pRC-"NCIAL LI . Aty loMORROW'S A. TIDES Sjturday. December 5, 1953 !, Klc Staroarn i ime 18.3 feet D.i., 21 0 feet 9.0 feet 3.6 feet 6:23 19:07 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 282 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1953 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS Phona 81 A f? ; fPo n , rj rci Ha 4 t Hi A 4 i Talks May Boost Chances For Peace 4 J By STANLEY JOHNSON TUCKER'S TOWN, Bermuda (AP)- -Presi(Ie::t U.S. To Free Prisoners January 22 PANMUNJOM, Korea. United States envoy Arthur H. Dean told the Coiriinunists today that unrepatriated war prisoners will be freed Jan. 22 unless a peace confer 1 t Eisenhower, Premier Laniel and Prime Minister Churcjiiil gathered in this resort village today for conferences they hope will forge Allied unity again-t Red aggression and toward world peace. As the Big Three talks open- "f if i ?d at the tommy-gun-guarded Restoring The Wreck ,ISERS-BY TKE A SECOND look when they see 21-vear-old Arthur win. n.z, h" on a "llt a;Hlane in his garden at Hatch End. Eneland nt t.h frl, was. -i-. ac-iinri miu.o wiiai a uuuig as ne restores what wa. a Junkyard wreck. He has two-year period, and may soon many evenings and week-ends to th task over a wthe craft in shape for take-off. ence decides some other course "and no human hand or mind or debate can change it." "We are never going to. agree. Mid-Ocean Club here, Bermu-J-rns took a holiday and welcomed Eisenhower. The U.S. chief executive, accompanied )y State Secretary Dulles and advisers; arrived by air this morning. Churchill and Laniel, already on hand for the meeting, escorted Eisenhower to the club. Dulles, Foreign Secretary Fden and Foreign Minister Bi-dault met at 3 p.m. to get the formal talks under way, with thur chiefs gathering around the table immediately afterward. The group will dine tonight with governor Sir Alexandet Hood at Government House. ferenclum Seeks Continuation if.- - - J , ; , ' ' - 4 ' f ''" - t r '' ." ' 1 " ill ' -l . 1 " " " S I " 1 under any, to de in that date," he change clarcd. i f ' : t ' 4 4, v i f I i . ' "f" I ; - vMir i i ni -i i 1 t i iiTiimi ii -ii ii Special One-Mill Park Levy Dean and Communist diplomats conferred for almost three hours on plnns for a peace conference while a few miles away ao more South Korean war prisoners unanimously re rite It tht MTittirr hi ii wrlrw irtltlr rxiluhiliiK llir reftr- P'niied solely for the !evrlop-ment of the Algoma Park area.' iffi to hf plittcd lKfirr (Iih place where the senior citizens "i it and enjoy fine weather, Kiev more often than not are if crr-Htion l centres where the city's youth can indulge in coni- m itcxl Tlinr((ii.) Actually the "adding" of such a ono-mill levy, . 11 approved, i H K nnli, . i ii w r i 1. By DICK AY RES HERE'S ONE HIGHWAY sign few motorists are likely to ignore. It Is one of many such warnings set up in the neighborhood of the Kansas State Prison at Lansing, with light-reflecting letters that transmit the. same message after dark. The conference Is the first ;uch meeting attended by an Imerican president since Potsdam, eight years ago. " ; There have been four onect-Ings since 1912 of the- governing heads of the United States ;nd two other major powers I pu'ivp sports. When looked b, like education, are a i ' f r improved and landacaoed Z "V. '":. . ' i nody' business, Thev '.if thry bocome whVh ! beauty spot, rate" not boo, t the tax as jected pleas to return home. Allied persuaders In three days hnve talked to 90 South Korcar.-i who chose life under the Communists and not one hus changed his mind. South Korean olficers whisked throupn 30 Interviews before noon today. The United Nations command asked to inter :a:ng no city can clo witti- odd to .wstuvrasss oi a the one-null levy approved by they foim o.).,is in tho nss of both bu:,ino,. nd 3Ual ainu.s in ai.;v. ni Winston Churchill is the only jne who has attended all of city taxpayers five years ago for the Roosevelt Park reserve fund expires this year. It woulri be a continuation of a onu-mill levy Radio Operator Rewarded Far Returning Lost Wallet them. , Bidault and Eden had a hush city. The referendum proposed bv I he p irkt. board will k whrllier the vote "Is in favor or a special one mill levy to be added to the tax rale encli year for a period of five years, the sum so derived to be ex- pt provide a larger iibv. nush two-hour meeting last night during which, it was re i for rhfidrcn" Ihaa the rd, they serve as a for the fuotwe.i! y, i A former Rupert resident, Mrs. ered her Joss, but did not know Iiably reported, they discussed view 40 prisoners Saturday. Th; repa ri ii ion commission' said the request for an extra 10 waj filed too late, but tonight the cornmi ysiun approved It. Tht? preliminary peace talks LILY GRAVE, 17, recent winner of a contest sponsored by a film company working in Djakarta, Indonesia, is' riiw called "The Outdoor Girl rf ' Indonesia." Lily, the offspring of a Russian father and a Japanese mother, lives in the ''Paris of Indonesia," for another five year-k, -. While a referendum is not binding on the council, council wants to know if taxpayers will cgrce to that amount of money beinsr set aside for the develop a new joint approach to Italy M. Beaton, has nothing but until she came back last Satur-praise for a young radio operator ; ciay that her wallet had been at the Digby Island wireless found. ina Yugoslavia on the question or disputed Trieste. are in lecess until Monday ment of the Algoma-Park area It is believed, however, that Britain and the U.S. 'will not go the levy isjL'e.m asked that a Saturday ses- (In t he sixth year station and he has been given a Hrehorka came over from suitable award for his honesty. : Digby with the billfold. While boarding a train here 1 "I was so happy, I could last week for Burns Lake, Mrs. hardly talk," said Mrs. Beaton i cancelled from the tax rate. oacn on cneir Oct. a declaration they will eventually quit the zone they administer and sion be called off because ne will be in Seoul for conferences w!!h South Korea's president Synriman Knee. FAST-TALKING CONVICTS WIN DEBATING TROPHY AUCKLAND. N.Z. (CP) Auckland's top debating trophy will lafe keeping for the next 12 months, in the local prison, of prisoners won the trophy in competition against; debating teams, winning the final by 388 points to 313 I The plan for Algoma Park as ! envisaged by the parks board Is I a long-range plan aimed main- i 1 1 ot nrnviainu a mn?'ft Ktiitrahln turn it over to Italy. Egyptians Beaton dropped her brown lea-, today, as she completed a shop-ther wallet containing a large ping tour prior to leaving to-sum of money, personal effects ; night for Kitimat. and a return ticket to Kitimat, 1 He refused to divulge the sub ! outdoor recreational centre for Ject of l.he talks and ?uW.not Eden. and Bideault also were reported to have touched on French ratification of the European Defence Community conuiieiiL un ruinuicu uiiiti- Shell where she now resides. the youth of Prince Rupert treaty. tnces between the UN cemmund and the South Korean government over plans for a peace conference. k Weekend Planned Here U.S. Ship Snowfall Follows Earthquake Chilled by the report of an She did not know of her loss i until early the next morning after she had finished breakfast; aboard the train. , J Meanwhile, John Hrehoitta found her wallet, notified Mrs. i i eaton's daughter and kept the ; wallet until she returned. j A wireless operator at Digby j By The Associated Preis CAIRO. The Unitec fAntigonish, Due Today Living Cost Index Drops Half Point States embassy announc reserve navy person - City Building Drops Sharply In November The board hopes to develop the 39-aere site west of MrKride ft ret-t into a combination football field, baseball diamond, lawn area with shade trees and perhaps In the future a golf course. , The board believes Aigoma is a more centrally-located park for these purposes and, with McClymont Park and the swimming pool on the other side of MrUrldc Street, will form a hune recreational area of which Prince Rupert can be proud. No. only is it more convenient' for public access but the area -bordered by McBrlcie, Ninth Ave fy wpre preparing a wel- for the past year, he had come ' officers and men of the : to Rupert to see a movie and Mrl"ouake north of the Queen officers' wardroom at IIMCSj Chntham and will meet civic 1 officials tomorrow at 10 a.m. Tours of points of interest in j the city are being arranged for tomorrow and a public dance OTTAWA (CP) Ending a steady noticed the wallet on the station Rn fngato Antigonlsh, Nrt to arrive here at 4 nlatform as he was t.nkinir a A sharp decline in construe-1 t-h-tcut. to the theatre. "if course of man' changed this morning's 11,;e""lo"tns rL,e' uv8 cos -customary drizzle into a pre-! cllned dunnS October, with the Christmas snow storm about ; consumer price index dropping 12:30 p.m. today. by one'half point to 118.2 from Together with the liehts. tin- U?;7- a tr;Hllilli,. will hp Rf.nverl tiimnrrnaj nipht in tion work throughout the city I He read the "lost and found" was reflected by the small I coiumn" in the Dally News to amount or $7,873 wortn ot ouim- find the owner. " ' ' i Th, .I , was aue almost ran r ) i pu'll it " jclmtham's drill hall In honor of red to iiu'ct the ship at!n ship's company, with pro-A'Rd(H-k nils afterneion was j cecds earmarked for a Christ-' "urman Jennyn with a i '"as party for youngsters. "'8 Party. I fhalham hIro is nlanninp n Mrs. Beaton' telephoned her f1. and Y?leJ,t,.de motifs a,.ready i entirelv a ucuuio to w looa fnnn' ing permits taken out during nue, wantage hoad and the j ti i . ,. npinff prprrpn erected nv r.iT.v mprcnni ts sheltered j November. ed today the U.S. freight er Albion reported sht had been fired on Thursday by Egyptian shosv batteries while in th-. Gulf of Aqaba, east oi Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. The ship's message did no say whether there were an casualties or damage to the ves sel. , , The embassy said it has mri "urgent representations" to tlv Egyptian government and tlia the government gave "assurances that action would b-taken to facilitate the ship'. mountains is more uaugmer nere aiier sne aiscov- or the total oi permits applied from the wind, members stat.d. ' ty schedule has been lined . 'f'e competition to which Antl- The board is hoping use being by city merchants!, Prlce aroPS. the brief snow storm with its ureau ' statistics reported to-Hrrro flakes provided trees and day- The consumer price Index buildings with true Christmas i Vtnbased on 1949 Prices equalling decoration. I l0r, A strong earthquake believed; ,Esg Prices rPPed sharply, to have occurred beneath the along wltn most mets nd o?ean north of Queen Charlotte : frapefruit- slicing 2.1 points - , . , . ! from thf fnnri fnlurvtn n.hlk visiting officers and : gonlsh men will be invited, will be entertain- , bublv Sunday, and the visitors Terrace Accident Victim Awarded Crash Damages for during last month $5,000 was : for an apartment project. The remainder was for minor repairs to homes and buildings. Last month's permits represent the smallest amount of building In one month in Prince of cli.y garbage as a sanitary lill will enable the city to dispose of its wastes, reclaim hitherto useless land and rid the city of the rat problem at the H at a party in the will be invited to take part in a l - - - i nqvy badminton tournament on ' Vn D I Puidfy afternoon. We Board VANCOUVER was recoraea oy me tntallln i 79i (CP) - - Damages :aJ planus University of Washington Mls. drop oroppea to j 113.4 from U5.5. area was oiiginaliy I Rupert since January, 1952 when city dump. The park laid out by " ' . . , rrv- i i. i ne sneitpr rninmn rne tn a the Midland Regl- only S5.5b0 worth of permits James R. Reynolds of Terrace by Petition starting at 6:56 a.m'. today was high of 125 from 124.5 re-rated at an intensity of 8 on a i rlecti"K higher rents and home were taken out. In November Mr. Justice J. M. Coady in Su ment of Ontario. It was improv scale of 1 to 12. This would be ! ownership costs Toll Road The about the same force as the Commanding tbe Antigonlsn is Lt.-Cmdr. H. R. Beck, CD, and executive officer is Lt.-Cmdr. D. M. Howitt, DSC. The ship's complement Includes nine officers and 120 men. The Antigonlsh travelled from Esqulmalt to Rupert on the training cruise. She will weigh anchor here at 8 a.m. Monday, returning to Esquimau via Port Albernl. miscellaneous column, other commodities and 104!) ouake which caused muchea"e,d ed by American army units when 1 last year permits to the value of : preme Court for Injuries receiv-. they were stationed here. Alter $31,425 were taken out. .ed Sept. 2, 1951. the war It fell Into neglect and: The eieven-month total for! Reynolds, an electrician, was was seldom used until public j 1953 now stands at $338,511, eon- j struck by a truck on the Skeena Interest was revived by the j siserably lower than the total at! River highway 30 miles west of Prince Rupert Little League : the end of November, 1952 when I Hazelton. His right leg had to Baseball Association last sum-1 permits for construction am- be amputated and his left leg mer. ounted to $457,952. was injured. to The Daily New. damage in the Puget Sound and Vancouver Island areas. Digby Island weather station passage mrough Aqaba Gulf." The Egyptians also promise;, pn immediate investigation Into the shooting. Lloyd's register lists the A: , blon as a 7,255-ton vessel own ed by Drytans, Inct., out of Wilmington, Del. The shjp was reported en route to the Jordan port of Aqaba, that Arab kingdoms only port at the head of the gulf. fJWCE-Full sumiort of n services" also edged ahead by one-tenth of a point to 116.3 from 116. i However, the household operations column eased to 117.4 i K the Rovernment ,f mmcdiRteiy with the Hon of a Prince George- reported this morning that the radio operators there had been " ' lw. .Jm'MwerAi.ii. jm ..i.W ntumwuWWWW Uiiitilu.uiWMliiL.WW.-,,,,i.i.lMu,i,., Ml , k.-HrW'"l HHllWlpm.JltL'y.U Tir" I. ..L. rT'""'""'""'""" ' wn road Iftal. . was pledged in radio communication with!"""1 luo reiiectmg scattered longing camps on the west coast ; changes in various household of the Queen Charlottes and ! ltems. at a meeting of the ; no District Board of Witlon, sponsored by B.C. .' "iter or i j 1, , ouvl,clbCU Final Blast Clears 10-Mile Mountain Tunnel at Kemano h - ...nn. me work uncier '"roart 'l , that no signs of an earthquake had been reported there. Snow also fell in the interior today blanketing the lower slopes of already snow-capped peaks. Six Men Hurt As Rival Unions Clash in Frisco SAN FRANCISCO (API Rioting erupted on the San Francisco waterfront Thursday but prompt police action prevented KEMANO, B.C. (CP) A dynamite blast deep lri the heart of a mountain Thursday completed the main artery of the giant power project which will generate electricity for the Aluminum Company of Canada development at Kitimat. ih. planning .s expressed hope that 8 Terrace-Kitimat J ""Bill provide a solu-m present needs of the wa Inquiries will be -" matter. ' "and o. McAdams vere The job. which entailed removing 2,300,000 tons of rock, was completed on schedule. Numerous world records for tunnelling were set by team-working drilling and blasting crews. The accomplishment was described by Alcan Mfieials n n "major step" toward completion of the vast "Project British Columbia" which will eventually cost more than $500,000,000. The first shiny aluminum Ingots are scheduled to be loaded aboard deep-sea ships for world The blast, fired by Alcan vice , " ' examine the poshl-. ' 'ne board nbtnlnlnir a a major riot between some 1.400 1 president McNeely DuBose, shat backers of bitter labor rivals Harry Lundeberg and Harry C Of ,bull(Hng. Mi,nl-1 W. Well- Bridges. .- 3 I Civ mpn U7Pra Kurt I tv, plach iJ auditor. Duncan 2rge M''Adams and Jim tered the final barrier of a 10-mile tunnel through the solid rock of the Coast range. It marked the end of 21 months' work, 24 hours a day, six days a week, to irive the tunnel through Mount the -UtiA ere named as I I I umt;iii, in u unhung ram. John , . McNeill, ,,, a neighbor, , , , caught these samples of the kittens' FjVe men were arrested, one autiCB as they cavorted in a minnow pail. , ' fji tarrying a concealed pistol. . "s commit.tPB FIVE KITTENS in the home of. Freda Dufresne, North Bay, Out., schoolgirl, follow her wherever she goes. Photographer for I markets late In the spring. l"B election of otiiceis.