ill' f '- - ' - " ' No Major Complaints About Hospital . Prince Rupert Dally News 1 j Wednesday, April 23, 1954 Ceylon, no a domi Uon, was j first settled by coloi.lsts from j India in the 6ih century BC. WvWiWyWAVSVvWAVA Made by Patients City Council Told, Ed PTA Plays Part ar on Crime Comics Teacher Fed- The group planned to buy " crime comics flower seeds for improvement of ' " hv local Par- the school grounds, additional On the whole there had been; keeping methods are satisfac- friifs displayed nasium, and film strips, record u have been 1 a I minis ana nrjrary Dooks, choice l'"108 .l..- nt .i-hlrh mill ha ln IV,. Ji ma'rr complaints, h.' told j council. i At the present time, Aid. Lyons 1 said, a - hospital accreditation board had been operating for j two years in Canada and there is ! only two Inspectors, he said. i The new alterations planned; for Prince Rupert General Hospital should enable the hospital come to accreditation stand- 7 . . U.....--I n t'e- I TV.n mnnlhtn n . .....A..n.4 -1 "111. 1'' .'- vpiuru LUiivu- II ouya't. comic I ' butlon of $100 to the local P-TA had toured the bursary fund, and endorsed ac- mjy issues ui tlcm or tne executl"e In present ards, but the main hitch was proving the service in the hos-tne matter of records. There is pital? V.N 1 I f" J ad hi.d taken , ,d illi-cal by the , r will be shipped j action by the ;,rect P-TA. also j ing a farewell gift to Mrs. Verna MacDoimld, hospital convener for the past year, who has left the city. - . A nominating committee, to su'.'PTKt a Mate of officers for the coming year was named, including Mrs. J. G. Steenbergen, Mrs. K. Hardy and Mrs. M. Lemon. Attendance prizes went to the rlnsse of Miss F,dif? Jack and Miss Vech. Following the business session, Mr. Moore showed several films used to illustrate social studies and played records used in music appreciation classes, one of which covered the life of Mozart in dramatic sketches with tory?: (6) Did any particular in- i cident occur that displeased I you?; (7) On your discharge ' from the hospital, was the office , staff courteous?; (8) Were you tired after visiting hour3? Do you think there l too much time allowed for visiting?; '91 Have you any ideas or suggestions that might assist us In lm- COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEDAKER STATION WAGONS For a cood economical car try our A-S0 Al STIN. A complete car with a low price of only $1495, that Includes foam rub ber seats, leather upholstery, directional signals and heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR. AUTO SERVICE I excerpts from his best-known compositions. Both films and Photo by Chandler's Btudiu HONEYMOONING IN SAN FRANCISCO and Honolulu are Mr. and Mrs. Jone Kim Dong Lee who were married here last Thursday in an impressive ceremony-in the First United Church. The bride, Jean Bew Eng, Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eng Fook Young of Prince George, and the groom son of Mr. Charles Hew Lee, pioneer businessman of this city. On their return, the couple will make their home at 817 Third Avenue West. - records were purchased with P-TA funds. Refreshments were served at the close by the committee under Mrs. O. R. Green. At the Borden Street; meeting, a motion was passed authorizing the bursary committee of the P-TA Council to decide distribu- 36-Bed Addition Planned ' For Provincial Blind Centre t'011 of l'ie bursary fund, The attendance banner went to Principal J. 8. Wilson'.- class and at the close of the session two films, were shown, "The Story of Money" and "Sing with many services being provided to blind persons such as home GUARD THOSE YOU LOVE ... GIVE GENEROUSLY Answers to a questionnaire 1 given patients of Prince Rupert no General Hospital have shown ! that there are no major complaints of the way the hospital is being run, Alderman Phil Lyon told city council this week. Alderman Lyons, council's rep resentative on the hospital board of directors, said that the nine- Item questionnaire had been to given to patients who had stayed in the hospital five days or longer. There had been spme complaints about meals, mostly about Jlems in the diet and there had been some complaints about linen. However, he said, as soon as the latter complaint had been received, an Improved contract with a laundry had been obtained. Dental Clinic "Out of Red" Improvement In the Prince Rupert Children's Dental Clinic finances, now "out of the red," was reported at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Parent-Teacher Council here Monday night. J. S. Wilson, chairman of the Clinic organization, told the group- that, thanks to P-TA's i and other organizations, the clinic was now operating in the black. He thanked the various donations and hoped that similar, support in tuture would allow continuation of the clinic. The council welcomed back Stan Holgate, delegate to the B.C. Parent-Teacher Federation convention held in Burnaby. Mr. Holgate will report in full on the convention to each of the city P-TA groups at their May meetings. The bursary committee reported advertising the bursary project both at school and for the public, and pointed out that the bursary, for students planning teacher training, was open to young people not attending sr.hnnl this venr as well rr to i manicure booth and shoe shine i booth? plus- a variety of games of skill. The annual show will continue through Friday and Saiur-tiiiy with afternoon sessions from 2 to 5 p.m. and evening Sessions from 7 to 10 p.m. ;!' . . i - rv This advertisement 11 nut published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard ot by the Government of British Columbia. no trained file clerk on the hos-pltal staff but a stiff member had volunteered to take the neessry course. The course will take nearly two years, Aid. Lyons' said, and the hospital will help defray part of the cost. The questionnaire sent to parien was as follows r ill Were you courteously received by tne clerks in the ad mitting office?; (2) Waa the nursing staff (nurses and nurse's aidesi pleasant and courteous?; '3l Did you enjoy your meals? Was there sufficient food or not enough? Was It served correctly? Was the tea and coffee hot when served? Did the dietition visit you?; ' (4) How often was your bed linen replaced or changed? Do vou think this was often enough? Was the condition of the linen satisfactory?; (5) Do you think our house- Wor Invention LONDON (CP)-A. J. Langlcy. former commander in the Royal Navy now living in Ottawa., hus bepn 70 h wfrdCd rPl commission on awards to in ventors for his "time pencil" detonator. Langley claimed that 15,500.000 of the "pencils" were used during the Second World War. IP1 Don't spoil your holiday. , Be sure your tires are "in lop shape See .-. . , ;-' ' on Used Tires'V y "Liberal Trade-in Allowance SUPER SERVICE You'll teaching, talking book machines assistance in obtaining eye care and personal counselling. During the year, he told the local j branch, several persons, both adults and children had been brought into Vancouver for adjustment training and eye care. In keeping with the Institute's prevention of , blindness program almost every school in the territory has been addressed during the year on eye care and accidents to the eye, such as those 'rom BB guns, bows and arrows and firecrackers. The teachers report, he said Vit these talks through: EDUCATION RESEARCH WELFARE the Commodores." An Inverted umbrella was placed In the door for collections for the Queen Alexandra Solarium shower of dimes. The meeting closed with refreshments served by the committee headed by Mrs. A. Cook. Rupert Woman Off To Attend Texas Rites A family reunion, and home town centennial celebration is the goal of Mrs. H. Stangeby, 103 Ninth Avenue West, who left here by plane yesterday. Mrs. Stungebye is en route to Clifton, Basque Count y, Texas where her grandparents settled 100 yenfS ago. ' . ' The whole comity Is celebrat ing Its centennial and Mrs. Stangebye's.Iamily is taking ad-' vantage of flit occasion to stuue I " family ger-togetUct. of-umrtng I some members l the ami!,y, who i ; haven't' seen' one Jrjothi r tor fH years. I have been of great help in re- I stUdents graduating from Booth ducing fc cider t.. high this spring. ! Civic Centre Hive of Industry As Time For Craft Show Nears TREATMENT FACILITIES flltik&your donations payable to 'ffk. CONQUER CANCER CAMPAIGN J '' V . i- cjo Cfiuirniuii '. ' Manager Bank if Montreal, Prince Rupert, B.C. ht, weed 10 J"'" naming P. A. Erge. and at Mon- lllCll SI'SSWU. hat tlie Boolll join in the pro- .5 discussed at rd session Inst decision to pur- of equipment rlcUtlS In I pram It f a was re-elected ,i Prince Rupert ,n National In-Blind at last meeting of the y council chain- h, ll wjs dieted i p-phirimc Miss ! 3, mid Mis. A. I Pcii r Bird were j ;,taiy and trca-j v j ti ard a report on among the l.UUu 3riU.h Columbia, ;ton. field secre- fc-ouver, and dis- plans lor nexi jign. Last year's d a total of $1,- I.trlkll thanked i.htcrs for I heir a tag day last, who served re- rlie girls. He al- Uaily News, jPR and theatre Bl.iek for their the past cam- i paying tribute l of the past year. session were ot the Rotary i kinsmen, IOUt, !'rolessinnal Wo- .(iii Ladles' Aux-$! and Job ,i '.'Kin card ttarlv, erlr, tt- 'Sien Auditor- IHrama Festival 'I meet tonight rnlrr at 8 p.m. f'ull Merlin; l(- ST'ins of Norway tlHMkrr: Millari librarian anil Ar- Wr "a't show f1'. ! p in, con- ancl Saturday. d i TO I'd .sui. now 1101) Paily tunlght, 8 Ht) TOPICS We Save You Time and ) Dollars c Fares: 1KK.K5 ll::.8 '75.85 "'Suit I'ravi'l An.t j AGENCIES IMionr (i -n 1954 Frigidaire Refrigerators . i K.i'-crs?i AS LOW AS 26995 7 Models to Choose From TRADE-INS ACCEPTED Terms as low as $26.95 down $14.50 mntiy "The Store that Service Built" McRAE BROS. LTD. Phone 6 or 36 't I fi W f) A . U $ ' f with Corn-Colo ltd. WORKS shop Construction of the New Wost- i minster Service centre for Ihe I blind and plans for addition of a 36-bed wing to Queen Elizabeth Hall, Vancouver, provincial residence for the blind, highlighted a report given to the Prince Rupert branch of ' the Canadian National Institute for the Blind yesterday . afternoon in the city council chambers The report, given by Dan Wad- dington, CNIB field secretary from Vancouver, to the annual meeting of the local CNIB branch pointed out that there are some 175 registered cases of blindness in thio area. The Mew West minster centre, which the CNIB hopes to start building this year will comoarr wlth the Victoria centre' which has been In operation fur nearly two years, Mr. Wadrlingtori 'Id. The new centre Will serve the Fraser Valley, .New Wes'm; ter and Burnaby, In which there ire 360 registered blind oersons. Mr. Waddington noted 'tliat a CNIB committee hd been -formed at Kltlmat. and that while here isn't a branch tiny? yet, It Is hoped that the coin tn Utvc wlH be tile neclpux nf nrte whMi thr .KiUfltai project K competed, and the, township forfiM'd.v ;., - 'He.' mentioned that': v'frits of field secretaries had roRulled In eminent Canadian writer is now continuing her wise counsel . for readers of this newspaper through her new column "Confidentially Yours." Miss Sanders is.well known throughout Canada both as a long-time editor of Chatelaine Magazine and as Director of the Consumer Branch, War-' time Prices & Trrule Board, Ottawa. For outstanding results in this difficult post she was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. This newspaper is happy to be nble to invite you to road the Byrne Hope .Sanders column every Thursday. Through it, .--he will give you helpful menu suggestions, tins for better, ensier housekeeping, niul valuable information on row products and services as they become available. Personal letters, for advice or information from Miss Sanders, rhouM be addressed to Byrne Hope Sanders, Confidentially Yours, 1411 Crescent Street, Montreal. The Civic Cei e is a hive of Industry thisr-week as Centre staff members and members of local organizations set ufl booths and decorations for thf big "Potpourri1' craft ,shpw opening to-morrow afternoon. ; , j , '- r Centre crafts director Ko'wlie Miies. in charge of the project, icmindcd all exhibitors, both merribers. . of Craft classes'- nd i outsiders, that Aisplayii should be sot ilp tonight T.or ' tomorrow morning. . He also reported a change In schedule on the bake sales being staged by ..various city . women '.u groups. The Salvation Army will ; stage its bake sale Thursday and : the Lutheran Ladies' Aid Friday, i The show opens at 2 p.m., with displays of crafts, sales of fan?y-j work, novelties and others, . a ; baby-sitting service Jitney dance, refreshed Famous Editor's Homemaking Column Will Be Regular Thursday Feature when you pause for Coke There's a good reason for the familiar red coolers in food stores. A pause for an ice-cold Coca-Cola lifts the spirit -' makes shopping easier. So the next time you shop look for the red cooler and have a Coke. And take a carton or two home . . . young folks love it. For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED n km: hopk sandi ks. c.ii.i:. F.ilitor of Confidentially Yours "The health of the nation lies in the hands of the skilled homemaker." When Byrne Hope Sanders said those words during World War II, i she was speaking from vast i experience. Happily, this Phono 909 PRINCE KliK II IK AN .,$15.00 l ItVM.H.I $2700 215 1st Ave. W. RUPERT TO .MIM'iM' $4140 w III 1 t.mntst $56.00 rriutsniin it? Li iir k O LIGHT AND TENDER! WHEN YOU FLY CI I I C air LLLU CM I K ulhoriiml bol of Corn-Cola under rontrocf NORTH STAR BOTTLING LINES (m mru vmin caxf mix m;a 1 j i.k g5.oo Third Ave. Phone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C. mjusiered trade-mark Phone 266 oince .ppvat Vuot oirWr i