1 . :-: ' ' I I I I I I I I " , , i Ml flii'iCt KupfciT DGlly INeW'S Wednesday, April 28, 1954 .Troop Removal "Against Logic" GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84f, and Bed IT? GENEVA South Korea's for-' BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL elgn minister told the Geneva . conference today It would be ' "against logic and reason" toj insist that United Nation forces withdraw from Korea at the ' same time Chinp.se Communist i troops pull out. Foreign Minister Pyung Yung ; Tai, said such an arrangement j would be like a burglar dropping ; his criminal weapon on condi- Know Your Opponent ; Play Cautiously NEW ri'EI. TANKS IADLIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS PiMfino- I tion Piemen he disarmed no-cmc-.! o A,U : i . - --.'-, ui'-'l v 1 1 fci V II Jill ri . 11, IN IV I SI' III It- o rr. riultaneou.ily. 5cfl flat. Tar 375 Oal. Tank . .. Oal. TanK IS Ofttlpe fllip, . 7 - ... .... ... , ,! U0 rv. flo.oe .. r. n $r. I suspicious and to proceed with caution when he lets you cash a numher of tricks early in the hand and 10 :r.A Dm lea LOST INOrSTRlAI. WPLDINrt CO, rirepn mi - 221 14 Ayn. H 47 Al'IOMOLII.ES r Obviously could have avoided doing so, HOMEMADE brown leather box stylo purse, with ner.mnnl m. i 4: pm. ay pm ! KtMEMBER WHEN i Derby Couniy, an historic club ; in English football, entered soc-j cer's hall of fame by winning the ! FA, Cup final with a 4-1 victory ' over Charlton Athletic, eight ; years ago today. In their ( j years in hip-time soccer up to ithen the R;irrs had been rnn- 1951 V2-TON Ford Pick-up. Heavy duty transmission, radio and heater, etc. Phone Black 412. 1 104 South dealer 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS City of Prince Rupert TENDERS FOR PAINTING Tenders will be received up to May 3, 1954. for painting of RwlmmlnR Pools, benches, etc., In City Parks. For Information apply Snpt. of Works nnm Ctn w wortW ta- ave at Daily News Office. !, :h.r. n et , Reward. ,101, ine met mi play which Mr-Dale used in today's deal comes i up more frequently than you1 i ..' ' Mrs. Rowe " . Y . ... . 1 '0lim "'ink and I that vq t.irirTx7:T nTT siiRfjest j M,dIC'5,"lTop.nv'Lr wun ",r you watch for it on cverv close - DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue Eaf.t, ive THREE weeks a?o, child's red metal "Radio Special" wagon from 223 f'ulton. Reward. bi,m 727. , utpi (ivnarmw ond twiwer Riqiert Hattcry flnnp. i-hon steering. R.000 miles. Phone Red 0. (1031 ners-up for the cup final three times. Blue 126. ' CASH FOR .Scrap, copper, brass, battprles, ! radiators. Plume K4.1 inii in firtib Notlm Fiionl .rrta nd KnfgmMi Imm'K. ' rtmibi pnaa. ?. Ha Bffunrts rrt twin" tP"ntmmtt h ids ImwrWI tnmrrmtlf pong cJawmeaMnn tmla I .( inch errnrt t reclTBl in ol fln t InwrUon. ''. . .1 I I J HELP WANTED UAI.R 6th Ave. West. ) luitiil, ijaitiitiiai iy Ht. ho trump, contracts. - J The queen of diamond was led : and Mr. Hein.slle overtook with! the ace and n turned the eight,! Mr. Dale winning with the kinc;.. I Now Mr. Dale could count eiglv : tricks three In spades three in,; hearts, the diamond and the ace ' 35 BO ITS AND INCISES Kant-Went vulnerable North (Mm. Krrn) RA K CI 9 8 H 0 1 3 D-5 2 0-10 7 3 West nt (Mr. Miu.y) (Mr. Hpinslte) 86 s 4 s j in 3 a H J 6 H 10 8 6 4 D Q J 10 0 6 T -K C K Q 8 C 6 5 2 foulh (Mr. Dali-i ' 8-7 H A K Q 3 D K 7 4 3 C A J S 4 The bidding: . ' South Wesl North East 1 H P3j IS Pass 2 c Pass 2 8'' Pass 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass Mr. Muzzy then led the king JANITOR for Poft Edward School, heating certificate noi required. Applications must be in wrttinir..St.a.te qualifications, ace and marital status. Mrs. M. M Roper, Secretary - Treasurer School District No. 52 Box 517' Prince Rupert. . iion' "40 STUDFBAKF.R Sedan, new paint, new rubber, radio. Very reasonable. R. Green, New Floats, (KlSpt '52 CHEV. Coach. low mileage, excellent condition. Radio, heater, etc. Phone 863. U02i 195uCHEVROLETrGodcondi-tion. Phone Black 900. UOOpi OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phon. 212 FOR SALt; 36-foot motor cruiser, perfect condition, fully Insured. Consider late-model car as part payment. Terms. Write 16-foot inboard for sale. Write ANT AD of clubs. . j . -'. . 1 .. . i.'t i .: . . MCZZY FALLS INTO TRIP TRUCK' .driver. , Apply Canada 1 B0. "iiL Uaiiy News. (tf-nci Packers Ltd.- uoii . js-foot "Thri,.." r- wi EPLIES 1 1953 AUSTIN A-40 Phone Red 978. I.OW mileage j avaiIable if heart,, broke 3-3 or .nunui i, JllJltia- CAPLING TRUCK LINE! 1 , Help Wtdi Male female L. if somebody held both jack and I holding replies' lion nawnit, troller, complete Apply 413 11th Ave F (103) I EGAI. NOTICE ten nf sinl(.c nlnnn ri- .itl-i it-.lt. . . . . ..." THOSE wLsldng to apply for the fjositlon of Playerniind Director for the summer months may 3H ROOMS TOR RENT leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlther Every Tuesday and Friday For connection Phon 63J ; : ," "1 ' ": Vin ft. 2l ,e lhelZ aPP"';a- KI.EF.PINO room Uon i to Mr. F. Jones Parks Sn. tin a.u . frJIowinq NflWS 925. iitt must b? Private home, tflflp) ' u""" ' pervlsor. co the Civic rira .- , or enms. A spade would have 1 P, 0 1 ''arrt ,n, that SUlt, 1 bPpn Mr- Bale won with , Mr Dule elected to give Wra-j the ace of club.! and Mr. Hc-in-, je f the addmmtai chance of de- jslr1 was SflllPPZP(I. He had nnly , Vf-loping a squeew. wliid, would spa(lf,s and ,1Part lptL clparly he occur if one opponent had to ! rauld ot sar(, ft spadPi sn np tiuard bolli spades and hearts. rtrf,p)PO lh(, four ot heMU Mr. : Accordingly he enlisted the helP Dale wa tnan abIe lo win tmt ?f Mr; M"zzv '""ieJ Pky is oN 1 heart tricks and make his gtime. ; cn of great aid and comfort to, Mr. Heinsile wan right for a .stallni; nuallficatloa'!, experience! FURNISHEIJ rooms. 1021 2nd and th(p, references. i Ave. West. (104pj I WO liicl-THV ACT Be: rertllK'Rlr nf IiiIh ha, Z3i,r,l-l to Lot ll.lrlera (U), illix k rirtpii (lt. Vlllaee of stfitjil. Man Ris. WHRR.RA8 BotHlartory ifinf nt Iosb nt the ahnvr Cortitlcat o( TlIU' ImiPrt In l,hp namn 01 Minnie iln.11-ivn ha. Iin til-t m thif; oifire. notice la hordiy pivru Hint I kIiiiII. al the (xptratlnn nt ohm month from ihp daU1 of the nr-it, nuniir-titton hereof. !imir a ProviRlonni feri.Ui-ent4 of Title In lieu of anid lost, Certlflrale. unlr.w in the meantime valid objection, be made 10 me in writing. 4 - V- M for in person IF YOtJ WANT A ,f CINDER DRfVEWAYj rtOf!Ii OR rONCRETF, WOFiK Rent of Truck and Equlpriient Ph Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS west. (104, U Sm ATIONS VVTO.-M u: I J Auim; events us enemies. 1 ,,.., ,..1 u n,i v iifiiiHC mu ll iiv: Atliu biiab ivii . ROOMS for rent. 427 5th F.ast. tlOlp, At, trick three Mr. Dale simply led another diamond. Mr. Muzzy Muzzy should have cashed all of his diamonds but one and EXPERIENCED llsh handler wishes employment on halibut boat. Reply to Box 038 Daily News. . (ltp, 37 ROOM AND BOARD looked astonished. "This game then shifted to the kine of clubs. JL -: DATEO at the Land Registry Of. 654 1 is aim : Is getting easier every day." ho i Mr. Dale would have hud to win Puty April 14, jUrd irmifn's t'nion Dance, April 30. ' j.iiorlnm. ir,irf nris rtanw, i Mav 1. nee, rrinee Hupert. H.cv. day of February. I!ifi4. A C, ROOM and Board for man. 1443 6th East. young (99i rr marked. Eagerly, he ran the '. or see Mr. Muzzv cash the lust i ANDHtW THOMPSON. Demitv R.-piHtrar of rruiiuuX ':ft" ul "'ainouus. a m an i aiamono lor tne setting trick. 25c ptt eicn p6 for mptni, P1m4 39 HOMES FOR RENT uaonci and two clubs were discarded Then Mr. Heinsite would have scott McLaren JHftRTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Hupert, B.C. i Phone 347 P.O. Box 8T rJy Am llit (Jrtwr atli. rt ii m m n R e Sale. WANTED-Job as rook on halibut boat. Apply Box 032 Dnilv News, ( 99p , S3 Situations Wanted f emale" YOTJNO man wants Inic'driv lng Job. Apply Rot 03? Dailv Hen. i: i loop) sfi mi n.DrN 'MmioiAii from dummy and a small club bpen abi to stop th run of both Wl d Irom thp closed hand. 'Mr. Hetn- j hearts and spades and the con l' tittntnt it r.ol puU.skid tv dnpltvJ by R ADIO DIAL THREE-ROOM bungalow, furnished. $50 per month. 221 9th West. doip) CFPR J HrltiA Columbit- e-?Q 1240 Kilorjoles j site rtiscartlcd all of his clubs. tract would have been defeated. 3prl.TR rtiraar 39A SI TIES IOU KENT ELONDIE By CHICK YOUNG;- j ni l'. May 8l.li. Legion Invitation only. I Jerry's Barber Shop. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment with private entrance. Phonp Green 890. (104) ! ' ( ALEXANDER, ; ' '? R fl V-'AVrJ MV COAT AND I . iTt E Tl.Kr- H 1 , .. i GET UP.' I -V MAT REAfWAND . .C,V fr ( ) " 'N I ; ,-, V-UW MV BO' I ' . ! vV-'t ( YCXI'LL Be LATE ) i W WE K0P OPEK flrf ! tXjF A I vr f-OR SCHOOL r'V t ' -aXX MOtvt-HERei I y Lb fV lA, I 1 !' - (Subject to Change) WEDNESDAY Supper Serenade Kmiley IKirnetle Show lot.roduetion kj vednesday Nlnht CBO News CBC News Roundup ,!r,ilal Day Tea, May ir.uidfnce, :. . PHU.POTT, F.VITT & CO. I.TD. Phone; 6j1 or 652 LVQUIRfi about our budget plan for your homo improvement. No down payment. $100.00 to $2,000. ' 6 to 24 rr.os. to pay. (107) FURNISHED apartment. Must be qijiet respectable person. Phone Oreen 928. (101p, r tnc Eastern Star P.M. fi:nn K:M :tc, 7K)0 7:15 7:80 8:00 10:00 10:15 SUITES. Phone Red 984. 87 ITEI, 40 HOMO FOU SALE 1 ne uuner Monsieur Beaueaire CBC Newt Legion Rummngo .fjuirr Shop, May 13. .Ives of the Poets i:i Drnma Festival, $1000 Down Move Rlcht In Newly re-decorated two bedroom home, in uood location. 1:IMI FOli your fuel requirements: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. ' Coal Foothills and Hiy-an. Mtn. Oas Pacific'' Pro- JJ. H Tickets and now available at l arge livins room with cheery i,S:0n Iirenlflce hrlffhr enhlnet. Ifilehen i ? store and Clvw . pane A PHfLPOTT, EVrTT k CO. LTD. two good bedrooms and bath, 7 Thone 051 or 6;2 handy utility room off the ehen. Full basement, hot water ! heat. Must be sold. $4200. f .rnle Spring Ba::aar, May 15. ,1 3 Bedrooms, Close In Spacious family home, one Sprint? Bazaar, it Fl'RNITtRE FOR SALE KITCHEN -set table. 3 chairs. 1 Mwk ' schools. Large llvlng- ;n Missionary Tea.j buffet. Fairly good condition, dining room combination. Cabin- (122) Apt. 6, Klllas ti Christopher Auts. i rt Kitcnen, tnree good bedrooms 1 Phone Red 631. Uf-nci and bath. Full basement. Hot t:l 7:30 7::i.-. : ?:00 8:10 8:15 8:45 u:OD 9:111 0:30 0:45 0:5H 10:00 10:1 10:45 11:00 11:16 I Bazanr, Mav 27. : 29A SEWING .t HINt S. Meat her ilroft nne l.i-leniiit;? Men-i. THURSDAY R.C. Pfsliermen'.u nrondWPt MlKl.nl ( l.a k CBC News: Weather MilKh Ml ( l.u k .slorniuc lieiolloiis CBC News; Weather Here's Bill OooU Breakfast Club Leftovers BBC News and Comty. Aunt Lnry l.aura Ltd. Come What Mny Time Piiuii Morning Visit The Happy Gan? Mart Keiiney Your cooi Neighbor Kmrterfur1.en ot the Air Mesae NrHMt Carnntlon' Knlerlillns . Born X Years Tmi Kooh CBC New? CBC Showcase B.C. Farm Broadcast : Interlude Records for Yimi Hecord Album ' - B C. School Broadcast ulr furnace. Terms to suit. Full price $6300. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES LTD. 342 Eves. Red 9f8 (100) arl.v-nrv Eale. May 4 ;' 4r-" Tea, May 29. j 4-J r&Vim-. -; . -' ! 3 " s iiaa. J - -. ' i .1 . J . "A . J jvx :vVWaw j p ; ' i LTIL ABNER it. .t By AL CAPR - ' . . ZTZZ"f& CB.UMMUNISTS WANT1 SERRODDA"4l fTHEV REIT VVROMG"?-THE WHOlEFARTH 19 KINDA " ' "" -,"'J!A FOLKS TO HAVE NCTNIN'-S HPBPNAOtl GONE- LIKE ONE SPXE.AT BIG SHMOO REAIV J . , t. '':' SOTHEV'LL HATH AMERICAN JJ,.,' Vfffr BUT-fCle.'- K. V GIVE US ALL ALL WF. NE EPS, if OMLV f 'i i J , !. ' I S ' so' havin' sompthini A' CKUMMUNIi so are we'd stop a-fightin' each other, J i ,. I .C TMASS WHVTHEV fD.WF.WICE yHV OJR i LONG 'NUrT TO LET fT'- tm ii mTT t ' i . 4. O.t M killi:dvORE4HMOOS.7 J TO VOU.'.' jfHx SHMOOS!f r- "1 r-2!5i tti ' t ' THE HEART OF JULIET JONES, By STAN DRAKE. .! ' k.Utr Wniv.i 11 I : ' 1 , .'I ( ' ' V ' I '-'" -I & , , ' 1 aianna fw Hiestfjuat) vo nos on ::a avsiNes v cohuhs in Jr. tea rum ttw -iwavti- :. I .. . SALES tvonalrs Rentals. Singer Sewlnc Ccntr?. Phone 864. . (c) Bill fllS Extra Special Six-room wartime, four bedrooms, all in excellent condition. I OR SALE Misc. 32 Sn (1:45 P.M. SOLID oak " extension dining ' Corner lot. Price $4500. Terms ar- J K-Bom lo Mr. and 1 1 M. McClintock in J Rupert General Hos- naay. April 26, 1954. 3:00 tabl and four chairs, three ' bundles fibreglass Insulation (hfittsl. draftinir tnhle. 4 ft. bv lUllHrU. ILAlTlU.NlVe W 11.11 H. G. HELGERSON LTD. Real Estate & Insurance ' 216 6th St. Phone 96 or Black 197 .evenings (100) Robert, 8 lbs, 13 U:id 19:25 12:30 12:56 lMKt 1:30 2:00 il:S0 for Oerald and 8 ft. with adjustable base and J'tw dtp) stool; drafting Instruments and .L.'rr; : . . ; scales, rust proof metal straight f Wnonal v edge, eight teel tapes In feet or ItTtuT 7i chains, 100 ft. to 300 ft, long, i!X. . R,re ?Ven; to omws two sections. I TrLit '''Trtfef wofe-xMk. tuAtocfe .ha- NEWLY built house. 3 rooms and bath. Phone Green 626. (1041 'Irans-Canaaa Mntinee 3 IT. IWav.ar'ai:rt-. r'-iin n j THB. AND CBKW KB BCRTV Tl40USAaO2 5?J I WW... 8JT ". 1 WAT ' SP. 8 " v"T ' " . 1 :sti iMmtM'-. LARGE revenue hbiise. Cent rally located. Terms. Phone Red 297 after 6. diO) f rnwcy.j mer; steel dies, letters and nam ibers. two desk lamps, one ad- Annnv- Justable, 24 yards tracing linen, 3:46 4:15 4:30 4:46 5:Oft 5:16 6:40 Hit Parade Voealiee and Rtoek Quotntloui t.arrv In Quebec Talking to Tiona Howdy Doorty ' " At H.ime WHh the Leunt:ks International Comty. t Alcoholics ' ln Box 343. 1107) FURNISHED apartment with sink and range. Call at 522 Fulton St.. 'Apt. 3. (103) one roll drawing paper 36" wide, three : brass plumb-bobs and general "engineering and office ff-sx M:rsonalr. , , supplies.- Phone Rrd 888. . - ' - . . . (1031 NEW 3-bedroom house. Furnished. Full basement. 1119 6th Ave. East. (103p, '"ds, patios ami i Ynriv .ONE Used Condor Oil Range, one bassinette, one bathtub with 41 Bl jINESS LOCATIONS s. Red B06. 1 103p) f LISHT IN THE Art I TUB fTHSTT Vv. N5 BSMINP CM P85POCT1CN N 68 NUKW 0Or'''-i I OFFICE.' PULW 1 wrSi-r3l4 I AL ft (r1 Ci:PPCg-.t ' g-'-f . . T j SHERLOCK HOLMES v By. EDITH MEISER and FRANiC. GIACOIA' -n , f7Tr .r.r)3PHMMMMaMHM " T1 7"! J " 1 Km 11 w in 11 1 1 1 in. I . .VV'r-iV: ? VOUR ROLLINS 6AIT. STOP HEPE,CA8By-IN I DIDN'T THINK V SHE PO!'T. H. :' ' ' T,--",'"'--t I THiSTATTOp IN CHINA 15f FRONT Of tV.E ''Qi3t'S THE OLD GIRL I THAT'S THE ? f., . ,J 3 TNEV COLOR FI5H 'CT TOBACCO PIPE. " . INDULGED. J) FURNACE WHERE. ' 1 - r , T HOW DIO YOU GUFSS 5CALES IN THIS P. J'WV -APULTERATSP t I f 1 MANAGING THE KINGSTON V FASHION, jf-f Tl XTiJTTT I wL WTORTSLOT AS t J ' flKtures, one new 60-gaI. H.W. tank. Phono Oreen 959. . (100) and ehcctirfi.is FOR RENT Offices ln the Stone Biillding. modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Room No. 3 Stone Bidg. or phone 0((! inha Popular Meamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:1! p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MidniBht SET of Llpsett 8-spool curdles f' Mr- J. KemWr"V Also steel disk halibut roller , rp(j 593 (ion (1001 FINEST etr.n'" ror guinei Doat. uncap tor casn. Phone Oreen 486. (100p) 42 WANTED TO RENT v-.. oaics aervice. 3.00 SAVAOE, play pen. both In A-l condition. Bed chesterfield 1 i (c) UNFURNISHED or partly furnished 3 or 4-bedroom house. Preferably with basement. Urgent before May 1. Red 893. . (100) IC'TriotmV, ' "na narawooa varnisnea caoinei. Comfort and Service in - nVVnT ."' ouya. 1028 2nd West. ' t99p) ?",andPlectrical re- 1 I "1 Ave. West. Phone BABY carriage $20. Washing ma-1 (114) .- chine $40. Chest of drawers 2 BEDROOM house, unfurnished. Black 317. (lOlp) 1 iu. ai Bin wcsi. tiuipj MeCLARY "Escort" wick burlier, 43 LISTINGS WANTED white enamel, good condition. 137 8th East. , (lOlp) COMPLETE set of orchestra drums. AdoIv 550 11th East af (120) We have a large list of buyers for houses. For quick sale phone H. G. HELGERSON LTD.. - Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 eves. , (102) ter 8 p.m. (09p) Forrervauonsw.lten. , Fi(KT J0B ASHORE? T fTAWJ-. ' ln I I StTA ARE CONFISCATES.' - , . i IU'ci call City or Depot Office v JAuji l I "I ' t V :-' J Prince Rupert. B.C. V'N ;V "rl"y"V . X jS$ri 'C ' , ' 1 SARCHIE ' By BOB MONTANA" . j 1, ' t A I KA IT'V" VVHAt" . S J- &UT, X'Si THEV IA6T60 l?AM THAT OU NOTICE NC.) f " ' ' j ! AZCUit. these coa...eur ) outa Z, what kim cpy OiprcPfNCC havent coughed CikJ i ' . f Rm 1 I Af VVS SOiNG WBANCAKES' FAMHIAC?' ' MAE SrRUP DID DOE'S IT OMT, THiO AtCCtllNS' , - " fl I A I , FlSHIWG CX? THEf TA5TS AX WAS THAT ) Yeu" U U6S?' Ii tt --v r J ':, i Ji UIHL lire JSue&NA 1 wnpjV' real aaawUincwkwset , f" aST "N 1 - " sir mek and , ; r raTUPf' vsir' v 1 rrJ, V I A'iVii1 i . . , BOOKCASE, kitchen table, glass rewound sealers, garden tools. Phone (120) Black 670 99p) ONE Elcor Tape Recorder. Per- 46 BUSINESS OPPORTCMTIES rect condition. Phone BiacR 902. (101) (114) B3. Eddie's C'A Movent CAFE for Sale. Good location, modern equipment. For particulars apply Commodore-Cafe, Phone 17, 628 3rd Avenue West. (100) in 1 PEDIGREED German Shepherd dog. 15 months. Oreen 441 after . (104) AUTOMOBILES 47 USED shlplap, .2x4 ' and brick. TWO-TONE ereen. 1953 Ply Appiy ou 1st Ave. w. (104p) mouth club coupe, 5 puncture I .1 rOTwt -17 jftV. IS.flf. U VM At . J t t 1 fb Parlct's of course. r nap) pijypes of Baws. Blilrir '. . 1 proof tires, radio ana other accessories. Excellent condition. Phone Red 769 evenings. 15-FOOT Peterborough canoe. New condition. Phone Red 628. (99p) ' (10.). 1940 CHRYSLER Sedan, very MeCLARY wick burner range. Apply U8 Hays Cove Circle. (99p) I k;" "tH, Bold ev. good running order, new tires. With ki... Cheap transportation at 91U&. company ; . ftrBi'.-.--dh-r HW,h:MA L-smft-- ' Phne Red i63. See Dave at 112 Taxi. chairs. (99) KITCHEN table and $9 00. Oreen 154. 10Sp)l (89) . ,.i -', i ; ; p