Father Plans Another Visit To Find Son j S. Needs More Help VANCOUVER KP) John L Negro Minister Accepts Call to 'White' Parish was HsVd as missing and pre Settle Korean War son looking at htm. Ha hut Mm in the crowd before ha Muld speak to him. Sutherland believes his soli Li suffering from loss of memory. He has checked dozens of English towns and villages looking for information of him. ' "" sumed dead. Five years ago Sutherland returned to his native England and went on an impulse, he says to the clock at Kings Cross station. He was "petrified" to see his HUM IS W. CAKPENTKK llv ' Burks Falls Is a summer holiday vacation centre 48 miles south of North Bay. f3utherland. 70. of Vancouver plans to leave next month to keep his fifth Eaater Sunday vigil under the clock at Lon-don't King's Cross station. He will be looking for his son, Wilfred Sutherland, an RCAF observer who was shot down over Holland 10 years ago. He MTKU NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)-The United imlav w's reported shaping up an emphatic it I N allif.s ior more ntip in Korea. Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, February 12, 1953 n fa- curies imre Canada to Help Mexico Develop .piatic ... ,.'.m I III' kVU I V n"VP "; . hln. JUST AS LONG AS OUR BURKS FALLS, Ont. (CP) A Negro minister. Rev. Wilfred Sheffield, has accepted a call to a Baptist church here with an all-white congregation. The 29-year-old minlsU-r Is believed the first Negro to take charge of a church with an all-white following In Canada. He accepted the call at the. demand of the parishioners. He spent two weeks at Burks Falls on an evangelical campaign and ince then the congregation has been asking for his appointment. Rev. A. Burns, superintendent of the home mission board, said there are other ordained Negro ministers In Canada but they either work with Negro congregations or are in SALE LASTS sVMHsMslHnM t J' grand sm"1" ut bv the KiM-nhower f(,r fndlni the ZXcto here Xr the L'N rWrasod a a quirk ..-I .J.and-iiw.stmrnt pro-'.Vrary to save war- , i Un Krr.':-". J Express 4 Pacific Ports MEXICO CITY (CP) In formed sources said Tuesday Canada will help develop four of Mexico's Pacific ports in order to boost trade between the two countries. The ports are Mazatlan, Man-zanillo, Acapulco and Kallna Cruz. Canadian capital will augment Mexican financing. Canadian wheat, machinery and other products will be shipped directly to the newly-modernized ports, and in return Mexico hopes to sell Canada more of her own products. YOU CAN OBTAIN thut black marketing and Illegal profiteering are rife In the embattled country. There also are Indication that diplomatic experts are studying a possible blockade of tied China. Some sources said, however, there Is little chance of such a move although there may be a widening of economic restrictions now In effect. The U.S. took over genera', council direction of the Korean war hi 19S0 shortly after tht security council decided the UN must meet the Communfct ag grcuilon. Britain, Canada, Australia and a numbrr of other countries answered appeals by Washington and by UN Secretary-General Trygve Lie for help but since then there has been almo.it no Increase In military aid for the UN. The US, In fact, has turned down some military aid because it was offered In small units and the cost of equipping, training and transporting them would have been far more than It was worth to the UN. It also has not accepted the Nationalist Chinese jipments The Best in Quality missionary and administrative fields. "It Is a very happy situation," Mr. Burns said. "The Burks Kails congregation has recognized his gifts irrespective of his color and appreciate the Christian qualities of the man." t Record AT Mate iPtO -Mum- .ililpmrnts ',,,,.1,-d by tfic Canadian , Exprfvs in 1!)2 than ".r lii runipany' f h Mjrtin. Monl-nrri! nuiuK'T, told CS txpress of- ; (,( tup .iolish Urn all-time rec-P'n.p.mv picki-d up and i :4M7:'4H shipments ,V."th' !0 provinces of The Lowest Price This yecr make your Valentine a Gift of: - -i r nnriinnrvan i (1 hM BABV BIRNS, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Burns of Montreal, walls a bit to show her two teeth. They were there when she was born. It was nine days later before she gut round to having her picture taken in Montreal's 6t. Mary's hospital. Blasting Powder In Bag Used To Fight Fire . NELSON, dC CP Three linemen didn't know it at the time, but they fought a pole-line fire with a 10-pound bag of blasting powder. One pole had been blasted by a dynamite charge and a second was set afire. The linemen were called out In pre-dawn darkness. They fought the fire- at the base of the pole, using the bag to beat out flames. After it was over, a peek In the bag showed It was loaded with blasting powder. A fuse was attached to the powder, but It did not explode. The poleline blast occurred In the Doukhobor district near Nelson. The men are empiojed by the West Kootenay Power and Light Company. SHOES SLIPPERS 9 I ' an i'l'T'''" 01 ' ui mice uiwiun. u over the previous The U 8. government made It ,.r of IM1. j known last year In the UN as- ;rifn-,iif in traffic was sembly In Paris that it desired .1 L. . . . I f ......... K.tn I .. .. M . rit!iiiy intprueu uu- muir utiji iii rwuic. vuiluAi .Uom throughout Can- HANDBAGS or HOSIERY notning nappened, tor other countries answered they were doing all they could. But the new administration Is laying down In straight terms what II expects the UN partners to do. mi The UN survey on South Ko- j lo the ability of the v to mwt the public' ,r increased express Mr Martin Mid o( the three-day birr he explained, rn'a s the last year'i m- M latu limg, iusar-cane flavor to nam airs -ni iaifl. VOGUE SHOES LTD. Adds nourishment too . . . Rogcr' Golden Syrup it a a p xd xhI tource of quick et.e r?y. H eralions, t" discus ways ; lean needs said that outside In-r.i of Improving the j vestments of about tlJ50.000.000 rvrr plt!e. and : In Industry, fisheries, agrtcul-and plan new method, i ture, reforestation and transport .rly those concerned plus (400.000,000 In outright re- ip-nimt up of express lief would be necessary to put jt termina! points Korea on Its feet. f ftft Rfipf Rffi,k. wriu 'P" B C" Sunt Krhmns C.i Ltd.. P.O. Boi HM V u r Green 595 506 Third West Box 638 WOMEN'S WEAR OUSEHOLD NEEDS, ETC. FRASER St PAYN MEN'S WEAR Wc ore overstocked in Men's Jackets, both work and dress styles. We hare cut prices to less than replacement cost. ' 153 Fine Sheer Marquisette Panels .ory shade Ready to hang act.' Sizes 42" x 81". , r v ' bottom hem. Double-sewn 1.85 HEN'S JACKETS i i.i GROUP 1 Each Long and short styles-.-. -. Quilfed Jming Cfolh O'Gold Plastic Drapes -oaoaramejiuxrure. .ipper fastening. All sizes in stock; 7 ;" '-, v ; . , . ' ; Values up To $21.00 for 9.95 26" wide, 81" ''th deep frilled voloncc. x-q Ready to hang, sorted patterns 1.98 That Count MEN'S JACKETS GROUP 2 Zipper and buttoned fronts. Coat style. Nvlon Fabric. Quilted lined. Humphrey all- arge Size Turkish Bath Towels n of the mill. Assorted patferns and plain Jiyry alues up to $i .65. - SPECIAL PURCHASE 100 Doz. Nylon Hose All First Quality, New Shades. Sizes from 8' to 10' , Made by one of our leading suppliers. Regular $1 .50 pair. High spiced heels, pencil seams, full fashioned. 98c wool frieze. Gabardines ' Values to $18.50. For .. .J 12.95 Each OUTSTANDING VALUE Ready-to-Hang Drapes 50 pair drapes. Standard sizes, all finished with French headings. Hemmed sides . . . beautifully made. Some plain shades, but mostly printed Roughtex and Bark Cloth. All new patterns, priced . . . Less Than Manufacturer's Cost BEDSPREADS 51 gauge, 1 5 denier. Don't miss this Special. 1 PER PAIR W woven ALHAMBRA, 80" x 100' MEN'S DRESS SLACKS Days Duraliner, Nylon Gabardine, Wool Mix Gabardine, Hollywood style and semi-drapes. All r, rUJ , I. 'oven ,n patterns. Blue, Green. Limit 3 pair to a Customer 5.95 Each . Values to $14.95. "EXTRA SPECIAL" LADIES' ALL-WOOL PLAID SKIRTS ALL SILK VELVET Genuine Imported Silk Velvet. New shades: Pair roy Chenille Spreads Fire Engine Red, Jet Black, Laurel Green, Burgundy. Yord Assorted Plaids. Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. Each 2.98 3.98 hSl5 'tf nd ends' A" White and Coral, FECIAL, 5.95 MEN'S PYJAMAS "CELENESE" JERSEY CLOTH Black and White LADIES' SLACKS PIC & PIC Good quality worsted slack. Well tailored. Double warp English Wincey and Satin-faced Will keep their shape and press. Sizes 12 to 20. Pair ' 56 inches wide. Extra good quality. De-lustered finish. Yard 1.79 8.95 4.95 Broadcloth. Various stripes and all sizes in stock. Exceptional Value at jJIK FLOOR RUGS !rn?nCLrl ,on floor- Will give wonderful shades to choose tfjPEcA'U from. - -jfl CHILD'S SLEEPERS Heavy fleeced jersey. Pink, Blue and Yellow. 4.7 7 LUXITE NIGHT GOWNS Tricot knit rayon nlyon trim. Shades: Mint Green, Blue, Pink. 1 t Sizes 32 to 42 j Sj One- and two-piece style. Sizes 1.2, 4, 6. 1.49 Each PER PILLOWS MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS RAYON PLAIDS DOESXIN CHECKS PLAIN GABS' GROUP 1 Reg. $3.95 for . 2,95 GROUP 2 Reg. $4.95 . for 3.95 GROUP 3 Reg. $6.95 .. . for 4.95 Boys' and Girls' Navy Trench Coats rz 'iual;tu iearners. Covered with oood Wn'Tne.rProf ticki, (.ing. 12.95 -rvalue. r 2.79 Waterproof batiste interlining, satin lined. Good quality Navy Gabardine. Sizes 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, and 36. EXTRA SPECIAL, Eoch v... I