Prince Rupert Daily News KNIS TODAY HED KKLLTON Saturday, March 7, l'j!3 7:00 9:00 p.m. 'THE CLOWN" SEW-AND-SAVE WEEK , 9 f B . w , FEB. 28th MAR. 7th . "Fit Fashion to your Budget" f$k$j$& S W t It - - .vi.invvi.m m i t - ; ' - wta "if SEW-SAVE r WALLACE'S 5 Department Store fid Monday I o Wednesday "MONTANA" 7:0fl and :25p.m. Cj fmm T C I "HAINBOVV" 1:05 p.m. ONLY IAMui:s riiliK -f iiiiiiM'W . ; CANADA AND THE I'NITED STATES have signed a treaty D C. Bliss, charge d'affalrs of the U.S. embassy at Ottawa, who signed for the U.S.; Prime Minister St. Laurent; Fisheries Minister Sinclair, and Veterans Minister Lapolnte, both of whom signed for Canuda. Standing, kit to right: H. F. Feaver, Canadian chief of protocol; W. L. Rodman, of the U.S. embassy, Ottawa; L. V. Wllgress. Canadian under-secretary of state for external affairs, and Stewart Bates, deputy minister of fisheries I TODAY BUD AflHOTT - LOU W,TtT If 6:50 . 9 "MEET CAPTAINKID J SUNDAY MIDMCIIT ONLY opening the way for additional open season for halibut fishing in the North American side of the Pacific ocean and Bering sea. It is the third revision of the first halibut fisheries convention between the two countries, signed 30 years ago. Seated, left to right: William C. Herrington, special assistant for fisheries and wildlife to the U.S. undcr-secretary of state; a a n ci k a fc n BUCHANANS "FOOTLIGHT VARIETIES" All-SUr Cast i 9 Mi - IB on the Waterfront the Sam f,v "TEXANS NEVER CRY" STARTING SCREEN I FLASHES? Prince' Rupert Customs Chief Retires; Death Strikes Waterfront Personality MONDAY I n m n Enrpi na The most SCOTCH WHISKY : WriiTB S The story of the taming of the j law less lantl of the wtde-j open West has been brougnl to A waterfront personality well-known in Victoria, along the Every halibuttcr that leaves the harbor, or enters, must clear the screen In Columbia Ptcturs' d Bottled in Scotland Sold in 26' i ox. bottle rf $ r Distilled, Blended am west coast, and in Prince Rupert. . Montana Territory.'' Filmed In 7-SI with customs, and most of the skippers meet Oscar Smith in one r r n , ( ,iZ T, I spectacular color by Technicolor, the new outdoor drama at the hi u v. -.! .... n i death Thursday night In Van- j couver. ! This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control P.oard or by the Government of British Columbia. Totem Theatre with Lon McCal- IUijt Wtinrlj ITonHHy ft rw! Pr -'J .-. .... way or another when making these arrangements. "I know a lot of fishermen, most of them know me," says Mr. Smith, who thinks Prince Rupert is about the best place He was Capt. Thomas W " ! ton Foster in the top roles. ley, 65, a victim of a quirk , of One of the best known men along the waterfront of Prince Rupert not connected with the fishing industry Is retiring after 34 years of public service in this city. He Is Oscar Smith, customs collector, who first came to Prince Rupert in 1919 with the Post Office department. The following year he entered the service of the customs and excise department of the federal government and has been, stationed here since. Most of the work done by the customs department here is in The feverish excitement fate and much rerent suffering. Capt. (Tom Collcy recently there is to live and says that moving away from here after his left for Vancouver to be fitted men gone mad with gold and women gone mad with greed has been excitiiiKly captured In "Montana Territory." The lttsty action and blazing gunplay that retirement is "only within the night a man and woman ever lived... and couldn't remember! NIGHT WITHOUT SLEEP & with a pair of artificial limbs to replace his legs which he last from the hips following a sudden attack of a disease here a 4 f vr i 1 was commonplace in the Mon- j realm of possibility." "As far as I'm concerned, I'd sooner live here than anywhere. It's the people, I guess." But there is a holiday In the 4 ) f LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 V.OVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SIH7T1NG . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Exptrienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave, ail when the gold fever was at '5 Engineer of the Columbia Ol connection with the fisheries- its height, stamps the new ilc-if halibut, mainly. In fact, the customs depart ture as one o! the finest action offing, and soon. Mr. and Mrs. j lulase Co. boat McDougall at the Smith will visit friends In Vic-1 time of his tragedy, staff mem-toria, their daughter Mrs. Murray oers organized a fund which ment handles more business with in Vancouver, and i provided Capt. Colley w ith his halibut boats than the f isheries ; Henderson department does. films of the year. "Montana Territory" tlls ho McCalllster. seeking hi fortune in the gold fields of Montana, witnesses several murdeis. Forced to flee from the pursuliu Killers, he is bcfrlemli'd by a a"-coarh relay station o ner. unci falls in love with the man's daughter, played by Miss Hi'iirl- then head east to Ontario where new legs. He had used them a second daughter, Mrs. C. D. ionly a short time when he was Wallace lives at Fort Hope. ! struck b: a heart attack In his Mrs. "Wallace, by the way. Dunsmulr Street Salvation Army taught school for some time In hostel room and died a few hours Prince Rupert. She went to On- later. tarlo in 1946. v. apt. Collcy. P veteran seaman A third daughter and last of ard engineer was a byword with the Smith's children lives In I Prince Rupert and Skeena River DARNELL- MERRILL IE Cartoon rlx Foster, a sherul who w S 7 I hi. ; . . ........... . . i Prince Rupert. She is Mrs. J. TJ canneries, who employed Bowman. ! services since 1942 after nis oince as a unna lor nis rrmi- : liiiil aritvitv ft the h;in,i.' !fa-l Prunes and Politic" - N der, learns that McCaltlster has't J witnessed the killings and tries j tn Vibva Viim lfUlit Shows J - mm II Oh Foster does kill Ml a Hendnx' father arut the aro.inecl townspeople, led by M''Cal!l..tcr mid Mias Hendrlx. come to grips v Ith Foster and his cohorts. ,;, ,rW.,iVAWVWrtWrVi'WW 1 7v.v i , i Mr. Smith was born In West- arrival here. i bury, Wiltshire. England and ! A former fisherman and boat from 1903 to 1912 was a member captain, he came to Canada from of the Royal Navy, a factor In j England at the turn of the cen-his coming to Canada In 1910. itury and settled in Victoria He , He w as transferred to Esquimau j took up commercial fishing as a to the Royal Navy Sloop Alger-! career and for more than 30 ine. then stationed there. Two, years plied his trade in trolling years later he left the Navy and for salmon from the Juan de lived in Victoria. I Fuca Straits to the Alaskan In 1915, Mr. Smith Joined the I boundary. Victoria Fusiliers and later went ! His boat w as named the Ina overseas to serve with the Cana- j Beryl, after his wife who survives j dian Ordnance Corps during the him. Other survivors are one! First Great War. daughter. Mrs Alec Furgesnn of When he returned he Joined Victoria: four sons. Doug of Van-tfre postal service and soon after couver. Bill and Eugene of Vlc-came ' to Prince Rupert. toria. and Howard of Prince Customs work In Prince Rupert! Rii'iert, and 13 grandchildren, "has been more or less cut and j Capt. Colley's funeral will be dried." gays the retiring veteran held from Sands Mortuary In who rose to take charge of all the Victoria, with cremation to fol-work In the area. low "We've had no sensational Then his ashs will b? scattered cases of smuggling and only a on the waters of Juan de Fuca Prince George Luxury Steamer BAILS FOR VANCOUVER " v . fife anil Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at II: IS p.m. ?or KETCHIKAN' WfcDMKnAY MidnitM 3 Com fort and Service Call 112 That's the Cab hi Pur trwrvaUtitm write uT ' "all I'll or ln.t iilUrr Pi. Ituprrt. BC. few minor cases. Infractions of : Straits by former shipmates of customs laws have been few." the B C." Pllotanc, with whom he While the work itself, perhaps, j ' served during the Second World was routine, there was always a War. continuous round of meeting old !Vr,'jfy'l Try. a News Classify friends, making new ones, and in general "keeping in contact' nnt h men of the soa. a fine bunch j of folk." ! 48 Attend Legion Party The Smiths have lived a com- j parativcly quiet life in Prince Rupert, don't step out a great deal, but have made a home of their house at 309 Seventh Avenue East. In appreciation of his friendship and long acquaintance, a presentation was made to Mr. Smith yesterday afternoon by Jim Bacon, Harold Thorn and Norm Christensen on behalf of the Prince Rupert. Fish Dealers Association. Winners of the 4fl players gathered for the regular I'glon Auxiliary card party were as follows: Mrs. Lena Anio'h and Mrs. A. J. Croxford, whist: Mrs. A. Astoria and Mrs. Williams, crlb-bagc; Mrs. Steve Sivcrtson and Miss Mary Astoria, bridge. Refreshments were served by Mrs., Mrs. Ballinger and Miss Evelyn Antllla. (7 I In the evening, the staff of . the customs office held a party ' in his honor and made another I presentation to Mr. and Mrs. i Smith. The planet Pluto was located by the Lowell observatory. Flagstaff. Arizona, In 1930. ' t I ' ' ' "1 , - , V k t ' ; , z 1 Many of tlic veterans of (wo wars . . J and Korea . . . face the loneliness of months or years behind hospital walli. They are well cared for. But when hope is low, physical care is not enough, Jt is the quiet reunions with wives and parents and children in the Red Cross Lodge that lift their spirits. Or the little comforts and entertainment that Red Cross workcri bring into the weary monotony of their lives. To bring them new hope is awork of mercy in which you take part when you give, generously, to your Red Cross. I rf-". IE MM M MM Mt W M MA III 14 II S-L. I 1 W "fill SCOTT - McH ALE (Canada's Finest Shoes For Men) I r mm an support your MM GALE Embassy Napkins $5,310,600 is needed this year Gifts your Red Cross art wisely used. Each year the accounting is subject to audit by the Dominion Government. These dress shoes for men have just arrived and are in the latest possible styles. The smartest and most comfortable shoes you can find anywhere. Find Them Anytime At Fashion Footwear for Lovely table set"". MaJc from three thicknesses of t-. , . they drape and foU ftnC Local Campaign Headquarters: NORTHERN B.C. POWER COMPANY LTD. F.O. Box 1129 Phone 210 STAN SEVILLE. Chairman