e 7 ' - "J Prince Rupert Doily Nws Saturday. March 7, law Ipassing coders r Rupert Parents Show Much Interest In Province's Educational System (, SanJij Cormier, Olsen Win at Whist More than 1 dim oHnii. .1 i.,k on Father ,jthe opportunity this past week Le fur the pat two ,i hu the rain. i ! " teiurn 10 school tor a day In i i ,-.nd Mrs. John Fin.n-i.ii. Mr.. John Pedersrn an;l Kolujorn Dehli served refreshments. Dancing w0s enjoyed to the music of Mike CUus;i with ac-cordian and Percy Curie on the bass fiddle and guitar. . ,iiied will" strolling Ca-.h for old gold Bulgers K.O.N, meeting Monday, March 9, 8 p.m. 57 BP.O. Elks mteUng, Thursday, March 12, 8 p.m. (60) Moose whist drive, Saturday, March 7, Moose Temple. Everybody welcome. (56) Join the Prince Rupert group of Alcoholics Anonymous today. Write P.O. Box 1511, Prince Rupert. 1 56 1 must eninusiastlc recognition here In history of Education Week. Six days Darenti mid frtr.H. J . ... i street ycu-.uj somcune Mail oilier, ,r ,!lf" mailing list for , Ihe Canadian Citl- bility, co-operation, desire for Information and creative ability. A Wallin, vice-president of the Trades ti Labor Council and fifth member of the panel, said that labor must be educated today more than ever before to produce a fine product. Entertainment presented by groups from various schools drew many compliment from the enthusiastic audience, and included: Choral speaking and folk dance by Annunciation; gymnastic dis Mrs. R. Corriiii r and O. K. Olsen were top winners in the regular Friday night Sons of Norway whist drive, which drew 44 players. Others winners were Mrs. Tommy Black, ladies' second, and E. Nielsen, men's second. Anton Martinusen won the door prize and Hans Petterson the chair prize. A committee headed by Miss Ellen Wasseng, and assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Pat Deane, Mr. ,', Prince Rupert pupils closely examined a sample day at school. ;l ncll "'a n" O. W. Graham, school inspector, countered with an explanation of the report card system, and said: "The system of grading now used show for better than percentage marks how your child compare with the rest of the class." Mr. Oraham also discussed education from a curriculum level saying that 160 B.C. teachers and educators had" a part In establishing the course of studies In the province's schools. W. C, R. Jones, mill manager of Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd., said that management expected the following from education: To urinous oi leaching, type of text books used, kind of work turned out. The events culminated last night with a public meeting at the King Ed gym. Several hundred adulta, despite a wind-whipped downpour, attended the climactic celehra- Try Doily News Wont Ads play (with a clown i by King Ed- ! ward; square dancing by Conrad, : and stirring band selections by the Booth Memorial high school band. i to let ihcm Know '1ir,tif.g f t" Clvlc Monday niBht- P"-. hjjic will pass along Interesting to j be nu,,y imlrs Prince i ;,.:i.s ttael i-ach year George. At p Prince , vrry weelt new group , luxury flup 'or the a:id one of the early Thursday wua Gu firmer oik foie- tlon of education In Prince Ru- pert at which pupils entertained and a discourse on learning was teach self - reliance, dependa Kirn Dy several prominent zens. What caused the record turnout of parents and their hlgnly Increased Interest In the educa Booth School Open House Becomes Top Visiting Day CANADA'S BEST-LIKED SHIRT Arrow Dart $4.95 tion oi tneir children? No doubt, as one teacher with he parks board. Oui : fflf 0!, more than 10 years of service ,,r Cainornia to we nain his health. ' I m-, tJ.'.:A.J .. 3 ,,,1,!, .jX-.-iJ.. 'aTi -t ,!.., fur Vancouver ind Mrs. r"arkrr. who SI. Patrick's VARIETY CONCERT CAPITOL THEATRE March 15 9 j rt. by Women of the Moose if New Deooie and new acts never sponsored before in Prince Rupert. Get your tickets from any Moose member or from the f ollowing stores: k Sharon Shop, Bus Depot, McRce Bros., Variety Store, Rupert Butchers, Commodore Cafe, Star's Style Wear, Blain Bros., Skeena Grocery, D. & S. Grocery, and the Laundromat. Donation 75c fcaia, us "tiie recent publicity given to teaching of effective living; "But whatever the reason, It is very encouraging and good public relations to have so many parents Interested in our work j) rf iiienre In the i Mm Parker relir- .,n.css at the first of and that of their youngsters," aid R. o. Moore, King Edward school principal, host of last VI.LVETt.KN contrasU with the vlscase hound.-.tooth In Alvlnna'i new model ralne.oat which emphasizei Canadian 1963 spring fashion. The huge pocket are placed low at the lde. A matching beret completes the enaemule, to let It rain. In the industrial arts room, visitors each were presented with a letter opener, made by the students. Displays IncluderJ art work by students and a puppet theatre a "still" preview of next week's puppet show which will be presented by Miss Isobel Magee's grade VIII class. Visitors were invitea to tea at 3 p.m. in the activity room where service was efficiently conducted by the boys' c-joklng class and grade 10 girls of the home economics class. During the tea visitors were pleasantly entertained with music by the high school band, directed by Fred Huber, music teacher. ft paily any better uin f.rnie Caldwell ihf Kutary Club en-. i 1 1 1 n 8 Kotarlnn lukan aloard Uie ilte la 4 Wednesday, KKtiS the Invited A record number of visitors totalling more than 400 responded to the Education Week open house Invitation by Booth Memorial High School. Senior students escorted their parents and friends through the various rooms of the school. Of special Interest, it wu noted, were the text books and teaching courses on display through which the visitors paged. They did not find anything wrong with the books, or the courses, said many. One parent, who had herself attended school at Booth, remarked : "1 wish I would have had a chance of such a well-rounded education." The classrooms which attracted most attention were those In the new section of the school which have been most recently equipped home economics. Industrial arts and typing rooms. rugnts event. Among contentious subjects debated by the panel discussion headed by J, 8. Wilson, Borden Ktreet school principal, were pupils report cards, aptitude Everyone looks good in Dart that's why it's Canada's favorite shirt! Nonwilt, medium-point collar keeps its fresh good looks all day long. Tapered for trim fit (the Mitoga trademark tells ycu that!). "Sanforized" broadcloth. We have your size . . . see Dart here today. WATTS & NICKERSON M E N'S CLOTHING Lly oi.e of the Ketxhi- m?u, ana adult training faclll ties . Famed Concert Pianist Comes To AMT Series A. Bruce Brown, city solicitor nd school board trustee, attacked the present-day system of DC. reixirt cards, claiming that The highest peak In the hemisphere is Mount Aconcagua In southern Chile, 23.081 feet. OK AKKOW WUITE SHIRTS. uie grading or a pupil eliminated competition. He charged that "meaningless letters have taken the place of percentage marks making it Impossible to ted whether a child can get higher marks than Its neighbor." A concert planLst who at the age of 33 has wun much acclaim and a high post in the world of music but started out as a top athlete will be heard by music lovers h'-re next Wednes- I day. He U Pierre K.inriin. brilliant , French pianist, who will be fea (ft DAG WOOD, .WILL OU ) . W ' LrJOHOMEt PLEAS6 SEE IF VOU Jtt1a f should en ) r - i cam get oo op -CVviS m. m a a wmmmm l f ft 1 1 HI without this persistemt P". - 111 fUriLvl I S OKiE -TV SALESMAN? y-JL -IT if 4 mm fyL-hflwr , ::t only enjoyed i-j.'id the rily and the Ollul"-- plant on but sandwiched t,n;f pay a social I olliiiMin. Ihe C'N'I ivl.t agei.t Hill I lie Alaska Ktraimhtp n Ketchikan . . . i t Ciovernor of Ro-Bciiii.nluiii Marry nairht menace nf t.'.iii In re and roll-!.(;!. 'icis lor their far completed In the n-'ii'ti he olituincU Ihe Prince (ieorge :.- fnei.il II. P. .vs linking the :': him hi on, he t !ur rwi-nt mem-Bo Shunt. Jim Not. Milher and Krnie '., rl r r M d r ii t -." ei k in town. Easter Party Staged by 'Daughters' tured In another of the Alaska j ! Music Trail pre nt aionx at the I j Civic Centre auditorium, ! Born In French Morocco, S.m- ; can was North Africa's leadiits ! basketball star at lh- age of M i i but Hin afterwards took up ttv j opportunity to ttudy music ' A beautiful East'-r inl(liil;i fcrremoiiyi by ofllcers of the , ' Bethel was wltnriurd liv manv . IT WiU-SAvE) j I I I I TELL VOU ( IT COMES tK , j v vou hours I I NO- we Kts- I. , M ot J e (twocolors-- XI) I I Of DSuoGE(?y I f OOMT vjamt) Cyf' llNTERESTEO ) imJfi P- J vrp-r ceo OR YJC While- studyii.g at the Parh ' parents and friends at the revu-: Conservatoire under the cele- lar monthly meetinn of Job's bra ted planiht Yves N.it, he won Daughters last night. Honored all prizes offered five in one Queen Margll Macarthur pre-i year an imlii-Krd f accom- sided. '. pilshment But ix-tme he etmid Thum.'h the rwtirlc of tunV continue his ronrcrt career, the Department Store, a Fashion , Second World War intervened j Show will be held sometime be- j ! Sancan returned to Morocco for Ea-iter. A tele hone bridge , I became an officer, then ranv j 111 held very shortly with buck to France first to Instruct, j George Dawes as convenor. Fur-itivn to lake hi pla'-e In front th'r arrangement were made1 Mine combat figHinM the Nazi, j for the Easter tea to be held' I l in the HCN now. leading the defence if seven! j nP" m ne armouries. At the social function follow Important bridgeheads and wit nlng a ritatu-n f"r hravcty. ing the meeting, refreshments were served by a committee consisting of Sue Martin. Elizabeth Jones and RitA Yostln afier D'tri"" rv-riiiMt nn nl Frih 5,iprin btck In Morocco r :i o.'li'.al trip lie i,'" !! y. i.M-l ai it .v :.u there he 11 'Ji ha t'aa head- Si'tiiiuiii de may ''I lire at HMf'3 ''J'e n:.i Hies In Vanenu-V .- k J;,n Maeor ' as in Prince ad ft .n tne n,ffiT shon ' ran into Ted ife and their two rw were eri-oute to we at MuMnn City. he met Jjrk Jmlr.. Ihe bis city to take l'-n (Hove tourna- memb-r rf i," rMstane ',,,.,. h ,,,, ..,,lrJM movement T;it In l!4,i hi" ; each birthday of the Bethel were muslcKl ertvl-or iirccd him lo f h,m.n by Alrx Mlu,hf "'nir u "'n 10 r iiwie i'ir t he Orand Prix rte Rome, th. highest awird aiven for rotn-rw.iltlon. He r-'iirnod secreilv tcxk up resldenre in Prli en-t 'omprwed a rantatu which win him the eev tii pil'o over ii 'omnetltor Rut HiicJin hid In ri!t thre-vears to pick no Ins nrl -e fo f. FOR A SMALL ADDITIONAL I NO T 1 ,T COMES IN S. Rt f AMOUNT SOU CAN WAVE it J ' V ' Mrt 4 ' , - ( A LEATHER CASE ) ' .V-in ANV COLOR VOU WISH ) .NSia-( W J ' 'hr AND IS VERV rtcv I ; ( testTmon.al T ferfvi 'Pi f- m&n. nv "f t corner outside "' ' n c n u n t e r e d J- Martin talking f s (LusMer llett-"f Tom Srherr, a ,;;"t i! Kfirano j tear of N:i?l enshivcment Aftr--,the Brmlstlcc. he p-,fie h' Par!-i debut, th-n t( ured th- wh-le r urc pe W.th'n four ye-rs. h "laved In evrry free ration of the West For Ihe Finest in Office Supplies SFt DIB5 PRINTING COMPANY OPTQvFTR!Vr Fred E. Dowdie K'-il.i 111 Sin l Ulll'.llltg Phot ( Hhi.) 5I3 ' tiT'' lM f eUrn-"tt af-mss (hp Srwt j "Um the throng n I Jht that vtnultl be r,t' tik he might ' returned by plane pt filing comfnrt-m CPA's hew con. " ' Rroctcd by AI h fame bark to biwm.M Al says 'w-tt mile city, u fhortly , movp lfl to a houP f his "lay's going to be a "Id timers ""'"fo-Ordliia-' a,Kl "lli mcmlrs 'h"r"" f,,r th" '. The atfair is )w. f o'cl,H-k next '"f 'lorni in the civic ' ll" mm. ! -r- sir S I lhSiSWg)W I I lit IT COMfc.3 IN v I F';'TT'-T"- , rr C NO HOME SHOULD )j Days Lost by Illness Arc Wasted Forever! C ' V" ntni'- of I'l'-vrniinir may ssv y in many nil a-rable hour.i In a ,;lk Ih-iI with H.s extra cxpeii.se mid kvw-. of time. Many illnesses imy be checked effectively If treated promptly. Keep your medi-lne chest kUk keil with Hie remedies you need to wind ,'lf impending Illnesses and rut down (lavs wasted In bed. Come In to-nionovv mid replenish your supplies. f-'"t . . . St.. Kind to n"11''' , 'inc-(l;.r "niial pv R , n kid.. . .....y , Prompt Delivery Service n, w"K ,v'ry o e , K7;a' Hie brll- repfi. , " "ll,v t next Wcdne.,- K , '"wy thing l;n ik. "'h? -n.rert DEETH'S PHARMACY FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY Prince Rupert Phone 79 -PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY" . Muslc anH , C 17 them- nun t it. iti ! TS X .t-U r,.n, i-.st k.n - K'.itrf t.-.l. K- V. . -:,l ,rt.s