itu y in' SutlllfUy Bera " EDMONTON 1. i.t ' Mitionc ui JVVinsTrophy liuliun luuiiumit la tiw ; ' (trict. T1,ey ,rft In Curhng :8tr?H,ns r Ub "" ' .. . . i . , , js , - i $-4 i . I : 1- ' ' ..- mm' . ,. . .. . . I i , ' f i 1 i ) v &k-fch - fe JVs,i , r,. ' ' jr. A dramatic 12th-end victory last niht brought curling honors and the Georjre Cook trophy to Percy Herd's rink after scoring a remarkable comeback against Skip Chuck Ostertaj and his trio. Final score of H-13 w;u achieved with a thrce-ender in a ihnllinn and exciting match playott climax. The 11th end saw Her couni SUNDAY S3. Camlet ,. FRIDAY ' S8 ChiltifiQi ,. is Prince Rupert s team captain A. J. Dominato. one of two OKAU INC A BEAD on a clay pigeon teams to win the shoot against Terrace. R north tin, C IURI crni pMJ f i ll 2a am My I Northern arena at row THE HKST TIME since the Canadian ihampKmshlps , ...... i...... . k. ,rir t icvpn rinks competing in the H.WK).0O civie "?v one rock fur a score of 13-U fori Ostertug In the 12th. Hers? w.if laying three with the outside rock as guard. After much de-'iberotion, Ostertag. who had) Manitoba", victory. The arena was opened In the fall Sudbury, Out., which ended yesterday with of 11)51 for skating and this is the first time it his been used for curling. . A itlsu 1 BSChllroiln,.. ( II Utl OTTK Mil' fhiicoiin. rt' !8 Hid ... HUNK J. Prliire RuprnAi. Third Avtnut y ! A 7 rt , . 1 - . I HOCKEY SCORES "WilL: New Westniliistt-r 3. Vancouver 3, Seattle i. VlrUirla 14h CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP Manitoba Wins Brier Tankard the final throw, decided, to Wimlnnte one rock Irom tl house in a tricky shot and so even the score and ni'ce:sit,ilo another end to decide the winner. But Ostertag's sUnw didn't quite curl enough nd only suc Edmonton 5; Colgary 1 i tfi 4;f is-, 12' A li'Zi In Sefond Straight Victory SUDBURY (CP) Manitoba won its Mth Can-! ailian curling championship when Ab Gowanlock' I Dauphin rink defeated Quek'c 8-6 in a drama-packed SIR ceeded in brushinK the third ' Berg rock in the house which ; he meant to knock out. ; Here are tl.e scores by ends. 1st, 2, 0; 2nd, 2, 1 'Ostertag). :3rd. 2, 2; 4th, 3. 1 i Ostertag) . I Sth. 3. 3; Cth, 7, 3 "O.teitagi I 7th. 10, 5 lOstertag); 8th. 10. I 10 i five ender by Berg); 8th. 13. H ! playoff last night. i It was the 52-year-old Oow- 4 1 The Mat of Montana induces about 7u per cent of tl-United States' lion ore. 0 4s aTMl. Tt li'ii in a -run i nar rN-nrVY in it crack shots last week in the first inter-club 10 (Ostertagi; 10th, 13. 10; 11th. 13. 11; 12th. 14. 13. Members of the winning rink TOP TERRACE TRAPMEN lost to Prince Rup I anlwk's second personal victory j in this top curling event of the year and the second straight ! year the Macdonald's Brier ! tankard was won by Manitoba. trap shoot between the two Rod & Gun Clubs hMd here. Pictured above are the two teams with BURT m btnVt Game Commissioner James Cunningham, i centre, bareheaded) here for annual club dinner. were Berg, skip; Bert Field jlead; Eddie Gladding, second; i Hector MacDonald, third. ! The trophy was presented to Ted I ri,iii iinliw k In a brief ceremony ! lasers Ostertag. skip; Smith, lead; Otto Quast. second, j(,n the Ice immediately after the TYPE SPICY Bob Rudderham, third. climactic 12tll encl. Tonight Is the final match of j the Gordon's Hardware trophy j BIG (Tlf HIttTION Wings ChampionTeam Without High-Scoring Gordie Howe n l -v TV TlTl Coxnind Bert Rowbotham. who downed SUDBURY. Ont. Kf) Theme of Coronation Day celebrations here June 2 w iil be "the Com-mmrwenlth." Plans include a parade, pageant and dance, bu! i Matthew last night In the semi-i finals. I Th Hr;iio fnr timipht Includes have taken a different tunes turn. the finals and postponed games By The Canadian Press . The Wings simply were play- ,,,, w .v, v,a urinrr.Wne like champions. Red Kelly BROWN! in the Dre-bonsuiel competition "yncouver? Alex Delvecchio and be without Gordie Howe? the morning will be left freo so thai citizens may listen to tutllo accounts from Londrn. pui m . I Prnnnvost. also shared Probablv iust where they are Marcel ' In the; league-1 margin harvest as the today on top of the National scoring BEXTLEY HOME i 7 i5Sleber vs. High School; Max Bentley finalyy gave up ; Wilson vs. Stewart; Warren vs under a deluge of calls and 1 Rowbotham (Gordon finals), answered the telephone at his, 9: 15 Holliston vs. Johnson; Delisle., home. He an- Wiilson vs. Shier, i nounced he had come home for i leaders built up a 7-0 Hockey League. Or not far off. before Bruins could reply. TO ADD FURTHER JOT TO THE RIP Eddie Sandford and George iRedi Sullivan finally connected for the losers, who remained in a rest, in hope that a w eek or 10 't davs on the farm will improve EST OF All TIES... THE TIE OF HOST 1$. Detroit's NHL champions; weren't without their top-scoring 1 right-winger last Monday night as they entertained Boston's travei-weary Bruins. But by the time the games was over, the Bruins couldn't have cared less. True, Howe fired a goal, and Brain-Spot . . . thrn cumr lo the Sijlria . . . on the s,orr uj h'.vtfHh liny ami the r.i;c nf Stauli y I'urk. t ine nxim -fine xrrriie-fine jtMxi. ".'''( imiking. Unhn nitlimi mirier. Srnnthle tat it. GUEST...HAVE BURTON'S DEUCIOUS.IH fifth place, one tantalizing poini hls generai health to the point from play-off territory. wrlere he can go back to Toronto While Howe was picking up his ' . Maple Leafs for the play:offs if 43rd goal of the season, with Leafs make them. BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS TONIGHT 3 Out of 5 GORDON & ANDERSON QUENCHING ALE ALWAYS ON ICEA Si Ik'' I; acted as a decoy wnne nnemaie Llndsay s help, he picked up Ted Lindsay sank four more. But ,hree assjSts as his scrappy little The Leafs' ailing centre, in low spirits from repeated illness and injuries, slipped out of Toronto without notifying club officials. READY TO SERVE AT A MOMENTS V. wnen a learn lanes a iu-i umi- ' i..,,,!. from Kirkland Lake, CHOOSE AN ALE AS YOU WOULD CB FRIEND...P0R THE FINEST QUALITIES. Teams Polled lug, you can't blame it ail on one Qnt ran his goai-Scoring total Plan- j to 29 Between them, the two Gordie wasn't even on the ice snarpsh00ters have scored more when defenceman Benny Woit than half ag many goaIs as tne scored his fourth goal in 120 entire roster of almost any other NHL games, and his first of the N11L club season, or when Marcel Bonin , whUe lne wings officially fired the second of his big-!eague i 1 na,ed down lneir piay.of berth, Hilliord C. lyU Managing Director MANSONS the career, Nor nor did aiu he ne figure iiguic in m inc .)t,r n On Post-Season Playoff Series SEATTLE-(API The eight Can Produce Extreme Fear PEBBLE BEACH. Calif. iAPi A London nerve specialist reported Sunday he had found a spot in the human brain which can produce for no good reason at all a feeling of extreme fear. When this part of the brain is damaged, the person may have nightmarish fits of terror while awake, Dr. Donald MacRae told a meeting of nerve specialists. This kind of fear differs from that which arises from the working of the intellect, such as fear of combat or bankruptcy or anxiety over some problem. It is fear engendered purely by a physical process In the brain. It occurs in some but not ail epileptics, particularly in those with damaged temporal lobes. This fear element may be useful as a guide In detecting epi mere wua nca ui w. Winers' first two goals, when it ! v..f,vot-' hiu Tinmen whose for was still a hockey game. clubs in the Western Hockey League are being polled on MOONLIGHT ROLLER SPORTS ROUND-UP " t i irv -il f0R f0R fm H0Mt home tyr SKATING TONIGHT 9:30 to 12 whether they frivor a proposed playoff series with the Quebec Senior Hockey League. President Al Leader said he received a telephone call Tuesday from George Slater QSHL president, suggesting such a post-season series. . . The Quebe6 circuit voted last Sunday night to approach both I5y GAYLE TALIPOT TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) The most urgent and important job. of coaching being done in any baseball camivlrnV spring has been allotted to Tony Cuccin- lepsy and also may prevent CIVICCENTRE ft(tftu ) , Non-Members 75c . . A A Tin. lloirl...lo Mp.. m ! I f" ir "i' . il'MhvA o ' some doctors from mis-diagnos I the WHL and American Hockey ing the fear seizures as symptoms 1 easiie on Dossible nlavoffs etlo of Cleveland Indians' staff. The American League pennant could well ride on the little coach's success or failure. "I "" Bnd at the same time lifting All Tnnv has been asked to do Dr. Mac Leader, who said he personally . of real mental disease Rae said liked the idea of a series with the seven-team Quebec league, nromlsed to let Slater know this Christmas puddings m-thcir PLY TO m V rrWV 1 week the outcome of the WHL prrr;ent style were rluh mill until about 1670. have gone under his glove or to Dlav shortstop properly and IT U lul U lJ I J IVl lfy f o?q ! r'S' have been bobbled just enough for us to miss an Important double play. "I never saw a player work harder. I believe he's going to! master it, and if he does our biggest problem is over." Although George Strickland did a fine job of shortstopplng in so doing provide the iiame s greatest pitching staff with the sort of support it needs to beat out the Yankees instead of finishing second. Tony has thrown himself into the task with much enthusiasm. "The strange thing is," he said, "that it has taken this for the Indians in their thrilling stretch drive afte the Yanks last autumn, manager Al Lopez would like to see Boone come back and take over the post on a regular basis because he potentially is a far better hitter than Strickland. Three seasons ago he hit for a .301 average, but the last two years has been long to discover the reason the boy has been erratic on ground balls and has failed to improve In starting the double play. We would have won the pennant the last two years with Just a little better shortstopplng. "What we know now is that Boone has a strange little habit of fluttering his hands just before a ground ball reaches him, "V III I I j I l f f ) "1 J I Travel time to Fdmmiton is slaslird to 12 liours. 'J 1 1 t gT.l M'tl' 6 """"V I i l -9 M 1 'm i US t Flighls Monday, Wednesday and Friday, via Prince il L.'aJM" 9 , . - GrorRe and Grande Prairie. (Direct limousine service 'ltyrfi ti S! jSv i - 1 t 4 1 L X' I j Prince Kupert-Terrare). Mtf Vfrhiwy I 5 M " " y- f I Fnjoy Canadian Pacific's friendly, courteous nervier, f M ,,t-jwu' fl T 11 i"V 1 " I fTl ' "i ! aloft. Commencing Murrh 16 , H s I Jl as dismal at the plate as In the field. V T "LJ i ! I VjS?jr i --mi f r V, r Also, Prince Rupert, Sandspit, Vancouver j ' Fj i i Daily except Sunday. V ipT- 1 1 il1 Consult your Travel Agent or lA )hr;'tV Phone 795 ' ra Canadian (Paritic tprB Available at: kJST ' lVS-'icI AIRLINES &'?Mf Magistrates Want Corporal Punishment Reintroduced LONDON W In face of parliamentary opposition, the British Magistrates' Association has voted by more than two to one in favor of reintroducing corporal punishment for crimes of violence. The association's ballot, representing tne view of about half the magistrates in the United Kingdom, showed 4,412 In favor of bringing back the birch, with 1,886 agaiiibl. The vote came as members of Parliament cut across party lines to reject a private member's bill calling for revival of whipping. Home Secretary Sir David Maxwell Fyfe argued It would be premature to reverse a decision taken by the Labor government In 1948 to ban flogging. Your Local Travel Agent ... mi ii im -m et i ni if n.' i 11 iu TT t i u t i i . KL I L w 11 1 ll I hi H lPi hu 1 BEGEM i r w v i raiwmrn mnnra irsua nnonrior i i in. i in.i i ini i i n ii ui iu Crawford Moore Travel Agencies - - it - - i i. ii ci iwi u i' itjiii i. i ii i i.i uii i :i ii i it i ju w iuumai vvy A ninvmi nv ' Thii mtvtt tinement if not putlih-rt nr li (im wnitH'iil f 1 Wallace Block Corner Third Avenue and Miltride Street. Phone 620 Phone 311 Itnlh i'rtdimM