fi'liu.c nuptrii, Lfui.y rti Saturday, April 4, 1953 Salt cimeeuur tiui. in u . -a. depends on the difference be-1 twtu ths precipitation and evaporation. BLACKWOOD on d3ridt 4 PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER PIADLIV rOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAy previous Foil RENT tJV EASLEY BLACKWOOD Chttreh' P"renU lnVitd' "t!" 2 worn ufti. both .urnis! j SU.lh Av"' and Thompson Over to Club Social. Civic elren- 70pljcntre, Thursday. April 9. 2-3: Heinsite Scouts Around Mr. Heinsite is never the result of anv hand. His 'doubled grand fclam and he , 1 1 1 1 Bl'SINF.88 FEItHONAI.g tors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. tf) UNWANTED HAIR- Permanent J ly eradicated with Saca-Pclo. Tht most remarkable discovery of the hkc Kara-Pelo U guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair ur.d rontons no drug or chemical, LorBc-r Lab, 87!) Ciraiivilli. Vaivou-er, B(;. () PHONE IS ymr Northland Dairy, for (tally delivery except Sun- day By looking after your,. or piay. readers CriAh for old gold ' Buyer's Sonja meeting Mm. B. Roald's fuusduy. 1801 Heniur Basketball Chom-Iion.ship her April 10-11. igti) Family service. Easter 8u- - m ,!u whist drive Saturday, April 4, Mookc Temple. Everv-i one welcome. (it) I Wt-!1 Baby Centre, Skcena Wednesday, April 8th and April ! ilti 1 i Attention all Witt-rested footU ll, Deadline for player ; lint MUti Miaill VUU iAiUW. ih Apiit 10. Mail entry lit to Box 68 (341 Roei;il mppLitw iJ Itie Plh- rmen s local UFAWA. Sunday, h 9-sn n m M.4rnii- Hall. Convention reports and election of ballotins committee for referendum. ig)i . a iri. ....-..1 n...ti.. T : . " ln root no H A.toeiullim will! mil your m,lk wilt look after .FOR RENT Two room" apart-you. u. .p it A.l ionki ii,.-iu inu u. Phni p,.. FOR RENT HouwkilnI room 1531 2nd Overlook l80pl FOR RENT-SlecpliTgnT'Blw (801 FOR RENT Roorrt- -517 6th West. (81p FOR RENT Small house. Phone 15 Mlue 407. (811 in Red 807. IM0I FDR RF.NT-2 Jslnple rooms, one ooiinie room with twin Iwds A Uoard If desired. Gentlemen U only 813 2nd West I83t FDR RKNT Room. Red 471. 180) FOR r ENT-2-room nuiie"tu. m.-nea. worklnfr couple pre i'-rrro Call afu-r s 1-M4 at h Ave P-H.-I ;.'" '' l"!be held Friday, April 3, 1!)53 to ij.ij nr.Ki, u-UK'vk i in v new oiwct'rs, arKi wi jr--Car, Phone (M)ent trophies to winners of lt-ii!. SINGER CtWIWt CKNTRK rent! "79 PorL-.ble c;jji.iv V hoo fikailng daily. Pre- hool and Cl S t I A T - EOR RENT t.luht. housekeeping ' "mmo. rnone lireen 8U4 after apm. i8(,,i (FOR RFNT-Corner atore. Al der mock, Third Avenue and .Sixth Btreet: Oil O-Matir hot ! PlumU rs & SU-unifitler Loc:al water lieatinir: owner wilpfnion 180 - A special meeting decurale to smt tenant Alsowm h(,,d TuPJ!, .Dril 7 at two stores (,. Sixth fitre-t .i! .V.y . .i . (.ii iih ntdi; I -1 y.iti. t-i-n airia and a(,ults " 30-10 30 p m Start-. loniRni, ro huaung tsiin- day Prince Ruix rt Ourling Club. I Hi tk Alteritinn all mimhrrn nf peneral organizer in attendance - Sliversides, president. 18O1 Prinue Rupert LodKe No. 83 OO F. AitentRin. All members requested to attend meeting could be usej tore. See Prlnee Rupert Realty. 345 Third Ave. Hmc f WAMTFD 1 CASIl"riiR jure Scran copper. bra. botterlesi0" luesnay. apru t. Business .Important to ail mwnibers. Lodt;e opens 7 30 pm. J. Davidson. radiators. Phnne 541 Call 631 Slh Are Wist c, W A N T S" D TOP MARKET i PRICt-S PAU1 for scrap Iron steel, bra.-s. cof) ) r. r. lead, etc j At srr?LSenate Group Holidays Are Here Again . Enjoy this Year's Vacation in an A-l I'sed Car 1951 iPontiae Sedan. Smart Blue- Nice shape.... 185 1319 Plymouth Sedan. Lots of trouble-free miles S14I3 EXTRA SPECIAL 194 ANGLI V TCDOR Cheaper than shoe-leather $625 TRUCKS IM.'.a Sludrbaker Pickup. Motor reconditioned S1W! tv.Vi.W VOIR DEALLK, THEN BI'Y YOI R CSEIJ CAR Bob Parker Ltd. Phone M "The Home of Friendly Service PRINCE ftUPEIM DRYDOCfC AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIAI.ISTS ON SAWMIIX and MININCJ MACHINERY Queen Charlotte Airlines Schedule trips to: Kitimat and Kemano Tuesdays and Fridays Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays -fa Charter Service Contract Flytwa. Asent-s: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones 7 sutd C24 DELUXE RESS "Gestetner" Duplicating Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. , Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd At. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv as your mailing list We dO the rest, r GREEK & RRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. . . Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR 'YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Ph6ne Blue 939 CI, CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 o.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 For A Tip-Top Hand completely satisfied with nartnpr fan mnkp a rt- will still manage n to find 1 South desler Eimt-Wmt vuliimbte Noel li ( Mr llelnllr) e S H 0 D?4 D 7 3 C O H 4 Mr. Mek) lr. SIm-I) i-A K 10 7 8-8 1 H 10 I I 3 H 2 r-j g D-r-a a s a c-a c J 10 i a Konlh (Miss nrnshl S-4 . . . H A K Q 1 D A K 10 C A IS The bldrtln: South West North East 2 C Pass 2 N T Pass 8 H Pans 4 H All Paa.1 out, dropping a small diamond. She was unlucky to find the outstanding trumps divided 4-1. On the other hand, she now had almost a complete count on Mr. Meek"s hand. He had shown up with six spaaes ana iour hearts and rmd 'ollowed suit to i one lead of club.-. Thus he could no poMlbly have more than two cards left in the minor suits. Thi; m:-ant that the entire i burden of guarding clubs and) diamond would fail upon Mr. An..l tv, Xit-a tit-ic-h a KH hor three remaining hearts. On the last one Mr. Abel was squeezed. He had to get down to five cards he saved three clubs 'which he had to do to preyent Miss Bra;h from winning four tricks in that suit) and got down to the queen-nine of diamonds, Mlss Brash then cached her ace and king of diamonds., cn-j tered dummy with the queen of clubs, lt d the good seven of diamonds and got rid of her losing club The kin- of clubs took the tenth trkk. "Open your hai.d with three no trump." said Mr. Heinsite. You've got nine cold tricks." Brilliant analysis." Miss Brash replied. "How stupid of me not to read your hand for (three spades to the Jack. And besides, playing at no trump I wouldn't be forced to score that annoying hundred honors." OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie Room 10. Stone Building Phone Blue 593 USED CARS FOR SALE 1 1950 Austin 2 1951 Austins 1 1949 Anglio Coach 1 1948 Dodge Sedan FOR THE MAN WHO RKM IKES CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 11938 Plymouth 11937 Plymouth Both in Very Good Shape i Superior Auto SERVICE LIMITED Jrd Ave. Vi. Phone Green 217 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OPT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe VANCOUVER via Waypoints ' ' SUNDAY SS Chilcoti: , - p.m. FRIDAY .... SS Coquitiam, 3 p in , ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday,- Chilcotin, Midnight' FOR NORTH ul'ECN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS April 8 and 22 SS CcKiuitlarn, Midnight- i FOR SOHh Ol EE$ , , CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitiam. Midmiiht April 15 and 20 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert At'ent ' Third Avenue Phone 53 GEORGE m WES ""' t AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84 and Red 127 , DINING -PLEASURE in ' ' SPARKLING NEW : SURROUNDINGS ,; Commodore Cafe Prince Gsorye Luxury Steamer SAII.S FOR VANCOUVEK and Intermediate Ports ' Eoch Thursday ; - at 11:15 p.m. " For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Mulnisht Comfort ar.U Servicet kF.w reservation write or call l Ur or lleimt ont( JPi-e l;iiicrt. B.C. , JOHN H. BULGER OjtloMffrisl Third Avenue ,, John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D C; CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only i 21 - Besner Block Phone B'ue 442 -."" H. G. HELGERSON ; LIFTED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 SCOTT McLAREN I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' James Block 608 3rd Ave. W!5 Prince Rupert, BC. Phone 347 P.O. Box 37f PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened ' 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 90ft By CHIC YOUNG ; THAr WI-tcN WU GET THOU WITH A BONE TUtES J NOfHINC LFrl - BUT THE tSONE ) ,1f i I rW Unified Rtm ipi 4 30 p mi. day pw- . nlilirall'n. 'jc-nLs lr tr diarce 50 in. .,. 5ft crnn; Cards nt' De.iih Notices, jj,,,',,.,.., MarriaKf un.l .1 Aiini'iiiucinriiLs, M,lay double P'lr- respond - ! n.4 aerept fl,i(ii-d ads Inserted ,, r under wionK , linv MliLilltaUon V, i, p-'-'-ivd within ;( fir- insertion. Mtl'MTMl 'NTS SPECIAL MEETING of the RMEN'S LOCAL L'FAWU CAY, APRIL 5, 2 30 p m i C the I ROPOLE HALL ; i t on reports and I on of balloting tc for referendum lie J t s Cathedral bazaar,; A:rll 9. ! Card p.irlm April ril r.j Si P.-ter's. April , II. i.iiy Sliow, am! Sunday, .1 mi urUi i April I'i '..n spring sate AuiU.i;y Hj-y dupler (iltllKil!' j sjmnrt li.iiiar.l t i S'rii'-i b.i.iar nl,' - Anl 23 j iOfiE !i,rm': "n-' ipr,: 30 I ;:4 K-.-'j i.i in in u-a. May 2, 4 Priiti uituil Wo-V!e. May 2. . Wi, r, M:.y 1 anh WA. Sprinu : Ody t j. May I; " U:!uty Tea and .VLiy 13. U-s May 14. "' the Spring May 20. -a njiumnaty tea. ".Ch-irrh tea Mav30 a. June t "iMiMi" frince Rupert roup ' Anonymnus to ri) Box 1411 s'jprt. t It) ".KSONILH "Uwificd adTn this V!lw"r"s '"r s on-' cost $ 35; rn rmmiMr you '""T 't-Just call irws ( tf-ncl "-txxy us(!, M .f.roxvR,.n,acety-mit Stor:U!e '' rlcni ."."n Ave wat V)i l5. (82) 'OLl't ' '-LKANER - Sa'sServle (C) 'U. Jlltlm.-.TT West. i. foment. inr,,llr. ,Pr , "niil Island, - Idtlle's ID " Im !,.. 1 H'k w" ; ' aARnEN- . some enueism xi me Diumng In today' deal Mr, Meek won the first two tricks with the f1"8 ar"? ae of RPad?,i- He tlT',B a lhlrd ipade. hoping hi partner could ruff and driv? a hii;h trump honor -out of Mnu' hand. Mr. au; Cla ruii cut Mlsi, after c o n s I d e r a b .' c thought, relusod to be uppercnt and dusearded the ten of diamonds. Mr. Abel returned the jack of clubs which was taken with the ace. Now Miss Bcash laid " down high heart and Mr. Abel showed ;r Vi I ! 1 '?L2 i -i r:. ;jr 1 i I REV. I. C. SCHWEITZER of iso Rnokane, Washington, has arrived j . here to form a mission lor counsel aaa worsnip servi-'ces ; for German speaklni; Baptists j and other recently arrived j persons fron Germany. Mr. I Rchwt-i titer hat. lii ld pastorates In Mirilkine Hat, Allierta, and j Vancouver. He will be here three months. Morning and j evening services beein April 12 in the OdrifcUows Hall. j : 1 fl f i '"- ' ' V- I 'hlmltlctl lit JJo- 1 i VANCOITVrR CP) -A white-haired widow was admitted to the British Columbia bar Mon- oay as a barrister and solicitor. She is Mrs. Viola McCrossan. widow of Georne McCrossan. QC. She articled as a law clerk in 1916 to her brother E. K. De Beck, now clerk of the B. C j Legislature, who witnessed the ceremony, but her studies were I interrupted by her marriage and later the educution of h?.-three children. ! ' "We can think of no better wish for you than that you at- tain the eminence that crowned" the career of your husband," said Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson at a ceremony in the court house. Orient Line To Experiment On Pacific Run SYDNEY. Australia (CP) Tlie British-owned Orient line will make an exierimental entry into the Pacific service of Canada and the United States next I year. uin!t the 27.632-ton liner Oronsay, latest addition to fleet, it was announced today. Only pa-sencer ,hip now on the run Is the 17.483-ton Aorangi, owned by the Canadian A.i.stral-nsian Line. She will be withdrawn this year. An Orient spokesman said the Oronsay will make the experimental voyages in January and May 1954. GO NORTH YOl'NC. MAN MONTREAL CP A call to Canadian youth to seek adventure in the Canadian north was sounded by Lt.-Col. P. D. Baird, director of the Montreal office of the Arctic Institute or North America. In an address here h .said disappointingly few young men volunteered when expeditions are being fitted out. BLONDIE r w-- Ci'vH PUC!0(JWEAk . CA, -, HOME FkOM THE T tV -,avs-f ftF.STAUPANT jTS . v KG p.uar.inlred. Ufl ci:ntints I'l HI.IC ACCOUNiANT. Ineome Tan fpeclultst. 6. (i. e'urk, Btonp Iuildlne. fledsa:. c(Hn " HiSINfcHS omiKII .MTV SAWMILL FOR RALfcPai!t(-r-lup or rervil Uimn. "ill M nip., xitnu-d at iMtt Kwin-j ' ILim. RC Anui nurilim f. LlUli', Box 547. Tcrraee, HC 82i DISTRIBUTOR wanted for Prince Rujx-rt and district New automotive product to be released In Canada. Requires onoui Viooooo uiruer h-rrl- Uiry available. II you mean business write: Box 837 Daily News. i Hi 1 "T 4 PM KII LOST- Budiile bird R d 607. S0p) IjOST LlKht brown police doe. 6 months old. Finder please phone Red 510. 18H lllir WANTIIU-SHI.K STUHFA'TS and (n:ADUATi:s Youni? men wlio left hltih school within the past two years with a made eleven taiidin or belter or will at-l. ln such stiindlnif by June of tills year are H.viU d to in-veiiiit4 the opiHirtimltiea for permanent employment with rhanre for advancement provided by THK CANADIAN RANK 01' COMMKRCK Fn'iulrjes may be made by or on Iwhalf of iippllcants at your Imul bramh of The Canadian Hank of Commerce or by let Lit to The Staff Officer. The Canadian Bank of C itnmerre. 6'ig West Hatln(;s Street, Vancouver 2. BC i81ci 1. WANTED A man to start his 2 own uii.iineM. noniNii no money required Sewine machine J. exrxTlence helpful but net esM-ntial Reply to Box 59 Dally News I IB 4. MFCHAVIC. MARINE SIGNALS. S3160 S35IO. for the-Department of Trnnsport. Prince Runert Marine ABcnry, Full particulars on posters at of-fh-e of the Civil M'-rvic Commission. National. Emrtfoyment Service and Pot Offices. Application forms, obtainable therent. should be filed NOT LATER THAN APRIL 17. with the Civil Servle Commission, th floor. 1110 W. Georgia 8t . T.imouveir S. BC . 'He I llrt W ANT Eft F k si A fcJ! WANTED SUnographer-bookkeener. Apply Large Clinic, 2nd Ave. 1841 CAKH FOR SALE FOR RALE 1052 Meteor custom line automatic: 8.000 miles Everv conceivable accessory. Evccllent condition. Phone 946. (80p) FDR SALE '47 Chev. Oiiod condition. Radio and heater Viincouver tested. Green 441. (79) FOR KALE FOR SALE Sunshine baby buggy. 1 year old. Blue 602. iB0 FtlOTHni? (soolless) eoal Phone 651. Phllpott, Evltt A Co. Ltd. r FOR RALE Maxwell washing machine, like new. $75 00: also double bedstead with spring. $10.00. Blue M. (8np) FOR SALE Grandfather clock $85 00. A-l condition: Winnipeg folding couch: new matt ress, double wash tubs on casters $16 00: large wardrobe trunk. Blue 549. (80) FOR SALE Practically new Renunington-Rand slanttaro office typewriter. 15" carriage, Used only 6 months. Phone days 568, evenings Black 249. (80) FOR SALK One drop leaf walnut table $45 00. Call Blue 938. 3H4 Place. JH'PJ llonei-t rmdinit mellt made. Metal I Id.. 2M Hrior HI . Van- eo:ver, B.C. Phone PArtfie 6347. (HI RtlL ESTVrF. IDirSAI.E-In TeVir.reThreeI room house on acre. Has rleclrk ity and well with hand pump. Has SiOfK) per mouth revenue Aply or writ John U-vinky. Bo fiR'. Keith Avenue. Terrace, B C. 84) FOR SALE Wartime six. 1538 2nd Overlook. Phone 0een 876. 80p) Sure we have houses for sale! 2 bedrooms c lose in. A bar- Rain at S576OO0. Brand new with 2 bedrooms. $4500 00 hnndles New home. Close In. Cement basement with garage. Nice buy. 2 room cabin with lots. Cheap for oiilrk sale. 5. Wartime 4 8th East. . Cose to town 2 bedrooms. Revenue suite In basement. 7. VnfinKhed 81000 00 handles. Take your pick and let its show It to von. T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate Ac Insurance. Phone 45 1 Res. 848 84cl WHY PAY RENT' Sl'WI cash balance as rent buvs this wartime four on 6th East Nicely deom-ntert.' Price 1500. $1500. cash, balance monthly, ! buys this fully furnished four room bungalow close to the Post Office. Full price $4200. . rmstrontr Ajrnci-s Ltd.! Phone 342, Black 197 cvenlns 180) TAXIS and TRANSFERS CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING nnd TACKINO Furnirure Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moe4 to or from any no'nt lo BC. Phone 950 Flrit Ave. and MrBrlde (e) BATTERY SERVICE RUPERT Battery Shop, r.14 East 3rd Ave. Hbone. Blae K'6. Repairs, reiharglr.g an.-" bulld-Inc Y'tirk guaranieo. tc) fU t' ,U' Scores CAB On Airlines WASHINGTON (API - The I chairman of the civil acmnau- lics board said today Alaska already has enough authoriswfl air carriers to meet Its needs. The CAB lyad. Oswald Ryan also told the senate small busi ness comnitftis? the Coam l. dLstuibcd and surprised" to Uarn the committee believes it is hufiUl to the non-scheduled airlines and is harrassing them. Ryan, referred to statements In the committee's recent annual report that the board 's following the practice of "death by delay" and "strangulation by regulations" for the irregular airlines. . "The board Is not an.' aevcr has conducted a 'war of attrition' against the irregular carriers." Ryan said. Senator Thye R-Minn.). opening the hearing, said the committee long has been interested In the non-scheduled airlines because they pioneered the ilr freight and low-rost air coach fields, without a govorn- ment suDsiay. Thye said committee, mcm- bers have noted a constantly weakening position among the nn,.. "ve would like to know wn.,t lne CAB nas done to ass,si them." The Mayan calender of 300 BC more exact than older calendars placed the year's duration at 305.24 days. t - ,i - r J KATHLEEN Wll.LSHER, 20, of Ottawa, has been chosen Miss Civil Service by the civil service association in Ottawa. She was chosen from among 25 girls" representing various departments. Her prize was- a trip to Bermuda, a trip to New York or $6?S itt- cash. ., -Daisy With a Legitimate Beef ff 1 ' V f7'fLV3 1:1 i Jttllifal'rU i rzj- 1 1 .... v MEAT I FFr ON , ' rv. . V Js - O ie lb A BONES L t Ti(-Mir.wr . l ' To jrt r' . i I e --ss--s J I I 1 I. - - V. X I S.. ' f W , s- II- . IVS. I X TTK-v 11 i ii- . - ' i I ' . - r , i jm ,v I r -, - - - ii .i.v-c . i r - fl t .v. (tfllFOR SALE Flowercraft sun- J A7K I 1 plies Ctvle Centre tir.ii I . .. 1 1 ,r'"it: m I tw c. I FOR SALE Oak dining tame mo i with, ack-kn fe extension, o clrnlrs and one armrhuir, elec trie radiator heater. 10 unit: Remlncton adding machine. Phone Blue 3(17 after 7 p.m. Y iVf fV'-- 'o4.1-s L - SM- :s- 91 r rsx :j, '''tlmates. Phone (Blp) LA (79p)