f. jut Kllpt-lt LlaiiV Nfi Saturday, November 14, la.: Grocers Edae Nelson Bros .: AI( JMSports Shop Defeats Ormes For Extra Vulue For Christmas Giving FAMOUS WATCHES Bulova, Hamilion, Elgin, Cyma, Mercury and many others. mm In This Corner By DICK AYRES A see-saw battle decided by Sports Shop blanked Dimes in Referees were Ciccone and , Morrison. 1 Line-ups: Junior League . . . . in , ,.n . Li. t. . . u ni, ( J 1 f an exciUng Inter-B basket- druggists rallied by half time to rt,mn ,m Kid n vllan KfhVPL ?-H . fM?: ball game last night at the Civic , trail by only 3 points. Sports " lit See our many other (iift it..-. ..... Clw.r. Ul,l A-t-.n.-,,. unnrfl n(G saw Sunrise ""e Johnnv Bratton as if he were a Z , , urom, o... uu v,..,. u.m 2, Muii a. Pirmming. o. wunt riTrtv more:d'im . Neton Brothfr 2 to ! ! in the third stanza and although 2 Miu.heii i. curric i. d Won .' floII 1! ready h to ao n more; th .i.nk.. i .- .... - i n. ... ... a t..,.. f l-llJy O Your F 147-nound business before shoot- ""Z"""K : "uli ",cu Y' uy , .." .. XZ"J.7UJ7L OKMK3 V. Tonight the Senior B cycle is completed for the first time Mnnson s Omegas and CCC 300 Club cagers take the Civic UO-ME-HI LMtnan. F as Bobo Olson's middleweight . ' 1 lena,I0UMy ing 6 at the Oirls OWWatl, league fixture Dom s ! to . their , 2-ooint , n lead. h i crown r I Gavilan won an unanimous 15-1 round title decision from Brat-i ton, who finished with a face like a pumpkin worked over with Department Store slaughtered ; Bowes was top scorer for Sports Frosty's Lockers 22-4. ; shop while Leighton led the With both Inter-B teams show- druggists with 4. Fouls were few ing plenty of speed, the Grocers and far between, Ormes commit-took the first quarter 6-4 with tine four of the total of -?ven. Wunx 3, K Juhnson, HuKliitin i. W Kelly. H Duncan "i. R Perce. .1 Hi Id 2. O Cliuw, Nlrkeraun, Hewitt. Macintosh 3, A. Lcluhtun 4 Total 18. Inter-li Leaxtie NEI-SON BROTHERS Matsill 9. K Mntsul 1, T. NulmtaU 4. B Mor-ven. N. Morv'en. J. Newton fi. F. Mat-suba. 8. yanmrnovo 6. B Tyuchiya. M Taiiuka Total 26 til'NWSE ClROCtKY A Strand . E Mao 1. J Uumaa 1. B Blrtch 1, T McLean 8 D HHUdelMChlMl 6. A Pnrvnt. 8. Kmikey 2. I) Keul. To- i an iron mace. c- Ctrr.nH anX v.t .,j . . ..... Gavilan's seventh defence of , i "B lne bPorlsmi-n - 01 Ilve Quality, style and all tlic oilier tiling wliicli rcpn sciit www are m.tiut.un,., in sir vstiN "the world's intM his title before a a surprising surprising 2 ,v,l , X Iree snols ana urmes "cuta i which paid a j"'""6 ; umjr run tawaru out 01 4. crowd of 19.2(50 basket. Nelson Brothers Dn,ln"s found ,ou,ia famous hat". In the gills' game Doin's qu.n-tette had a runaway, shutting gros gate of $176 390 was one of fu" his melt artistic performances in " 'hnVEn? t ,,o ii.f ;wl,n Nakatsu and Newton scor- 1 out Frostv's crew in two Quarters l"' 28 . "' l eusne a career of 1 13 pro lights. and holdinE them to 4 noints ill ! FROSTY'S IXK-KEKS - Wlndle 2 ! Bratton, who dropped the Na- ing one basket each and Yama-mnto repeating with two to giv STETSON HATS ! IHUIUl D..IMU8 nu. IttUUi .ci wui. . TJlfW. . fq.lt the lot guaittis. M. aiiuhlle Doin's ran up scores of 6 8. 6 and YomnmiHn Malwin, VInrH(.nll 2( fcharp. Turcotle Total .. WJM8 DEPARTMENT STORE D " " " " "-BU al Gavilan V i 7, J j of the 147-pound title to the ' half. " The cannery crew Stcttofi Halt me priced from 2 in each stanza. Cloutier was in 1U51. never iiad a chance after . , V" one point (0p ,sr.0rer for Dom's the eighth round, in which the1"""... l".'r 'cau ? fH.M ui $. srrrsox r.-n iT with 8 ky, spence, Vegh 4. Leask 4. Total 22. in the third quarter with S points champ cornered Johnny to ad- minister a terrific pasting. He " .t kvuig otic. IVlLljCilll was badly beaten Look zv hat you can do with witn two and Haudenschild with one were Sunrise scorers. In the i The actual count of Gavilan's furious attack was 53 blows, all to the head. After the blistering , .V y ' , , scored two k baskets t each u and eighth, ,hth oviion Gavilan worked like in,- the remainder were tallied with pen- you're l-iiijr !"anta Clan ut the workltfiicli, truiisformin uuste In tin t uttic space into iisi liii lmng spate or creating a glamorous rumpus room man who wanted to break a crate of eggs, one at a time. In the closing 15th, Gavilan whaled away with his bolo punches against a weary, helpless Bratton who refused to fall and got an ovation from the crowd for his courage. Gavilan, 146, collected 40 per cent of the net gate of $134,739, a slice of $53,895, plus $20,000 from any snots. Tied 26-26 Sunrise players were fouled twice to give them the game. Strand for Sunrise and S. Mat-sui for Nelson Brothers shared point-getting honors. Nelson Brothers committed 14 fouls. Sunrise 9. Sunrise sank 10 of 21 free shots while Nelson Brothers made B good out of 14. aloMiistairs you'll lie prowl of the job you tan do villi these easilv-hamllt tl, 'iisilj-Mrked pmuine wood panels. In the high school contest OOMD.D CL TV, for a total purse of $73,859.60. Centre gym floor to battle for league leadership. Bill McChes-i ley's Omega's have one win under their belt as have Pop Pay's Pulp Millers. But here is a chance that Pop, away on business when the Millers edged G & A Tuesday, may not be back in time for tonight's encounter. Whether the battling CCC crew can scramble through to a win unguided remains to be seen. However, one thing is for sure, and this applies to all teams, unless common sense rules over temper, the team will 1 all apart. We have long contended, both in playing and writing about sport:; in various parts of the province, that blowing one's top, screaming against decisions, abusing referees or trying to smite one's opponent gains little or nothing for anyone pxcept the individual in team sports. In team sports the individual should take second or even third place to the team a." a whole. In fact so far as violence is concerned or taking it out on an opponent, there is a sport dedicated solely to that purpose, and Joe Ward would be glad to add to his roster of fighting mn. In creating a scene which results in getting heaved out of a game, whether it be soccer, basketball, lacrosse, hockey or baseball the offender is only helping his team to lose, which l" the same as being a sabatoeur. Referees have a definite 1 unction to perform and they do the best they can. The fact that thcir's is not an envious job, is borne out by the fact that it is so hard to get ex-players or interested persons to officiate at games. Finally as a parting thought on the subject of hotheads, while a fighting team can make a determined effort on the strength of its rage, cool, calm thinking usually prevails, especially where team work is concerned. Clear heads and watchful eyes can spot weaknesses far better than those blood-veiled with anger. Other Saturday night basketball fare includes Bulger's vs Sea Cadets in the Junior league opener and North Star and Watts & Nickerson meet in the Inter-A offering. The Bottlers go into the fray having won its only game. Little League Baseball President Art Williamson, in making a plea earlier this week for more active association members, urges that anyone interested in giving the group a hand phone Art himself at Green 224 or Jack Martin at Green 881. The Little Leaguers are going to need a lot of help this coming year if an official league is to be formed and a Pony League Is to follow to givo the older boys a chance to prepare themselves for senior ball. The success of this year's unofficial little league was due mainly to the hard work of a very small group dedicated to seeing that the youngsters played ball. Congratulations go belatedly but nevertheless sincerely to CYO football tealn on winning the Manson Trophy, emblematic of soccer supremacy in the city. The winning club did much with their spirit and enthusiasm to keep the game alive this season. A film showing skiing in Aspen, Colorado will be shown to members of Prince Rupert Ski club and anyone else who Is interested at the Civic Centre next Tuesday evening at 7:30. Last weekend local skiers were busy repairing cabins for the coming ski season. Plans were also made to salvage sewer pipe to provide funds for the club, and members have been 3'ked to bring blow torches for the work bee this coming weekend. Harry Winston plans to have some extra special skiing this winter. He is going to work the next few weekends repairing the en bin on Mount Blaine. r Bratton. !45Vj, received 20 per cent, or $26,947.30, plus $10 000 from TV, for a purse of $36,- 947.80. ' I' '' " ' -Z t " . . ... - J" LAST NIGHT'S HGHTS I CHICAGO Kid Gavilan, 146. " . t '. i Havana, outpointed Johnny j Bratton, 1452. Chicago, 15, for ! world's welterweight title. I SYDNEY, Australia Jimmy j Carruthers, 117!4,, Sydney, outpointed Pappy Gault, 1173.i. Spar-j tanburg, S C., 15, for world's , i bantamweight title. LOOK! BUYERS BARGAINS Here's True Economy Driving '51 Plymouth Concord Coach, 2 doors . . . Kids can't fall out. New car performance . . . Fully winterized for snug winter driving. Here's quality that is Economy for Only $1635.00 '47 Willys Station Wagon. Holds entire family . . . Plenty of equipment. Leather upholstery. Plenty warm for winter driving. Real de- pendabillty at ( Only $980.00 Loiv Down Payments. 1 Terms to Suit. Youcanlqo m w I v.,..., ,..,,,, AHOUT! OO Q O in in ii ' r rr r. IF vnn Fool M J MM khl 'All 111 ENDLESS HOURS OF FUN with tbi- mini, m ni. wlu--lliirrnw. It's a tn-ii viliflht'r hi pel more kirk out of muUiim it tliaii Junior phlyine yiit'i it- It'" llie Toy I'lau. SANTA CLAUS WORKSHOP in your own home. Your limilxT tlt ulf-r haH a I ree Sy Ivuply I'lim fir thin ttimple rot kin) liorso yu cun -aily mukr Ix'tHtfii novi untl ( Jirist maw. ALL' 1 These iijt matt people work under r enure, worrji more, deep leu. Thi train on body and brain mikei physical fitnesa easier to lose harder to regain. Today's tense liyinj, lowered resistance, overwork, worry any ol these may aflect normal kidney action. When kidneys eel out of order, escesa acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired-out" heaTy-headed feeling often follow. That's th time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'a stimulate the kidneys lo normal action. Then you feel better sleep better work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills al anv rlnt count r. c Choose from dozens more in the largest selection in town. Bob Parker Ltd. "The Homo of Friendly Service" Canucks Blank Stampedes-Quakers Continue Winning ny n canatitan Press seems to be doing Vancouver Their thriving export-import . Canucks no harm, but the West business with New York Rangers j ern Hockey League leaders are . hoping starry goalie Lome I mi Double Honors ISS'goWora,ey v'on,t be the C Jit AM I J i Worsley, the loop's top net-rOf Htm fflCLGOU ! minder, put on another scintil- Mating show Friday night as Mary McLeod of Rupert Radio j Canucks slapped down Calgary captured double honors this week j stampeders 4-0 IT'S TIME ... "TO IHSTAL STORM WINDOWS The fall rains are here and winter Is not far behind. Call us today to lnstal storm windows in YOUR house. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDFIt GREER &BRIDDEN LTD. ii i uiuujj . ui uie Luuies r ivc-Pin Bowntig -league when she rolled., p. hit tilii.uVW63 and a L.W'..Wr-. J3MH. W I Imymt T--J.irv.Zi In other games,, the vesurgent Saskatoon . Quakers ' picked , up their third straieht ' win and 215 First Avenue West .., Phone lift!) f 1 hith. three, trf '027. - PEOPLE ARE LOOKING UP ami fnulinpc a "poll iiiiiip1' i,-urif u-i ir-ir-ir ir i uj-r-ir-nir-i -i -imtwriunto. g 'Wrtorfogr'th place iirXirbup 1 Clara Bellamy of CREATE NEW ROOMS in ui.a l';'' , ., :v.-i" whII an.l ,.,.M.o-rm l I.iirliii..n - ; 32 Miiure fret ul a time. Ol liu-nii. -at ""' "0 licit" frm voiir lumber dealer. I with a 4-3 i i ton Flyers. New Laurels won high single lirifV QOfl nrA V.i.. t.-l,l n( tiHiihlr uttic Hparc kIktc lln-y cun buihl a mauliftil leilroom. You run Io it, loo, wilh Slvnp!y and the Vrve ilow-to-lu-il" your dealer has for you. Grace M-lntyre when she rolled j J'if ,"garS sta,ged d?" three Kames totalling 737. Team I", M.iT L ."V , high single and triple went to v , , , . (.Iron!!. tllP IJsrhlwoii'lit and place bv themselves. The shutout was the second of liaiuly paiu-ls f vlvaply Fir nlvwiMNl are more fun tlwn mi: wi.tltti& ami niaLii'? Sunrise Grocery with scores of 1047 and 29fil. (rotifi t Art Murniy'fi 4r Lyons 0. P. R. Plvinibcrs 2, New Laurels 1. Cluverlcmls 3, O At A I. ' Hunrlsr- 3. Wallace II. 1- Annettes 2. .Stars 2. Bulger's 2, Lm's 2. iroiii 'J McKay's 4. Bitf Sistjrs 0 Amazons 3, Co-op 1. Skeena 3. CVK.k'fs 1. Manwm's 3. Toilers 1. Hi-Plyers 3, 7th Ave. Mkt. 1. Rupert Radio 2. Dibb'a 2. HIT lllllKllllf l rr .t . the season for Worsley and earned him another $50 bonus under terms of his contract with Canucks. High-scoirng AnOy Bathgate played his last game for Vancouver. The 21-year-old left-winger reports to the parent-club Rangers today, replacing rookie Billy Dea who will join Canucks for more experience. iisltt for furniture. They're jtn-t ri: the "week-end" earpenter using hiinplest household loo's- (17 ETON'S f CATOM'C VCI. ' , hP0 J BASKETBALL 6:45 Junior Bulgers vs Sea Coders 7:45 Inter A North Star vs Watts & Nickerson 9:00 Senior B CCC vs Manson's Blew simple tool'"' It's FUN only " ' AH you need to work urer.fll. S(1p; lian.lle 4 ffi t hy 8 feet pam-N ' 1.1,r,l.ll"1' j.Ll averane .kill in I he iie of ..nliiinrj l,Ul,J,ni .i I l.v tulkinu over your pr...M"-' ia, ttw l ' C' Serving lumber Deahn from Cooif lo Coail j t i ill VAV; $ . m p,fle, br.mmmB wh MacMILLAN & BLOEDEL LIMITED I 1 Y ' T-'JX-Il.-'' I n6W' "'onable rnerchan- VoncU.r Col9ary Wmonton Wlnnlp., I I 111 'j&7l 4 ' 1 di,e ""e'lngi. Buy from , London Windsor Toronto Montreal Ouobec City llea.l...rlerB"-y'' '",ul l'"l'1' ' "ia,, ft , loo ""'" new "Take Home" hnnily for odd jolm.) SUITS ! 1 r , . rj.--l "TON'S big Fall -L- All Top . rXil ... 1 1 t . ;mi2---y Catalogue for complete I! Hill ii i Ifl ehODDlnct aatlnf.rtlnr, ' uality Made ERY ilMhErn ALBERT & fiAcC AFF LIMIIW B.C. Phone 1J6 ' - t4.. rUv TftDi-n, TOPCOATS Prince Rupert, j m''Mr 1 ' Tcrrocc' B-C- Phone -1-31 The Best Available. All shades and sizes. O ACME CLOTHING STORE T. EATON CANADA C UMITfO SUPPLIt rimf!i ISLAND CITY BUILDERS I . MEN'S WEAR 633 Third Ave. W. (Next to Singer Sewing Centre) w arn It Phone Black 820