a point where there is inflation, we are to measure from one inflationary point to another making the thing, politically, look so much better, but altering in no way the truth." There is no question that the new index will give a more accurate picture but will it help us forget that the dollar of today has little relation to the dollar of 1939? The main point to remember is that no matter how carefully and efficiently compiled, statistics like firearms should not be handled carelessly. With nothing but bare figures to guide him, a man from Mars might very easily conclude that all Canadians were prior to 1914 and all were fnillionaires after 1950, whereas a citizen who has just paid his income tax might argue that the reverse was nearer the truth. GUARD THOSE YOU LOVE . . . GIVE GENEROUSLY 1952 JOINT CAMPAIGN. SPONSORED BY B.C. DIVISION, CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY AND B.C. CANCER FOUNDATION EDUCATION RESEARCH WELFARE TREATMENT FACILITIES Mr. D. Stevenson, Box 219, Prince Rupert, B.C. BRUISH COLUMBIA CONQUER CANCER CAMPAIGN SINGER now sells ABRIC PATTERNS and F Our Wage Increase Raise Imagin.! 0e iff ' ' i. near sewing jiccu j Mow address nti ikc i -INTER 10 addition to worm p In Sin Machines, ivor fabric and chwM your Pi ou p Hjh .range that will m V.V.V.W.'.VA'.V.V.V. A NEW WASHER . . . THE INGLIS Model 159' Check theso leatures Automatic pump O Porcelain enamel tub 0 Lifetime lubrication ' f Quiet a-? a whisper 0 Lovell safety wringer ' 0 Year guarantee the shop! selection And .Iwavi ready to help yon ': . . I 7. ' -1 .nn. III- ,.J: m with nnv lew nK uiiti'-"-" . ..nrerw, Construction Costs? We are sick and tired of hearing the slander that building trade wages are responsible for price increases! SO LET'S LOOK AT THE RECORD' In 1944 B.C. Contractors Made Jl,20 Profit on a $10,000 Job! In 1949 They Made S3.590 Profit on a 10,000 Job! for an increase in profits of 185 during which time carpenters' wages rose by 43 Source Dept. National Revenue, Ottawa THERE IS NO REASON WHY OIR WAGE DEMAND SHOIXD RAISE PRICES our Demand is a just one carpenters' living standards must not be cut! Issued by Provincial Council of Carpenters and Publicity Committee, Local 452 lady behind the Pattern A I'hrlC SINGER SEWING CENTER. for . or ":. Come in tomorrow wing thing y"U need to make home st lau Scripture j-aiiage joi ipiiire i aaage for soaatf SINGER SEWIHG CEB only $159.00 "The fear of the Lord is clean." Psalm 19:9. phone i 639 3rd Ave. RUPERT RADIO u Mr. and Mrs. E. Erickson and j Mrs. Holm', Mrs. "Ericfcson's ; mother, are sailing tomorrow i night on the Camosun for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. L. M. FeLsenthal ano daughter, Judy, arrived in the city by plane this afternoon and will remain here over the Easter vacation season. r0irANf & ELECTRIC A T4 Mwk f TIIK SlNCm'MANIJI'ArTl -BINr,