LIBRARY a; tt r?.svi:::uL Liir.Ar, Borrows 1 1 Hi ORMES VICTCr.lft, 2. c. .. . . Ltides- DRUGS ,,. M.IK I' ,lf Time ;i)t 18 5 feet DAILY DELIVERY H t NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i:, os 1:! 48 71 feet tevt Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 01 VOL. XLH, No. 5fl PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY, MARCH 7. 1053 TEN CENTS (Including mm if urtinm m mmm mwm t$mi$ KOOfllsl Stalin Funeral Set . Si4eiBi 4UetteMfii HUFated Airliner To Rank With Lenin MOSCOW (AP) Furol of Jos-pH 5ta!in has been set for Monday noon. It will rank with that of Nicholai Lenin as one of the greatest patriotic demonstrations in Soviet history, as Lenin's funeral was in 1924, an occasion for mass emotional patriotic outpouring. ' LONDON (CP) Gcorgi M. Malcnkov, new Soviet Prime Minister, is not likely to be more conciliatory in his policy toward the west, judging from his past public pronouncements. Analysis of major policy speeches made by the pudgy, round-faced party boss shows him spirting venom at the American "warmonger," accusing U.S. leaders of introducing "fascism" not only in their own country but also in "enslaved" European countries, and warning that a third world war would spell the end of world capitalism. MOSCOW (AP) Georgi M. Malenkov today led the Soviet Union as successor to Joseph V. Stalin and his elevation was accompanied by a wholesale shake-up of top government personnel. is llltvr I o.Ml.T ii't airliner crashed and burned ,,,!! frtiMi Karachi airport, killing tU crew of five ai;.l MX British aircraft technician. There were no Tl'? ilN'k new craft, renamed the Empres of ,,:.(! i.ri n il by lour Dt-ltavlliand Jet engine, had left London on Its way to Honolulu for delivery to Canadian Pacific Air Line. H stopped at Karachi to refuel after a flight from Beirut, Syria, and was heading on to iU next stop at Singapore when it smashed up. From the tire mark on the runway it appeared the plane had not left the ground. L prince Rupert Boxers Enter !den Gloves Final Tonight legislature May Wind up At Early Date CAPT. CH tRLES II. PENTLAXD, 43, of Cloverdale, B.C.. and 'f director of Canadian Pacific Air Lines' overseas flight opera-j" tioiis, was pilot of the Comet Je airliner which crashed and burned at Karachi airport. Eleven person, five of them Cana-j dians, were killed in the crash. There were no survivors. Capt. IHIN I'.KOWN n Tin' U.iiJ N'' ! ION C AliUKNS, Vn-Th.'i'- pui" ln-rn from Rupert tilts flub weight Cilcn iTinyi Carlton, light-heavy Bill f Mouse Morrison, and middleweight Andy Marshall. The two other member of the Prince Rupert quad, Bill Tu- Pentland is shown with a stewardess of the company' Vancouver-Tokyo-Hong Kong run. Selection of Stalin 51-year- old protege to be the new Rus ; sian prime minister was an and he won a bye right Into the final. Tiucheya drew cagey Jackie Wllon of South Burnaby In the recond bout of the night. The lighter Rupert boy never gave up, but Wilson, much more experienced campaigner, had simply too much class. Place drew the defending B C. light welterweight champion. Tommy Palmer of Haney. Place, who ha quite a following among Vancouver fan, did hi best and it only fair to say Palmer had to work for hi victory. . Chuck, bobbing, weaving, duck v.t !u j; of the eheya and Chuck Place, will be rvinr HC Gulden cheering their clubmale from :a l ti:ht. hi!- two the audience. Both failed to ad-t duii l. defeat In; vance despite strong showings u' .against their opponents. V.s t'lMnht hip three i Bill Morrison had the draw on C ciai!;pi'in - heavy-' hi lde early Friday morning VICTORIA Q Premier Bennett said Friday he expect the current session of legislature to wind up by the end of this month. Though the premier did not elaborate, this indicated a general election will be held In the first halt of June, the exact date depending on the prorogation time of the house. The premier for some time has said he Intends to call an elec Theft Wave Strikes At Two City Stores nounced by the Kremlin Friday night. Long a close associate of the dead Communist chief. Malenkov had been considered his likeliest successor. Among the most Important Liberals To Uphold ; Two more city stores have been broken into and AHSONS COACH RESIGNS robbtd in the past 24 hours following outbreak of tion Deiore me not summer switches were: L. P. Berla, boss of the Soviet secret police and Russia' atom ing and dancing all over the IFOUE CAGE PLAYOFFS months" in an attempt to in-,tbe crime wave earlier this week in which four crease Social credit strength in j have been ransacked. SC Budget ic energy program. Is named head of the newly-combined interior and state security minis u a o uiiRC j uuu main i tries. Bros are the latest victims said the RCMP today, A large quantity of cigarettes, some pen VICTORIA (CP) Lib- Deputy Premier V. M. Molotov Old Country lighter were taken from is returned to ine post. 01 lor- i i i t-i rr v,r elgn minister he held from 1939 eral leaQer ivenney FOOTBALL ring, was an elusive target. He was Lagged only a few Umea, but each Lime Palmer scored valuable point and that' what got him the Judge' verdict. Both Carlson and Marshall had mm? tour he. I (own here, there arent many good heavy boyi around. Marshall scored technical knockout over Rill Ciibbs of Hurnsby. Glbbs was unable to answer the bell for the third round. to 1949. He reolncerl -Andrei UsiiLVrirluw In 4 Via liwricla - Van Fleet Scores Short Arms Supply - i nt .s mj ui vfe - ;uv Vishinsky. who was appointed . permanent Soviet representa- ture ills SIX-man group lia.-u pi.yliig coach of Mansnn Omega announced .,g-iwi irom ruachtng of the team and will not appear ; il;. tonight when Omega and Gordon tc Anderson .h iirt t'.i.'i.p of the senior basketball league playoff. m.u i i4 ruuiwsd because til "diaACLUon In the .'liousri he Mid he would keep on playing, iir. m. iiii.'- tiirre wax no announcement on who mould Vvg . nwi'h. Indicating Manson may be springing m. (v.ich Aicx Dill and hu O-A. o m edged out of the league championship last OAs iu r leading the league In the latter part of the hi game Is scheduled for 8 30 at the Civic Centre LONDON (CPi Soccer results uve 10 tne united nations in WlJI Support the Social today: ENGLISH LEAGl'E DIVISION I Arsenal 0. Cardiff City 1 Anton Villa. 4. Llrerpool 0. Blackpool a. Tottenham Hot HONORARY POST Marshal Nikolai Bulganin was WASHINOTON CP) Gen James A. Van Fleet told Con- Carlsun decisioned Bill Em- mmm alftl nf Rurnahv In m named minister of the armed forces in place of Marshal A. M. heavy-punching, sometime dull Thursday American troops spurs 0. Bolton Wanderers 1. Manchester in Korea have been handicap Fasilevsky. lurs in cash was taken from D At S after both places were broken into by smashing the door window. The previous nicht, Lyons Fine Foods was raided with a small amount of cash taken. Wednesday night, grab thieves foired their way into Burns Si Co. -Ltd. packing house, escaping with a case of cooked meats. Charged In connection with the Burns robbery for retaining stolen goods are Hans Morner and Harry Svennes, fishermen. RCMP said "it looks like a crime wave alright," and attributed it to a large number of men In the city presently bout. The Issue waa never in citj e. Marshal Klementy Voroshilov. Charlton Athletic 0. Newcastle formerly vice-premier, was doubt. WAIT FOR Kh United 0. ;W!a Control in Hands chosen chairman praesidium of the supreme Soviet parliament, Chelsea 0. Burnley 2 Derby County 2. Sheffield Wednes ped by a "serious shortage" of ammunition. Including hand grenades needed for close-in lighting on the battlcfront. Senator Byrd Dem Vat promptly dispatched an urgent A good first-night crowd at- day I. replacing Nikolai Shvernlk. tended the opening of the Oold-,cn t Gloves tournament and when Manchester United 5. Preston This post is largely an honor North End 3 Senior Convicts-Bonner they spied Rupert boy in the I message to Secretary of Defence Credit government in Monday's vote on whether to accept the budget. This will assure passage of the first Social Credit budget a tha Liberals hold the balance of power in the House. Mr. Kenney said that though the Liberals object to many features of the budget, they feel British Columbians do not want to spend $750,000 on another election at this time. Education Minister Mrs. Tilly Rolston said Thursday Mr. Kenney had implied the balance of powr of the Liberals would support the CCF government and keep it in power if the occasion arose. The resulting flare-up between Mr. Kenney and Mrs. Rolston, 66-year-old grand ary one and Is equivalent to the presidency of the Soviet Union. Portsmouth 1. Stoke CUV 1. Sunderland 1. Middlesbrough I. Wolverhampton a. West Brom- I ring. Uiey eased forward in their i Charles E. Wilson demanding vlch 0. had been responsible for smug- f"- 1Un lBf, lhf usua,: of narcotic. Into prison, f" ko" J , .". . ,one """ hal an f rear Vancouver, so that pracU- bo),h f',f aboUl Wards cally any convict who wanted J', r'f" JoC, boys It's this: Walsh's Parish Threatened t DIVISION II Barnsley 2. Leeds United a Blackburn Rovers a. Puiham 3. Brentford 5 Notts County 0 Donc&ster Rovers 1. 0. Kverton a. Leicester City 3. Huridersneld Town !. Birmingham 'CPi - AUorncy-!J'" K"mnr said t fun'.nil o( the p,,,.. 'n .1! ),itu::a befor'.' ft !hn- in the ""IT cunvicU. 1 l't 1.114-r the riot H pn-nnrrs was put Irukli-c s.,u-m had narcotics could get them eaxlly. 1 Tkl. I., ........ n.w. nhw.lln." ' Don't take your eye away for haV'exid for many y''lie ' mM ""M City I. QUEBEC Oi The pastor of Pat He added 'that he tiad com- '"'il iiiirl r(l more Walsh's suburban Boischatel parish ha been given provincial police protection following a thrpnt that his church mipht he But Friday night the crowd walled for the big punch that never came. In fact, there wasn't one clean knockout In the whole 20-bout card. the Pentagon officials responsible for what he termed this "criminal inefficiency." Bristling with anger, Byrd said in all his 20 years tn the Senate he had "ncvor lien more shocked" than he was by testimony Riven by the former commander of UN forces in Korea at a closed-door session of the Senate Armed Service Committee. "Gen. Van Fleet testified this shortage of ammunition has been continuous since he took command and that almost daily he had reported it officially and through other channels." the Virginia senator wrote Wilson. On Wednesduy. Van Fleet had indicated that he favored a smashing allied offensive which Rights of Mines Minister Questioned OTTAWA (CP Right of the mines minister to sit in the Commons may be questioned by the opposition. A reply tabled in the Commons disclased that the company mother, was one of the warm- i lru.vlT system blown UP. Premier Duplessi r" vl ",e current legislature said Friday Hull City 3. Rotherham United a. Lincoln County O. Plymouth - Ar-glye 0 Notttiuthara Forest 0, West Ham United 0 Sheffield United 1. Luton Town 1. Swansea Town 2. Bury 0. SCOTTISH LEAGl'E IIIMSIIIN Celtic S. Partlck Thistle I. Dundee a. Hibernian 0 East Pife 3. Airttrleoiuans 1. Hearts 3. Aberdeen 1. Motherwell 3, Ratth Rovers I. Queen of South a. Falkirk a. Raneers 1, Clyde 2. Third Lanark 4, St. Mirren 3. flahhSays haw Reds The threat was in a letter sent to Rev. Perre Gravel, long time foe of Communist labor leaders in Quebec province. Walsh, a member of Father Gravel's parish, resigned from a number of Communist organizations last week. session. Mrs. Rolston withdrew statements three times at the inslstance of the Liberal chieftain. Mr. Kenney said Mrs. Rolston had no right to draw Implications from what he had sal:! and asked her to withdraw. She did. Mr. Kenney said in the Houe last month that if the minority Kitimat olotc confidence in Warden Hugh Christie who was appointed last vcar and who is an old aclwHil chum of the attorney-general. sons or tRrruotf Mr. Bonner also told the legislature that the radical Sons of Freedom DoukholKirs are attempting to emigrate from Canada to either Costa Rica or Uruguay He said there was "increasing pressure" from 2.500 Son to leave Canada and that their representatives now are consulting with the Costa Rica and Uruguay governments. Ptcliin Sorokln. spiritual leader of the Sons, has been In Unieuny several weeks. Mr. Bonner said he did not wish to hold out hooc that the headed by Oeorge Prudham has bought $100,000 worth of property from the government-controlled Canadian National Railways in Edmonton. ted would drive the Communists far buck Into North Korea and Purchase has raised the qucs-1 tion of how close members of- permit South Korean troops to take over a shortened battle line. This Is the first lime in tiie last three years of (iolden (love busing that Prince Rupert brltern have failed to score at least one kayo. However, the most xpular Ruert boy down here. Bill Morrison, Is still to fight. The crowd like Marshall, Carlson and Place (this was the first year they've seen Tsurheya. and they seemed to like him), but the lad they talk about long after the tournament Is over Is Morrison. Its Morrison who has that devastating left hand. It's Morrison who Is cool, steady and calculating. It' Morrison who set his opponent up and then-wham. If Morrison doesn't win a championship down here, many more people other than Joe Ward will be disappointed. '"in,ui,i,t workers n 1W2 st the Aluml- my t Canada's tl. v,.,n,,nl m Sl J'llm district of a"' ",kig on the 1 Social Credit government fell, CCF should be given a chance ; to form a government without ! new election being called. Parliament come to the He told the Armed Services j . . may . u ., j..i ... , ... , . . 'government in business deal Committee hp believed vlrtnrv . . .... ings. They are subject to for In "'"".il project 'imiiia ")lu" "'K-uilr who from several can be won In Korea without necessarily siiroacllng the war. He said the fighting will end only with a military decision. After a later private meeting with the House Foreign Affairs ...... . .. .. rntni feiture of seats for certain forms of direct transactions with government under the "Independ-,rnce Of Parliament" clauses of the House of Commons Act. One legal authority gave an "T.inizntion: said i Son would definitely emigrate. "Virw In Standing In legislature Is Social Credit 19. CCF 18. Liberals 6 Progressive Conservatives 2, Labor 1. vacant 2. Mrs. Rolston said she wa: sure the Liberals In Ottawa wanted to know what Mr. Kenney had meant by the statement and that she couldn't understand it. "I'm not responsible for your lack of Intelligence," Mr. Kenney said. a QUl'tW'C i PreviftllH nHnmtitji rt tlli VroC- considerable ' dcimltea to leave Canada "had iuiiiiiuurr, uiuill until nuurn ..,.. . . , , . , rki.iuu ,r mi .i offhand opinion that the pur are fallen through because no coun "'iiinuiiiMs - Kitiniut. try would have them. could be pulled out of Korea In ! , shortened defence line which ?"fpl 1 "liJ'Z ,p!e Should Get News First' nine-tenths acres of CNR prop held by the South could be Koreans. s Mayor Mills of Saskatoon erty In Edmonton, including the old CNR station and freight shed. The sale was made this year by negotiation. No tenders were called. W-Mayor J. ,S ,ur- 'it he says -WEATHER- forecast keep ,""" to "U'rS Secrnl Mother Held In Butcher Knife Slaying GOLDEN, B.C. W A mother will be charged with the butcher knife-slaying of her two-year-old daughter, RCMP reported Friday. Police saM Mrs. Sybil Jones of Mobcrly. six miles north of fccre. was brought here Thursday after she had told a neighbor that her daughter Janette Marguerite, had been killed with a butcher knife. you Intermittent rain or drizzle 1. They are uncertain or ashamed of their own actions besause they are done In opposition to their conscience or for expediency sake. 2. Some men In public life don't realize the Importance of publicity In a democracy. "Unless the voter Is fully Informed, voting can be a very dangerous thing." 3. Some have a "false dignity" and want to keep Information secret for a while before they let the people know about It. WCB Hearings Here April 8 The Workmen's Compensation Board of B.C. will conduct hearings and medical examinations at the Prince Rupert General Hospital on April 8, beginning at 1 p.m., the Trades and Labor Council here has been advised. Examinations and hearings will bo held by the board only on cases listed prior to March 30. "I figure that in most case . the people should get It first. That my angle on publicity." Mayor Mills said It seems to be a human weakness that once a person gets into public office, he wants to keep everything quiet. "But I'm absolutely convinced that the people should know about things Just as soon as possible In the great majority of cases." Mayor Mill lists three main reasons why public official are averse to publicity: today and Sunday. Little change In temperature. Winds south 15 increasing to 25 this afternoon, uecieasing briefly to la over M ald. -Then A' 'nform'd Ifalri " C01'awt ,,lple w their rPp. night. Low tonight and high Sunday at Port Hardy and Sandsplt, 40 PRAIRIE MOONLIGHT A moonlight photo study taken on tho prairies near Lethbridge, Alta., at 11 p.m. (CP PHOTO) and 48; Prince Rupert 40 and 45.