Pririfc RupPrt Dmly fj, KiillUday, Apill i !(; Penitentiary Terms Given Campaign SCREEN FLASHES I now 6:50 - i.avin - luTrTTrrr in "GOLDEN HawJ i They roceivfd &entciirrs of 2'i years lor a $13,353 Jewel stoic robbery In hite February, two years lor two car thefts, 23 years for three breakini; and enterma and theft . charges, and six months for a camera theft. All sentences are concurrent. J NANAIMU. UC. l lwo youth-fill ji'V.i I rob! i't :i were sentenced Here u V years In nitentiary by Maris! rate Hecvor Potts. Robert E. Forties, u, and Junius E. Armstrong. 17, pleaded guilty to five (Inures of Ihrft and to breaking and entering charges. Sunday Midnight Only ROD CAMERON KTAN1.LY CI tu,, ' 1,1 la Into the tension of the Khvbcr I Pass marches a young soldier dls- j graced In the eyes of the BrllL-h Army and of his father but not ! i hi the eyes of his friend nor In 1 the heurt of the girl he loves. His i Widens Race Gap Bv ARTIU'R G.WSIION JOHANNESBURG (AP) The battle cries of white supremacy i which dominate the South Afri- i can general election campaign' "rnm nrirr" " 'ARMY BOM ruKi ujaul iiitiiiaaiicBBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111111 heroism In a crucial battle b-.1- j tween the Midland Fusllter.t and j the raiding Afghans saves the tiii: iii-:vrs on . . in ii,kkn( S. hik most im.Mtot s m ot in ti, It's A Wise Woman...: day for Captain Dion Lenbrldge : 1 i When Buvina Your New i "TROPIC ZONE 1... T" ...: is SJS-rt Dress or Coat or Suit i PK'KKTS AMI I'ULIt'E BATTI.K outtide the strike-bound hatchery of Swift Canadian Company at Stratford. Ont. The truck in the. background had ULOOO newly-haUhed baby chlcka which the'eumpany moved out after a sniffle with the pickeU. The 61 employees of the plant went on strike lor higher wages. Co'.or by Tci hnii olor Hlariliig . . . HONM O III (. have wideued the gun Dciwecn races. Fear and passion stalk the land over this issue as the tempo of campaigning nears Its April 15 climax. Law-abiding supporters and opponents of the government alike seemed distressed as musclemen continued to break up opposition meetings with eggs, tomatoes and stones. The race-proud government of Prime Minister Daniel Malan and for Fngland. Peter Lawford enact the disgraced soldier, Richard Greene his friend, and Janice Rule the girl who never loses faith In Dion In "Rogue's March," M-O-M-'s exclU'inent-p acked adventure drama which opens at the Totem Theatre Monday Filmed In the tradition of Kim," with IU story shifting from the colorful Kngiand ul Victoria's day to the turbulence of flMhtliiK on th1 borders of In RHONDA MIMIMi, (ST,Ln STARTS MONDAY US BE SURE TO SEE OUR J NEW ... EASTER BONNETS : nut ( arlomi - News "I'arilim t l'riiguln" CAPIT0 Winch Questions Authority Of Caretaker' Government VICTORIA (CI') -The CCK has raised another constitutional issue in British Columbia. v tvcnings - V:OJ a famoi s ruHiism,, Mondoy Motinco 2:00 dia. "Rogues March" parks u meantime sent shivers down the ( nation's spine by charging non-1 wnite leadersjiave threatened to; kill all European .... train j WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Tu P I I ictv i7TVr in ENDS TODAY 1: - lt.05 the CCF leader. ! Harold Winch kwji i rvir hiii, ROBERT Ml I CIIUM - KU.SAN HAY A'inrh sought to form a new armies in the night .... shed blood Non-white leaders themselves deny the charges, asserting thi y have foresworn the use of vio- government Your Personal Agent dramatic wallop In "very reel as , it unfolds its narrative of the: young captain who Is accused of treason, who at a stirring trial Is f unable to refute the treacherous I evidence of a clerk In the Intelll- genre Department and who Is drummed out of the service Reaping his guards. Dion joins ' the Victorian Rifles as a Private land in India Is ultimately once Trw jsays the Social Credit govern-, ment is a caretaker government and has not power to rule by : crders-in-councll on controver-i sial matters. He says it would I ::-! I'ii Mm', Mr. Bennett got the nod CCF bid was rejected. S3 b give the Social Credit party pol itical- advantage. " Teacher Group Premier W. A C. Bennett take issue with this. He says hif lenee as a method of political ; snuggle. ' ! Basically all whites in this , strategic chunk of the British! Commonwealth want the same thing maintenance of the pre-, sent master-servant relationship, j Their prosperity and comfort depend on it. The Nationalists frankly favor Opposes School No. 2 SAVE THE CARTOONS WIN A PRIZE One Cartoon appears each week for 10 weeks. Save the cartoons and arrange in the order of your choice. Contestants whose ar- : g'oii brought face to lace wun his father who has disowned ; him and the girl who has never Ir.iven up hope for him. And In line story's valiant climax. Dion Is able to vindicate himitelf and STARTS MONDlj lilr -Half Hay To llravrn" "llunllnf the IX-vll (f Cartoon government is not a caretaker government and is carrying on in office until the June 9 election -without any strings." Mr. Winch, himself regarded as a constitutional authority. Grant Proposal TOTE ,. MMOI'S CI KSTHI to ave the lives ol uic two a stern rule to sort and separate 7:-9: p. Evenings VANCOUVER ff-BC. Parent- j((Jllle ne iov,., mmi Teacher Federation disagrees the races, to keep non-whites "In j protested the government plans their places" and so "save white to decontrol milk prices May 1. South Africa." I H would have to be dene by or- Their solution, for example, to attack mounting native crime: Hire more cops, build more jails. FLY dcr-in-council. "It would be unconstitutional." said Mr. Winch. "The milk decontivl plan was a controversial issue In the legislature. i rangement is nearest "W iii lil vim i it i i il si Ui nn I f Have YOU proteci.ed your Furniture and other person a 1 property against FIRE? Many people add costly items of furniture and overlook hai"-insr tliem Insured. Ciet yours protected now. ur tin- arliMMiv ( Jill at ntir tiffin for ef ra -(pii The United party, led by J. O. N. j Strauss, has promised to try to . take race relations out of party ( It was never decided by the vote ith the provincial government's proposal to base its si:hool grants on what each separate municipality gut last yt-ur. In a statement Issued, the P-TA jys It wants grants based Instead on "definite per capita i nns," that is. on per pupil en-i oiled and per teacher employed, regardless ol what any muniel- I a ily might have received some II ::e In the past. In addition, the federation wants grants ba-sod on "average," ELLIS AIR LIME of the House." politics if It Is elected. J i la n'e nnnnnpnls broadly! The government was defeated ,..' ,v, mHi,.:ui the floor of the House Father to Hang For Slaying Daughter i KAMUX JPS. U C. O Kosalmro ,Masuda. CO-year-old handyman i charged with the shotgun slay-' Ing of his 17-year-old daughter, jv as convicted Thursday of murder at the asslies here, i He was s-ntencel to be hanged j June 23. Mr. Justice J V. Clyne ormiounced sentrnce. ! The d-iughtcr. Mrs Uly King. to that already chosen by the judges wil! win prizes. 1st prize $10.00 2nd prize $5.00 5 prizes $2.00 each ntsi th." EASTER SCHEDULE eral. there is the basis of the :, lieutenant-governor proclaimed conflict in their race politic j dissolution of the legls.ature. with those of the Nationalists. iiKFENDS RIGHT who mainly speak for Agrarian Prpmif,r Bennett on Thursday From PRINCE RUPERT SV f h t ', : ...r- 3" . , m . :r 'Ir - -5 ' V t - e5 V7V - - '"'V t 4-5 .1 4 4 ) '1 landed interests. not "minimum" expenditures practised here or there. The statement, also emphasii-ed that its objections to government policy, the o-caIled "Hol- j defended the right of his cabinet to brine about price decontrol , through order-ln-rouncll. "What Mr. Winch says might were made to the i was killed last Aug 7 as she lcpt CALL At our office opposite the Post Office. Phone 266 Ere. Block 977 To KETCHIKAN SEATTLE WHITEHORSE and Other Alaska Points ston Formula prem'cr and to the education i..side her husband. John Ulng. have been true If we were a caretaker government, but we " 3 i ' 1 , ...J Britain Sends More Troops To Kenya i arc not. saia Mr. nenntiv. "When I was called upon to I n.mtstcr I Federation pleasure is expres-j sed in the statement, however, i with four policies for which It j form a government. I did so fort garry ln the family home here. Masuda had quarrelled with his son-in-law. a Chinese, and shen he fired through the bedroom window, he told police, the shot was intended for Bliitf ! Your lurrt Avut (without any strings wnaiswvrr had asked, and whlrh are em-bodied In the new act- They are: A uniform mill-rate on property for school polioses. Uniform In respect of LONDON i Reuters Colonial Secretary Oliver Lyttclton said In the House of Commons that the coffee When the House was dissolved, it was on the same basis "No motion of non-confidence was moved by any member o'. the opposition parties at any I 1 f0 LABlL Advertising in the Daily News Brings Rest Masuda Is a Japanese. Mau Mau's current rampage In . Kenya has produced a semi-' time during the session." I ..II military situation "more like war ' The defeat, he said, was on i AAA, Payments of g o v c r n m e n t j grants from consolidated than an emergency."' n matter of pe'.icy dealing with I The anti-white terrorist cult education costsnot on a want-; v ent on the warpath in the ! oi-coniiaence muuun. . colony a week ago, killing about . "The action of all opposition I FINEST IRAND OF GARRY COFFEE YOU CAN BUY i 100 persons and burning and , paru.-s -"' - looting villages of Africans loyal : nearly showed that the g overn- Payment of grants direct to M.hool boards. Basing of grants on the pupil-teacher unit, the statement acld-sd. would "automatically provide continuing er,uity between provincial government and local authorities. llteilb wun CA WIT w u to the colonial authorities exactly the same basis as prior ! to the session." More troops and planes from Pritain arrived In Kenya Thursday to help in the ste.ppcd-up operations against Mau Mau Atomic Power Operates Model U.S. Submarine By I HANK C'AIU.V ', HAS BACKING After de'eat of the govern-Wnent. ti".-' House, by unanimous : consent, passed a $94.0oO.OOJ j supply bill and 54 other bills. Mr. Bennett has the barkini; of some constitutional authorities i One, a former speaker of tlv , House, said dissolution didn't ; affect the right, responsiblliti ;md duties of government. Another expert said Mr. flen-' nett has the right to dea.1 with milk undur terms of the Public Utilities Act. I - V"1- Jt? s. i 'w. J T" WASHINGTON (API The world's first known version of an atomic power plant to proju-l a RUiimarme nas t ... Lieutenant-Governor Clarenc . the U S atomic oH'ration, energy Wallace tangled with a contill-' lutional Issue last week when , commission announced Thurs-trn frovi'rnmcnt wiik iicfcatrd day. Premier Bennett asked for dls-! The dcvlcc-a working mod-l j solution and an election. MrJol one inai eveniuaiiy wn. p.jv.rr . - the navy's atomic, sub. the Nautl- Baseball Scoies jlus was set in operation on dry (land at the AEC's testing station In Arco, Idaho. 1 The AEC said the "prototype" 1 power plant that Is, the land mi - ' t II - - - J ; locked version of a sea-going! T tr "TW." i 1 I.. . ' I I FRIDAY Pacific Coast l.caue Hollywood 7 San Diego 4 San Francisco 5, Sacramento 2 Scuttle 5, Oakland 4 Portland 2. Los Angeles 1. type has sucecssiuiiy rnirreu Its first phase of operations" and will eventually be brought to "full power." f 1 ' il Imi.1I ilii ir - - - T ' I I . vu . planes I ! ; J 1 ft ' r ' I BIOHT ON THI "f - (J i " ''I''. ' j " TIMBER SITE " " i .'.. I GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS I- 1 m " Z "XviVfiVriiK It's richer, robust, full-hodicd... K W frtjV. iVjlv 14 British Columbians. Try it . . . you'll A "Slflvfi lc Captain Morgan Black Label Hum. CaptainMorgan RUM v: , 4 Hlcudcd to rcn'cciitrfi frmn (jirt-fully Selected FOUNDATIONS, ASPHALT ROOFING, CONCRETE WORK INTERIOR- and EXTERIOR RENOVATION iuw- . , -"s. Willi U J4 I IV 1 r o 1 1 1 ( Mlff'l ll'llil i Li lMITURT 107 ATC P.O. Box 721 Phone 909 Prince Rupert, B.C. I THIS AOVERTISeMENT IS NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY IHt LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OR THE GOVERNMENT Of BRITISH COtUMBIA