rfii.ee rxuuclf luil INt'.r Saturday, April 5, 1952 -: IN PRINCE RUPERT " - VWW.Vi,A,WiWWW.WWWMWi,.W S ART WEEK-END . hi tf . f Platter Parade- by DICK WESCH ndreds of Items in le Variety Display nua I Show Opens Here's good news for all Johnrty Ray fans: Columbia is releasing It's first Johnny Ray album this week with eight previously un- 'K s" ' ,. I v. I . I 1 ' t- r ,,. ft, i ! (; . " . ":, I . ; -i ' t . i -. ;. i' n" t !!,', ,. ... ; , A " k i tor), Helen O'connell (Capitol), Alan Doan (MGMi and Champ Butler (Columbia). HONOR ROLL OF HITS: ' - 5 week-end in Prince Rupert. With the 1 is art 1 Wheel of Fortune, Kay Starr 2 Cry, Johnny Ray. 3 glue Tango, Leroy Anderson 4 Any Time, Eddy Fisher. crafts show at the Civic If thp arts and f 1 .1 i n".. t m TT released sides. The album cover will contain no printed material of any kind, with the entire cover being devoted to a photo-' graph of Ray. Titles In the album are: "All of Me," "Don't Take Your Love From Mv," "Walking My Baby Back Home," "Don't Blame M," "Out In the Lthusiastic ,,thnQ astic organizers organizers led jeu by uy Mrs. mm. J o. i. nar t 1 , :.,to into hist, pvpninor RPttinnr nn rlisnlnv Hl - n o "r " i-,' ,lav 'n readiness for this popular annual iich'vvas opened this afternoon and will con- PLAYS YOUNG GIRL Janet Reid, 21-year-old Winnipegef, got her opportunity for a fading role in the successful London play, "No Place for Jennifer," when 13-year-old Janette Scott was injured. Mis Reid, four feet eleven and 'viighi tg only 95 pounds, had no difficulty playing ilv rote of a young girl of 12. (CP PHOTO) i. afternoon and evening-, tomorrow and on Cold Again," "Give Me Time," "Coffee and Cigarettes," and "The Lady Drinks Champagne." And also out on a new single release by the current pop singer Is one of Ray's own compositions, "Mountains in the Moonlight," 5 Tell Me Why, Four Aces. C Please Mr. Sun, Johnny Ray 7 Little White Cloud That Cried, Johnny Ray 8 Slow Pok.?, Pee Wee King 9 Blacksmith Blues, Ella Mae Morse. 16-Be My Life's Companion," Mill Brothers. THIS WF.FK'S ARTIST: Dean Martin The refreshing comedy team ol Demi Muilia and Jerry Lewis has been captivating audiences from coast to coast. At the same time with their rise to stardom In 1947, Dean Martin, handsome balla-diei, was signed by Capitol re IIORSB All RtnrR By ARTHUR MKI.IN. High School Student Something unique In the outside displays are the exhibit of Mexican art featuring fifty i.osphere truly esthe'.ic lis and programs ap- the occasion, m t I" Will jlrls anil drawls &t)isptc jjie city during variety aii bucked by a Turkihh noveLy by Ross Batrdasarian, the composer of "Come On-a My House." This cne Is a great change of pace for Johnny as he sings, "What's the Use?" wid k have a a in and craft articles. blacks, whits and pastel, lithography and wood cuts. Works varied, imaginative, real and in some cases somewhat revolutionary are Included In the big display of the Vancouver Art School. LOCAL ART But, after all. It Is the local MONTREALER A SUCCESS. Montreal-born Robert Whitehead has had great success with the play series he has been staging In New York for the American National Theatre and Academy in his first year as managing director. This season A.N.T.A. has scored thre-e hits in a row with "Gold-" en Boy," "Mrs. McThLig," and "Desire Under the Elms." He now Is rehearsing the somewhat baffling play "Four Saints in Three Acts," by Gertrude Stein. He thinks the latter will be the commercial failure It was when previously produced but, in Justice to a good theatre, he thinks It should be presented again. I CP PHOTO) Music notes into tne iniuiiiri'c, prist upon. :j..pre'fnt;itive display. As ranee from thv? ef-iinv tof.s of even I SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY April 5th, 6th and 7th SPECIAL FEATURES 20 Original Paintings of Maclean's Magazine Covers. 50 Mexican Wood Cuts and Lithographs. works that command a major In- 1 ... in i ho works of 1 Ray Anthony's plugging of his recording of "At Last" is costing him eight thousand dollars . . . Tony-Bennett recently wed . . . Mario Lanza Is leaving sometime cords. Dean was born June 7, 1917. As a child he refrained from any vocal endeavours and didn't decide upon singing as a career until 1943. Before that he was an amateur prize fighter, attend-(Contlnuet! on page 6) in September for a six month 1 ,1pS from local andtMt and the process that has 11 I been made by Prince Rupert art- Uh-'e the art exhibition ! ists " during: another season is 7' jii., r,f hnnrii- demonstrated by the remarkable 3 !Procl to be noted. ! .11? .,,pi the It is refreshing to have the out- cowssrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED ond RECONDITIONED , Phone Black 389 210 4th Street European tour . . . two new Mercury recordings released by Billy Daniels and Sophie Tucker. TOPS IN VOCALS Dean Martin In h's usal lis- KnnKMi.t - ,. t h . nnrplv local ! mip nwumfa J ' . . .. rlUnln v inrl t rlpn rt u I hn t nlia : . .t ... Vancouver School of Art Variety Exhibit. PROGRAMME SATURDAY YOUNGSTERS' DAY SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 2 TO S P.M. Wrathall's Shop Brightens Street , re of tM almofpnere ' T r ' """ nuperi oympnony urcnesxra win J does not naVf t0 8 awav Irom be hand to incidental h. lobby is made gay on provide 'l the hundreds of Princp R"P"t Itself to find :sal music as interlude to the inspec-Iwhnnl age work. artlsts and artistry. tions of tne diSpiays an(j while jtP tcen-ase room ares Among the local artists whose 'tea Is being served in the rest- iftn, nf the "self-ex- contributions afe hung for the ful atmosphere of an afternoon tenable style, singing tetter than ever and with wonderful feeling. Dean has a new coupling1 on Capitol. Numbers ar? "Won't Junior Inadvertently missed from the 1. Opening. 2 P.M. Art and Craft Demonstration iy Members, 2. Movie. 4:00 P.M. The Carlsen Story. , SATURDAY EVENING, 7 TO 10 P.M. I. Art and Craft Demonstration by Teen Members. 'trroiro. admiratlve Inrpection of the jot art. Mrs. R. O. Large and You Surrender" and ''Pretty as a Picture." lists of new Third Avenue buildings and business establishments east of Fulton Street mentioned JDl things IS, I CUlirc, t v inuuifl mc iviina inaut I ivil a. rcici iit:ii will jjicaiuillg itudi'.orium where the! Mis Y. Lupine. S. Dlderickson, at the tea tables. -The Carlsen Story. 2. Movie. 8:30 P.M. SUNDAY. 2 TO S PM- I Monday evening the presence ' a i Tl i TT:..t. Kathleen hum, Mrs. r. n. rric.u. Mrs. John Stirn, Mrs. Roch Don Cherry Champion golfer, has turned champion singer. In (very fine voice sings for new ' ballads for Decca. "Take Me ;Back" (best of th2 four) and i iir liip duuui iviuiiiui liii niizri Beauchemin, Lawrence Symphony Concert and Tea. Movie. 4:00 P... The Carlsen Story. .V, ' i t ;i 'I- 5 1 'V H i k 'w"' 'W iA l-',:. . i l VJ8 . . ' : )1 ' -t ' if I'S.' 5 'a 1 M I i .i ; ".!' . r v.l. A , x" k 'I ., . ',' 1 "4 ' j in the Daily News yesterday was j the bright and attractive photographic shop of Wrathall's Photo Finishings across from First Street. This Is one of the newly renovated and re-designed shops manswn, mirs rrar.ces t-artnage, 01 Fred Huber, will be an added Mrs. man Harvey. Mrs. musvik, attraction. Merrill Meuse ana Mrs. m. j B..vs ai rutiRPd artis-mnd the walls with li'nrtive ffatures suclt tl M,iflen's Magazine oils and water color GthPmes- real and Im-JMrilch occupy central TV.'orks of such Hi'tKfs f-fltlj, William Winter, n and Franklin Ar-tt to be seen, taff end are display MONDAY AFTERNOON. 2 TO 5 P M. 't 2:00 P.M. Art and Craft Demonstration by Adult Members. J 4:00 P.M. Movie, The Carlsen Story. MONDAY EVENING. 7 TO 10 P.M. S 7:00 PM. Art and Craft Demonstration by Adult Members. J 8:30 P.M. Movie. The Carlsen Story. V B:30 P.M. Drawing for raffle prizes. 5 HlCM SCHOOL BAND IN ATTENDANCE of the past year and one of the contributions to the newly developing shopping district' of j "Neither Am I." My Sentimental Heart" and' "I'll Sing to You," are contained on two records. Stan Freburj Mimicking the 'current singing sensation, I Johnny Ray snbs and all h-e performs with Billy May's or- jchestra on a new Capitol disc. Classical Research ufmgherty. A wide arrety of subjects are covered and some of the notable items are Diderickson's marines and Mrs. Harvey's and Mrs. Stirn's spirited local subjects. Prince Rupert. Nearby Noble's radio and record shop has also seen considerable improvement of late. iry. its ins same tune as A TREASURY Of EASTEU types of crafts which Outstanding too are the offer-produced I at the Civic , ings of two Junior artists Kath v, o. 6 "",'"' """"I " Other side, "Pass the Udder contained In an album which SUPPORT YOUR $r:ng the past season f proved such an Int'or-t innructive phae of (f s activities. to are to be seen some Si me furnishings and Inducts resulting from Udder." (song of the cow with 27 spigots). This should prove to be one of th year's zaniest cords, along with Spike Jones' '"Deep Purple." . ' Forecast of Future Hits Eddy leen Hills and Lawrence Krust-mansson both of whom give promise of going far If they follow up the artistic talents which are so evident in their current hangings. Harmonic and social notes are not being overlooked In this embraces many races and religions in 1U musical offerings of awe and reverence. These hymns serve a very spec, ific purpose in the ritual ct Christian faith. They comprise Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE, 1952 Fisher's "Forgive Me" and ft ity of British Colum the ample repertory that Ls the ("That's the Chartce You Take' . m classes conducted ,var's arts and crafts show. Honor Roll of Hits 1. Wheel of Fortune Kay Starr Cry Johnny Ray V 3. Tell Mc Why Four Aces 4. Anytime Dick' Haymes 5. Blue Tanuo Leroy Anderson C. Little White Cloud That Cried Johnny Ray 7. Slow Poke ........Arthur Godfrey and Helen O'Connell 8. Blacksmith Blues Ella Mae Morse ALSO AVAILABLE Ham tune Frankie Laine Did Anyone Call Rosemary Clooney LONG PLAY'S BY: Frankie Laine, Kay Starr, Mills Brothers, Ink Spots, Organ Solos by Jesse Crawford Available at RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Miss Cross. I Tomorrow afternoon the Prince t . . . , ... y. music of Easter observance; a' (Victor). Frank Sinatra's "I repertory that covers a wide Hear a Rhapsody" (Columbia), span of emotion from the peni- Don Cornell's "I'll Walk Alone" tent anguish of Good Friday to (Coral). This next one should the Jubilant exultation of Easter break big and fast. Just out. "Be Day. j Anything" (But Be Mine has Application! ' mutt Hack Hw CamarvBttn' DM kr tnm APll 15, 151. 135 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO 21. ONT. aii But thev are more than the uucauy ueen rccuiuru uy MO.Y a ; Howard (Mer.), Don Estes (Vic- New Western Releases llli lUiiiV; tftjn J.,'".. wi - j They chant a message of good will and brotherliness that carries them beyond the confines ol their ritual. The assured Joyousness of "On Easter Morn" and "Love is Come Again" reaches out to everyone, and the themes of "Calvary." and i ak Civic Centre Now Until Monday ORMES DRUGS t if t s ii i ft - V' rv ii 17 r i v. , "Tenebrae Factae Sunt" are embedded In the compassion of all GOLDEN EAGLE RAO Buddy Reynolds (Official song Buddy Reynolds Golden Eagle Fan Club.) KONKY TOJiK BLUES Hank Williams GONE AND LEFT ME BLUES Cowboy and Kathy Copas STINGY Helen O'Connell and many others by such favorites as Moon Mulligan. Hank Thompson. Tennessee Ernie, Hawkshnw Hawkins. humanity. Such songs are only incidental In the melodic utterance of a creed. They are, in a wider sense, the expression of r ADVERTISING IN THE DAiLY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS ! universal need and fulfillment. I - ': . tj , V- TH mi C In assembling these songs, Robert Shaw sought a variety of hymns that' would cover tha broad range of mood. The Easter hymns that are a part and parcel of traditional liturgy and also hymns that could stand on ' (Continued on page C) 5 f i r v .. , ft - w , V i. u lJ ? V Phone 100 Opposite Totem Theatre -RECORDS- Onward and Ijijjward Flowers for Easter Advancement effort on the satisfaction. in civilization calls for continual part of all, which in itself gives far ? LILIES-At'rac'tlve Leon a Ferguson of Brampton, t O'onio, has picked an armful of first Easter lilies of tl frnm . hum Planted T Brpennuse at the Dale Estate In Brampton to rnm In-'n hinnm nnnd TCi-irtnv Anril 11. r ere clcome early arrivals. (CP PHOTO) This page on Music, Aft and Literature tells of men and women who. not only derived satisfaction from their work, but contributed a never failing source of pleasure to the world. s Popular Clossical Western MAKE THIS A RECORD EASTER 78 R.P.M. POPULAR HITS Blue TaiiRO Belle of the Ball Leroy Anderson Perfidia You Brought Mc Love Four Aces Hambone Frankie Laine and Let's Have a Party : Jo Stafford When You're in Love Frankie Laine and Gandy Dancer's Ball Jo Stafford WESTERN I'm Sarry For You My Friend Honky Tonk Blue H. Williams R.S.V.P. Uncle Sam Sliortn'n Bread ' A. Smith My Oklahoma Rose I Wish There Were Only Three Iays in the Year N. Carle Peter Cottontail Eggbert the Easter Egg , R. Rogers LP. CLASSICAL RELEASES Carmen Rise Stevens and cast with Fritz Reiner conducting Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5 Berlin Philharmonic with Ferermc Frlcsay conducting L.P. SEMI-CLASSICAL Boy Soprano ; Michael Morley Stephen Faster Sonss Bing Crosby LP. POPULAR Arthur Murray's Favorite Albums, designed for dancing TANGOS WALTZES FOX TROTS MAMBOS AAeRAE B&OS. LTD. v - 1 .... t(!f Shoppers' Paradise eSfnSBS rnL sure to Charm your friends with some Easter Lilies or some fresh cut flowers . FLOWERS ARE THE GIFT OF EASTER Jfotish "i Tole, t::n c.. vm nntip, I CAHS. RTVV,... BASKETS " I'fcS ARE REALLY THE DAI LY N EWS I' r.RF.NT Unft k. J Box 516 fm POLE GIFT SHOP 300 3rd Ave. 2U Sixth Street Phone 777 ' , " - , " i ' ? ...,... t