REFLECTS Pilhit Stijpeit Vail) Utni . Tuesday, Poontary zi, VjSA As i See It and REMJte Ul Independent daily newsptper dvoted to the upbuilding of Itign Unpen and Northern and Sentral British Columbia. Member of uiaitlim Press AudM Bureau of C'lrriilatlniM Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, xtbllfihed by The Prince Rupt-it, Itoily New- Limited. J. r. MAOOR, President II. a. PERKY. Vice-President Subscrlp'.lon Rates: y carrier Per waek, 25c; per month. 41.110, if mail Per month, 75c; per year, aoo. per year. loon. iXp .uthorizea us second elaM mall by New Museum Needed A T- the annual membership meeting of museum last night, much emphasis was hut '.he imj).!rtanee of aequirine; ;1" new iiuilfliiic 4 yffk . "J r ' y- t.t'y"fi A , .... : A KIC, BOY among helicopters is the Bristol t T3, a ,Rritih helicopter capable of parrying 13 passengers and luggage or 2,500 lbs. of cargo, pictured here carrying (hit take-off and landing tests from II. M.S. Eagle. Britain's biggest and latest flattop. Object was to find out how the kingsize, twin-rotor "eggbeater" performed at s?a and in the confined space of, the currier. A lot can be accomplished in nil the lime elnpsnig between February and September. It might even be discovered that when it big drydock is built and Its importance demonstrated r ore than one. 'he general idea Is It will stay put. WINTRY AM) WORSE Not so far from where the busy ai'.d populous city of Sas katoon stands today, threats were heard during that cold and snowbound spring of 'Bj, There were complaints of hunger by Indians and other malcontents. . White pioneers were shot and killed. 11 had come call It what y.ui will There were Indians by the thousands, but ail did not rise. Nevertheless Kiel had an influence, in Eastern Canada battalions were already mobilizing. The frver of what passed for war was spreading. Not until mid-summer were these tanned, hard-bitten looking boys, in worn field dress, marching through the cheering streets of Toronto jiuid Ottawa. . . I'll IKII I, AMI Prior to comiiv? to Prince i Rupert, the writer lived a while ! in .Saskatchewan. There came opportunity to see the country: where Canadians fought one ; another in the days of 'H5, inspecting fir;,t the river village' of Baluchi', where the rebellions' back was broken. Situated on high ground, ru'i-ged and rolling, there was little , trace of what, al some time, might have been the site of rifle pits. Dwellings and other buildings were comparatively lew and old People were courteous, and more interested In the wheat crop outlook than anything else. A roomy church offered spiritual guidance and consolation A white haired, scholarly looking priest, pluckir. flowers, was quick to offer the blooms to the visitors, and expound on the dramatic history of a fair and historic region. This sunny June day passed i! 11 too swiftly. Batoche, though but a hamlet, was not without spots to explore and ask about, lor example, we came to what possibly might still be an occupied residence, so hoisted a window and climbed In. NO one was home, and it had a partly tenanted look, but events had happened under this roof. During the battle, an Ontario of- VICTORIA VICTORIA Members of th;' combined opposition in the Legislature watch these clays, hopefully and eagerly, for some signs of splits in the ranks of Social Credit. All the oppositionists took great political comfort when it was learned Hugh Shantz, deputy speaker the last two sessions, had been replaced by A. 8. Matthew, MLA for Vancouver Centre. Ah, said the oppositionists to i themselves here it is; here's ' the break-up or, at least the! start of it; the Premier is an-1 I noyed witli Mr. Shant. because! he suggested a plebiscite on ; ! hospital insurance. Will Mr I Shuntz fight back? The Premier, however, quite blandly explained there was no significance at all to the mat j ter, that he thinks it a good 1 idea that all his members should gain some experience as j deputy speaker. j Well, that may be what the, Premier says, but Mr. Shantz; was fired. There's no other way ! ''hot dead !,, " b'1 further, J' ehen disciiv,'; "iLtr oh ytii! WHai '-Louis 4 Riol? u, , in the fall'ot sf' EXTKJ SPECI PDlllT I-' CALL Oti DI8B ne COMPAtf l f" "I'WKll U rill WE MOVE CARE ANYV You ran enins finest furniiiw , to us with at, in their m sound flelivfrj. PACKING SH1PF7 LOCAL OI! LOW; I! MOVING Cartage and Slum Phone it "Leave It to Lr Spilsbup MRT-25FMAI RADIO TELEf O 25 worn 6 channels broadcost w noise I imtter motor gent for trouble H operation ON DISPLAY house nur valuable collection of Indie-i relirs and ither displays. It is a project which deserves all the attention .e ean ,ine it. In their present setting, the com-cnts of our museum repose like the proverbial ,iyol! a the i.'ukIi. Attendance figures surest that the ,eoplo of Prince 'Rupert have only a cursory in-erest in the rare exhibits which are in their midst. In the circumstances, this is perhaps natural enough. Anyone in show business and the museum falls in that category will tell you that most of the brittle for customers lies in establishing; the right atmosphere. For a theatre, a handsome marquee, soft carpets, smartly uniformed ushers aVid all the other embellishments of this sort can often he mere '.'r.port::nt than the show itself. iMiu-e a museum is of somewhat specialized interest, in the first place, the task of attracting-the public is that much niore difficult. Hut given an effective appearance' it, can become a 'major asset to any community. , In I'rince' Albeit, for example, citizens went to work to provide an attractive setting for their wildlife and other exhibits and now have a museum which they not only show with pride to visitors, but enjoy going through on their own account. In Prince Rupert we have an exceptional chance to create a museum of unusual interest. One can visualize a building of colorful native design, set, between spectacular totem poles, which would lend .itself magiuficentlp to tins' country with its rich Indian, hentje.:.. Bqsittes making it possible to give the exhibits a more impressive, background, a new building would facilitate exchanges with other museums since there would not be the insurance problems which handicap such arrangements at present. 'Jf 'Prince Rupert makes a determined start at th4 project, there js reason to hope that financial help from outside will follow." But the first move is up to us, and- the time for it is right now. Shortage of Engineers Hits ' Development Work in Canada linn ' i the PoBt Ofllw D'partment, Ottawa the on to l NORMAN I MocLEOD Japanese Government has been! giving priority to the conclusion of its British 'rade deal. I But with the British deal now out of the way, the understanding is that Tokyo is ready to concentrate on the pact with Ottawa, and that it could he witness a Mvally improved cli- mate for the new treaty. Fur one thing, they are confident! that the present level of unem-I ploymeni will melt rapidly in a: lew weeks now with the coming of spring. None of the Capital's i mo:;t eminent economists be- i lieve that a genuine recession or deoiession has arrived as yet. There is far too much work re(uiring to be done nationwide for any serious let-down in the employment tempo, once the winter is over. In addition, the government is pirjning some hopes to the tonic effect upon' industry of th anticipated trade with Russia. Some of the fields in which unemployment is worst textiles and fairm Implements are expected to be helped consid- I erably. which it has been working with ... ... 13 i greater coniidence contends he received the collection as a gift. The court suspended the year jail sentence, but not its order that Hollrigl should be reimbursed. The sentence was pronounced after the court was informed that Burns and Hollrigl became acquainted in Germany, where Hollrigl told him of his stamp collection . Later, when Hollrigl had been captured by the Rossians, the lias Moved THE HOUSE of Commons has been having a fierce argument over unemployment. ! The real dispute arises over the extent and character of the present joblessness: Is it purely temporary and seasonal: or is it the beginning of a .serious depression? Official government figures .show that there were 2H0.000 people totally unemplnyud on January T,i, 11)54. This Is serious, us by the government's own admission it represents an increase of 1)3.000 over the same date for the preceding vear. Bui , the of ritual government figures ! are far apart from those freely' used by the opposition. They i frequently mention the fact ; there are 524,000 job applica-i tions on file in the different 'government employment ser- vices. The Minister of Labor pa-, j tiently, but not quite success- tuny, explains that one person may have filed applications for several job.s at several different offices and hence the job applications do not represent the totally unemployed. THE AMAZING FACT is that t here Is a broad base of .agreement between all parties of the House that is simply taken for granted and never even mentioned: That is, that this country will never again tolerate the scarcity amidst plenty, and joblessness, in a country where there are hundreds of things on every hand that need to be done. The only temporary argument is whether we arc in a period i where things will soon level I off. and the economy once again go forward; or whether an in-j ternational situation is now de-j veloping . which will require much more drastic action to eliminate the present .jobless- ness. Quite frankly, the gov't ernment does not pretend to ' know, but it obviously hopes that the economy will straight -! en itself out without any dras-j tic, or revolutionary corrective i measures becoming necessary. ! - ; HOWUVER. the point is that j Parliament in general is ded-J icated to the proposition that I it is the government's duty to j interfere with the free working of Uk -economy if and . w ben the free working of the econ-j orny threatens to produce an-j other situation such as we had about. 20 years ago. Here are some of the fundamental changes that have been marie in Canada in the intervening period. This nation has adopted the principle oi "sharing the wealth" to a degree which would have been considered unthinkable and utterly impractical in 1933 or 1934. Each moilth the federal treasury mails out, to millions of mothers, cheques totalling 'over .$29.. million, for. family allow-taieK.-Eac.t. mouth the' federal govi;rftnvht'arsii?-."nfalfo-'m4. f other $29' million to Canadians over 70 years of age. These grants are in addition to all the other welfaie measure.), given on a local, provincial, or national scale. Moreover, they are without a means test of any kind. In other words, Canada has put a floor under family incomes. No child and no old person ' is : allowed to live In utter poverty. Canada has accepter! the principle of state intervention, and state support of the private economy, to whatever extent may be necessary to assure an all-time reasonably full production and reasonably full distribution. The world in general, and Canada in particular, has taken a giant step forward in 20 years. The present fierce arguments over unemployment only tend to highlight that fact. Try Da:!y Nevs Classified court was told, Buras came to Italy and persuaded Hollrigl'i wife that the stamps were not sale here. He was said to have promised to put them in safekeeping either at the Canadian embassy at Brussels or in a Vancouver bank. wnen the Italian returned rrom prison camp he was unable to recover the stamps from Burns, he told the court OTTAWA .DIARY, r, - : .-. .. . , ; -' '"t ' iT'il .'-frl ...' ! p;W'!: -rt' REPORT of looking at it. He was fired! The deputy speaker gets an extra $500 u session .so Mr. Shant' pocket, as well as ills pride has been hurt. Mr. Shamz won't admit the hurt, but he does say he's mightily embarrassed, but, chins up: "It is apparent the Premier does not want me-but I'm still a Social Crediter." But what kind -I'-a Koei il Crediter a Bennett SCer. or u MaJ. Douglas SCer. Ah, there's the rub or perhaps the nub of the whole intriguing .situation.! CertHinlv U) firing of Mr. 1 Shantz has started a lot vf j political rumbling. E. a. Lecour.v, past president! 1 of North Okanagan Social Credit Association (Mr. Shantz' i home-town group) came out ! with a politically unwise state- merit: "The Premier has at last l taken action against a man j who has been bucking him secretly i at every turn." And the present president, L. R. Thomas said he's "deeply shocked" at the Premier's ac cusly," said Dr. Wright, "For another quarter of a century there will be a short ! ' age of engineers in Canada." He said about 50 Canadian students will be sent to European industrial centres this ! year in exchange for the same number ol foreign students. Under the United Natl nns Prnn. ; omic. Social and Cultural ri . I ganization, 18 countries are In- 1 volvrd with 4.200 students mak-: ' ing the switch. Each youth Is placed in a job, pays his own expenses and Is expected to return to his own country to put his year's practical training to work. i "It gives bright young men a chance to study different social f-ystems as .-well as industrial j development," said Dr. Wright, "and it will be a stabilizing influence j i through promotion of mutual understanding." ; 1 ': i B. C House ' the metropolitan areas. i He said prospective trainees I from the rural area should be cuic to make long-term loaiLS and repayment would be based on the length of service of the teachers. Mr. Moore suggested sale and use ol firecrackers should b? limited to a period before Hallowe'en and special permission should be required for other occasion. The first complete English edition of the Bible was published by Miles Coverdale in England In 1535. SHOES Savage Shoes are Sanitized . . . Laboratory Tested and approved for longer, healthier wear. Boys' and Girls' Dress , J- iun tion. The firing of Mr. Shantz also brought former Liberal speaker Harry Perry out. of his political retirement. Huffing and puffing in the old Perry style, this gentleman announced It's most unusual to remove the deputy speaker. Said Mr. Perry: "If I , was deputy speaker and was thrown out, I'd consider it a reflection ii)n my ability, or punishment from the pi.rly as a disciplinary measure." Well, there it is; there may be .something to all this, and. again, there may not be, but the opposition is going to make the most of It -and who can blame them? The opposition, loo, took some political comfort from the tpeeeh of Rev. C. W. Parker. Social Credit MLA for Peace River. There have been rumens Mr. Parker would resign his seal to cause a by-election in which Einar Ounder.son, the deposed Minister of Finance, might try once more for a seat in the Legislature. Mr. Parker made mention oi these rumors. He said he'd lil-c It. quite definitely understood that he's NOT goin? to resign that's all there Is to it. Mr. Speaker he's NOT going to resign. And then he added: "Even if there are many people who think It would be a good idea." There were snickers from op-' position benches at this. Why Mr. Parker's vehemence? Wis Mr. Parker looking at the Pre-i mier as he said this? Does Mr. ' Parker suspect the Premier might try to oust him in n tle.speratc effort to seat Mr. Cunderson. Well, he's not going t not on your life Mr. Par- i er is me member lor Peace River and he's going to stay the member for Peace River until the people throw him out which, of course, in Mr. Parker's mind, will never happen, No politician ever believes he'll be defeated. And then, sensing he had given political . comfort to the enemy, Mr. Parker proceeded to discomfort the enemy. He made mention of the Legislature's magnificent new mace. He said it was about tfhie B,C. had a new mace. The old mace, he Wild, wan made for a sklo-show In Chicago years ago. ' -Well, - said - Mr.' ' Parker1 from far-away Peace River, thfre eren't uny legislative sideshaw.s in B.C. any more. Those days are gone, Mr. Speaker! Mr. Par-: ker put it this way: "With the I coming of the new mace is the ' crowning of the glorious fact that this Lc gislaturc was taken out of the side-show business after the general election of 1952." Thut dale, you'll recall, was when Social Credit first zoomed into the government benches in BC. However, it's all a matter of political opinion; there are those who Insist it has been one continual sideshow ever since Social Credit took over. by and Play Oxfords . . . Present outlook is that the much talked about trade treaty with Japan may be a little slow-rr 'in making its appearance than originally was scheduled. Two fairly powerful factors of recent development are combining to delay it. RUPERT RADIO & Elm 313 Third Ave. W. " N The first factor is the more-; completed in very short order than-sea.sonal upsurge in un- " the authorities in Ottawa so employment. With the oppasi-. desired. . tion groups in Parliament, For the reasons already men -notably the CCF making noisy tioned, the Ottawa authorities capital out of the fact that ap- now aren't anxious to hurry "the ! r o x i m j, e,)y a half -million j resolutions.; Tiij-y leUe.A-,.),lit Otnadiatkr .JaroWe&4:i omife:tfidv ;iittl S;e'ity yt,l What are' I you doing, I with what VANCOUVER (CP) A short-. age of engineers to develop Canada's resources was forecast in an interview here by Dr. Austin Wright of Montreal, secretary of the 16,000-member Engineering Institute of Canada. He said only 1,200 engineers will graduate from Canadian universities this year though there is a demand for twice that number to further development of the country's economy. Dr. Wright came here with Ross Dobbin of Peterborough, Ont, president of the institute, on the final lap of a crosscountry trip on which they talked with branch executives from St. John's, Nfld., to White-horse, Y.T. "Demand today for engineering graduates exceeds the supply to .such an extent that some men are handling as many as three jobs simultane- Speeches in VICTORIA. (CP) The throne .speech debate in the legislature may be a bit more lively lollou-ing a ruling by Speaker Thomas Irwin Monday that outlaws prepared .speeches except in .specud circumstances. The Speaker .said in announcing the ruling that under a system of prepareu .speeches the "very spirit of debate would wither and ultimately perish and our legislature would be doomed to have to listen to a series of pre-fabrlcated thesis." However, the Speaker did allow W. N. Chant ISC-Victoria) and Ray Williston (SC-FoA George) to read prepared speeches Monday because they had not had notice before. Other speakers were William Moore ICCF-Comox) and Frank Howard - (CCF-Skecna) who spoke from notes. Mr. Chant and Mr. Willisto:i brought up the Social Credit Monetary theories again and Mr. Williston suggested -that , the metropolitan areas of the prov ince could help the Interior! teacher shortage . ! Mr. Moore said the tinseasoual j portion of the unemployment picture was growing. Mr. Howard called for a women's bureau in the department of labor.' I Mr. Chant spoke through a barrage of comments from oppo- i sition benches as he criticizid speeches of the opposition and advocated the monetary theories. Mr. Willifton suggested that the metropolitan areas would help the rural areas by allowing j the latter to have more gradii-l ates from the normal school and i let the married teachers stay in I Kovernmi1!!!. cansif er th time propitious for announ-infe easier access to the Canadian market for a flood of Jap anese manufactured imports. The .second is the mainly unfavorable reception given by the British people to the United trade pact. Cabinet Ministers here were waiting with considerable interest to learn what the reaction of British workers would be to extending the market' in Britain for Japanese goods. What they' have observed hasn't been too encouraging to them. Actually, the paper work on the projected Ottawa-Tokyo pact is reported to have been advancing reasonably smoothly in recent weeks. Progress nec- essarily has to be slow, both because of the distance between! with the unemployment prob-the two capitals and the al- hem in hand, the government most ceaseless flow of inter- will be prepared to unveil the changes involved in the negot-1 Japanese trade policies upon you save a last, year? A good question to ak your-, still' right now! Canada ha 9 unlimited , opportunity for those have a stake to invest. Open a savings account '! now with The Bank of Nov" fl .Scotia and grow with Camilla'' muuiis, aim aiso oecause oi me fool 4kot lin tn (Un 1 i! " uh nic pirspni, nie Canadian Sentenced in Absentia For Iheft' of Stamp Collection i! development. V The BANK; of fl nova .sgdyU, jI Your Partntr in lhljiint fqnnrfo Croit . ' 1 ' Your BNS Manager is a 1 nod man to know. In T errace he is BOLZANO, Italy wi James W Burns, of 479 Blundell road,, B.C., was sentenced in absentia here Monday to year in-Jail and to repay an Italian for a stamp collection said to be worth more than $120,000. Burns, former major in the Canadian Army, was convicted of obtaining the stamp collection by fraud while Its owner, Osvaldo Hollrtgl, was In a Russian prison camp, in 1945. The court here was told Burns also Patent Leather Straps and Saddle Oxfords "BE SURE WITH SAVAGE" FASHION FOOTWEAR K. C. Sandovcr-SIy.