Prince Rupert Daily Nev Tuesday, February 19, 1952 Wan,, Pui Saville Red Cross Head! tire A j-ersona is M SI, vice, would be to feed and clothe refugees, transport the injured To Play Part in Civil Defence Organization ow This display will be open to the travel from Victoria to Edmonton public on the following day. I he can route this way at a very When A. F. Key, director of I low cost to us. He visited the Coste House, Calgary, and the, Civic Centre and was satisfied Western Canada Art Circuit, was ) with its fireproof qualities, an In the citv a short while ago the 1 important consideration before away and dispose of the dead should disaster, strike, Mr. Sa Numerous Interesting Subjects Being Prepared K. . Bosworlh left on today's plane for Vancouver after a brief ousinc.s trip here. ville disclosed. During the past year, the principal activity of the local The Art Club is working hard I Art Club entertained him at the he can send pictures. As well as i. A. Lindsay returned on tike to provide many pictures of local branch was the raising of $6395.85 princess Louise yesterday after a j interest for the art display on Red Cross will be having a more active year in 1952 owing to the part it will be playing in connection with the organization of civilian defence, Stan Saville, president re-elect, forecast at the annual meeting last night of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Function of Red Cross, working under the public health ser- home of Mrs. J. T. Harvey. He sending a major exhibition lor then promised to include Prince ' the spring display he will ar-Rupert in his western circuit tange for others to reach us at whenever possible. Displays that intervals during the year. LaUl J(irlTalrUL RON BAIRD In Victoria Times ajirf Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, formerly of in the annual campaign ior short tnp to Kemano Bay. April 5 to 7. On Thursday nights funds. ThU year the objective of each member brings unfinished $5500 fcas been set for Prince W. niihorna Osborne n. of Alfred Alfrpri strpt Street Rupert. The campaign starts left on yrday. P'"e lor . u gn the March 8 with T. Norton Youngs trip to Vancouver. . day pf each month a drawing is as campaign manager. j Don McKerricher returned to . made for a prize, the winner last Officers were elected as fol- ne cjtyy esterday by boat follow- month being L. Freestad. lows at last night's meeting: ! jng a business trip to Vancouver.! The work is varied. Mrs. Priest Honorarv President Rt. Rev. . ;has an oil painting of a winter 4 now of Victoria, celebrated a wedding 7 'A 1 1 J. . 1 - i ........ i Ku;'y Vst' Final Rites for ;auir(lay wun a on. oi acivice ior newiy "Take the rough with the smooth aw James B. Gibson, Bishop of Cale- Dv. Jens Munthe arrived in the sunsct and one of 8t. Peter's donla . city on the Princess Louise yes- church Margaret McLeod has Injr fifty-fifty." And they should know. Honorarv Vice-President wuay "'v v- sketches 01 children, pasieis 01 t. "fflM T Ea $k llowers and a familiar street scene. Mrs. Lindseth has a row-boat and Mrs. Harvey one of -H. Whalen. couver. Mayor S. President Stan Saville. j jpj scadden, pioneer paint-Vice-President MrS. C. H. El- 1 .nnlrorin. onrf Snlir. rlllh Their 70th anniversary proves that two can live as cheaply as one. Bird-bright, the Klrkpatrlcks (Bill is 93 next July 23 and Elizabeth 92 April 5) have taken Haakon Selfjord Many friends gathered Saturday afternoon in 8t. Paul's Lutheran Church where Rev. H. O. Olsen officiated at the final rites for Haakon Selfjord, well known local salmon fisherman and resident of Piince Rupert for twenty-two years, who passed away last week. Peter Lien presided at the kins. 1 People going in and out of the president, was taken ill Saturday Secretary-Donald Darling. night while vlljltlng mh , rlends. fosl lce- ,M1ff M,aS 1iwr,k- JirlLlatJ me Treasurer t. Norton xoungs. ; . was removed to Prince RuDert "b u" "" Executive P. E. Anfield, E D Genera! Hospital and was recov- " '" all the inaiiUl bumps in their stride since the day in 1B82 they said "I do" in Clabby, Ireland. "c "" - to leave Forward, Mrs. O. L. Murray, Mr.'ered sufficiently today fvlebrated the inlay of this ho the Suns of ti :in enjoyable every position as wen a an uu in soft greens and browns of the North Fork of Shawatlans. J. H. McLeod. G. A. Hunter and for nome Miss Helene Boehme, P.H.N. I r..,irf Tvriw was nnmori I Jack Edmundsen arrived English-born Elizabeth Kirkpatrick met her future husband shortly after her father moved ill muni ai ooiis organ to accompany the hymns which were "Nearer My God to ..i,...t . .h. nnoi meet in . the city by air yesterday after On the last Thursday of this of the British' Columbia Red 'noon from Kitlmat where he is month the topic of the Art. ; Thee" and "Abide With Me uilo.s attendee'. -rc. ii.tun h h-lri in , foreman carpenter In connection; Anmecia I Ion discussion and r the family to Ireland. She started teaching school there but Bill turned out to be her best extra-curricular ac After the service Interment Vancouver February 26. IwlthAlcari coastruction, and slides will be Canadian painting 'loft Kw nl;in rt'.v fnt- Vnnpnn- n tn i in inHiA' was made In Fairview Cemetery Pallbearers were Olof Mostad '""..Vs. tivity. They were married and moved John Clausen, Ivar Eidsvik, left ye-sterday, having been call- Mr. priesfs dlsDlav of shellwork G3D Sd by the presi-I Morgan. Iipcr was serv-priils being fibers. A birth-i Ijv Mrs. Knut $e'of the char- i to Canada in 1910, eventually Louise Petersen, Anton and Carl ed south on account of the sud-i . year's work which included case tracing and some assistance in welfare. den death of her brotner, J. P. TUTT pan HsLn lUfiutnrr vetprH.TV - . A. T. Norton Youngs made sug-i ... ,.. setting up house in Prince Ru- Strand. pert, where Elizabeth became1 Those sending flowers were one of the first women alder- Mr. and Mrs. Haakon Selfjord men in Canada's history she (Vancouver!, Mr. and Mrs. Har-held the post two years, at the old Selfjord (Vancouver), Mr. vamn titun Winninrr Hutu tt,ll-i . .-. .1 U..rr.ll CimnrMi.n I Vnn. gesUnns wlth a view to a n ore j here bank drive this effective bl(X)d nte Edmundsen. Mrs. For one thing it should be year. Lean u u motner Qf de other. community activities. couven, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ncl-!!)p"er.t'medin1aJnl111S,, ?5a ,"l ceased. president of jy, spoke of the I Sunja Ladies (stent support jed the lodge 4 He ureed that i up with the (J a Bill was with the old Grand son and family (Vancouver!, 11 naa Decn ' "' Trunk Pacific Railway but mov- Mrs. Johanna Selfjord Norway ,-lAsslst,an,ce 01 tne u" "?r a"!" ed In with the Canadian rus- Mr nnnhlM J.ihnsnn (Snellen). D r 01 vuiuukim., muui wm Itoms department from which he I Mrs. Haldis Wold (Norway!. Mrs.zauon "as "n, .""., Duracleaning 1 I ! I w.. ' retired in 1930. They've lived in Thlna Moller (Norway). Alfred :""'y. ... a M'ifi umis y i .,, , .. j .xt , ... oreanizinB blood donor cunics will be invited. Mr. Youngs saw no reason why, if it was properly organized, one u' n Cwali" made i Mrs' Kirkpatrick believes in 'Herman Rensvold and family, .V 'inrmpr "young marriages" and Mr. K.iMr. and Mrs. Olof Selfjord and .jr-OIl. a lUIIHll .u:i,. .,HW., 1 1,IH K I 41.. . J ji!, lo 1 Morgan 1 Ing a Hie that is "smokeless andi Strand, Anton Strand, Mr. and is recommended b y Canada's leading furniture and dept. stores. Complete thousand pints or blood snouiu not be given In Prince Rupert. work W-'m " ' ! flrinklrss " M .Inhn nri Mr and Mrs The meeting gave recognition P.1 5!',Lwi . toast' A life-long member of the Cari Strand and family, Mr. and F ,tl, jl skm.. ,m th Oddfellows, he can also count ' Mrs. Alf Jensen and family, Mr. to the good work of last year of Mr. Saville in leading the Red Cross work here and to T. Norton Youngs for his efforts in connection with the blood donor ' SllVCr Weddillg . u.njaiiu ivu.. numciiiau, ivt. aiiu 1 rttnbulance Corps for a period of ; Mrs. Emil Pcttersen, Mr. and 1 .,..i aA ti. 63 years. Mrs. Ingvald Feness, Mr. and insurance coverage by Lloyd's of London. "There's Still a SALE on al Fashion Footwear During the Boer War, he was I Mrs. Barney Roald, Peter Wold. it evening was part of approached "seven times" to 'Jack Molver, Hans Langholm, daiicing. w nt i volunteer for duty as a corps; Mrs. M. Johansen, Mr. and Mrs. 'i .4.- member but Elizabeth put her Mrs. Quentin Reynolds Compares Blue Bonnet -Likes It Best! i I foot down. Eivar Johansen, John Mostad, Mi. and Mrs. Jens Husvlck, Mr. and Mrs. O. Stole, Mr. and Mrs Carpetings, Twists, he I "She wouldn't let nic go,' , said. press For 50 years wc have used little white tablets acctylsalicylic acid for relief of pain. Today this familiar pain'lcillcr it available in a new form without the disadvantages of acidity, insolubility and bitter taste. It il calltd DISPRIN and is sold at druggists everywhere. DISPRIN is soluble and substantially neutral. When taken in water as recommended, it alters the stomach as a true solution and not as undissolved particles. It is therefore less liable to cause stomach discomfort. DISPRIN is naiily absorbed. Because it dtfmittly dissolvef (not merely disintegrates) DISPRIN permits speedy absorption and gives quicker relief. DISPRIN is palatable. Even children will take it readily. " Carl Giske and Margaret Giske, Today, Elizabeth is glad she 1 Nels and Ellen Wasseng. Mr. and " Orientals-.'. . .and 1 Mrs. Alfred Pettersen, Qle Vald-jrhaug. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Valderhaug, Louis Pettersen and put her foot down. As for marriage, Bill says: "It's a fifty-fifty proposition." ! Fine Upholstery iamily, Mr. and Mrs. Arne Husoy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mr. and Mrs, Helge Holkestad, Mr. and Mrs. Erling Wick, Mr. and maj' now be safely cleaned Science steps forward with DlSPWN h mi avoHabl 9 rem 4tM9Qn- Sotti, ef 2i tbtfa m Hondy Fecbal Pvldar f S. pent I I X'le appoint-' .irnsworth of He position of I Canadian Nail' li lieadquar-I'was announcers J. C. Parry fid on pension. I started with ithc messenger lit Saskatoon. to the posi- iiKCnt before I to Winnipeg upervlsor. 1r. Farnswortn fi.pany opera-fcincouver and fe on the Van- 7 Mercury Drops In Sudden Cold Coldest night for several weeks in Prince Rupert sent the mercury down to 19.2, a level maintained until early this morning. Temperature at 1.30 p.m. today was 32. A number of citizens are again plagued with frozen water pipes. SAFE Mrs. Elnar Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Webber, Mr. and Mrs. H. GrindstniiKl, Mr. and TVlrs. Eric Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ivald Johan-son, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Pettersen, Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Eidsvik, Mi . and Mrs. Chris Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Juluis Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Oscar Giske and family. Mr. PLEASANT J SPEEDY mmJ. . . . and I'm qlad you want to go in, dear, because there really are some extraordin-ay values." Children's S'ippers 99c Women's Shoes 1.95 2.95 4.95 Men's Shoes 6.95 Fashion Footwear BY THE MAKF.KS OF 'MTTOi' ANTISEPTIC PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISIOW. MONTH EAt aECKITT COIMAN (CANADA) LIMITLD. hint from Mrs. Ouolitill i and Mrs. Einar Telseth, Mr. and llerr's and revived with consid-crat:on for their life and textures Duracleaning restores resilience to wool fibres Pile iinmats and rises Colors revive Furnifhings are Dura-e'eaned in your home No inconvenience in having them gone Also mothproofed, if desired Phone Green 328 A World-wide Service D. J. Duracleaners HoNt:T ! Compare; .. . t u llivim Mis. Mans nagen una n. ... p mirms at av Louis Larsen, Mr. and Mis. Otto i.kf,the nfttcj jurnli.fs wife. v Mostad and Christine, Mr. and vw'll love li.u Boxnut'r fresh, wwt Mrs. Peter Wikdal, Mr. and Mrs. jfovurl Itirh nutrition! 1!I en.nomv! George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Gun- Bm IIovmt is ii. ,.iiit v all- I U,,nskt nar Selvig, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ycgrtaUcnwRariiie. . -- ... in rooking, on f art ahlrs. as 11 111- licouvcr Island 1 bit , 1 not lnclud-! Holtby, Mi. ana Mrs. vrrne ius- , , , H . ,UNM,T, get "nil thrnr Mnvor! .Mltntion! Ironotn-e-cJ lti.iit; ItoNNKT Mariiarine is sold in sum. Oiol Mosiau ana lamuy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helland, Mi. and Mrs. Harold Childs, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Berge, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sandvar and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Knutsen, Mr. two typra regular c-onou.y paekaxo w ( st prince Rupert, B.C. with color iiafrr, and also 111 the falnum disfinpislii'd product of Ike Bitimii DAVK JUNta Ytixow Ovik baa for faH, easy color. T-IJ lupert Mrs. T. !and J. McMurdie. A. Stevpnsoh, ne, M. M. Fra. t .JClcorge McKec, . J. E. Porton, it Galloway and and Mrs. John Clausen, A. Ander- ; son, Einar Sornes and family, ; Mi. and Mrs. Harold Erickson M. and Mrs. Bvmhoft Pedersen and Rolf. B. Bakken, Mr. and; Mrs. Riiclo'ph Olsen and Mar- i '"'. 1. stun. uver; Mr. and garrt. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Berg ; Mali 4 Butedale; F. and family. 5 0. McGregor. owUj JkuNpltiAe ' cod D. H Iiillis, Kitimat PI ers I'" f CU-b , ting Tuesday Hall. (42c I r t 1 -V i 1 I A ..m a uood start fitlals from the CONQUER CANCtrt CHAIRMAN Hubert A. Wallace, well known Victoria ship builder and brother of Clarence Wallace, lieutenant-governor, has been appointed chirman of the 1952 Conquer Cancer Campaign in British Columbia. The objective for British Columbia tliis- year Is $250 000. The cam-pa'gn will be launched in April. ' Week March uiviii.i.m to. Lid. BC RESERVE Canadian tyiiiAy (46c 1 r Onioi 1111011 STAINLESS STEEL UTEMSILS meeting. 1 1 Vi hen it comes to looking after the family money, we take our hats off to the ladies. You're the financiers who show such wisdom in spending and saving these days. Because more and more of you are opening accounts at The Commerce, we've prepared a handy purse size booklet we think you'll 6nd very useful in your day to day banking. It's called, "It's Simple When You Know How" and offers a variety of helpful tips on banking practice. l taaaaw - brttc 1 pioppe. 1 f h In; Way. 8 -J-BnlH-.-s 1 dlE . 'Of'' Ca. Ithori. .1 Pixnn 1 . Jtriv. s lor c. fi . Union Hall.J i'lrsted to at-I .(43c)! p customers of ifi Laundries ; unvcrs are Hi Miners. No 3 authorized to (tour work. i4Sc Ask for your copy ot your local t branch, or write $ - , mm 1 tit n-emym w The Canadian Bank - ' - "COOEY" Chrome Tables and Chairs Beaut II ul chrome pieces In timcloss good taste, perfect ior homes of yesterday, today and tomorrow. of Commerce, 1 Toronto, WOMAN HO Hf NINO f Move "l regularity troubled with "t-s woman in "Then I started frgularly, No f sincel" If y0u, Kularity due to why not try 1A1.L-BRAN? It's rewin youthiul Hon and protein, ("K. And the only cereal that aup- "u may need. .y; drink plenty P is so sure you'il J if you're not I "fter 10 da, to Kellnjrg',, ?d get DOLBLB Tables from 51.25 Chairs from 12.25 The THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. Canadian Bank of Commerce Gordon & Anderson This advertisement is not published or displayed by the "The Commerce" Liquor Contfol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Limited Phone 46