'WT ORMES PROVINCIAL LI3??-??, 1IJ DRUGS JI7ICTWIA, S. C. f-T 4 fsf Nr DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert,. the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I VOL. XLI, No. 42 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 19, 1952 PRICE F IVE CENTS In Ml "A. .'-ill ' jV CABS l(lsrT('HKI " " I .. i . . . f , , i t , i . Pay For Holiday It All Depends On Kind of Agreement Fierce Winter Gale Brings Tragedy to Ships on Atlantic BOSTON (CP) Thirty-two seamen were rescued and 56 others were lost or awaiting help after ( V, i " j l-jra i pit "?? i Highway Sixteen to Get Legislative 'Attention VICTORIA (f The Norther)! Trans-Provincial Highway from Prince Rupert to Prince Cfeorge is among public works ficpaiUiciii. construction project whirh will be placed before the Leg slature at the session which opened today, it was announced in the Speech from the Throne. Construction of a highway between Squamish and North Vancouver is also proposed -.(Steel could not be obtained for extension of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway from Squamish t-- North Vancouver, a distance ot 40 miles. It was explained. i Election of rw school?, hospitals and "other public building-'1 will also be provided for. ' VICTORIA (P Whether or not overtime is to be paid for those ! who worked on the special holiday for the King's funeral last Friday depends on the type of bargaining agreement. f Many workers who are paid by the day or hour will lose a days two tankers broke in two late yesterday off Cap.:' unLrTgreernVhirifbe5: Cod in a fierce and sudden storm which claimed aS cause some union contracts re- least 25 lives ashore and covered the New Lngiand and Canadian Maritimes coast with a desp blanket rf crniv .. ' quire that employees be paid for j only specific holidays' such as I Christmas, etc. In cases like thes-s, employers need not pay their workers for Friday if they One Hurdle Cleared in Korean Armistice Talks at almost the same time yes-' terdav in the winter's worst While searching for one tank-t er. the Fort Mercer, which had had the day off Other union , iwr res. , srm. ..... i ... e i . : fnnhnfta contracts sav tau pmnlnvpps employees must must ha be MUNSAN (Canadian Press) Negotiators paid for ail special holidays even on the final clause of the Korean armis-i1 The0yse J, wnicn did cue aircraft unexpectedly slgnt-1 one 01 tne survivors or uw. ed another, the Pentleton, whichj Pendleton. Douglas B. Potts, 31, was breaking in two. Seven men said. the ship "broke in half all are known dead off the two , ol a sudden." ships and 13 others are unac- ; "i looked out and saw the bow O - J A A 3'-Jdtodaj ay ; -VV V JJSK ffA t-ce but two ' 'Ull. V.. tyB ' Anient. '.''It I """ A. C-l i The The aereeme agreement major hurdles Still blocked a truce set- main open must pay their em- ployees according to their union t. counted for. . of the boat floating to port.' Is to recom Officer Made Bookie Bets ithatOTerltae Quick rescue worlC by the ' Kay Syberof Norfolk. Vlrguua, ieTSays m wtke coastguard resulted in 32 sea-;the Pendleton s chief engineer lo - specif s 'will n being Uken off the stern said the noise of the vessel be lony their regular ipay (wXCnt P-tion of the Penciieton by , b,eaklng up SOUnded 'hke a roa, halers- One man was ,of thunder, ! contracts say that overtime is to means f be paid on all official holidays, 1 los' durine thls ra"0"' THEIR SHIP BREAKING mend that the belligerent governments hold a high level po- i litical conference within 90 days after an armistice to con- : sider "withdrawal of all foreign irCK-Thls is all that was left ef the office of bank manager E. J. Fitzgerald of Ottawa 1 ... w, . .... U n.on4 nut nf n,tml a n ,1 fntnlli, tnliirnH him U.'hilo ho U'9S in VANCOUVER (CP) Detective the employees get time-and-a- i olaer ' 1 i The freiehter Helen Stevenson, ! forces from Korea, peaceful set tlement of the Korean question, William J. Butchart of the city half. ; Jlrt tJ1 hnvi which has 35 aooard, radioed to- km ir to h clent Here a reporter interviews bank teller Fred McCullough, who was (CP PHOTO i the office door when the accident occurred. el(z' , . . gambling squad Monday testified e fu-m has nq agreement - ; day that she is in danger of The agreement was reached in 6 ' wlth lts employees, it may pay p", . : splitting in two about 230 miles ' he had made a , most $200.- ,nn ; Meantone a more t t r r a g 1 r c , a full dress session. lhem straight tlme or oveI.Ume q( Ctoff nfr rare n:cra Qucianori tn 1HU fll I Liatllt DIS. ACVC11LV" It ric rue - o the job of incorporating the five percent of them with book- mmmmm acted as 23 crew members on A SOS was received irom me the Foit Mercer, also with bow 7,226-ton vessel by the coast onM ttom hrnicpn anart bv the euard. reporting that cracks ech Announces Limited recommendations in the armis- during the last twenty-four tice. Kemano Getting ! force of the gale, are unac- across the mam deck were wiue-! counted for and supposedly lost. ning. i Another ship, the Helen Stev-1 Search and rescue planes from enson, was reported badly dam-iKindley Air Force base at Ber- laged by the storm 200 milss muda were maintaining vigil north of Bermuda. , over the ship. The 5 0 - m 1 1 e northwester gram of Legislation years. - The "expert on betting" made j the statement while being cross- examined at the trial of 26 per-1 sons accused of conspiring to keep betting houses. ! "I made them Illegally, not in the course of duty," he admitted. "Vmi vpnl tn rpnrPKPntirfff the Reduction in Cigarette Tax C MA I 1 41 1 Big Generator PETERBOROUGH, Ont. A generator with the largest ca-. pacity ever to be built In Can-; ada is to be constructed at the 1 Peterborough works of the Canadian General Electric Co. , for the Kemano power devel-i opmcnt of the Aluminum Co. ; of Canada Ltd. It will have a '' shipplng'ueisht tn08 tons; 1 flmiMrul Pillion mwl I'iniu.r Ploliiuritn Indil lll I'd tmcl I ' caused at least 30 deaths ashore on the New England coast, sev-! eral of them dying of heart fail -WEATHER- Synopsis Important Issues Deferred OTTAWA 0 tobacco -Ontario ,aw and made laV Defence growers Monday asked the Can-' counsel G. L. Fraser asked. ure irom exeruon oi snow Strike Today I didn't represent the police Overnight temperatures fell '.u, . shovelling. artment," the detective alt VICTORIA (Canadian Press) The Speech : adian government for a tax cut Tr7nTthe f hfone read tay tt tFe open'ing of the out A mantle of nine Inches' of freezing or beltw in'al! sectioi'iv ered. nt t.hp nrovince. In the ceuuui , snow was laid on Nova Scotia. I I inforirir Prinrp George was tne British Columbia Legislature forcast a provincial di(.ated "laler that they may gct ' . j general elction soon and a plebiscite on the liquor xtr ' ObstOCieS f tO Elltry TOW TO BOSTON ! coldest with . minimum of 2i I The coastguard cutter East f Delow wnile victoria was the Wind moved to the side oi me mildest spot wjtn a low of 32 cL- oi,ara4 slam upMnn nf t.hp Port - H.. 1.1 R - The strike at ;j' r Co plant vnded I a new agreement btnpany had been f the union. The V '' bigun Saturday i ivum -".'u bvv..-.. gj-ppo oKies weic IllUrttl France Agrees of Germany Removed; .', . t " . ' , 1 i, 1 I l,l. t . I vl 1 I ft r i A K.'u N i1 t. ' k,K'? , i ' i ;S4 1 k V''," lit , ' , 1 1 F U-V..H7. A-1' ' :V''V;." !'il' ' 1 I I i ,w i t i ft .! -' ' ! X h" If (Ucstion. i The speech, read by. Lieutenant Governor Clarence Wallace, 'said the only business to be Minister Douglas Abbott and i Francis R. Gregory of Leaminfc-! ton, Ontario discussed the is- iwcrcer m ruugn scaa iuuhj wit general cloud banKs ojciu-planned to tow the wreck and 33 ( onI ln tne southern interio.-. remaining crew members aboard Not mucn change is looked ior to Boston. ! today or tonight. Some incrca-e The captain and another sur-, in i.,llfnnp.w in coastal sections Agreement Reached on Seven Important Points . sue as a delegation of growers ' gathered to protest what they i called an "out-dated and archaic tobacco tax structure in Can- 's Stocks wm To Rearming Of Germany' ed before the Legislature be of a nature considered to 'essential for the mainten . LONDON (CP)-The foreign ministers of -three ;tT the 1'!" ...i. ... .i,v,t w-pstorn nnwprs and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of i A message from the cutter; t..ard cpntral Alaska movea ; ada." Mi. Gregory ance of public service." The plebiscite on liquor will i,, v, Viova romnvwl ; Yakatat, a rescue ship, said that' across th e Gulf of Alasa tow aid PARIS (CP) The French Na- ; t remain cold. , ',V.,..h tax by 'uirh. about nail f WChiern ueimany Miu jr wjr ..o.v .w.. two more survivors were still on ; , the the coast. coast. lt wiU , ttonal Assembly today gave a; cigarette r.0arv'a Ptitranpp into the European the bow but heavy seas prevent- probably ask the opinion of tlv Forecast voters on the sale of spirits by hesitant and deeply qua mica ; as . vn T. T"' rT " TTU0,lled their immediate rescue: 1L.. 1 ln nf.lrtnU hnrS Pl'P endorsement io me iuiuiii nu.uRU pfirnmunilV. iulllisters are vkmi m.nccun ui uivvu Thirtv-th ree men were aboard North Coast ttegion vun.iui-- su.iiuuij sumably the w plebiscite will be , , 'army plan for rearming Cer-; ' : Association growers' ZorZ delegation.- and head Gregory of States, Anthony Eden, British Foreign Minister, and the drifting stem, about neioeast ast cr- Meanwhile the stern of the wise clear. Cloudy tomorrow A Piprtinn . ; The assembly's action came o.i i that this would reduce the retail porei1,n Minister Robert Schuman, i ' c, , nirt .ht the a vote of confidence in the gov-; price to 30c a package from 42c b France Is listed In the com-i : Pendleton floated more than five ; few snow flumes near mia-uuy miles south of Chatham Light, tomorrow. Continuing cold winds ernment of Premier Edgar-Faure , and half tte Browing : "garette Legislature will be asked to ratify munique. iu ,,.. rwimliiiim.nmvllll'llll vmiu .iidaio 'c --- .,llc thpv sa ri 15- inet on the army plan. Bus Plunges Into River successful conclusion o ment on the conference. Infor- ured a the talks now going on in Bonn mants said, however, that It was likely the cigarette tax may be "nti Paris. - The three ministers and Adea- sliced when the 1952-53 budget comes out in April but not as "er Dave been engaged In con; ference here since Satmday in mu"h as the growers want. ,!", VZ an effort to smooth German- Japan Back In Seal Pact 1i jMhu-l...! I'll Vlll ) ' M (11 VI II 1 ! '.uulaid . . .23 6.00 , 04 1 I'l'z 1.20 ' . 05 Jii.e - .48 I ?"t 1.03 1 i-"s 22 1 I' 8.50 2 15 i dv-r 35 i !. : .. . .io ; : 03' 2 .... 1.67 1 ii'icr ... .60 .21 ' 03 x 10 "lind 2 52 'milium 3.25 fitum 9.00 53 220 ''": 2.90 16.20 26 3.80 iifn 22 2 2 18 00 OIIONTO 09 It was believed that no one was east (25i in mainland m.o'.s, still aboard so it was planned to otherwise north Uoi. Lows to-s-nk the derelict with gunfire. night and highs tomorrow at The Pendleton and the Fort ; Port Hardy and Sandspit. 28 and Mercer, apparently, broke up j 40; Prince Rupert, 23 and 35. Liberals Agree on Compromise Session i VICTORIA (Canadian Press) The British Co CHATEAUGUAY, Quebec (CP) A hus carrviiie 43 passengers. taxation agreement. Reports of three inquiry boards Into compulsory hospital Insurance service, the Labor Act and i Workmen's Compensation will i be tabled but only "cfrtaln 1 recommendations" of the board inquiring into workmen's com- pensntion will be dealt with, the 'Speech said. In view of the recent death of the King, usual pomp and ceremony were lacking when the tne Mondav night plunged through a French relations and open iprpH hv three nerrent a way for the creation of an Eur- guarc; rail into the Chateauguay OTTAWA (CP) For the first , oackaee a vear ago. time In more than a decade Ja- pan Is joining Canada and the j United States this year In per- : C I A i opean army in wnicn ueriunii River, severely injuring six per-i and French armed forces would 60ns ibe unified and pave the way lor An e.wUnesg said the bus a "peace contract' between ft tnrougn the ramng when Western Germany occupation; approacning the bridge and fell Pwers- some twelve feet. Only the front lenmal studies of the great Prlb- J 1 (JfJ LI I U Ul Lieutenant -Oovernor opened the' Uof Lslandseai heras of the Port Edward session. ine Koyai tauuuiuu northern Pacific. ' Mounted Police, however, fired a japan's re-entry into continu-! salutj and there was a guard of , ing g sea, researcn program lumbia political scene Monday night was akin to the compression chamber but no explosion came. Liber government members met in caucus for nearly seven hours to mau out a program for the fourth session of the bus went through the ice. Most of the passengers scrambled through windows to safety RCMP are Investigating rantrmff acrass me rucuii. lla The Speech from the Throne fflclals her, expectations ! snou.nA "CJ?:W'C1 "i" ' .but towing trucks were called Trapper's Body Found in North Irpni parpfnllv punrded untlL . . 1, , , t (a.. t -urn . to .". will hPrnme a sinnalOrv . from a nearby garage to drag the nf fV,p 22nd Legislature which opened tociay. bus out so that rescuers could; .,.. i.ihprals. Including : 'Scvemor ' tne Aiaska. fur seal 'm' Governor. . . , which she abroga ted in 94 ; said todfly Juvcnllc get to others of the Injured. 'three straight coalitionists whoVored a full-dress program of make VICTORIA O A Royal Can- Some oi .tne victims we : . . fh , . t,, sup. ! ''"'r. i :,;,:, was too hysterical "to iiuestioned adian Mounted Police plane from thought to have suffered broken , jr the UDerais. . ,,,,. pmrd emergeu from ...... b . . conirous oi me lumug ' .mnK p-ico" .hn among the 300,000,000 mat imbi-ui ,. . ,. . . T .' . i,i i.. port j since Liberals and progressive the chamber with "no com- . . been elecU,d last, lugin, ah i-iiuce xujii.i i f rince oeorge is iiyius oinucis ... t.tl 1 C- .. f .... n..,..nl Drtltilr.r uadlun Iters , , a, l i General Hospital, she is reported mcnts." ! as a team. Premier Johnson is .20 .83 .22 'i 37.50 3 90 .46 .22 8.50 ' in ood condition today Canada and the United States lnree nouis mwi, nriPrstood to believe that tin? r, 1 -ni4nn WIC. John Gilbanks Laid at Rest i Funeral was hold yesterday of John Gilbanks, 02-year-old vct-; eran of two wars who died sud-idenlv last Thursday. Rev. Fred into the Dease Lake area, 20 miles from Mocassin Mine, to investigate the death of Philip Hankin, 73-year-old trapper. Hankin was found shot in his trap' line cabin last Friday. RobberyAdmitted By Rupert Man Attorney oenei ai lubel.als although stin Com- mer. No. 2 man in the cabinet, mandin a majority ln the 48-issued a statement of ten words. Hgase foM not ca,ry o11 "We haVe reached unanimous government alone because conclusions on the course to .... . . ,rtn,0 are now the only signatories to the treaty which protects about 80 per cent of the world's lur seals. Japan withdrew from thd ip'.m Simvknife Grain Ship Now Loading A prospector, Stanley Brldcut, VANCOUVER rnnnri thp hodv according to C-V1," h: Pursue. people to do so. - agreement before the second world war. She claimed the herd Mounted Police Sallas. 19. who said he came from f.ra,lrUO I Unofficially, it is reported the 11.00 .39 .13 .13 ', , .12 .50 .68 .13 With lining of the Japanese here. ' Prince Rupert, and Earl Morris no comment whatever was migrating along the Japan session will last about a montu and will ratify the Dominion- huge grain ship Atago Maru complet- The cabin is near the British of Whalley in ine. rraser vam-y indication" ed yesterday noon, wheat has Columbia-Yukon border. pleaded guilty on Monday to five ese coast and devouring quantities of fish. The government gave no indi- provincial taxation deal, handlo beoun to pour into hvr holds It has been estimated that charges of armed roooery. iney cation of what course it will pur- some aspects of the inquiry which will hp fillpri with S45niin Hankin had been dead about one will be sentenced tomorrow. rt Lake Antrobus officiated at the rile, held from Orenville Funeral ' Chapel. 1 Numerous Legion members i were present. Mrs. J. S. Black, organist, played two hymns, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and "Abide With Me." ! A Canadian Legion ceremony ! followed at the burial plot at 1.91 board report on the Workmen s bushels before departure. . month. His dogs had been shot Police say that the two were sue Unofficially, it Is reported that Compensation Act and pass a Some "40.000 feet of lumber was and covered with snow outside responsible for a recent wave oi "'kshmt ,"Z 2.15 I 40 small grocery store hold-ups in a compromise has been reacneo. budget wnicn win aiiow a oiS Canada Wins Over Czechs used in lining the steel holds, the cabin, police said. Work was done by local carpen- ters and longshoremen under the - direction of Capt. Hector Perry, i . T I D C J " 79.50 which not more than $200 was Deiweeu nvm ...- ukicmc iu. .... stolen side the Liberal ranks. iprovement. A 20-year-old waitress arrest-! Premier Johnson Is believed) It is believed the House will ed with the men boasted to the to have favored .a brief session not deal with the controversial police that she accompanied i which would have passed qnly : Hospital Insurance Act or the Falrview Cemetery at which nst.n ;(! Canada overcame a of Canadian Stevedoring Co. Ltd. i Bugler W. J. Ranee played the j "Last Post." i stubborn Czechoslovakian team! Grain loading is expected to Wednesday, February 20, 1952 .30 1.54 2.4V v .i8y2 4.25 I to win 4 to 1 In the Olympic be completed tomorrow noon High Pallbearers, all Legion mem 18 8 feet them on eight hold-ups. The money bills to carry on tne; Labor act. 15 5 feet poil however, did not believe government. Such a program would repre- Wlsmer. the other: sent a compromise between a on 10 6 feet her st-ry and she was freed from -Mr. hand, is reported to have fa-.stop-gap session and a full one. 5 9 feet custody , louyn P'dim f - -r .... bers, were Bob- Bone, Carl An I Hockey championship series. It whe,n the vessel will sail for In TTniiin RnV tn hiit-tlrnr hpfA.-a urn- l.nu- 22:10 1:42 15:32 7.60 Irlersnn .tnlin I.imrip nnri ' John I iiuulc . . Canada -,.' ! fAi.rth fnurt.h win win iceeding to Japan. ' j . 167 4 Maerinugall. 1 the series. ' . , It