The Prince Rupert Daily w. ws Tuesday, February 23, 1 McCarthy Broadens Attack on Army Handling of Alleged Communists Reds Kill 15 Million Of Own People EARLY VIKINGS A Vikiiij? arrow point whl:h experts date lrom the 9th century was unearthed near Oslo, Norway, in recent years. ThcSciUlybla flowers ana vrA miles west ,T i .oil o." "'Mi t, Cornwall, By Ci. MILTON KH I.1 til Thursday, partly to aecomo- WASHINGTON Senator ' date Senator Everett Dlrksen Joieph McCarthy has broadened! tRcp- 111.) who had a conflicting his attack on the United States engagement, but alio, McCarthy TODAY AND WEDNESDAY 5E1 WASHINGTON uP Walter S. Robertson, assistant secretary of I state, has told the United Siati i j Congress that the Chinese Reds j in "just about the bloodiest p it- j tern that the Communists have followed in any country in the I world," have kiiled about 15,000.-1 r ,3 said, to give Stevens a chance to prepare for his testimony. Instead, McCarthy called a so-far-unidentified witness to a public hearing this morning which he predicted would show "how the army handled the ca.-e of another known Communist." McCarthy said today's inquiry has nothing to do with his blasts at the army for honorably discharging Maj. Irving Peress, no a practising dentist in New York. McCarthy has called Peress a Army's handling ot alleged Cjiu-niimists in its rankj as he awaits a face-to-face showduwn with Army Secretary Kobert T. Stevens. Stevens was to have appeared today before McCarthy's Senate lnvestii;ativins sub-committee to reply to the Wisconsin Republican senator's charges that the army has been trying to "coddle and promote Communists." But McCarthy late Monday ordered the hearing postponed un ZV A UNlVLRiAL IKItMMMWM PICIUM 000 of their own people since 1949. Robertson, province is Far Eastern affairs, attributed "fifth amendment Communist." Peress termed the McCarthy charges "sheer nonsense." STARTED CONTROVERSY It was the Peress case that touched off a barrage of charges and counter-charges between McCarthy and Stevens during the week-end. Specifically, Stevens objected to the way McCarthy questioned Brig. Gen. Ralph Zwlcker in p. closed hearing in New York last week. Zwicker is commanding general at Camp Kilmer, N.J., from which Peress was discharged at his own request Feb. 2. Stevens accused McCarthy of "abuse of our loyal officers" and of weakening the army's prestige and mora'e bv "unfair attacks." As a result, Stevens has ordered Zwicker and Maj-Oen. William Bergin, the army adjutant-general, r.ot to testify in response 1 1 McCarthy's summons. Stevens said he would appear himself. Added Shorts CAI.VI'SO CARNIVAL" "LITE W ITH TOM" Shows at 7 - 9 p.m. CAPITO FAMOUS PUyobIJ " if; J w' Jj'y ft;'-"' V -'$ Wu; fit' : ' h r i urn mi mu -w.m m t ,i ii 'film this huge death toll to liquids- ( lions and government-ignored ! starvation. i In testimony on the state de-' partment's budget request, made ; public today by the House ap- ; propriations committee, Robert .son said the department anticipates in Asia for the foreseeable future "emergencies, crises and this 3 A, T J J W.J I-., run ...... A Tit-- .: : H. .-a fc 1 uy ana S;M (Jt i i 1 t". V GLENN FORD em BEG Official Irked Over Raffle Row in Umium : now scot l ALTHOUGH HE UNDERSTANDS English pretty well now, this hairy pooch once romped through the Dalai Lama's palace in Tibet. He's Ch. Hamilton Tatsienlu, a Lhasa Apso that was sent as a gift from the Dalai Lama to C. S. Cutting of Gladstone, N.J. The Lhasa Apsos, named in honor of Tibet's capital, are classed as members of the terrier family, and are described as excellent watch dogs, although they are only lap size. problems. f the ttieatsi iinpoit-anre anct magnitude." He made these other ma'n aoints: A basic U.S. strategy Is to keep powerful Chinese national forces on Formosa as a constant iiireatof U.8.-ni!p;ir'.Prt military action against Red China. On the mainland "there is a deep undercurrent of unrest and resentments that would be. glad to follow some other leadership If it had the chance." New outlets must be foun.-l for Japanese trade, including more access to U.S. markets, "or we will Inevitably throw ,i ip:i.i into the Communist orbit." For on lndciin:tc period "v. e must make a contribution toward keeping our allies strrn. ' In Formosa and Korea we ha"e an army of just about 1.000 000 men ... a big reserve against trouble in Asia" but a financial drain too heavy for these coun ' m ' llllllhlll I, , , t , t -y. :.3 r 'tf ' ' ' " s'' r - v W f-" On the Same Program: ROBERT PRESTON in 'The Bride Comes Tc STARTS MONDi TOTE Yellow Sky'; VANCOUVER (Pi A raffle stirred up a row Monday between Mayor Fred Hume and Jack Diamond, chairman of the special events committee of the British Empire Gp.mes. Chairman Diamond threatened to "resien in disgust" unless he gets better co-operation. He charged that Mayor Hume had;rgiven permission to "go as far as the women liked" in raising funds at a games-sponsored all-nations home cooking show. Instead, police gambling detail detectives moved in and seized raffle tickets on a television set planned for a door prize. Police said that "somebody" had complained. It was finally agreed that the hi f fie could proceed if something valued at less than $50 was the prize. A small radio was substituted for the TV set. The show, staged Saturday, TWO CCF'ERS, SOCREDS BACK SALARY INCREASES . OTTAWA 0 The Liberals Monday gained the support of two CCF members and the Social Credit group for salary increases to cabinet ministers. ' A measure raising the prime minister's salary to $25,000 from $15,000 and the pay of 21 other cabinet members to $15,000 from $10,000 was given second reading approval in principle and clause-by-clause approval. The cabinet also receive $10,000 in Indemnities and allowances yearly plus a non-taxable $2,000 car allowance. The bill now needs only third and final reading before going to the Senate. tries to handle alone. IV ORDER TO MAKE a tournament or a convention official in Miami, a pretty gal is a -must.'" Here, the boys who run the Shuffleboard Tournament make sure the event gets off to a good start. Lovely Sherry Bartel is in the foreground. Her pretty friends are (left to right) Iris Maxwell, Lana Bashama, and Hilda Estavez. Council Protests Move To Cut Grain Prices VANCOUVER f Cily roun- 1 i, j I, CRATING E ,f PACKING I ' STORAGE I CITY TRANSFER raised $!),000 for the Games fund. Last Rites Held in South For Former Rupert Resident -m .- t, , l cil demanded Monday that the I federal government reconsider ! "Immediately" Its move to slash i export prices of grain through eastern ports by 7'4 cents a LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING N .' 7.) Practical, Beautiful Chrome "In 1914 joined the 54th Kootcnay 1 ' COO! in a DINKTTE that Is made to lat for wars. In 1 bushel. In a resolution directed toward Trade Minister C. D Howe, council said the price cut would result In a sharp increase In unemployment in Vancouver. battalion, going overseas in 1915. 1 I He saw service with the ar- I tlllcry at Salonlca and In Pales- line, and was with General Al-lenby at the capture of Da- j maseus and Jerusalem. of color.!, and the roomy table Is stainprwf and SWA 1 will st at six comfortably. . Sale Priced at, from ... Jn V- t- FIRST AVKNUE AW Mc'lRI,'):. STRKLT Funeral service was held Friday in Vancouver for John Allan Rutherford of Prince Rupert, who died at Shaughnessy hospital February 15 after a brief illness. Th service was conducted by the Rev. Major George Turpin, who was the battalion padre of the same regiment In which Mr. Rutherford served during the ' First World War. Educated m Glasgow-. Scat- GORDON & ANDERSON ! Local grain officials said the IN AIR I ORCE 1 price cut, announced in the In 1917 he transferred to the House of Commons last week by Royal Air Force, serving in Egypt Mr. Howe, would result in cur- fuid later in Turkey and the tallment of grain shipments near E.tst. and taKio? part in through Vancouver. me evacuation o: tines on me Know! !&;;: id FLY land, Mr. Rutherford cam rtoplack I Sea after the Russian B.C. in 1909 as a youth, jand . revolution c.' 1U17. joined the first survey party to , Mr- Rutherford returned to (.anaua aucr me war and lor a time was manager at Radium Hot Springs. He then returned go into the Feaee Riv r country . for regular survey work. He ob-1 tained his commission as a B.C. I Useful Court STOCKHOLM 'CP) Sweden' a-or court has celebrated iti 25th anniversary. Since i:r'9 Mi"-court has handled 3.000 cases, the majority brought by workers' organbaticn. The court has sfcven Judges-two apiwiinted bv employers, two by trades unions and three named by the with Wallace's Dept. Store Land Surveyor at the University : J"' r'c "ur of British Columbia in 1913, and j "lc P"". .f Hollar days arc specials- Iiwre aijain at Wallace's. Value-packed -every one a dollar stretcher. ihbh iii iiceibuii uiiu uiuu ill Smithers, where literally everyone knew him and where he knew almost every mine, mountain, trail and cabin throughout the Bulkley and Skecna Valleys, gaining a rich fund of legend and story of the countryside and its people, both white and Old Age Group Seeks $20 COL Increase BARGAINS GALORE Throughout the Store J LATEST REPORT - Ailt yw tnvsiiTnt Dlr for lHt Kprt nd f rtpctv f 1 VANCOUVER 9 The Senior- In 1939 he located in Prince Citizens' Association of British 1 Rupert where he lived until the Columbia is seeking a $20 boost time of his death, fie was one in the cost-of-living bonus paid of the first members nf the rPORHlUO Kl BIROS and his wife, the former Bubs Hut-ton, charing, an Indian sari evening gown, arrive for a whirl at the Club du Moulin Rcu"e n Palm eBaeh. This Is reportedly the first time the two have put in an appearance at a night spot since their widely publicized New YorK marriage. to I old age pensioners. Great War Veterans, which later I Support for the higher rate is became the Canadian Legion, I sought in a letter sent Monday ; and held a silver anniversary to all members of the legisla-1 pin. He was also a life member KETCHIKAN turc. The present bonus is $10 a of the Royal Empire Society with month. headquarters In London. The same letters "express ap- '' Pallbearers at the funeral were proval of the action of the eov- his four nephews, E. Fennel. with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and oil ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Pos" Sidney Blaney and Arthur Wei- ! ler of Vancouver and Allan ! CALVIN BULLOCK lid. ernment 01 B.C. in announcing in the speech from the throne that it will increase the bonus." i i Blaney of Victoria, George ham of Vancouver who was a comrade in the same battalion and Garfield Collins of Prince Rupert. Regiment Honored BKLFAST ? Representa Burial was at Ocean View tives of the Irish Regiment cf pHrk Canada paraded with othsr ; 1 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING I OK TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Commonwealth units when the freedom of Belfast wa c-nferrei h lnai Ulster Rifles Rea-iment. A crowd of 20,000 In front no i...y nan witnessed the ceremony. Your machinery is always ready to go in a BUTLER Building You don't have to waste time overhauling rusted machinery when you keep it in a weather-tight Butler steel building! You get machinery in and out faster too, through big sliding doors in sides, ends or both. Rigid frame steel construction with galvanized or nluininum covering gives unobstructed space from floor to roof. You get more space per dollar in a wind-safe, lightning safe, fire-safe Butler building! mil YOU'LL APPRECIATE THESE r4 Two things you'll find in no other can of t evaporated milk. Selected high-quality milk - Only Carnalion-tcstcd country-fresh milk from inspected dairy farms i used by Carnation. Controlled processing -Carnation's exclusive knowledge and skill give you a milk of creamier color and richer taste. WINNIPEG, TORONTO, NEW YORK, l!M7 Chryslrr VViniLsur 4-L)oor Sedtin .. $975 1900 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan. All new tires .... $1450 1949 Ford Tudor. Very good shape $1 195 LARGE SELECTION OF OLDER CARS TO PICK FROM 2 It will pay you to see ut before you build! My waste dollars in temporary, ! ;fcli -maintenance construction 'id. you get a permanent Butler 1 ..iUling at such reasonable cost? b sure o get our price before you : ..1.1 1 MONTREAL and EAST 5 Flights daily from Vancouver Direct flights daily trora Edmonton KNQUIRE ABOUT SAVINGS POSSIBLE ON TCA's NEW TOURIST SERVICE See your Travel Agent or call TCA in Vancouver at TA 0131 656 Howe St. (opp. Georgia Hotel) us fr f(ti about tuHw moeKm-iv ttorogv, Oram itofas, laortng or fdif barm, hog hovij, toyno houm or combinolioft kutldinft to (H yuf xatf EVAPORAT0 "from Contented01 Compare Carnation with your present brand. Remember, Carnation costs no. more. FREE: Delightful booklet on "Desserts", l ilted with recipes you'll want to use. Write to Carnution Company, l imited, Vancouver. x a rrs-Canada f . NORTHERN ASBESTOS & Construction Supplies (B.C.) Ltd. t Herry 1131 ?M0 W. 10th, Vancouver, B. C, .., it.,.'1" n......i id1.., i.whi iiiiiiti'wwsafritmiaoai t. AUTO SERVICE :l