--"-i rus"1"-tfririfi'nnwwirrw-j"-' - - miviim m-rini 1 ..L -, - ,,,m,m,,,a,w I w-n mi inH"iflii"( 11 ijnu'i . ,t , , .,,.,tfaWM.wgaia?ir!w7ii; xat(iiiilatil 1 1 t'it; Kupeti- DQliy INCws Saturday, November 14 1953 ObUUOfc OAVVI-.S AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84fi anil Red 127 CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dovdie Room 10, Stone Building Phone Blue 5a3 Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL i dATUKOAl f . 00 CBC News 6 0S Hockey Broadcast 7:30 Oraan Music H:UH Musical Program 8:30 Prairie Schooner ' B:00 Hit Parade 9 :30 The Muic Bo ' 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC Newa 10:15 Rebroadcast Address by President Elsenhower , 10:30 Dixieland Concert 1 1 :IM Weather Report 11:0.1 Miltlfal Masterpieces 11:30 I lull "l'i:4" and HP;ii-iiIT SUNDAY AM. 8:30 Sunday Morning Rental 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 The Question Box 9:30 Harmony Harbor 9:6 Time Slunal BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe kADLINl FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY 36 ROOMS FOR RENT Classified Rates THE DAILY NEWS" SEMI-FURNISHED light house Investors Syndicate of r&imrll Ltd. and Investors Mutual of (.anaclii I.ul. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 324 . 315 Third Avenue W. ' Representative for Prince Rupert, Terrace and Kitimat keeping room, very central-Phone Green 241 evenings. (265) time 4:S0 p.m. day prsvlou itmrstlon. ,,I a cent per word per In-,-' minimum oharge 90 cents. Notices. 60 cents, Cards ot 10:00 B.C. Gardener; Weather Rpt. "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3359 YEAR AGO 3085 LARGE hnuaekeepine room, pri- I 0:lfr J"8' Mary y ol the topint - vme cii ti mice , ucu-liicoii- field. 4th Ave. East. Red 879. (287) WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally luLll Notice, ruiimi .'.' MiirrlaKO and Engagement ,uwi-ments, $2.00. i Dteplay double prtos. No Refund Jill nut accept responsibility k. mi d ads Inserted Incomwtlf U BUSINESS PERSONALS 52 FOR SALi-MISC. IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truckjind Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS ..f I LIGHT housekeeping room, furnished, with electric range-Box 850 Daily News. - (265p) Classification unless t: r wruiiK WORLDS FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue 970 for Parts Sales Service, (c) j huurs of On t Insertion. Free! Free! 11:00 CBC News 1 1 :03 Capital Report 1 1 :30 Religious Period . P.M. 12:00 N T. Philharmonic 8ym. Orel) 1 :30 Critically Speaking 2:00 Fiddle Joes Yarns . 2:30 Jake and the Kid S:00 CBC Newa SrO-l Ask the Weatherman 3:12 Weather Forecast 3 : 1 5 -Canada's Tomorrow 3:30 Vancouver Symphony Orch. 4 :30 Distingmsiieu nrllHts 5:00 Sunday Chorale 6:30 Chamber Music 6:00 Stage 64 LARGE bright housekeeping room. Phone Green 727 after 5. (265) MNT AD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. 8. CJ. Furk, Stone Building. Red 693. 20tn' LARGE rooms for rent. Unfurnished. Phone Red 297. (265) scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 603 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 REPLIES "Well. It's sure lucky we had INSURANCE on that boat!" Sure we write INSURANCE on boats to give you the necessary protection. Also we write all forms of Marine Insurance, which covers shipments on land and sea. If you're going to sail a boat. INSURANCE rates well gladly quote. HOUSEKEEPING room. 937 Ambrose Ave. (265p) 37 ROOMS AND rfOARD WILPORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf) DRESSMAKING and altera -tions. Reasonable. Phone Red 224. (267) 7:00 CBC News 7:lu Weekend Review 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Little Symphony Orch. are holding replies he following News Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Eoch Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN nnnn nnrl mnm fnr vnune ouiet gentleman. Nice home.,1 8 :oo-nbc Symphony orch MEN'S OR BOYS' WRIST WATCH (with one year guarantee) with every suit or topcoat order from our made-to-meu.sure depart-ment. ORDER TODAY TO BE SURE OF DELIVERY ART MURRAY'S MEN'S WEAR (itc) 9:00 Ballad Time i Non-drinker. Write your particulars to Box 845, Daily MAGAZINES, uuveKles. fcddle's boxes: f)7 815 828 846 Newt fitaud. (c) PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 908 NEARLY everybody uses 99. 1 8b2 Replies must be FOR working man, in private home. Phone Red 140. (270) 15 FOUND WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service I lied for in person 39 HOMES FOR RENT LADY'S handbag. Owner may Ui.YUNG LVENT9 For reservations write or have same by paying for this 9:30 Vesoer Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:16 The Evolution of the Law 10:30 Music by Mantovanl JI:tMI Heather Report anil Men-nil MON1.1A7 A.M. 7 M) B C. lahermen's Broadcut 7:l;i Mllslfl ('lurk 7:30 CB3 New; Weakjer Report - 7:3.V..Miiieal ( Imk 8:00 CBC News; Weather 8:10 Here's BUI Gooo 8:13 Vlnrnlns Devotions 8:30 Ker.irit Allium 9:00 BBC News and Commentary a At Musical March-Past advertisement. Phone 231 call City or Depot Office, idun Legion card party, WARTIME four on Overlook St. Furnished. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (266) I265p) Prince Rupert. B.C. U HELP WANTED MALE SMALL English car, 1948 model, some repairs necessary. Price $250. Phone Green 982 1265) J9A SUITES FOR RENT of the U.F.A.W.U. Rum-and Home Cooking Sale, 3-SPEED portable player with BRIGHT unfurnished apartment. Preferably adult family. Please phone Black 277, Sum built-in sneaker- ideal tor A P. GARDNER' & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner Piince Rupert 335 Fourth Avenue East Telephone: Uc.l R79 Terrace - Prince George . Vancouver Quesnel IDE. Fall Bazaar, Thurs- children. Phone 846. (267) mit Apts. (268p) Nuvcmber la, law. RECRUITING ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE TWO - ROOM suite, furnished LARGE Burpee pressure cooker and Burpee canning machine, $40.00. Blue 448. (265p) a Fall Bazaar, Friday, No- r 20. and heated. Three minutes from Post Office. Blue 409. (268) 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10 I.T lllnc I ro-hv Nines . 111:3(1 Ke.vhfHird and ( ininole 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11:19 Kindergarten of the Air 11:30 Message Period 1 1 :45 Srundinaimi Melodies P.M. Dance, Nov. 20, Elks' COLEMAN oil heater, used six months; washing machine. 343 7th Ave. West. (270p) 3-ROOM furnished suite. Central location. Phone Green 241 evenings- (286) tl Purple Fall Bazaar, Elks Nov. 21. MUSKRAT coat, size 16-18. Like new. Call or phone Suite 2, Heli't-rson Block. ' (268) THREE-ROOM unfurnished suite. Blue 393. (269) Exhibition and Tea, High , Nov, 25, afternoon and TWO-ROOM suite West. 537 8th Ave. 265p) 1000 FEET new shlplap, cheap-1913 7th Ave. E (268p) T.M. Fall Bazaar, Novell)' 12:00 Horn X Yearn Too Koull 12:1S CBC News 12:25 Interlude 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast IS:5.1 Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Trans-Canada Mallnes- ( 3:l"i Records- for You 3:45 B.C. Request Roundup 4:15 Maxlne Ware Sings I 4 .30 Starbuck Valley Winter REMINGTON typewriter, $38.00. 621 Fulton (267) FURNISHED suite. St. DINING PLEASURE . in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Green 848 (267p) LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local. Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines I (J. Phone CO or B8 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. byterian Ladles' Aid Ba-November 28. 4ft HOMES FOR SALE 32A FOR Rfc.N'T MISC. SIX-ROOM wartime in good ipran Church Fish Dinner, condition. On corner lot. 920 Hays Cove Ave- Full price $4700. (265p) A limited number of recruits will be engaged in this Force during the next three months. To be eligible for engagement an applicant must meet the basic qualifications required, some of which are set out below: Must be single. . ; . . . Height 5 feet 8 Inches. Chest measurement a ' "mean" average of 35 Inches. ...Age 18 to 30 years (preference is given to those between 19 and 25.) Education at least complete Grade VIII but preferably Grade X. For further Information enquire at the nearest R.C.M. Police office. id Church W.A. Christ 4:45 Roundabout . S:fMI Htck (notation Vocalise S:15 International Commentary :20 CBC News;. Weather S :30 Rawhide Commodore Cafe SINGLE or double store with balcony- Excellent show windows. Suitable for merchandise or first class cafe. Situate in trafliC centre. Reasonable rent or lease. Apply Prince Rupert Realty Co lt ie, Dec. 3. 48 WANTED TO RENj.' icdral Fall Bazaar, Satur- c. 5. TWO-BEDROOM house, close to By CHIC YOUNG BLONDIE Dogwood and Light Out! town. References. Box 853, Daily News. (268) TWO cabins. Phone Green 400. Apply 2000 11th Ave. East. (268) :bu Carol Festival, Dec 9 i Tuesday and Wednes-7 30 to 9:30, Civic Centre Hi1!1 I JUST HAVE A FEW THREE- or four-room furnished apartment Box 854, uauv MORS PAGES PLEASE LET VlE , :', dag wood, wont vou please turn out that light so i can get some sleep? HOW i ONE HUNDRED Qandjwnt-fdlir News. (tl-nc) MANY MORE FINISH ITS FURNISHED cabin. 425 9th Ave. West. (267p) ition Army Home League ni Sale, Dec. 9. (280) PAGFS ? SO INTERESTING 43 LISTINGS WANTED H - . '(i. ( GOOD NIGHT, ) ' I -7 DEAR jS , f i ii fer for buyers WE HAVE several ' Girl Guide Company In-'wnal Dinner, Feb. 13. (280p) houses. Phone H. G HELGERSON LTD. 31 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TOP MARK3T PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Phone 96 or Black 197 evenings I'LltMiNAL (270) 2f) HELP WANTED FEMALE 44 BUSINESS PROPERTY Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Ircn & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B O. Phone PAclfic 6357. (H) 'NO to Toronto, leaving 'oximutely Dec- 15. Will lour passengers. Returning Jan. 15. Box 858, Daily (270) SALESGIRL, 25 to 40. with advanced knowledge of sewing. No Abjection to married woman REVENUE property in TeVrace. c If Net revenue per montn jj-u. Full price $15,000. Shows ovt?r 20 on your investment. For CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batterlfs, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. ( 11 no small' cnuareii. ouiau based on qualifications. Apply in own handwriting to Box 857, Daily News. (266p) TACT Alcoholics Anony-k. P.O. Box 343. (284) further details phone Green 252 between 5 and 7 p.m- , (265p) By ZANE GREY KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED SITUATIONS WTD. MALE FSINKSS PERSONALS 35 BOATS AND ENGINES 46 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 24 evib kai H-Tpndr wilt .bo rcw f'8 your classified, ad In this tf WvcB by tile uhdersitftied'trirt r at the' economics! ) "ute. 15 words firr3 -con- ATTRACTIVh 2t SITUATIONS WTD. Female (lavs cost $1.35: 15 to Noon of December lain, i-joj, for the purchase of the hereunder described motor ves.se!!. f '. 'or six consecutive days iuTt t mind children for work- ' 80. And remember, vou ina ninther. Box 855, Dnllv :hw ynur ads Just call (269) News. 'y News. (tr-nc) F' ANTED HAIR Permanent- RELIABLE baby-sitter Call Blue 127 (270-ncl together with gear and equipment situated thereon, belong in to the estate of Isaac Chris toferson, deceased: Name "SC. 83." Length 29 ft. Beam 7 ft. 6 in. Depth 3 ft. 3 in- Powered with a 10-14 East hnne eas eneine.. fradicated with Saca-Pelo. most remarkable discovery BABY sitting. Phone Red 245. (2G5) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fully furnished rooming house business. 14 rental units plus suite for owner. . Lease. Profitable investment. For further details write Box 851, Daily News age. Raca-Pelo is guaran-o kill the roots of any hair ''intains no drues or chem- 26 BUILDING MATERIALS wBeer Lab. 679 Granville. Boat is presently moored at Port Kdward- PHILPOTT, EVlTT & CO. LTD f'Hivpr, B.C. H) I0NAL Machinery Co. Ltm- Phone 651 or ooa INQUIRE about our budget plan for -your home Improvement. No down payment. $100 to $2,000 8 to 24 mos. to pay. 2'6 LI'L ABNER Something for the Girls By AL CAPP ' s ' 'ah THOOGWT THIS PRL-eiCK-SHOM MELANT ') I TH' PBEDCK-HON IS FO' HIM.'.'-EF 1 I -MFANIN' 16 Y&JT.WKO'B if '1 wsiributors for Mining, Logging and Contrac-wjulpment. Inquiries In- Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Strictly cash. Signed O. L. Brodie, Deputy Official Administrator of the estate of Isaac Christoferson, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. 270) AUTOMOBILES 47 I O" ajny 1 ( AH WS GONN wvt N-NIi miUi f I HEGITSCAUGHT HiTXHAVt ANEW I IVARSAFTEff WAMTA r-a, I FUET6 1950 MERCURY two-door. Phone 7 lit-"! a "Uu. ,J '4W. HAIN'T RUNNIN' I I MARRIED DELAVEB ACTlON'STVLE- 1 I PUFFAWMEO- &ACHELOR? ) H 'JL (tf f J 1 your Northland Dairy, Black 937. (270p) FOR your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Gas "Pacific" Propane. j m-iivcry except By looking after your milk N'llt will look after you. il It rnl An FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Noon of December 15th, 1953, lor the purchase of the hereunder described motor vessel, b nu mint guaran- PHILPOTT, EVlTT t-u Fnone ooi or o (c) . (ill I "Raping and gardening. f ' Wa Is ,n.l,.,l.. . I. (ogtther with gear and equipment situated thereon, belonging to the estate of John Boivin, deceased, late of Bella Bella. 28 FURNITURE FOB SALE SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank ...... $ 55.00 275 Gal. Tank $ 75.00 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.00 550 Gal. Tank ...... $110.00 3 Prov. Tax Extra, All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Industrial Welding fri J?xes' lawns and fences, Free estimates. fcn. "j Red 806. - (275n) CHROME set, chesterfield suite, vanity and oencn, qoudic ucu Name "Mayo." Length 35 ft. complete. Apply 855 1st ftve K tT Ltd.. fnr ,Canadlan Liquid West, suite J. nvunnn umIw. STUDIO lounge. 1348 figgoti w. J weWi supplies. THE HEART OF JULIET JONES . By STAN DRAKE Ave.i Saturday, sunauy eve Phone 60. (ltd Green 884 225 First Avenue I c) nings. V'Tc-r, Powered by a 10 ti.r. 2 cylinder Vivian gas motor. Boat is presently moored . at Ooean Falls-Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Strictly cash. Signed G. L- Brodie, Deputy Official Administrator of the Estate of John Boivin, Deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (270) ''.rU.K Bn,.. Af n ... . 19A SEWING MACHINES . JUUl A in I Tsr,w at r sawdust tread. SALES Repairs Rentals. Singer " i tltrl rNCW WHAT SBBVS Y WBX, WW WWAT A8S VOU 6M0PPIN9 i ;i y SKi" TWE u -'CV4'i- Li - TOBETwe pow expect asounp for... A tlSi'i e?ics-B skjWA ' TROUBLE?... TOSETNA NE?V6 1CNIC? ) t'f-SV 4j BJLOSUE.POC.. ' N A MINUTE V -iHb-Z.. 3 7l-?vt4 r-"r V i 6PAII L .'t, 811 frio, ot Dk... Sewing centre, rnone 001 - mv, A mine (288) a CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Irrt"m Bui... rICIAN D. Guvatt. FOR SALE MISC. 32 ''USH nriHiu. . . electrical r-i niiu Ave. West. .,' 9th "! Rd 165. (265 EASY washing machine in good condition, reasonably piieeJ-Call Red 896 1136 6th East UoDI Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. I torj,.7Z HOUSE BOAT ready to move into. Entire hull constructed of heavy planking and In top condition. Bunks, table, Chairs, stove and sink included. Very reasonably priced. Apply Caretaker, Yacht Club. (S65p in. .u automatic on heat- t m m par . I Cir .nn'"r.lIil "orn. Phone fcu n West. Letour- ACME adjustable dress form, $12. Hand Singer sewing machine, $40.00. Blue 448. (265p) MSI mymm Mtk&mk- Hollywood Cafe L- c) I. -'llUNX nVtll,l.u,. f"? I)e A 7' ""'"'"II CtOtn For Outside Orders Pbone 133 12-FT. plywood boat, brand new, with oars. Suit 10-hp. motor. Only $90. Phone Blue 102. Ufnc) I Ave Aldine Apts., TWO fox terrier pups. 1021 2nd Ave. West l-"5p mil mm is i .1 ni ... " " 1 m, .I itnilTsrrifl ii j si in ; ' (!Up; V