Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 3, 1953 TOO MANV bKKR NORTH BAY, ont (CPw "am Avery wa., drlvlng highway near here when h coiilronted bv thr. L. 1 S Wallace's Department Store managed to avoid two'of but struck the third ..v .1, ', "I BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Hew Vaccine Developed in Toronto Used on Troops to Combat Influenza appeared In the bush dsJrV Injuries. The front of - J was badly damaged Toronto (CP)-Tho develop-, a vaccine for Influenzy Is sub mont nf on Influenza vaccine by sidized bv defenca research the Connaught Laboratories m boart) 8rents, For action try ClossifiJ Toronto may someaay mane n possible for the general public Sometimes Aces Must lie Discarded To Make Did A takeout double after an opening bid of one in major suit usually shows ability to play the other to be inoculated against uu: virus. Although It Is not yet ready for general use, the vaccine has been used on armed services. Results are still being assessed. Last winter Dr., George Dempster, who Is responsible for the major. Mr. Masters lacked that ability in today s dea: ' so he chose to overcall instead of double. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j Af TECHNICOLOR VI S7 1 N. Tr V ftinnu rrnnrn inyniiT YvlT trV t With as much as three aces,' Mr. Dale didn't feel he could I stav out of the auction. His production of the vaccine at .the Connaught Laboratories, Inoculated 100 nurses and 80 medical partner's failure to make a take j Shows n I M "Hcsla Fr,l. I West dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Maxim) 8A 6 5 4 H-Q 5 D-..Q 10 C K Q J 10 8 students who had volunteered : out double made it exiremeiy unlikely that there was a good , at IWRIOWW "L,'l's Go FUhliu 1 - 9 p.m. Cartoon - Stvt for tests. The 180 persuns showed an appreciable increase In the antibody levels of their blood but because there was no West F.ilt CONSTABLE G. E. Barclay has been charged with manslaughter in the death of 14-year-old Garfield Belfon who was shot in the basement of a Toronto dental supply company. Barclay said he was investigating buri'inrv in the basement of the building Sunday night when a crate was apparently pushed toward him, knocking him backward. As he fell his gun discharged. Three' alleged companions of tlu boy have hw remanrted cn charges of breakl.ig anG entering. -V V'?.. (Mr. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and MrBcide Street influenza epidemic In Canada this year Dr. Dempster was un (Mr. Mi'Fk) S 8 H J 8 8 4 3 D 9 6 3 C 7 6 5 3 S K Q J 9 7 H K 10 D-KJT C 9 4 i The Gringo Gisnf was Mad ! ! heart fit. His actual two dia-; mond bid was a forward-going : action and was so construed by Mr. Masters. To test out the possibility of a no trump game, Mr. Masters bid two spades to show a stopper in that suit. With this information, Mr. Dale bid three no trump. The contract was no laydown. In view of his awkward single-j ton in. clubs Mr. Dale had to handle the situation just right. The king of spades was opened and he let it win. He also duck-. ed the following leads of the able to make any Important assessment of the protection af -1 forded by the Inoculations. j The Connaught Laboratories have been producing the vac-1 cine since the pandemic oul- Sou til (Mr. Hair) 810 3 3 H A 9 8 2 D A 8 6 4 2 C A The bidding: I break of lnfluenzy hi 1018-10. Council passed a police com-! Latest factor in the fight FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION East .'ass fans " miitee reommendiition that 20 egalnst the 'flu Is the nt steel chairs be bought for the 1 giulination test. The test shows lha ontlhnriv Ipvp nf tnA son. Wost North is a c Pass 1 S All pass I police court at a cost of J160 to i " blood. . . ' Ject's ! renlace the old ones. Research In the pi.Juctlon of CFPR queen and jack of spades, or. I which Mr. Meek discarded clubs J Winnii.g any one of the first i three tricks would have resulted in defeat. j At trick toi'r Mr. Abel had no better lead than another spade j and this was won with the ace i 1 on the board whiie Mr. Dale ' RAD.O DIAL I . . . ' .. , 1240 Kilocycles ' A report bv Community Rate-: payers association drawing to II.. H .1 H, haolth DANCE And Presentofion of Trophies Friday, Dec. 4 Dancing 10-2 Tickets $1 .50 each Including all refreshments CUUI1C11 a dblCllUUll bllC in-amu hazard resulting from defective THURSDAY PM. 6:00 Snpper Serenade septic tanks in the 500 block Sec tion 8, was referred to the health committee for Investigation. pi V-Yv"i f AJ, jT..orJy 'V tkeladyvWi.: y ' f tlie lyin-green r. . eyes knew wlnrlj' HiliyMii gr Aclef mtr jll Aiodm f tWllflllll WMI r II l-tL' . I I UWI Hl El M l fC0 HUI tin ROfH roman-Anthonyquinn , at Elks Home ill JESSE JAMES! 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBO News Roundup 7 :30 Eventide 8.00 Citizens' Forum 8:45 People. Places and Books 9:00 CBC Vancouver Concert Orch 9:30 Winnipeg Drama 10:00 CBC News 10:10 f'BC News 10:15 Midweek Review 10:30 Nocturne 11:011 W I'al her Report mill Musleul Masterpieces 11:30 Miixlr Till .Midnight 13:110 hlgn -off FK1DA1 A.M. 7 :0u P 3 Fishermen's Broadcast 7:1.1 Musical Cluck 7.30 CbO News: Weather Report 7:3.- Musleul (lock 8:00 OBC Net 8:10 Here's Bill Oood H:I5 Morning Devotions 8 :30 Itminl Album discarded the ace of clubs. All of dummy's clubs were j now run, getting everybody j down to four cards. Mr. Meek'3 i hand didn't matter. Dummy was I ' left with queen and one in each led suit. Mr. Dale had a double-Ion ace in each red suit. On the run of the clubs Mr. Abel had been forced to let go of his good spade and his sl four cards had to be kin:' and one I in each red suit. j On the bidding, Mr. Abel fig- i ured to have both ed kings so I st trick 10 Mr. Da.e led to his ace of diamonds and put Mr. Abel in with another diamond lead. The resultant" lead away from the king of hearts gave him two tricks in that suit and his contract. used a gun all you have to do Us a little HORSE SENSE to make a steal on one of our SELECT A-l ISEI) CAUS DINING PLEASURE LOOK HERE ! FRIDAY NIGHT 10 p.m -2 a.m. $1.00 per person MUSIC BY THE WESTERNAIRES EVERYONE INVITED in '51 Stucipbakcr Pick-up . . . Immaculate condition, low mileage, looks like neu, drives like new, t real steal at (13R&.00 I '50 Austin A-40 Sedan. In dollar for dollar economy you can't beat this. If old Jesse knew about this steal, he'd turn over in his grave. 8b5.00. SPECIAL . . . you'll want to live in this . . . It's a real honey . . . '50 Ford Sedan, beautiful 2-toue blui vhitewalls, heater and Hir conditioning, 2 -speaker custom radio, back-up light.- and many other features One owner . . . always kept In garage und never driven in winter. Come on down and try It out, you'll be proud of this. TODAY to SATURDAY TOTEM i FamiM Players Theatn SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore .Cafe 9: p.m. 2: p.m. Eveiiliijs 7: 1 Malta Saturday Chimney Fire Firemen were called out yes terday afternoon to a chimney Low Down Payments Easy Terms YOVR FORI) - MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service" firp at 512 Eighth Avenue West No damage was donev by the chimney tlare-up at the home of K. Greissel. i i:00 BBC News and Cnmmnntarj :I5 Musical .Murcli-I'ast 9:30--Mornlng Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:I.V Biin ( rushy Nlng 111:311 Keihoard anil ( onsole 10:45 Musical Kitchen 11:00 Your Oood Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air 11:30 Message I'erloil 1 1:4.' Hcniiilliiutlun Melodies PM 13:00 Horn X Years Too hoon ia:15r-CBC Nw 12:25 CBC Showcase 1'2 :30 B.C. Farm Broad?ast I3:5. Hecoriled Interlink 1 :0O Recital From Art Gallery 1 :30 Afternoon Concert 2 :00 National School B'dcast. 3 :30 TransCanada Matinee 3:l." Kecorils fur You 3:45 B.C. Request Roundup 4:15 A Date With fred Hill 4:30 Anne of Oreen Oablea 5:00 Mink Jui.tutloos 0:10 VmaUs - ,1- :15!irtriHitlnrir'Comty.' 0:20 CBC News; Weatuer Report I A SPECIAL GIFT PM,lO!KTOM-raflDI5n For Men or Boys . l-i i X H " " ' $ 15-JEWEL WATERPROOF WATCHES Fully Guaranteed. ONLY. $19-95 Marvellous 100 Real Coffee Made "Strong, Medium or Mild" Right in the Cup 1 GEO. COOK Jeweller's I Canada Wins discovered the wonderful new Instant Chase & Sanborn, and started TERRACE prince kupert ft I Wheat Crown serving It (or break out. r. (JrtV.J;.;)! '" It. ' f . :.v'V ' - ' ' -. ; ; : . ' . VV V" ''i 1 k ... ,;.' -v , . ft : " " v-;:-. 1 t 't-t- r ' '?; , f !S ' V.!.'."H-,'V, '- V,M ',. '1,5 First of all, here's 100rcHl coffee CHICAGO (APj Canada Sun that really Uates like it. Chase & day won the wheat crown of North America for the 25th time Sanborn scientists saw to that! Ihcy took on the job of producing an at the International Livestock "instant ' worthy of Chase & Exposition. The Luxuty At lircnkfust you could always get your toast light or dark your bacon medium or well-done your eggs 2, 3 or 4-minute boiled. But your coffee? Woll, you just got coffee! The coffee might be too strong for you it tasted bitter. Or too mild for .you it tasted weak. But if y were in the minority too bad! AfUir all, one pot of coffee can't satisfy everybody's taste. But then came the revolution the "Coffee Revolution"! Now the most forgotten "little man" can get just the cup of coffee he likes! (No matter if the mother-in-law can't stand such strong coffee. Or if Cousin Joe from New Jeh-sey demands it "blacker than' your hat!") Seriously, though, it's the women who make the coffee who brought on the revolution! It was they who The new wheat king is Fred W. Hallworth, 46, of Taber, Alta., who took up farming only three years ago after 25 years In electrical work. His "Reward" variety of hard red spring wheat was r i Sanborn's 100-yoar-old coffee reputation. They never relaxed till they had succeeded in eitracting from the finest coffee beans the color and texture the rich robust flavor and aroma of freshly ground coffee. Next, housewives decided that this definitely superior "instant" plainly belongs whenever and wherever coffee is served. And then, everybody caught on to the other important benefit. Cups of Instant Chase & Sanborn can lie "custom-made" to each person's taste. Goodbye to the old one-pot handicap!- selected as the most nearly perfect of hundreds of samples y ji at a popula pn Daily Passenger Train Service . (EXCEPT SUNDAY) FROM vtaae ma- ri.ONO Borry PRINCE RUPERT TO JASPER and Intermediate stations from Prince Rupert: 8:00 p.m. Convenient connections at Jasper' lor points east and west. BUS SERVICE train Prince Rupert 8:00 am. Sunday and Friday (Prince Rupert-Bmlthers only). All times shown are standard. For li.ormatlnn, call or write K. L. ROBERTSON, G.A.P.B., 528 3rd Ave. W., Prince Rupert, Phone 200 New Instant Chase 4 Sanborn is 100"! re"1 coftee-and (asreshW it. Rousm. rich-flavor coffee-ready with . magical lift the moment you add the hot wat. kindol It's your coffeemadebyPpl with nearly 100 years ol coffee experience. One sip and you'" a8reeifssogoodyoul make it your coffee I iW7 xi ' - t. MELLCWED IN WOOD Now it' "How do you llko your COFFEE?" Made jusl. (he right 8trnngLh fur each individual ttuUi, "cuatora-mado" cu of tww iubtunt Chase & tJanborn are fust becomiug a bruukfaat vogue among Canadian familivs. Big Savings, Too Budgeteers are excited about the savings on Instant Chase & Hanbom IMJhe Bauarand Aioma p DISTILLERS OF THE FAMOUS "ffiltlClcUctn ttllt' WHISKY Farewell lo Grounds For the housewife, Instant Chase & Sanborn means the end of that doleful after-meal chore of scouring a stained coffee pot and disposing of coffee grounds. Here is the modern, dainty, trouble-free way of serving fine, coffoc. loo. The regular size jar makes about the same number of cups as a pound of regular ground coffee. Vet it sells up to 4() less than a pound of rogulor ooffuti, This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. IS