The Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, April 1, 1954 Siotwr JlcLl Dor Br'Jc-CLd 1 .'' Work of Local Artists Wins Approval I As Large Crowd Visits Art Exhibition passing ir:.... a i Canadian companies released i mum nmta nugcrsnn was nost- . Mr H PM.ors.nn Mr. mil m: i Canadian output of household refrigerators In 1953 reached 274,126 units, or 20 per cent below the 1950 post-war peak. ess Tuesday evening at a kitchen Lean, Mis. Harry Lloyd Mrs Dan 235 000 000 ciBars for consump-shower honoring Miss Nancy ; Lippett, Mrs. M. Orme, Mrs A ' tlon in '3, a 13 per cent in-Lund, popular young bride-elect. Lund and Mrs. J. Rogerson. ( crease over 1952, r By SIIIKI.KY Yl'LE dPnir't.inP a foal,Am, t a,. j..u, i..u i. nllOl n "lc suraus cnjoyea Dingo arter J,in? thf S?0 a"d pastoral background, there were some outstanding arti-t" rnn " out Bo- k 'I: h ""Vi".! There were other examples too printings, including, scenes by be is nnr "B" l,e is tnf J wtM Hi: l'ft this which Ruth Harvey, featuring beauti- " .' . " "-' mis interesting work In A PAIR AND A SPARE! P'aner is dftnhpH u'ith vrii.e r..t riw ntn..a t.nBnD nnA mor i : . o .rfm ' Hill i . . wmcn tne many useful gifts were presented in a gaily decorated wash tub, carried in by Thercse Rogerson. Oucsts included Miss ' Klni n i 'opinion among Viewers at the CCllOIS rnrrmlPtW, ,uu ..n l... .'I - "5 spring mack, and then scraUhed to let I Hill, plus a variety of other 3 full-fashioned, 51 gauge, 15 denier Nolile i"i ,0" llu. They'll spend th:; Hawaiian fe- Z'rlii. i.i. , i ,ne C0l01's show throu-h. excellent works by other local Lahti, Miss Eleanor Lfthti. Miss n-iin iH , V, stared , h . ., yLn ,ne school amateurs, too numerous to men- ,h?o Jat..t,h(' ! dlsP!y. oe of the outstanding tion. Carol Nelson. Miss Louise Pierce, Miss Cathy Roos, Mrs. J. Hansen, IB fi NYLONS foronly $1.25 7 J Nil MU M u 1 S22SI ".c .u.Ki aim iwony works were a watercolor fall Looak works and muttered to scene by Anita Rogerson, a lake one another "What do you sup- i scene by R. Basso and an interpose he .or she t was trying to esting portrayal of northern . .7. , , exPressions l l'Rhts shining above "a ship sail- .haneed to delight as they view- ! ing a channel between dark eg the work of some of the local j mountains by Tony Toth The Bonak pa!htiies, remarkable Karsh photographs and local art, plus a small display of photography by Bob Chldwick combine to form an. Interesting exhibition. ' . ' '. ,v south by air they MH:ie nt S.iml.spil. .i after a vacation (T , . . Husband ',,lt on St. Patrick's ,li, ri' tli' y sp'nt a .jiiin" on Grouse LONDON (CP) Parishioners of St. Augustine's church in suburban Fulham were asked to take hotwater bottles to sei vices when the heating system broke down. M mmm Coloufit bclg. taup Siiot t-9 ,- lO-IOVb. 1 be Maternity, Wise This Spring! 1M n one of his perils w.iilcr Johnson, , ;'irlative In :,. Lii'in travelling .,sc pints for the IS Willi him this SUITS SLACKS The big display Included work of Booth Memorial High school and Annunciation school students, plus work by members of the art club and others The Booth school work featured paintings illustrating stories heard on school radio broadcasts, and some impressionistic finger paintings in beautiful colors but weird patterns. An Interesting foaturc was- a ".scratch board" picture bw. Pat SKIRTS SMOCKS PEDAL PUSHERS , at i H'.iltun. who was a JlVl'-p.n uowiri ; am in Vancouver, his first trip here With a box top from any BRODIE xxx CAKE MIX cosh or mony erdr to ' ROOIE ft HARVIE LIMITED r.o. tox 301, wiNNipca. stay around for a WHITE . CHOCOLATE COMBINATION SPICE The STORK Shoppe 214 Sixth Street Phone Green 184 Deane in almost luminous colors, i s fioiri;; back on tuiimlit med win n the bis ji.hia Cellulose com- rnrr .111' pulled onto the ,t the GenrRe yes-Into it -topped four !iais . Max Mc-ii l o r t h Brown, nluin and Harold h ii.ib Burnic und Bert L lioii"ht to town Ouru ,i ril Stcwarl, ii will) Dob in SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th vit.iI years nii. w with the B.C. (li.'oiiipaiiy and has (i a tour of north- 4 BiA and Bert have in iimo . , . 11 nd wni kin hard, Tulip Brand, Lb. i f I JM ill! ii n u U U Wiy Heinz Strained D tins MEW BUNCH BEETS LETTUCE Extra Large Head PARSLEY Fresh nd G,ecn Bunch SWEET SPUDS 2 Lb, CELERY Crisp and Tender . Lb. BROCCOLI California Green Lb. 'SALAD MIX Just Add Dressing Pkt. 11ES lS, Lynn Valley. Tin ft h ' Royal City. Size 5's GRAPEFRUIT whts GRAPEFRUIT miild 1i:ivp no rein s.'ores. Boh u s tint the record year in leapue al Id frames. Bob Mure iii only four for a total of 52 it bfiwiini! . . . It's s!r,!i!ic" when a thi Daily News 'li mii"1 and it's i in the weekly Something went "ii're . . . because :d 271 in onc '.a'rsilay night ': ry on the sports i.'.v said Pet Eby mv , . . Anyway, irt Boin.R to beat Imiaiht she fall to Hazelton 'in the activities "it. Reports say he way every nvai!-.rarte with rod raid k'liks oT the- Kis- h'''s l.)oUI:ig for 'hit Will Just 1 record .-' i elhead ' oi ?mith- as stationed in 111? A'.iny during World War. says "Picially to Art rrnl (aldrroni. 4a O Ull' Heinz. Bottle z 75c Sunkist, New Crop Size 344's ...2 DOZEN yy 1 I i Heinz, lL tins Pacific or Carnation MILK case $7.19 S?EAD any kind ' 13c FLOUR Cream ef the West 49-Lb. Sack $3.29 JBR r n l n I Jl (iW. t in . yictnrla Blue Pacific. Flaked i"'" he attih.led 'ii'.nrt Convention. Jidtnslnn and Dr. il he official del-h"i'e t'j the Iiitrr-'waicn in Seattle Royal City, 20 Oz. Tin tins Nabob, - 1 tryin to write 'f tin' Prince Ru-C!ul ... In his k re.ords, he not--ri' ws a Skeena D'.-i'by. Pfte wants "re ahiuit it, so he ln th? story . . . ihli!-',h files those 1 't Hull seekiiifr ln-' uut the Elks club. 'h lus thinss all !'a ri'ady for the 'ul 'p -n house' at morrow niK,t , 29c Grapefruit, Nabob, Large 48 Oz. Tin ,u,r:i have rinnn un Mrs. Mack will have a grand Diced, Choice Aylmer tin SIRLOIN STEAK " 72c DSL8CATED STEAKS p 69c ROUND STEAK ' ". 69c HOUND STEAK 69c ?M STEAK " 72c T-BONE STEAK ' "-75c Porterhouse Steak u- 75c Alt STEAKS ARE WELL TRIMMED AND TOP QUALITY . PICNICS Burns Midget No Waste Lb. 69c . BOASTS Bo"ee Round -b 69c IS""" y You'll find a good selection of Fryers, Fowl, Chicken Geess, Ducks and Turkeys in our Poultry Cose " a topics Heinz Tomato 'Mf- Rl'PERT TO: One Way Return 44.85 09 1? 4 'in . Eialia Fort Garry Yellow Label, Lb. 80.75 103.85 27.00 313.83 161.85 333.83 57.70 15.00 162.70 85.80 171.80 ' f 'al Tf Westons, 1 Pound l'!lV(,l Agent IFOR .1 Lb. Pkt ;.2;...:.;.:;91c -Mrs. Ina Birchall, 128 Fifth Avenue East MABCB TEA No. 5 Contest Winner iEL AGENCIES "If ft Phone 620 i