Ml V Daily Delivery Phone 81 )RROW'S F".;vi:;;ial Liz:::.r:.t February 24, 195 , 18 7 'pet 51 , 37 15 5 'cet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER : 7.3 feet fcct Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" 8:H VOL. XLIII, No. 45 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS i i , "-':bt. ' ..... 1H 1 I Sijjffly low Approves Purchase Council Tractor A rock crushing plant may be purchased by city council to solve this city's gravel problem. js?et!.. 1 Si C ' ' fi ?v 1 Aid. McLean,- the only dissenter on the vote to purchase the tractor out of general revenue, asked for a complete report from the works board as to their lock and gravel plans, complete with costs. At last night's city council meeting, provision of a rock crushing plant and purchase of other city works department equipment took top billing, with councillors giving the works board authority to call for tenders on a crusher, approving purchase of a tractor, costing Solt Mine Collapses iM)i;i;K(U'M) In a Windsor salt mine caused this chemical warehouse to sink I about $17,000 and discussing purchase of a power shovel. the ground. Water bubbling up from the old salt workings created a lake and the The tractor, needed for the sanitary landfill and other city time threatened mucn oi uie ciuui -uie-umiiuiaciunng section ot the big $6,000,000 Industries Limited plant. .? Canadair Gets Huge UK Order dock Committee Dissolved; work, and chosen from several I tenders, will post about $18,835,'. plus freight from Vancouver' and the provincial sales tax. The tractor will be purchased from general revenue of 19541 instead of from the land sales' trust fund as had originally j been Intended. T Council Takes on Battle MONTREAL (CP) Some 50 aircraft, military versions of the huge Bristol Brittania transport, vill be built by Canadair ,frt s Kpocial com-1 continue the drydock battle. ' take over. drydock sale Is- At a meeting late yesterday; The special committee had afternoon, the special commit- i fought for a delay In the pro-tee chaired by J. Orme Stuart, ; posed sale of the drydock, or KETCHIKAN HIGH SCHOOL Polar Bears, above, meet Booth Memorial High school Rainmakers tonight at the Civic Centre in the first gam ? of the final two in the International High school trophy competition for the' Frank Murkowski trophy. Back row (left to right): Jim Miller, Jerry Raines, John Gilbert, Amt Antonsen, Robert Andis, Carl Corbin, John Valentine. Front row (left to right): Jerry Johansen, Don Maddox, Bob Vincent, Jim Auger and Dixon Tucker. : Courtesy Ketchikan Daily News , . . '. 1 i Rupert Firefighters Granted Two Percent Wage Increase Limited, it was learned Monday night. A Canadair spokesman des d itself out of ex-city council has rs; move toward ,ew committee to decided It had served its pur- establishment of conditions of The proposed purchase from general revenue brought objections from Aid. Ray McLean, who said it would be unfair to burden one year's taxpayer's with such a heavy expenditure, but works board chairman Aid. George B. Casey said that procedure would leave in land sales funds free for purchase of pose and called on council to ;. sale whereby the plant would continue to function as a dry- dock. Last week's announcement by the federal government cribed it as a $185,000,000 order and said only licensing agreement -with the plane's designers the Bristol Aeroplane Company of England, remain to be worked out. This might take about- lour weeks. The military version of the airliner would be a four-cngin- of a six-month postponement of the rock crushing plant and the shovel. There was not enough in the trust fund to finance ail three Items. , Prince Rupert's lire fighters ( Other benefits Include sickU The agreement was reached have won themselves a two peri and compassionate leave, MSA j after meetings of both council cent wane increase and other coverage after three months and firemen Friday with a con- the sale deadline, from March 31 to September 30. had marked Bccomplisament of their purpose. The committee asked city council to take over, forming u new committee with repre horsepower alrcrafvi fringe benefits, plus a pat on the employment and a grant of one ciliation officer R. Forgie of the ed 13,400 ! for use by maritime air com- back from city council lor- the montns pay on retirement. LAiuor iveiauuius oumu. MAKE OWN GRAVEL Aid. C-u.tfy said that, wltn 8 mantis. ,1 manner in which they handled ! crushing plant, the city could! sentation troin t very interested Ibmly in the.:, to press for ! Pw ' Tu i "T contract negotiations. In return they have given up their special call-out pay and will arrange time off In lieu cf payment for call-outs during off-duty hours. c.iitinurri continu.d f n.mtion met ion .,l .if the trie drv- aty 1 o"""i u nnv ui i w.n.- . ..UK'. " h-'j v,...- towrstte at a prl(,e equai production minister, was quoted " . , . Ho or less than the present cost; as saying the initial order will The rettm-st won approval at ; Qf aye, Hc sald thp machin-I be for $85,000,000 to cover lie-last nights council meeting and , v nmhnhlv wn,ri h,mM forlence fees, toolinit and engir.- I Mayor Oeorge Hills appointed ; .. . , t of Uering and the production of the first 20. nunseii, niu. u orne d. h.m ji ..avi . ' ! and Aid. Mike Krueger lo.or-b .,J"..., ' , I 'canizeanew city committee.' Aid. Mike Krueger agreed. say-, ... J I TRUTH ' f MLS TO " PA Y OFF - FOR HONEST, CHICKEN THIEF CENTRA LI A, 111. J Maybe Washington's birthday had something to do with it. i - Anyway, Arnit Wallard Burch ot Centralia couldn't tell a lie and it landed him in jail. . Two policemen said they spotted Burch early Monday near a railroad track lugging a sack. They related the following brief exchange: "What have you got in the sack?" "Chickens." ."Where'd you get them?" "Stole 'em." Birch ts awaiting formal charge. meet- ng that tne Doara oi -orKs naa , They will calL general T5. V I J 1 City council approved the new contract terms reported by Mayor George Hills at last night's council session, a"fterthe mayor and Aid. George Casey complimented the firemen's negotiators for their conduct. Along with the general two per cent wage Increase, a further Increase In the starting rate .1 rnniipetlnn rfnrosintat VPS l mi. tii.n.i-t -.ii. ing. Mr. Beaupre said the plane, in the role of a submarine-hunter- will guard Canada's coastlines against potential enemies. To fill this role the Brittania will undergo extensive redesigning, hc said. . . Mv ...... 0 - r-- rock at nil n.,,r,i! nUrPctoH II 1 tl UHII TO lft "bout the same price as the action plot a further course of j city had piud for gravci on the drydock Issue. Canadair president Geoiirey Mntmon som thp mane will be was approved, making Degin- 1951. "You can't buy gravel at that price now," he said. Mayor George E. Hills remarked that prepared gravel for this year alone would cost the city about $17,000. or the same price as the tractor, and thc largest ever constructed in ! ner's wages $240 per month, Cana,ia. j with top pay set at $343 a Mr. Notman said the com- month. 40-Foot Fall Kills Youth, , ... o, t .. - ' merclal version's four turbo-1 ine nrcmen aiso won ui-prop engines will be replaced by j creased holidays, now on the 3 350 horsepower Wright com-! same basis as other civic em-pound engines to give the air- ployees, with 17 days after one craft a longer range and slow- year's service, 24 days after five $400,000,000 Dam Project Planned in B.C. Interior would be getting about $65,000 vcars and 31 days alter 10 er speed for reconnaissance purposes. worth of equipment for a cur rent outlay of only $17,000. a 40-ioot tun irom ira orcuhb River railroad bridge now under construction. His was the first gation and presented to the years, with the addition of three days In lieu of statutory holidays. fatality on the bridge project. RECEIVES TENDERS A rush trip to Terrace General i Thn ttrorlf hna m n n nu S TP- Hospital and an emergency op- iS, purchased through donations to the B.C. Polio htllH'd to save the lives of many victims of the dread tured here Is eight-year-old Raymond, one of Van- ';ids recent Dolio victims Send vour donations to: eration failed to save the youth VICTORIA CP) A$400.000,-000 first step toward converting British Columbia's interior east Kootenay area into a vast industrial empire was announced here Monday. Lands Minister R. E. Summers said construction of a 600-foot dam across the Columbia River north of Revelstoke may start within two years. ! er shovel, one of which, on t WEATHER North Coast Region: Cloudy today and Wednesday. A few showers today becoming more second-hand shovel in Kelowna, provincial government Monday. -"Now with cheap and plentiful power, we'll have the makings of a vast Industrial empire." Mr. Sommers said. "I can envision smelters for aluminum-and titanium, pulp and paper mills, pulp processing plants and a host of other industries." The first major hurdle Is the matter of remuneration from the United States for upstream filio Fnci, Box 151. Prince Rupert. Comics Lost' En route Here The comic strips Blpndie, Li'l Abner and The Heart of Juliet Jones regular features In The Daily Newshave been delayed In the malls. It is hoped they will arrive in time for tomorrow's paper. offers to pay the expenses of a city representative to travel to frequent In the northern part tomorrow. who suffered head Injuries in the fall. The Vancouver youth was employed by Dominion Bridge Company, contractors on the bridge construction job. He was driving pins In a 152-foot span over the secondary Bkeena channel when Little change in temperature. Kelowna and look it over. The board was given authority to avail itself of that offer, if Port Hardy 35 and 48, Sandspit of Gamma Globulin Depend on Report The dam will be the first of nine called for in a blueprint drawn up by the 'federal gov and Prince Rupert 35 and 46. deemed necessary. I ernment after 10 years' investi "INK CAREY I'TON The re-! It had found no evidence hc is believed to have lost his balance and fell, landing on slush-covered rocks 40 feet below. Fellow crewmen lowered a stretcher by crane but the ln- t United States , that gamma globulin was effec- fessioll. n:irlimil. t.ivn u-hnn irlvpn t fitmilv con- John Ayres Dies Suddenly' 'fal health officers, tacts of oersons stricken. X 1 ''"'""elusive re- QI'ALIKV STATEMENT i lured man's restlessness prevent- B.C. wants payment either in cash or power for the 30 to 40 per cent increase In power potential the dam will give the U.S. The project must be approved by the Americans on the joint commission. Cost of the dam compares with the $550,000,000 Aluminum Company of Canada project at S ed raising him on the stretcher I , ' BMima glob-! However, the committee qual- f 1 POllO niflV Hoto,. tfl 1 It 1 l ..t tl.n and steelworkcrs carried him to j ,,li- iiltU lUi SLULVIIICllb BUUUli John Ayres, father of Dick Ayres, sports and district editor of The Daily News, died suddenly in Chilliwack late yesterday. Mr Avrft.i. constructional en f nt to which it . : fee- I i iiii ' - v -1, ' 'Slntf Ik0?1'!."0" rgrHMM! across the melting river tee. r I OUJIllg oejr.,,s IftltlV uiaiUWimwiu UVKI TltMUlU) Itllt " "v l.uv mm Q. . ijbv " ;,u "Peris provide enough lniormanon w the UnitPrt Kt. .i it t- .w.u.. gineer with Consolidated Mining I Kltimat in northern B.C. and fa Smeltln Conmanv for more I the $750,000,000 St. Lawrence a t, , "wiifl-a pt:riilili it to coiu:iuue wiici.iii.i service reported I minima trlnhnlln hnrl nn effect seaway. i: llr. 1 . llt,ltln tho Grotto Trophy Final Tonight, than 25 years, retired a month j ago and planned to enter pri Vi fnnnrl : liiicuun( ui auiMitviiis v.... evidence 1 disease when used in this way. i ,u u I'm. . !"' a bloo11 Tne National Foundation for t, L r or mit'8-: Infantile Paralvsls had an- vate practice in the Fraser Valley. ' ! He was enroute to his first job as a consulting engineer when finL , 0 'ncn given i nounced that It would make1 nay at the rnnce nuptrv Cards Buy Vic Raschi , ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (CP) iern, . , ProKrams I available for use this summer . Curling club tonight will see tne i ' 1 HI tile 2!i urptu "rcas 1 3.000.000 nrn nnn -j ..,mvn nlnh. final fitml ill In the the O Grotto rotto Trouhy Trophy Com Com- stricken. 4hir h i, i , doses of gamma glob re- petition at 8 p.m. with Holllston . ..u ryiucnucs ; ulin. worth $19,000,000. It J , . i affirmed those plans in com- in NaKk.j New York Yankees Tuesday an WVU f Count itlClllftllJJ Ull kilC tUUIIlllbWlfl IV- ! port. 1 Founriat.lnn nsirient Basil meeting Rowbotham tor tne cup. Other league play tonight will see Stewart meeting Rudderham and Turner facing Greene at 7 p.m. while at 9 p.m. Moore will take on Parker and Laurie will meet Warren. i A Braaten ' char of ti i O'Connor said the finding In the Mr. Ayres was well-known in Trail, Klmberley and Rossland where he lived after moving to Canada from Birmingham, England, where he was born. He moved to Chilliwack shortly after the New Year. Besides his son here, he is survived by his wife, and another son, Geoffrey of North Battle-ford, Sask. A sister, Mrs. Stewart Gilbert, lives in Birmingham. f" this m. "' case oi lamlly contacts was to ph . ana be expected-' and that the foun I'a a wpok- .... Here are last night's results nounced saie oi rignuuuiueu vie Raschi to the St. Louis Cardinals for cash and several minor league players. The Yankees said the deal involved "considerable cash." Exact figure not announced and names of minor league players involved was not made public. Raschi and a record of 120 wins, 50 defeats during his in the Art Murray trophy com-netltion for women: datlon, foreseeing that, had urged unsuccessfully last year that "by far the lesser amount of gg be used that way." V cViwt,ed last ittnf 0rkn',n re-I,. ,S!I"al incoats Rntnman 10. Ci'ossley 2; Shier 6, Wlllson 7: Ramsay 8, McBroom Wni-I, . 1 vluilliui Mliu vile ixzimv wit Dick Ayres, who came here 5; MacKenzle defaulted to Mc I' voom .u u'.l.s Irom the use of the product In mass with his wife, and seven-year-nlrt cifliichttr Bftrhnra last Julv. years with the Yankees. He had fnortMi sta" i Inoculation programs does not Leod. t u,k .M1yhRd u the 'rule out the oosslbilltv that It I Wednesday Aftern.H.n Draw. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM DARST of Detroit ruefully survey the damage to their cottage on Lake St. Clair near Belle River.' Ont., from the top of an Ice pile in their living room. A strong north wind drove the ice from the lake, piling it as high as 15 feet and smashing the fronts of about 10 lakesidu cottages. . and six defeats last left bv Diane this morning for ! 13 wins I Chilliwack. I year. SMon when such Wakley vs Hamilton; Lewis , may be used effectiely In programs Thorn, Moore vs PartrWije.