Prince Rupert Daily Saturday, November 14, ijj,j Rhee Urges "Stand Firm" "WAR OF I HE Wf, Ends Today 7 anil 9:03 p.m. SYMPHONY CONDUCTOR RUNS ODD DISC-JOCKEY SHOW CALGARY ff Clayton Hare, conductor of Calgary's symphony orchestra, has a daily one-hour "disc jockey" stint on a radio station. Unlike most disc jockeys, he plays classical only STARTS MONDAY Korea Policy SEOUL f President Syngman The terror-trek for Rhee said today that "if we a Golden Zapotec Sunldo!.. stand firm" the Communists will come to terms in Korea.' The fiery South Korean pre ana a maKe-or-break golden-haired spitfire! sident predicted the Commun ists would accept a proposal to NOW ON? Wallace's 2 For 1 Sale withdraw Chinese troops from Fishermen Need Work Not Relief j ANCHORAGE, Alaska (APi Work projects rather than relief ! gifts were suggested here by two' I men familiar with conditions in I the western Alaska fishing season disaster area. The two are Jim Downey of the Bering Sea Fishermen's Union, and the Rev. Father George S. Endal, Jesuit priest whose headquarters are at Dillingham. i "A diligent inquiry reveals there is an immediate need for money and food in many instances in Iliamna and the Nu- : shagak areas," Father Endal told the Anchorage Times. The instances of need," he continued, "will multiply with ' passing time." He said that be- cause 50 and 75 per cent of the neople there have no credit rating at stores, many went into winter with abnormally small grubstakes." I To relieve the situation, he said, work is urgently needed ! and preferred to outright relief ' j A - .i I' .. r.t w.i.v . V n. i H!)! III bztfaA Jiiffes wmutde m m a North Korea and all Allied t forces from the south, "because that would save the Communists" j face." "If this happens," Rhee added ; in an Interview, "the North Korean Communists would flee. They would have to. "All we have to do is stand firm." Rhee did not specify what he means by standing firm, but Implied it involved the threat of force if no agreement were reached. Woman Heads Education Board t u t ll.UUSSE has been sitting pretty ever since it was discovered mat she Is not only glamorous but a tremendous hit as Fred Astair's dancing partner in the MGM Technicolor film "The Band Wagon," with songs by Howard Dletz and Arthur Schwartz. The musical is currently running at the Capitol Theatre. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE IIIllIllKIIIIIlIlIllllllllllIII ! i . tat, F1LME0 ON THE SPOT IN THE FAR REACHES OF MEXICO'S FAMED OAXACA! Pre-Construction Survey Completed Fcr Wharf if any feasible project can be found." Downey said other areas needing aid include Kvichak and Naknek on Kvichak Bay; To-giak Ugasik and Egegik. The j WINNIPEG (CP) Mm. Jen MicdonnH of Rnl-nrl. Mm. h-r ( been appointed chairman of tho M:initnha Advlsorv Borird on 7 Prp-rmistrurtirm snrvpvs hv h-;:-f itij il'ifiiiie t nPnl,a .-- .1 letter tu n lnwn . Alncta' . . " I . . . ?' lu Wl'lUni. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING . Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street neninsiiin - federal Department 01 Public accommodation for approximat-1 Mrs M-icriomlri. - vp'e-nn n , pemnsuia. Works engineers indicate that elv 2uo fishing vessels. ' 'i wrire with the boart ! Hooper Bay cannery workers Vancouver's new False Creek These facilities will include six is the first woman ever to hold on the Bering Sea coast also fishermen's wharf will cost be- floats with a maximum length of 'he post were "hit exceptionally hard by tween $800,000 and $900,000 to 500 feet, four equipment storage Tjnrlr-r the Mnnitcba Ertuei- unemployment in all canneries complete. , buildings 40 feet by 80 feet divid- tion Act. the board has rhnrce last summer, Father Endal said, ; th. ii 0.-tH u uo-u h intn individual i,vr. n ntin I'll ; nu nt bLlI' TOTEM tr "DIRTllPUri Of "but we nave no Information christenson, secretary of the joining open-air black-topped ; ceremonies in the schools and concerning present conditions." Fishing Vessel Owners Assocla-: working areas, and an adminls- acts as adviser to the minister tion of B.C., the organization tration office. nn all educational matters. tveninx Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. C1RT00X - that has spearheaded the cam SUNDAY AT MIDNIGHT GEORGE COOK... JEWELLER 4th ANNIVERSARY SALE GAMBLER and the LAD BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD paign, following progress confer-, ences with B.C. public works officials. j Public works engineers have completed soundings of the False I Creek basin fronting the south shore wharf site east of Burrard i Bridge, to determine costs of dredging. I These soundings indicate that to deepen the basin to allow an ' average clearance of 11 feet at low water, removal of some 200,-000 yards of material will be required, Mr. Christenson re- with DANE CLARK NAOMI CHANCE also "TABU" ON MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY Vs OFF Watches I It- Cranlac WnrriJ'Jlt . OFF 509b OFF China Costume Jewellery Discarded Ace Makes Slam Contract Possible Miss 13 rash considers it a personal affront for her right-hand opponent to put in a pre-emptive bid. Far from keeping her out of the bidding, this usually rxoads her even higher than she would normally bid. When she jumped into a highly speculative six no frump bid in today's deal, Mr. Heinsite screamed as po-r::. Plans now being drawn call for V" GEARS , world m PSm if he'd been stabbed. "Don't forget." he said, as he Hid down the dummy, "my four East dealer North-South vulnerable Nnrth (Mr. MrllMltr) 8 Q i H Q 4 3 2 D J IMS C K diamond bid was based on your h iving a big hand. Your double was forcing me to bid at the three level, vulnerable." "I've got a big hand," Miss Brash replied, "and don't start ; yelling until you're hurt." ! This turned out to be sound Wr-l (lr. .I.H) S K J 10 9 8 T H 8 7 8 D 10 9 8 7 C None ' ClIUlll (Mr. 8 0 4 3 H K 8 8 D 3 C Q J 0 9 8 7 ( Mln Hrh 8 A 1 H A J 10 D A K Q C A 1U1 The bidding: Ea South Wl-Bt 8 C Dill 3 8 Pass NT All pass North 4 D leg G0RCEY ; Shows ot7-9:05j idvice as Miss Brash won 12 tricks on the hand. The 10 of diamonds was opened and she won and cashed her three top cards In that suit Mr. New discarded two small clubs. Next she entered dummy with the king of clubs, on which Mr. Abel signalled violently with the jack of spades. She cashed the jack of diamonds and sluffed a club from her hand. Here Mr. Xcw dropped a spade. On came the last diamond and Mr. Ncv.- let go another ,pac'.e At this point Miss Brash vent into c lon; and fruitful study. Even if the king of hearts were rii;ht and th? suit broke mm4 THI fourth heart. The queen of spades was the only possible entry. But If Miss Brash led the TODAY ONLY Oowcry Doys ace and another spade after thc- hcart suit was cleared, Mr. Abel would win and cash the rest of his spades. If she underled the re of spades, Mr- Abel would win and fire a spade right back 4 to the blank ace. On this varia rO ; . i 3-3, there would be no easy way tion, Miss Brash would have to concede a club trick to Mr. New to get to dummy to cash the s.1 H r ! at the end. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Jfc.fXT.-'-i. Shows at 4:13 " ' gkHUMTZ CAPITO V UOH BUASCO ,,100101 Miss Brash found the answer. On dummy's last diamond, she T V Mieo deep in tht majesties of the eld world, rich in the surrealisms of the new ... a tropical land of brilliant days and starry nights . . of surging emotions the chilling tensions of the bullfight, the awesome stillness of Aitee ruins, the thrills of Acapulco's surf . . a land that calls you back, time and again. discarded the ace of spades. Next came the queen of hearts, covered by the king and won by the ace. After cashing the Jack and 10 of hearts, Miss Brash simply led a spade toward the queen. Mr- Abel won VANCOUYE j I HONOLULU , nL"' . with the king and, having nothing left but spades, had to put iummy i to cash the good heart. At the start Mr. Heinsite had feared the hand was too high. Typically, he now took the opposite tack. "Maybe you can wipe clean with-a 0 lly Canadian l'atific', 10 hour, -,, DC-hti's from Vancouver . . first class return just JJ 14.20 ' or economical tourht J264 return. See Mexico the thrifty Canadian Pacific "All-cost" Aireruise way Ask any Canadian Pacific office or your travel agent for full information. WltM CHRONOGRAPH 3)0.3F J VU.UO) $39 SO AUCKLAND V JANEIRO SYDNEY VJfc, rf I UMAVVWJ damp cloth! make seven," he said, "if you don't discard that ace of spades." Miss Brash looked at him pittylngly- "By a throw-In play, no doubt," she retorted. MM Ciold colour case, iitalnless back. Luminous dlut. Sweep second hand. Genuine leather strap. (EXPANSION BRACELET 81 00 extra.) Complete Instructions. Money back within 8 days 11 not satisfied. Sent C.O.D. or enclose money order and save charges. CANADIAN PKM'IKK WATCH CO. Kept. (W. Yihiki Areacle, Toronto Venetian blinds of SANTIAGO VI (AIRt, Daily News Want AOs Get Results new .1 FAWCETT Oil HEATERS km (Pacific plastic tape and slats Thst br.nd-r.ew look really bin wneii fjU f Flexalum. A damp cloth whiSl away f' ,lrttch. Jam from tape and .lata. Flexalum tape won I , And Flexalum .lata snap bark into shape thougn buM them. Their baked-on finish won t rhip.c ,tustl208unf8st color o,mbin.Uon.Frreesunni- All the advantages of automatic heating Smartly styled to blend with your furniture Designed to heat by RADIATION and WINGS OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL' SYSTEM HAWAII AND THE SOUTH PACIFIC THE ORIENT . POINTS IN CANADA THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT THE ANSWER TO YOL'R WINTER HEATING PROBLEMS MAY BE SEEN AT McRAE BROS. LIMITED "The Store that Service Built" Phone 6D or 36 . CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 311 1 McBride Street - 1 Wallace Block Phone 620