3rince Rupert Daily NPW. Tuesday, tVbruary 19 1952 1 ON THE ALLEYS ... uuui,, B,,at, if -ill. irn f.iMii ni" 5i I jn u " this section with Hi-Ballers two uv ..... '"'Stv points behind. led In Section B. Jan Jansen. ! , . ,"rw M Whose high average Is 201, bowled 635 for a three-game total. Dick Ciillaghan knocked over 612 points for a high-tlirec score 1 and 251 for a single in the men's iron, cV Albert & Mt-Cafi" from Nelson hea"s and cm,' "Pl't points, t The weekly tJ" name was rolled hi 'hh 909. R,Jlss with 2572. Weekly hieh .... I ' 1 -j ;i Would Speed Phone Site City Council To Bid $25,000 2 Fur Third Avenue Site J An offer of $25,000 will be a made to the Liquor Control Board of British Columbia by the city of Prince Rupert for the former liquor store located on ! Tliird Avenue and Third Street. B propo-ed as a site for a new automatic telephone exchange building site. Decision was reached Satur- day night at a special sitting of f city council after a two-hour B session. The long debate began on a question of whether or not to send Aid. Michael Krueger as a delegate from Vancouver to J Victoria on official city busi- ness. B Akl. Krueger had told council previously he was going to Van- couver lit this time on business of tile company which employs ! him. Finance committee was diviMon where lldge HolkrMad Is still holding down the high average of 11)6. Mrs. Enrldge bowled ladies' high-single with 242. Three-some team score of 2628 urns hnwled bv SDarks. whll thi- h. Maniacs shot highest single fur j Ryals, who rolM the night with Vlt. STANDINGS Section A Whip-Its 21, III- -"j - , "r - j J if EA : respectively. J Weekly 200 Ciu Season "hiehj- t ;clals. 2694. high ti ; Lng. 232. inm 6'1; Art oiscn , i 'liKli-tlirer WEDNESDAY ONLY PEOPLES STORE Going Out of Business Sale Nylon Hosiery Take Your Choice: 42 Gauge S9c 45 Gauge 99c 51 Gauge $1.09 Only a "Going Oout of Business" Sale could d. th's. Peoples Store is not only offering S'ou all gauges of nylon hose in one sale but at Peoples Store you'll get them all at low. low untouchable prices. i Bailers 19. Stor-ikes 18, boom Gang 17, Weeds "15, Skylarks 15 Slowpokes 14. Alley Cats 12 I Steam Jets 11, Chain Gang 11 Hopeful Six 10, Handicaps 8. i Section B Sparks 21. Shin- 1 Team Standi HONEYMOONER JAILED John Lalonde, 43-year-old magazine saio;man of Lanaik, Out., shown with his 15-year-old bride, was jailed on a charge of abduction- six days after his marriage to Marjorle Mary McGonegal. The warrant for the arrest was ;,worn out by the school gill's mother, Mrs. Eidwooct MeOww-eal of Lanark, who was visiting Sault Ste. Marie, Ont , when the couple married. A two-day search by polic-e for the couple ended when Lalonde and his bride walked into Provincial Police head- 1 pcrs 19. Production Line 17. CCC . Nelson Bios, n ... Equiullae 16, Maniacs 15, Wood Mi t'atlcry 15 Butchers 14, Internationals 14, ' Ju(?heads 4. given power to act in authorizing Aid. Krueger and Aid Hills, who also went to Vancouver on company business, as delegates. 1 CP PHOTO 1 quarters at Perth, Ont. Special meeting was requested ..v Aldermen J W Pruskv. Hons terminating at the old . AS RECKLESSLY MM...as afratv,fyU, ' liquor store. The bid on what it ticorge Casey. Harry Daggett new system will mid H F Qlasscv when finance ' com lor a Industrialist From Sweden committee could net agree on this matter. be based on those plans. But if we can t get the building, it is the problem of the council to Considerable feeling ran throughout the debate in which decide on another location ns Mavor Harold Whalen called for soon as possible-order several times. The mayor; Mayor Whalen called on the also told several aldermen point council to "act and not waste blank they were "wasting time" time any longer, and they didn't "know your own 1 "If don't decide and make j,,,)." upon our minds as to what we After throwing out two mo- want pretty soon, we'll be wait-tions and an amendment which ing another year longer for a sought to leave all city ncgotia- '.cw telephone system, and I for lions with the Victoria govern- one. hate to feature that." incut until after the Lccislaturj ! It is expected that if nego ADDED FEATURE - LADIES' SILK BRIEFS Knut VarfeUlt, Danish-born industi ialist of Malino, Sweden, i Is paying a brief visit here with 1 his brothers. Gunnar and Ole j Varfelcll, In the course of a busi-I ness tour of Canada and the i United States. He arrived Friday j by a!r from Vancouver and will ' be leturning sor.th tomorrow. ! It Is the fust visit to this con-1 tinent for Mr. Varfcldt who is Quantity is limited to As-orted sizes as. well w assorted colors. It's another top bargain Lac? trimmed, stock on hand 39c L.cinn nmmil Tirtillu annrnUA'l tiations wiln tne Liquor , control VVIJ1I W UA illlllll T rivuiutcu I - , , , , a motion to offer S25.000 tor ihe Board arc not successful, tele- ! manager of a roofing and asphalt RUPERT PEOPLES STORE TODAY toWEM ii,,,.,.r or,ri ,.r,,,mrt nniv Dhone exchanec site will he I maniilacturlng concern at Mai- action to be taken at this time Plus AKTOON . NEWS Shows 7 - 9:00 CAPI1 rnoscn next to tne present city!""1- . u..wul, nail sitc. ' 1 travelled extensively In Europe 1 and, in addition to Danish and urn linn itiaaiiiiiiii iiaiiiciigicsiiiiiiiiii A AUDI'S nut, CUInr ami Wni..i.t oweoisn, ne speaKs tngllsh i . French and German fluently Meantime, Aid. Krueger will attend the Union of B. C. Municipalities meeting in Vancouver as a city delegate, t MANGES MIND Aid. Casey also said 1 e had changed his mind about approving the Post Office site on Sec TRADE-IN MOW Bound north from Vancouver j to Skagway and other Alaska points on A regular scheduled voyage, CPR freighter Yukon Princess, Capt. Shields, was in BASKET BUZZES ond Avenue as a future home for Before coming here on his trip, ' wh:ch is-being carried out en-i tlreiy by air, Mr. Varfcldt was in ' New York. Chicago and San Francisco. After leaving here he ! will visit Victoria, Toronto and i Montreal. , This is the first time he has ; .seen his brother Gunnar In ; twenty-three yeurs white it is TOTEAA A F.WIUl S l-l. -.l UtS TIIEATKI' He said he was Port on Sunday, arriving at on account of,l":30 a.m. and sailing at 3:45 civic buildings opposed to it p.m. Thv vessel had a full cargo of freight for Skagway enroute to the Yukon. hKcly high expciiit involved tn purchasing the property first ol all ' money we can't spare at this time." After Mayor Whalen called Or, fore the council," City Clerk P., W. L0115 said the "mo.st pressing problem at this time" was to Una DYNAMITE i twenty-seven years since he lust Turser A. II. Robinson of the saw Ole. He is keenly interested Union steamer Camosun is olf In Prince Rupert and has had this week for a holiday at home the opportunity to visit various ; in Vancouver. A. Anderson is re- Industries here. Trade-in 9' 2 CU. ft. DELUXE Allowance Refrigerator $499.00 $100.00 8'2 cu. ft. DELUXE Refrigerator . .. $461.50 $ 70.00 8'2 cu. ft. STANDARD Refrigerator $432.50 $ 65.00 DELUXE Range $519.00 $100.00 STANDARD Range $388.50 $ 75.00 DELUXE WASHERS $359.95 $ 50.00 slatting ....t Diictni . GROUCHOlt purser during his s,,.)n after thp rnd of lne war ftfl Mr. Varfcldt hud occasion to visit a site for the telephone exchange 1 absence building. ! JAnt" FRANK I Germany, among other places , City basketball playoffs continue tonight in a four-team fixture, one game to decide who will meet the league topping Elks i Saturday. ! Playing their second of a two-game, total-point series,, CCC j 300 and Rainmakers take to the j floor in the final show. Winner ; in points will play Elks. Score Saturday was 60-54 in favor of ,CCC. Meanwhile, the second round of semi-finals starts when Man-son's face Gordon & Anderson in the first senior bill tonight. Theirs is also a two-game, total-point feature which finishes Saturday Winner enters the finals v th 'Slks, or team playing ; Ell-s whoever wins the total - j point series. "The telephone engineer has drawn his plans on nil connee- CPSS Princess Loui.'-e, Cupt. TODAY TO WEDNESDAY - Evenings Sho: tne stricken city of Aachen where not a single building was left standing after the bombings. t 3 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Ronald Hicks, arrived in port at 1:30 pm. yesterday, a Jew hours late due to cargo unloaded at Kemano Bay. Passenger list leaving Vancouver totalled 179, of' which 21 arrived at Prince Rupert. Others were employees for the Kemano-Kitimat site. Those disembarking here were G. Mulvey, Don McKerricher, championship playoff will be a best two of three series. Meantime, Prince Rupert oll-stars, the Co-op Challengers, are turning out three nights a week to bear down with Coach Alex Bill in preparation for the big test. Senior "A" playoffs- begin We Speciolizc in USED WIRE Wft Besner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C.. uiicd re is r '. Ail f For The Logging Industry "Each line is carefully graded and tested Honour waichou.se to assure you of complete sats. in Penticton March 13. when Mrs. Boyd. S Burchell, Mr. Mc- ! Finals begin Marcli 4 and Challengers meet Omegas In a , cuaiii. Mrs. J. Slack. Mr. Churs- Thr-y i best of tliree scries. . ky. Dr. ens Munthe. O. E. McKce. ' If y nc STEAM tit Prince George B.C. Wire Rope & Supply Co Rear 549 Toylor St., Vancouver,' B.C. TAikl J mm.wm"mHt -k, ppw" """1 wiiex only Winner goes on to Vancouver, j. f. T. Marquette, Mr. and Mrs.) where B. C. finals begin March t. E. Duffey. J. A. Lindsay, J. 17, also best of three. L. Jackson. Mrs. Spi-'adboro. "I'm not making any rash promises," says Coach Bill, "but j F.ank Watcrhouse freighter we've got something entirely ; chilliwack arrived yesterday different this year and I thinu!from the north with 235 tons Of there is a good chance It may 'concentrates from Stewart and work." Bill was referring to a 1 137 tons from Alice Arm. Chilli-new type playing tactics which wack win load 10 Cars of herring he is drilling Into his men. I meal at Butedale before proceecl- Hc will take a 10-man lineup ; ing to Ocean Falls for 72 tons of with him to go south, all of;papei for Powell River. whom arc expected to get the j necessary ten days off from their i If you wanttr sell il, advertise' work. 1 it. News classified. . VAXCOrVER j and VICTORIA 1 SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday .it 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN W 1 : 1 ) N j;SDA V iM!DNK HI Luxury at Low Cost Troubles! Only One Rooi SUNDAY Chilcotin il p.m. TUESDAY Camusun 12 noon ARM, STKWART AND s.s ss ALICE Rent and Ten Replies To Advertisement. POKT SIMPSON SuikUiv, Cai'iosiin. 1 1 p m. K.tK NOUTII OI KKN CHAKI.OTTK ISLANDS February la and 2!) ss. Chilcotin midnight I Olt SOI Til (U KEN (HAKLOITE ISLANDS ss. Cl'ilcotin February 22 I JtAVK J. t KINNK.U Prince Ru;ruU Auci.t J For Reseivalions if 1 ' V.ri,eorCal, feT I I env on dlpot J r y oi fice m v ' I f ' jffa i'RINCK RUPERI WILL DO U I i CLASSIFIED ADS PAY Al Was Good Man For Prairie Farmer But He Did Not Stay The whistle of a freight train warned the prairie town it was moving on but hardly had the echo across the parched fields subsided when a knock sounded on the door at the end of a well trodden path. Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form Third Avenue Phoi-e 568 "Al's, my name," said the mid-1 die-aged bareheaded man dress Do You Ask ed in rough . garb, and he continued to tell the blue-uni farmed man a story of being hungry, without a job, . home or relatives who c:eu. ANOTHER WEEK I Another week went by before I the farmer called once more--1 this time for another man. "Why what happened to Al? Vou were sold on him, you said." , i The farmer told this story: ! ' "We were working the back Yourself Questions Like These! ; The fitory was well-known to : the other who was, in part, a welfare worker. It was a story i told so many times, the kindly ; man wondered why they didn't change it Just a little sometimes. ! But Al got his meal ticket, of fifty, near the railroad tracks There is a long valley down which the train comes and a lot of cross roads the train has ' course, and with it left for the town restaurant. Within minutes, the "Army" i man answered a telephone call. ' It was from a farmer, wanting ;1 N-rfr 1 Is my cor worth repairing? Shall I do it now? 2 Why ore my tires wearing unevenly? 3 Why does it miss when I want auick pick ups? 4 How con I cut down on qasoline consumption? IT'S TIME TO SEE US FOR A GENERAL CHECK-UP Superior Auto Service 75. 4 1 a man to work "for a couple of I weeks." J "A man for a ol3' Wnv surc' 1 I know just where to find one." Number of Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25, cost, insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c) to pass over ..." The farmer went on to say-how the morning was so clear the moan of the whistle seemed to hang in the air. Al heard the whistle, too. In fact, he stopped the tractor he was driving ns the freight train neared. He asked the farmer to pay him oil quickly. "I gave him his pay and he took off. Had his bundle with him, too. Caught the freight at the nearest crossing." Just then, the moan of a whistle warned the prairie town a freight was coming through. "I guess there goes our Al," said the farmer. "And he's probably not alone," suggested the Army man. p it ;! Add four words If bo: number required was tne prompt ripiy, and halt , an hour later Al was on his way ! to the farm. A week later the farmer called 1 again this time to say what few employers have time for. ' "Thanks tor sending that man PJ to Name I Liinncu Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 oyer, the farmer said to the "Army" maa "But why would such a good worker be out of I Address Phone No- a job? He can stay here as long This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by '.he Government ol British Columbia. NEWS ADS get RESULTS as he likes