Piincc Rupert Daily Mews iHt"" " JB!Bl'A; j See t AilAboard; KaV IW Hv C f.. E. E. MORTIMORE MORTIMORE ! U and REMIND Saturday, November 14, 1953 I PROMISED TO SING v. I AT Ti nr-iTAi ir . I 1 Federal parliament members r.i. ...... draw six thousand, and this ' prediction ,he P" pleasant responsibility is now! Mun Whamt' " . - ..it ' ? Ui Independent daily newspaper devutt d to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Assfx-iathm. Published by The Prince Huput U.ulv Ni-ws Limited. J. P. MAGOK. President H. U. I'KKJiV, Vice-Pre uilcnt by ft - EVERYBOCy BUY5 I'LL BUV J AOZE CHRISTMAS DOUBLE ftf SEALS THAN THEY MY USUAL V V DID LAST YEAR. S ( AMOUNT IF I youpeowisp I bving discharged. host ofl e.n.j.,- jg inure Canadians will consider this and the rin,. reasonably generous. But more I rally snnnn Mys b will quickly reckon It's hardly ottV . e t $1C f0. Subscription Rates: ;y carrier Per wetk. Ubc; per month. 1 0; pr y y mall Per month. 7fc; p r y ar. tK 00 -VJ IJUv U NOT TO SING.' enough, and be prepared to ar- i mw ot . fla?s uthorlzed as second class; mail by the Post Office l partuu-nt, wA&Ti y j-ue the point. ""-StLaur-entT; During an"dIfte7 th. uln mwh4 , m ore Work Than Glory THIS WILL HELP trt jin it is that Prince Rupert and other northern B.C. ports One Day in Ottawa A BATH feels wonderful after about a week on and off and on again ou " .,',.... w Busing; I" will b'-nefit substantially becau.se and United KinRdom underwriters! huge Todav ,h have eliminated extra marine I lefuor po&4lv " insurance premiums previously; , fn'(i aild'uyr applicable on snips doing busl- su((i(.Pntl ' ness at British Columbia ports! will enjoy ttevJtlt north of Vancouver. Kitlmut and i other neral !f . can Falls wilt feel the aid that anyone think, Z OFFERING his servici'S once moi-e as mayor, Whalen is to be commended for his cmr-iCfe and civic spirit. We say courage because the duties of chief magistrate involve considerably more I mis and hard work than elorv. Since other mayoralty candidates may yet come trains. At breakfast in the hotel cafe-em we got the impression that ..,,noincement nowi" Plan the ioZJ to forget it .,? fdhvard. anv further discussion of this first farther from hU Ui, Punctuality is the art of being no biter than anybody else. Five hundred and t couver folk Mm : C-pr IV". K.if FotvTtt SrnjKm. lot. W.IJ I'INkWJ 1 ChrhtM Wl ' nrmees from Japan are look-1 for le than . O wl fr In Orllkh f,,!,.,,,!,! I... . .t ... . .. IIUJI- n st'iiirant prices are definitely ' lower than those on the wc.-:'. coast. Hut it does not tuKe us long to find out later that good Huts or apartments in Ottawa j are scarcer than the proverbial ' hens' teeth. Rents are definitely 1 hk'lier than in Vancouver. I HAD a recorded "broadcast to do right alter breakfast, bulj I fiyured this would be a cinch : as I had the script all prepared; uii the train ' i Hut low and behold, my brand new recorder wouldn't work .something must have jolted, loose by the handling on ami vilopment in the election contest would lie out of pface. Until the list is complete, no one can m:d-:e a f$'r judgment of the situation. I We can only add that Mayor Whalen is showing an admirable readiness to continue in a position of p-Jeat responsibility. This evidence of determination tfjjsee the job through does him much credit. ((ore the end of the month and; cations and thewnt thP fru!t will ('ast ten cenU mn U.i. n, . ; u n.7 ..... .r "wtnoiH i " . i's ears ago $11(0 would k- , fails to explain why all the Trailed fair enoueh f4 ; worry tjiat's been going on about! only that Today n' !the orchards of California. How getting paid at all Letterbox Help Fight TB .....V.V.-A'.-.'V.-AW.'.V The person ahead of me in a bank tineup is always a man . or woman with u problem. If there are other lineups in ( front of other wickets, the i people in them are normal bnnk clients whi simply put , th' ir money in or taka It out. But the man in' my lineup has I to be differeni. The nature of his problem j is h-tni for a layman to nn-deist and, but it certainly has : tb" : ! iff rannin:; around The . customer points to a bit of j paper and mumbles some- j thing to the .',irl teller, who j st'.ies at him in bewilder- j tnellt. The customer mumbles a bit more The teller rililes t!.iwi;;h a f:l". ( '"s looking even more puzzled. 'Ihiie is a further confer"-en.:e. Meanwhile several linv.ning peoine iiave been added to the lineup behind me II there are other wickets, customers ilow past them at assembly -line speed. The mine lnteiligi nt customers have jumped from my lineup to another, but I ufa:e, to tall into that trap. I know quite well that if I move to another lineup, uii-otlirv person with a pioblem will appear in it. The tirl teller who is living to cope with the problem customer in my lineup now seeks help She buzzes uround the office like a small billable bee, stopping at intervals t.j cnrnult solid, competent -looking men w ho shrug I heir .boulders or shake their heads stiffly. At length the teller finds a grim-faced executive who .eei'is to know what to do. They both stride back purposefully to tiie wicket and produce some papers wi.if h the customer has to .si:.;u. Then they pay the man hi". $l.l!ft. Another specimen that often appears in my hn. i.p it the bank Is the company treasurer. He staggers to Ik." wicket under the burden of several account books (which Ftrt be audited) and a bag full c f coins of small dcnoi.it-na'ior.o, which mast be counted , As far as I can make out, this man d;es none of his work at the office. He savei it nil to do in the bank. TUe company treasurer mi.y not be, strictly speaking, a man with a problem. He quantity of the food, as there i;; plenty, thoimh most of it comes in tins. We do complain puout the quality among ourselves, because we are handi- FACTS ON FOOD j The Editor, The Daily News, I As an inmate of the Pioneers' Illume I would like to interest -'A the trains. We rushed the recorder up-.iiiiis o the CBC. where the I Saturday Sermon OUR EVERY-DAY LIFE Ky ItEV. F. ANTKOBl'S, First Baptist Churrh "And the people asked him, saying, What shall w you in a few facts regarding the capped by lack of outside coii- ioocl served to us in the Pio- engineers fixed up the recorder, r.liiiost before you could say! "Jack Robinson." j I did the talk, and we took a ! then? He answered and said unto them, He that hi Home. do not complain about th? r.!-"t V.V io couis. let nun imparl wi nun mat nath none t he that hath meat, let him do likewise." Luke 3 10-- tact and have nowhere ele to go. But if a petition were drawn up lodging a complaint about the way the food is served to u it would have all our mines. This I know, for food Is our main topic. We find It mast unpalatable The clam chowder is a mockery comprised of flour and water with lumps of dough rep of our life Is to be ma Vw.i to the front door of th parliament buildings , The policeman asked our names, and welcomed me as a new member. We walked alon:; to the office of Mr. Raymond, i lie ieik of the House of Com lan, in the sense that ei Is to be done in such a please God, under thf of His counsel. Remembei, that w . MAIL lJLMVMtV;t I.v.'", The Editor, The Daily News, My attention was attracted to the poor mail collecting facilities when I saw an old lady who lives in the 1400 block, Eighth Avenue East, climbing the Conrad Street hill to mail a letter at Eleventh Avenue and Conrad Street. That incident was the foun- Let us first of all read the record of Luke 3:1-18, to get the full story in our minds. In the ;s; wers of John the Baptist to the different inquiries made of him, we see that religion U not lomething entirely apart from our every-day life. He did not tell these men to fast for a week, or to leave their business and retire to a place apart from where olfier men liv mons. Ctlonel Frank Fairey cf, Victoria was just one step ahead j as much religion, as n: tlanlty, as we succeed r. resenting the clams. The soup is usually of the canned variety buried in a too watery grave. The pork chops are unfried in of me, for he was already inside ui in;? sworn in We met three ii'P.i fioia Newfoundland one a Into our week-day lir not one whit more. WL VyHEN the bright little stamps which help the yv fight against TB start appearing on our letter's, we know for certain that the Christmas season inhere. 1 It is a happy introduction. These small soldiers ofTne mail are waging a big tind Inspiring campaign. They are making it possible to finance the attack ajjainst the insidious disease which is known to cRiim 10,000 new victims in Canada each year, a rate of almost 30 a day. In addition to these, there are thousands of other cases which never reach professional attention. ; For the afflicted and their families, there could !C no more welcome Christmas gift than the services 3iich the campaign promotes. Besides the immediate help which is offered, there is the research program which keeps alive the hope that some day ije enemy will be completely licked. " But the benefits of the campaign do not stop tfiere. Since the real purpose is to stop the disease fiom taking wider hold, the mobile X-ray units carry on their crusade wherever there is humanity igr the foe to plague. 2 Let us press-the Christmas seals into further little. They cost so little and buy so much. do, even to eating anc Ion ; we should do in the na: ed, or to enter upon a course of devotions. Nothing of Lord Jesus, th? kind. I foimer member and two who! were, like myse'lf, brand new-i t oaiers to parliament. l.lr Raymond has a French courtliness and dignity about! liiiii. With my wife as a witness, we four all held the Holy Bible irt the same Urne. j First United Ct I .union oi uie mouon aaopiea Dy a gooey batter anJ st,, tt,6 eoW I city council requesting Ted Ap- , or at lukewarm. on Sun-piewhaite, MP, to try and have i day roast beef to0 tough to b(, some improvement in the mail ; eaten Yes tnere is a 1T,en. ! collecting service of the city. grinder and later in the we i Otherwise our house to house ; we eacn receive three dry, snw-; delivery is not the godsend some S dllsty liule meatballs. I settle imagine. , ; or a piece 0 bread, and the j I understand a survey has ; meat is wasted. Five nights a keen conducted in connection j week we get boi0gna, sardine .with the matter and that some 1 once cold ham once. ,; ' extension in mail boxes is being j , . . , ' r,.,,vi,ic,ri n Thanksgiving Day we They were to begin at once ft) live according to God's commandments In their own partlcu-i i t ailing to do their everyday work in a Christian manner. The "people" were to begin to practice the law of love, thus giving Sixth Ave. W. and tti 1 11 :00 a.m. Morniii( tirl As I glanced down, I half-tonsciously noted that one of i ilic Newfoundlanders had work-ond-weather marked hands, and ) Anthem: "Land of Ov thought to myself, there was i I understand two additional waifd hopefully for something tne ol lne our of us who really Children's Story mi! Service in charge o( liam. Dunn and ft Flddes. 7:30 p.m. Evenini rl i boxes are to be installed in See- "f l"a,"lIU' 'r- ,ns" oi .tion 7, one at Emmanuel Street SJj! 0eAcA,T, RWfn 'uee bned, greasy little .and Sixth Avenue, the other at it,moaouel and Eighth Avenue, SfS' Kwa mC" f"tr "n? He 'eft n d and land that the box now at Elev-i ?f had dlnn" downtowa However. .eth Avenue and Conrad Street ;is to be transferred to Tenth ' we, cannot really afforlnsl,l? j Avenue and Alfred Street. , , extravagance as we pay $40 out had earned his bread with the, .- vvei't of n.s iacc. I We repeated after the clerk, in; mil .on. the oath of loyalty to iier Majesty. Ihe words arei familiar, for I recalled that in i.ic vi ry same city of Ottawa, t'Wjy back in 1915, I swore the up their greed and selfishness, j The "publicans" were to cease j the prartice of extortion and be- j rin to deal honestly and Justly j with all men. The; "soldiers" j v.ere to refrain from all acts of! violence. He did not tell them ! to give up their calling, but to do: their duty, as good and true men j in their calling to carry the' principles of true religion Into all their acUons. j It is well for us to catch this j !' non. A great many people I Anthem: "A New Cement." Service in charge of 'i Adult Club with M. Facey speaking oc : hood. COME AND WOES: oath of allegiance to the l,, J;r2MISome.The remaining $U1 doesnt ! me pilots more than justify man . ,, , uiandfalher of our present knows what needs to be done. However, he is a nun who wonts special treatment. Pio-ple who want special treatment should deal et. a wleket of their own or even at a branch bank of their own. so that they don't obstruct busy peeple. What irks me most, however, is the slow service I pet when I ask the teller to do s !ine quile ordinary service for me, like advancing a small loan or cashing a draft on the Venezuelan .State Bank 1 hvm ut i u,,,.n11,i ,(oa bucii luxuries, wiuiioiony " , il our lot We know from duy -"'' :a, 1 was v,"ry younB so1" the removal ,-J?"l,IiK?1i,?tff of the box now lo 1 .... ? U-. -;t' '"-;-',;' .,-4 -.'i V S '.rf5 ., ' '. l - - n - 1 ; H- .i.,;. -I t .i; : ' J ''.'"4 think that being a Christian, is grjNDAY SCHOOLS -to pray a few moments morning j umted. Beginners it and evening, to read a daily! arv at 11 a m; 0:r: to day what to expect on the- 1 table, and 10 years from now; it ' f 'Jn is number 565 and will be the same, unless some- 1 loks out over the front lawn thing is done about the situu-! (Jf parliament buildings, tion. I will have a wonderful spot chapter or two in the Bible, and )2:i5; at Conrad I'm cated at Eleventh and Conrad, which now serves at least 25 families in the neighborhood. The removal of that box just doesn't make sense- N t only should Tenth Avenue and Alfred Street have a box, to attend church on Sunday, and ( au 8 u a m the mid-week meeting, or the OTTAWA DIARY Z By Norman M. MacLeoc. ''ith the diplomatic and po- t'-rv; thnn was the ease even lijcal climates surrounding ): n than a year ago. President Eisenhower's visit; Tf the Eisenhower adminislra-hjve conspired to create the tirn were demonstrating over-fertation in Parliament Hill , whelming popularity among the circles that the interchange of ; V.rttvd .States people, the Presi-v-3 between the two chiefs of '. dent's answer to anv tri'.lri.m cte may be interestingly frank of its policies would be obvious. 2-vom the standpoint of recent !"'t in elections held as recently fiittlomatic incidents, Prime "' '"hin the past fortnight the' Nflnister St. Laurent has plenty j Republicans have suffered slg-fCout which to talk, if he eon- ' "I'l.-ni. reverses. Thstt's where sMers the occasion opportune, 'he political factor in this week-Tfce topics ran-e all the wa frr 1 end's Eisenhower - St. Laurent tie delays being caused by the t is enters. The President can-l'.ited States to Can-nw - not reply to Canada's corn- fiom which to watch the big It shouldn't be too difficult r. :'.'' aim rrayer nour. i ,rw"ff"1 with a little thoughtfulness to IJJ,jncs- break the monotonv of nur My room mate is also a new DIRECTOR but an additional box should be firrvlrm '.n ill rhuriti" nml 1:J p.m. ""i" ."in rirvl " "" r.!-rc1 at Ridley Court From 1 menu- we certainly would :p- i-'u"rai iiiemoei num Preciate a meal where in Ontarlo-a Mr White thut corner theie aie residences i simple prepared ! iiri'sj out in every direction. i wiln care and variation. Is this who hadn t yet arrived. t wuiild like to know what loe mur-h to ask? We would! My wife shamed me into get-Ihoii'-'ht has been given to the ! gladly co-operate in any way ting a new hair cut. The charge home? on Seal Cove Circle or i we can and " we can eat our ' was 35 ca nts at the barber shop ,M.1.H N Ctl"11 4th Aw. W. t Dui Holy Communion I c,.rf Srhool 1.00 for at Cove itself. Are those I meals' waste would be held at j the government provides - . . ' .. ' '. in minimum f ,r i :bjl. . . V OOPS! WE MADE A, Canon Basil S Pwiw f These practices are Important as means of grace, but they are not in themselves, the Christian life. True religion, Is living out, the principles of the Christian faith, In one's ordinary week-day life. It is getting the Bible and prayers and services, into thought and motive, character nod act. , i Wefmuat not cut our HvMipJ. two, and call .one, Jiari, secular,! governing It by one set of principles; and regarding the other part as sacred, to be controlled j bv another set of rules. If we; profess faith in Christ, then all; in in" suoposeci in warn up to ,' ! : '.. . T ' way plans to s the restrictions P''unts that lus administration ... . kiKvr Kt II M VVSh- Ave K. t' which ,.,.,.M,.Vre the letir oetoniis , wiill i-tviolaOoii irjlhspirU if not J oiV.. people1 of ui -Republic. tfU'V, vZTn "Oah, i i Lt Minister: Z lptter of OATT, upon dairy theh.omejt tnc political evi- :.r,;uno!,d their ninilina9 HKI MUM""" H-nce the stage of the talks , would ,"k to nnint nnt f KEITH H. TUCKER 527-3rd Ave. Phone 212 4th Avfli'K and would drop in occasionally at mealtimes. AN INMATE OF THE PIONEERS' HOME. (0l" ,IU.T filH.' 68 th A f' '.", ..IIIIN .' " '' fiankne I lL S'U.V, Whether by fut,'?l'he 1 postal authorities that the .-! s. such (,.,,(n f gl u B (J J pVimMTrM " r11'-' on'y Cove sub-stations in connection! Tr Phi!iMlmV'ifh house-to-house deliv- ILm,tt nH ,Vte "nf ' has thrown the whole mail-The Tl subject matter of f the talks . ; j,,,, ..vstf,m out h-s been well-kept by both Ot- p.viouTly people" went daily! tawa and Washington as a loj, tne pJt for nlaV. "' " ' , 1 whether it be down town, Sta-i One thing is certain: the, tion B or Seal Cove, and as a f resident isn't just coming here; rule, would mail their letter fcr the high honors he will re-! then. Now letters must find Cive and for the lavish social 'their way to a mail box if nno tUere is also the more recent threat to cut off Canadian im-ri'ts of lead, zinc and coarse groins. 11 these developments po-tjilial as well as actual have .'ved as definite irri'nts t'i fijtawa in the otherwise good roighhor relations existing with VjVshington. They haven't dis-tmbed those relations as yet in rpv basic or vital way But they oiifinitely have strainer! them. Advocates of a foreign policy bjj,secl on closer relations with tue' Empire and less dependence J Washington are getting a more sympathetic hearing these Sunday School J. NOTICE . ... Mrrnu' The A. MocKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. ADVERTISEMENT should hove read FLOOR LAMPS complete, from $17.50 D..lnr: RfV. n u .. , B First Presbyterian Church We extend a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Ave. East. Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright, D.D Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith and John Currle. j SONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Subject: "Fruits of Old Age." Sunday School 12:15. Evening Worship 7:30. j Suhjert: "Whose Side Are You On?" j "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy." j can be found. niu'iiuuii inai win oe paia to ; him The size of the working ftr. ' D...i now party that is accompanying him Eveninn u BeCt0r',Vnmbi.ni KtrndBV Srhix.1 i People living in Section 2 have had but one mail box during the past 30 years. I think they will be well advised to exercise n little vigilance now that an extension in the service is being made. In fact all people in all sections of the city should see that they are not overlooked. ALD. GEORGE B CASEY. makes that plain. Furthermore, the work party is complete from top-level advisors of the President down to humble stenographers. The indications are clear that some time during the week-end the decks are going to be cleared for a real shirtsleeves session. Mornln Wornhip "m 629 0l" " ln.rd General Meeting of the Community Ratepayers will be held in the Legion Auditorium Pnstor: n.. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE CONTINUES on '3 Lite CainjHiif Now on Display LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN SETS And Accessories COMPLETE SETS FROM UP J25 95 a t i'J Sunday, Nov. 15 tc Sunday, Ni Tues., Nov. 17, 8 p.m. ALL RATEPAYERS WELCOME IMPORTANT MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED ; To VANCOUVER via Waypoinls FRIDAYS: J SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. Z SUNDAYS: SS Chilcotin, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm 'Chilcotin, Saturday, 6 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 18 and Dec. 2 n Camosun, Thursday 6 a.m. . To South Queen Charlotte Islands Nov. 25 and Dec. 9 Camosun, Thursday 6 a.m. -Prince Ruriert Aeent WEEKMGHT SERVICES-TuM.my i SUNDAY SERVICF.S-U:30 a.m. and 7.J REV. AND MRS. CECIL COBB I LAY AWAY NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE V"C"UVef..EI!nnifmeetigS. at ail m will be special speakers SINCIN" RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 3rd Ave., Prince Rfipert Phone 644 SPECIAL MUSIC AND UVlWjMj1 EVERYBODY WELCOME oil Third Ave. Phone 5fi8 II