, .,,,. I . . f ' : -v t 1 ; t , . . I 1 - . . i " -t,L ... , ' " X I . " . .. I',"' ' i, 1 - Prince Kupert Doily New - . .1 . .Saturday. April . 1B53 m -I. n f ; Saturday Sermon SJ 1 Ha )0rt?5 vjiccii iviamtiu THE RESURRECTION The Essential Fact of the Christian Foith By REV. f. ANTROIU S FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pretty Wedding Here .t 'ie.-li (ei ian Church was the scene of a wriy evening wedding, Thursday, when . Durothy Creen became the bride of John Pastor, Hrt Bap tint Church j Everything hanf upon the Resurrection! If It could be' proved that no living Christ ever burned from the tomb of Joseph I of Arimathea, then that tomb become not the tomb of a man only, ' but a lo of the Christian Faith, with all the hope baaed upon It, i and all the .plendid enthulam and arhlevemenU It ha Innplred. ! Ye, the whole conduct of the - . - i . 4 . ' I - t - - : . . i ft t , ' ,rl)uth:c .Macintosh. CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION EASTER SUNDAY LOW MASS at t and in the morning Pontifical Mass at 18:39 in the morning Special Music by the choir, conducted by Charles Balagno The MISSA BREVIS" in J parts, by Nicola A. Montani. BENEDICTION AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON .. 11 a.m-EASTf R FAMILY SERVICE Sermon: "He Is Risen." Children Story: "He said: I II See You In Oalilee." Junior Choir: "AlWuleh, 8ong of Gladness." Combined Voice: Easter Morning. 7:30 p.m. RASTER EVENING SERVICE Meditation: "The Resurrection and the Life." The Choir presents: The Easter Cantata: "IMMORTALITY." COME AND WORSHIP There will be no Sunday Schools Organists: Mrs. O. E. Freeman and Mr. Henry A. Pluym Choir Leader: Mr. J S. Wilson. Church testlfir to the ganencs tinned yellow carnation. earh and reality of It belief. For m E A WriRht run of the daughter ;(if Oiecn and the jnd Mi. John Mne-rii;P a riuurant floral centred with lltrhUd ,anrfl .. 1 ",,w ."' 1 u, f lunMlIy lace danism' white satin, kin ly bride's orlc- ihnrieri ii. ti.i. ' " v,c " explanation oi me The ftoww-rtrl Handr? Church apart ,rom lhe R"rrec- of her attendant were all madl S M 0f ,U foltoer- the "h by Mi.si! Mary Dusw h" "e on- "'rough dungeons k.' nnd """"as t: death, through the Mr Riv wi. , P,L - Z.T "! wtr, of persecution, and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (1 (in The molded, lindire. ii'cnti'd by ;.ft nt (M ails, was d and tin- fabulously FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5 2 9. and John 5:17-27. The Re- ; urrectlon t also the supreme proof of His central place In the ' work of Redemption It was the ; divine seal sit upon His earthly ' work: Rom. 1:4. "declared to be the Son of Ood with power, byj the resurrection.'' This was God's ! unanswerable argument. His sign of approval for all the world to see. that the salvation wrought by the Son waa perfect. For who ran answer a Ood Who speak In thick' darkness, earthquakes, , open graves, and resurrection. Let the Message of the Resur-rection speak to your heart this Easter. Make tills Christ your' own Savior and Lord. He said: ' Because I live, yc Khali iive also." vcn tnc gate or hades, have not of of the h rrgloler. ..uir ., rifith -.kirt was miit- '' ''''' '' ' . ' 'h EASTEK SERVICES MuthIiik Worship 1 a. in. 'bubjwt: "The Garden of Joetph of Arimathea" Special Music by the Junior Cbolr. Mindav Heboo l:l.t uccn eblc to prevail against It. ! Paul wan certainly right when he deelareo. ihat If thrust be not Best man wa Mr. Ken and luher were Stan Murray Johnwm, Bill Richardson and Dick Bell. II a. in. Morning Nerthe n il p.m. Miindav Hliul Special program In each of the three departments. Parents are specially Invited to ?:S0 p.m. Menlng Krrvlee Senior Choir will sing Guest Bpeaker at all services Ke. H. L AKI'I STCK 8cward, AUiska raided, your faith U vain, you are ttill in your kin. If Christ be not l;irnllis twrhlp 7:110 Dr. WrlKlit proposed the toast raised, 1 there Is no Mediator "mu,r be ot' L. "OTT' STTV V Chorsl Brrvi by the . ft Hii'rl,lif"! 1 Menior Cnotr "t"1' ("i 1 Minister attend with their children oil j to the bride at the reception In . 1 V r- the Canadnm USJm Auditor- l? ?? ond. ma": U'e gu" this day. between the soul and its Creator ; VSV--' 'r",-i I "rv- rtiit. ll. mf.'.: i A 1 tJ f. Oreanlsts: Mm E J. Smith lum, after the mwmbled guesU remain unabridged ; God la still 1 1 . ,1 trrtwtM 1 1. - fe,v m-u mr iiHpoy vounff I . . . : viuttlon , WJ ' I We "tend a cordial In to T'slU'r worship with u-i i- irf-Hrj "Ilemembrr the Baaihath Day and Keep n Holy." -,;ii;.:n- She wore a :hjti i.ii-ltet liutur-.luiiiiiii rollar and !.r ) m:th sleeves im l iikIIi llluvr. A (ji)Ti eitf i irled cor-n In id Uie cIimkIii ,;! inii'th veil mid : !iry rrniin rose Sr.'trh lii .itlli r. ;fj Hill, its maid u( j periwinkle blue net j tor her rharmtiiR ,h e n. ' while '( u bnili Mnaid wore iv. mined Ixmlfant i j,'in. Miimy-Kol'J il.-jte wqum tlarn.1 ilii iiidi r-li ntli veils, rr.,t!i lum, opera c:pMid their ro-Vr (ariiid novel -..a! bnuUtt ol pink- k I ' "nap"roacnaolc; ma" la 1,1 eouple. who stood under , Whlte and pink decorated arch. In thej "u leceivliiB line were Mr. Mac- But trie great aixistic rocs on to Intosh wlm chose a navy blu "Now Christ Is risen from trert-length crepe dress with j lhe dead and become the first navy acccsKortes and carnation frulU of them that slept ... so L-orsnge. and sister of the bride REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH 6th Ave. and Hays Cove Circle MORNING vVKSII!P--l A.M. C'Hnbined Service fur Kunclay fx In,., I anil Adulu Special Easter Music Pastor WU1 Speak: "Is He Your King?" EVENING SERVICE 7:30 P.M. Rev. J. C. Schweitzer of Opportunity. Wash, will be sfiecial speaker THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL ERASER STREET SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES SATtKIHY: I P.M. SUNDAY: 11 A.M. and 7:30 PM. Sunday School and Bible Class 8:30 p.m. ST. PETER'S Anglican Church SEAL COVE EASTER SERVICES 9:Z9 a.m. Holy Communion ll:9 a.m Easier Family Service 12 Noon Holy Communion 3:3 p m Port Edward Easlrr Service 7:30 p.m. Festal Evensong also in Christ shall all be made alive, but every man In hi own turn. Christ the first-fruits; afterwards, thry who are Christ's at HU Coming. ' Something hapencd ovei r.lne-leen centurte ago In Judea. on the morning of the third dnv. that ha changed the whole current and flow of history: Mis Beatrice Green, wearing a floor-length gown of pink tulle !nd carnation corsage. After the very fitting icp.y to the toast by he grown. Mr. Ken Johnston imiKised a tillable toaist to the rldal attendant. Master of ercmonle Mr. Roy Evans then .cad many telegrams of eon-eratulatlnnA and iir-t, ih. nee Adams, spi-eial good wlshe of the 120th me"' "VM- their homes, the as Nico Heavy Battery Regiment j r,cnu of children, the lot of The three-tiered Mlvcr and ,ne Position of women hlte wedding cake was then ' th hole order of society In all YOUTH RALLY, SAT., APRIL 11,8 P.M. MR F. E. ANFIELD. Speaker EVERYONE WELCOME nge Vows icut and dancing to the music 1 these areas, men have been CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Second Avenue West Prinre Rupert. B.C. Branch of the First Church of Christ Scientist In Boston, Mass EASTER LESSON SUBJECT: "UNREALITY" Services Every Sujiday nt II a.m. " Sunday School every Sunday a. LI am. Wvdncsday Kvening Meeiiog on Second Wednesday of each mom! at 8 pm Reading Room open Wednesday and Friday 2 4 p m. -n't A'iams. cid-st' ' Rotwrt Woods was begun. greatly blessed and upnfted. : Mr Oliver Ailam ' f when leaving for honey- Th l'cRrity of Jesu Chr'..it L d Thomas Dixon. B10n trip to tlu United SUtes ', dcuends upon the Resurrection. ol Mr ai.d Mr J ind CBJ,t to Calgary, the bride j Fo' an nn cold say. "I have r VANGELI CAL FREE asirrtft "i an early iv Tiurwiav st St iUwiirai Rev Canon 'Or oftleiated f Bivrii aay by Mj Willis While, bur,or ;u Sin Hud cnose a chic ensemble of an s Per 10 lay aown my lire." but aqua wool knitted suit with only Ood rould say, "I hsve "nakeskln serenes, topped by a power to take t un iir while stole Her hat was white ' '' ld. "Destroy this temple, brushed felt and she wore a and in three days. I will raise hrre-rose corsage. 'tip. He spake of the temple of The bridal bouquet was caught , 'lr body" by Mnrna Mark, j The Resurrection is the su- On their return Mr, and Mrs ! "reme prrif of His Dclt v. He is Macintosh will reside In the city Ood the Son! Read Col, 1:19. and I) I K K JTOU Y TVleen In Mil chun-M St II jttif ::W i m. rynlay Kelin4 li.lS eve-( U( i n. M.I K HTBIIIHI, th Ave. W . at Dunomlilr 8t Holf C.otnmumiili 8 30 am. tttlnrlaj rh'Mil 2.00 p m. vin'jr Bm.ll PYnektcr f A . B D. IU-cUit Olu TOO) I IUT ItArTIM Sttl Ave E. Young 8t. UiiiIiut: Itctr. t red Aate40lis. IGroen til Ji HT I'KI l-KVTI KIAN 4th Avcliue fJWl Rev. t A Wrlfht. 3D , (Clr.to VSJi I IliST 1 MTFIl (tw ih Ave. v;vt ll. V. a. bkcoer t jr.a 813; Mr J R Niroll SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1953 11:00 a.m. Sunday School A fipecial Easier program is planned. 7:30 p.m. Spccio' Easter Service The Pastor will speak. Special Music will be provided. W "BECAUSE HE LIVES WE SHALL LIVE ALSO" Mi ( has. W. Sinclair, Pastor. Phone Green 411 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH ."Mil tlrnue ul Mrllrnle Mreet REV. H. O. OLSON The Jiisi Shall Live Bv Faith" COME ANU WORSHIP EASTER SUNDAY -.. miihmmi m;k i'0-l:lili'Vvi! Sermon: Iy the wnw i' :-' '.'-.. '. ' " ' . Eawrr Messagt tn Sonij ' ; 4 " immm; miimi i; ;:;t p.m. SUNOAY SCHOOL EASTER PKOUHAM M MAV M IMMH. I J:U p.tl. tf erixiin j ""..'.(t bn-aklMt the . 'ft eouplp tj..arci( tl r unftuner They will la Vancouver nnel 'r re'.urmr.f to live ' V' f t . t ! " V Si ' j ' r . r1 J''l. tm ' aV . . ,?;; .-. Ti:- y. ' r w it V, . I. '! , a. -it P -li " v 1 a' V. t '. r- - pi f . ? vr i . t - " - w " j e. a i. Nil r, , '.' ,, . I 'a . I . f ' a v .- .v ! . .-. - . .. , -.- . . . .: .... ; ' . ; ' I" '" "f 1 NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION Rr. J. C. Srhwrllrer. LI..R. Pastor ru-siSciice: 238 West Sixth Ave. fauirr nrrnHm and ehlldrcn't siory on BtincUr lirruuun 4 Mttllhn in the Krgulitr ptlt Chtirch. S3 font f Avenue. All Oernitn itpraktii people sre invited walla i Wed Here! SAH TMIX AIV rrarr Street C O Br c.ii Ueuro Oysiry tjiiiiilBJ Uchool 2:30 pm (Black 289) T. HI l, I.ITIH.RAN-' &tll Ave St Mrltrldo bl Pastor: llcv. l. O lrn BlHek 010) T. rillH'N AMil.H'AX Snl Cove lu v. J S. lllilili. R A , Mil, I Hector smiilnv s -iiuul 1IXH) in. mviiini 1'rsyer 7.30 pin. (Blue BUI Mi ni i k neTiiT Htiiuli'y ra Iiki ll:00 .m. M.a-nlii VA'tirwhio Servhrv l"i IS .-! SHi Ave R liliK Xfl iu-t nrv i,nM Thor) "! M. Ilakalli' '''y R-,an il Metla-' P"'!'-ijiifs in a rd- ; h'.tf at S: And-"'; ami odwlate I y Basil Proektrr "wli:n of Mr ri:h':i Ryan m, t. , " "fr a lisht grey 1 fallullol eorsa;; '")' in m.i;ri.i-; by ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL EASTER DAY Holy Communion at 7:30, 0:30 (choral) anil at lt:30 p.m. Il:c0 A.M. Festal Service with Sermon 7:30 P.M. Evensong it ml Sermon P"W 1AI. OFFF.RINO EVIt OU1I.DING Ft Nil the l! Ult , . v-. ; km U ; , - zcitrK yi . r mm M ORMES DRUGS w mm