A TV'' Hawks Need Only Victory Tonight it 1 . ., .'... ..I r To Knock Canadiens Out of Finals 7 a -" l-'"'wt(ll ; M()N1R1':al CP) Chicago never seriously threatened, fs- j rougher soon after the JM-ronri! MIDSUMMi Hluck Hawks, Ducked Dy tne or"-; peciauy ,....-.. " Moslen'": i5"i'.n toMlnn punchen llant goal-keeping of Al Rollins.' his great display. .-, in a 4-2 vU-torv over M011-! Canadii'ns put up EXAMINAIIO their best Charles Ready For Marciano By RUSS NEWLAND SAX FRANCISCO -One-time heavyweight champ Ezzard Charles, back in the title hunt with a smashing 10-round win over tough Rex Layne, 1 and w-re given major peniiUlcs There a a steady penalty parade In the lost period, highlighted by a tangle between Lynn and Mi ger and culminating in Geoffrlon's nilsronduct penalty for Rhuvlug liiiesmnn llllj Mor I real Canadiens Thursday night. ! light In the second period when the third straight for the Hawks' Richard cut the Hawks lead to in the Stanley Cup semi-final ! 3-1 but when Mormon brought ,h0 now need only one more the margin to 4,hree rohU once in to take the series. more, Canadiens faded. The 14,420 funs were stunneu If the Monlrealers hope to & JUNE, V w,,' - " v. ' toum y , lOIOlilo . rv .,ii,.,.w t,i r;uiKlli.n mho keen Ihe series alive iney u: rison. -on the first two games last , have to take mie new and dras- V told the boxing worli week on Montreal Ice and then' tic measures to overcome tne; lost two In Chicago. The sixth ; wizardry of Rollins. The lanky tame will be plaved In Chicago Chicago goalie has been a s'.and-toi'Hrt ' out in the last three game and Three Chicago goals In lens1 Thursday night he nee med U. than 12 minutes of the first per-; take particular delight ,o,1 had Canadiens ruling, and j thwart;.. Richard. The Rocket - " . -I i m is m the game finaliy threatened IO , KOI UltV UJ lliM.U. U-.1V " ; ernl oilier goal-labi McU .shots TO-OAVS 1952 Plymouth 4-dtxr sedin 1951 Plymouth 4 door sedun 1948 Chrysler 4 -door inrjon blow up Ui a fn e-'o -all. ' Eighteen pr.taitlc were called, includiiig majors to Bill Mom-Unko of Chicago and Jim Mac-j plieison of Canadiens and a mls-i co'idiict eriai-y to ''Bourn Btwinl ' ' (i. o'trioi; f Montreal, i Fred Hiieul. Maslrnko, Gus iBoduar and Gus Mortson were goal-scorers for the Hawks and Maurice iRotketi Richard and Tom Johnson for Montreal. NK'Vlll TIIRFATKXI I) A FREE-FOR-ALL 1XTERRITTS the opening gime of the best-of -seven series for the Western Canada junior hockey championship at Fort William between Fort William Canadiens and St. Boniface Canadiens. Fort William's Don McLeod ion his kneasl wrestles Ab McDonald ion his back) of St. Boniface while referee Chick Little irighti looks on .Linesman Ike Morrison holds buck a St. Boniface player. Fort William won the pimp 7-U gobbled up. LINK. GAME Little Billy Mosienko played n fine all-round game for the Hawks and their defence stood up when Canadiens put on an all out dilve in the second period. For several short utrch-hei play was entirely Intlde the Chl-cago zone In this mldd'e p-rlo1 and time and again ttie Montreal attack boi!ied riomn under Chl-M'!ii's relentless chccMn2 Thursday "I think I can beat anyone now." The 31-year-old Cincinnati Not;ro put on one of the finest battles of his lengthy ring career when he battered the Lewis-ton. Utah, pamester Into a bloody hulk Wednesday night at Win-terland. Millions of nationwide television viewers and 7.500 fans at the indoor arena saw Charles floor Layne four times in the first, sixth, seventh and tenth rounds. ' Burley Rex Rained his feet every time but the beating he took probably will shelve him lor weeks. He suffered cuts near bolh eyes and under the lower lip. Charles, fightir.i; for a title shot, beat Layne in savage 1947 Chevrolet ioGQn $ Enraged Red Wings Trounce Bruins 1947 Pontioc 4 -door sedan . $1100 1947 Ford Tudor sedan ... $1050 1937 Foid For. sction I ? -t vr , y -' i fie. 1; '5 .a t f t ' v. 1 After their first-pcrl.xl -oi - canadiens tried to vet pomet ing outburst the Hawks '' 1 p!Bys goinn a?aln In the filial i prrlod bi the Hak knew Remember When 1 had tn - umf 1,11 b"t "rw'fl A. B Chandler, then com-j The game began getting To Keep Stanley Cup Chances Alive DETROIT tCP Striking for tninutcs later their lead was 3-0 j In the final ses.ilon. Sandfo.d three goals in the first four min- I Ted Lindsay scored after only ' scored for the second time u $101 TRUCKS Inrernotionol 1 -ton Panel Fargo 1 j-ton Panel Forgo 1 .-ton Panel . 1950 1948 1951 missioner of baseball, at tin- He uotindec'i the 2u3-pound I utes. the enraaed Detroit Red $14 I j seconus 01 piay anu aiLt-r maKe u 3-i dui me mus-" """-, vinnatt six years ago WKiay an-155 second mark defenceman Boa -rt rint baclt aC4n wne Oler. nounccd adoption of the major .tioionam Droucnt tne nouse aow by connecting on a 55-foot n u.,u Wnin ii;.n n.r niavera. ai-ir.i..ij. i-i J a. I Skov found tne runse. f-itl nilH PHT IIATNnf I TiJ i Bruin, made the.r final J VrX W . RUPERT MOTORS LIB . . B-tM l"IW T' I i ,.r,H it u-ic n oimd one - r 11 0. screen shot to make it 2-0. Rex in the mid-section and Wings whipped Boston Bruins belted his head with stinging g.4 Thursday nisht to stay alive left hooks and sharp right jn tne Stanley Cup hot key play-crosses to the face. Layne wasjoff3 grocgy from the sixth round on f. harles, unmarked after the 1 C , , .:. 3-2 o Th. The semi-fu al nes brawl, said he would challenge jer,, be played in Bo- wU the winner of the Rocky Mar- ifth game At 3:45 defenceman Benny ",u " """ " elit.s set a retirement nue 01 ju 1 n. Ly I PHONE 866 I . Scnmioi scoreo ai -i.ar ohm r players, coacne.s ana nam- - - i Woit scored and the Wings head a?ain at 16:40. eis. ton tomorrow night. ed for their first victory since the opening game. LATE RALLY The Winds' early assault off eiiUio-jcisey joe wuiiuu enau:-plonship rematch at Chicago April 10. "I feel I've earned another shot at the title." Ezzard said. "Id rather fight Marciano for the title. I think his style Is made to order for me." The Red Wing.s, trimmed in three straight sanies by the brash Bruiius, came out with fire in their eyes Thursclav ni;h'.. Within the fir.st 55 seconds, they scored twice and less than three set a late Bruin rally which saw ' veteian Miit Schmidt score twice 1 in the last 10 minutes of play. That made it 6-4 and the Bruin had several chances to draw ; fven clo'ir lit the last five minutes, as the Winus played most .t the time one man short xs a 'c.'ult of penalties. Ed Sandford also scored twice for the Bruins but they didn't LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 191 ViOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SlUI'lTiG . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Exptrienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S Agents Allied Van Lines LUI. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Are. J look like the same team which 1 stunned the hockey world with ! that three-game streak against the Wings, defending Stanley j Cup champions. I "7"" ' ' S """'s--xi -yST - - j ffX " Tl. V LOOK) Yy (oONTLOOKJ - IT'S TOO --J. SOmft m!s i -r" NO rt- t-a. V Cl jC4t ( LATE TO STA?T S, .T f, KT I T'N tHtfts ! IHANDSPUlrZ Cowy a STEW jLsi . After taking th.ir 3-0 lead, the Wings went scoreless until 8:42 of the second period. Tiiat was when Gorclie Howe skate! in all alone to beat goalie Jim Henry with a sizzling 15-foot shot.' SANDFORD OXVrXTS Just 20 seconds later Boston scored its first goal when Sand-ford clicked. Johnny Wilson got that ri'ht back for Detroit 2'2 minutes later. iF ? rA . ; 1 wn i ( ) ki&rx I -wv - jrs j WEDGIES A style conscious Wedgic for your Easter wardrobe . . . enhancing as a breath of Spring . . . comfortable foam rtisole and arch ...... v .' Vl ,- , - - ?. t it i " , x . - -' ' ' l 1 !e "t f . HOCKEY SCORES THURSDAY Saskatoon 1, New Westminster 3 (best of seven semi-final tied 2-21. Edmonton fi, Calgary 5 (Edmonton wins best of five semi final 3-2 1. SANDALS And Pumps which will grace the loveliest Easter Outfit . . . and continue the touch of Spring to the tips of your toes. Colours in . . . Purple ond Mauve, at Fashion Footwear Atlin Fisheries Team Wins Shooting Award Atlin Fisheries trap-.shootins team defeated its closest rival, Fashion Footwear, 66-51 In the Good Friday challenge shoot to win the first award of the Rupert Radio & Electric trophy. Third team in the shoot, Ru !!lfl!iMll!lT ' mmmtfc WATER 1 ii 'I i. . pert Radio bowed out wilh 58 points. Tommy Boulter of Fashion .scored 21 out gf 25 for the highest Individual score followed by Bill Wood, captain of the Atlit reveals whisk ys true flavour team with 19. Following are the winning team members and their scores: Bill Wood (101, Elmer Clausen (Hi, Howard Scott (12i. Harold Thorn (Hi, Jim Bacon (lOi. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE " Is-rr-LA J VOU LL PAY ME FOR ( WELL. ANYWAY. ) f OJI N '-'rK IfTYM I L JT (PVEW ONEOTTHESE TOO ShJ Q P ( WE KNOW VTT1. -Z- II 'I I . I IV Off ILL CALL THE KM. ICE.") , , V WERE GOING VfyJ ? Put Seagram' 8J" to the water testi Water, plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagrams "83' pjy Seagram's w Sure coyer more area ui This advertisement ii not publiihed or displayed by the Liquor - ?n!rL??i?rJ,y Government of British Columbia. Mcftride St. rbone 311