Uadians irn rn Prince Rupert Daily News 5 Friday, TDe'eember 4, 195jT T Dr. MacKenzic Awarded Medal Lively Election Battles Loom in Many B.C. Centres "a uildN.Z. II Hi - 1 f- 1 Retired Man Rewards Cops As Hobby OTTAWA 'CP)-Dr. C. J. MacKenzic, (i5. prominent Canadian scientist, lias been awarded the Kelvin Medal, the most coveted .. , kip Plant 1 SPECIAL ON Sleel-Oil Tankir 110 Grfi.Tank ..... $ 55!o" 275 Out' Tui.k $ 75.M 375 Gafc-Tank S M M , , 550 Gat Tank $110.0 - 3"Prov. Tai Extra" V" All tanks made of tS-gauge steel lndtfttiol Welding" Green 8H1. ,225 First A ve ntre - prize in the world of science-en-gineeriiig. Dr. MacKenzic, chairman of the Atomic Energy Control Board, said today he had been informed of the award in a letter from the secretary of the Institute of Civil Engineers in London. He is the first Canadian to receive the award. ,- ; n 1 J. 1 4 l- 1 ' X , 1 f 4 i t - s , 'Ay KC'OUVta (CP) Canadians tuildiii!! a $75,000,000 pulp . newspaper plant in New1 ' ,r.d. , "is (or the Tasman Pulp & )f t'muranv, a Kovrrnment-j roii plant, and Is being a! Kawerau, 200 mile '.j,f Auckland. Tjih Columbia engineers ipapr specialists and plant niwl nave a" participated -y project. The mill was de-'.'4 by S indwell & Company V,r.couviT. firms have nrovld- GOLDEN Percy Williams. School board 1 two to be elected )- Robert Range, H. A. Moffat, both by acclamation. VILLAGES Burns Lake: Commissioners two to be elected 1 V. A. Taylor, G. G. Funnell, F. W. Beach. Vanderhoof : C 0 m m issioners (four to be elected) Floyd B. Woods'. Dr. A. W. Mooney', Karl Frederickson", Arnold Smedley, all elected by acclamation. Terrace: Commissioners (three to be elected 1 Henry P. Phillips, Geoffrey Lambly, John De-kergommeaux, William J. Richards, Dudley O. Little, Claude C. Dale. MUNICIPALITIES Kilimat: Council (three to be elected) Basil S. Ba'xter Pierre Garceau, Paul W. Hall-man, James Gordon, Stuart Hirtle, James E. McElroy, Hugh Halkerstone, Meldrum Sydney Thomas Wynne-Jones. School board (five to be elected) Catherine Baxter, Peter M. Hopkins, Richard Copeland, Hermann Guy, Stewart Kinnear, Jo McElroy, Edith M. Madill. Seeking re-election. r : By The Ciiadln Preri Thursday was nomination day in British Columbia and reports from cities, municipalities and villages throughout the province Indicated a number of lively election battles will be fought in civic elections next week. The mayoralty race in Vic-oria has attracted one of the largest number of contestants with no less than four men challenging Mayor Claude Harrison's told for re-election. In contrast. Mayor Ocorge Muir of Nanalmo was returned by acclamation, and former Alderman L. Dobell was elected mayor of Courtenay. Among more than 15 other mayors returned by acclamation was veteran Thomas Uphill of Fernie. At Prince George, three men Harold Assman, Q.- D. Bryant and T. 8. Carmichael are contesting the mayoralty. Nominations included: CITIES Prince George: Mayor Harold Assman, O. D. Bryant, T. S. Carmichael. Aldermen (three to be elected) Frank Clark, W. D. Ferry, Carrie Jane Grey, J. L. Ovlngton; one-year term, (one to be elected) Richard Foxcroft, HOLLYWOOD (API Bert Guterman's hobby is rewarding outstanding cops with money. He has set, up a standinc; reward of $100 to be presented each month to the "outstanding policeman or sheriff's deputy" in line of duty. A,o-gether, he spends $i.00G a yea.' rewarding good cops. Guterman. a retired furniture manufacturer, met and liked some policemen on a train 40 years ago. That stilted it. As a by product of his nobby he has a gun collection h-r values at $50,000 uu display at his Hollywood home. Nearly every weapon was used in a crime of violence. They were presented to him by police. Policemen, detectives and sheriffs have given him more than 550 police badges from all over the world - Guterman travels throush-out the United States exchanging ideas with police officers from commissioners to rookies. t j w . UNED : VACUUM SEALED 1 II I I'll mm VIM Bt ' f,XS.Wf wrih "1 for the Job, most of it u!ictiirrd in eastern Can- )P canadin,8WH) miles between Van-,.r aii-l Kawerau, comin? t 10 Iiead office to conTer til.'ir chiefs. ,SSKS I .'. 1ITC CANS . . : :S 41 HARMONY IS NOT EXPENSIVE You'U be delighted to 'see how your favorite furniture will look H liUlCJI GKOI-P Of Oil, PAINTINGS by three prep-school art students at Upper Canada College in Toronto were described us "startling mature'' by the Canadian sculptor and artist, C'leeve Home. Two of the artists, Andy Till and John Anderson, poth 12, are shown putting the finishing touches to their canvases. . WESTERN even better when placed In a new harmonious color scheme at reasonable cost. . Cash or Terms to Suit CANADA -Hidi nt eni'.ineer, is in Van-pr tin.' week after a flying !rom New Zealand. He left , tunc months ago to su-,;sp itie const ruction Job. ?; c a year P. R. SandweU. ,,rnt tf the firm, crosses Pacific to see Barton and t on proxrc -.s. ,.f m:ll i modem lr. dosiRn. action will be 75.J00 long , of newsprint, 50.000 long of pulp and 72.000,000 ; foe! of lumber. All raw rial wiM be from man- ' lullV.o IE MAKKFT or market for the mill's Is will be in New Zealand any surplus made available feirallan markets, -in of CantidianK. mostly ii Coiiininians, now live in i, :i ci -I1 n v at Ki'werau. Strike Begins At Shell Plant VANCOUVER CP1 Picketing of the Shellburn refinery of 8hell Oil Company here was started Wednesday by 215 workers who went on strike to back up demands for a 5'2-per-cent pay hike. The present wage ranges between $1.50 and $2.21 hourly. 118118? SPENCE & MATUIK Not All Germans Happy Happy to See Canadians Go MLK GENERAL PAINTING CONTRACTORS Night Calls: Blue 881 Day Calls: 101 r- 4 3 9 ',5 low prices fcdting new models HANNOVER, ficrrjiinv CP) Not all the Oini'in n fit, Saxony city ,Hc happy to s-e the last of Canada s J,"!i in ftintry UrlKade Now thiit, the Canadian '-i-liiints will find ll-eir sale:, diers are puilitis mil, mer-reduci'd. Stores ; pcei ,!i -in-! n camera;; fnvl f- !d probably wnl ,si,f f r .iio.t. One sale.s:n-,n. ? .r-,, ( flans Branr-,, s-'i I t'i- ,-,'-oo In which he works m 11. .n novel-' (ifi-a;.tra:.-.e .sold imirn.tlvm-'.f.'io rnsT..n i Caliailiiitis "!u:-iiut (he bri ;-ade's two-year stay. Army sources cstioKMe'i th it the monthly payroll of tho liri;.; rde's B.noo soldiers was aboii' $:.'25.DU0, including funds. I r inde.s was asked what lie tlmiielit Uermana considered the most initati.iK feature of Canadian army behavior. He .'li.uRed and said: "1 guess it is your men occasionally drink loo much beer, but that i.: nut uncommon among soldiers." II:. tin e oj 's .,!r.)s, wri'c ' (lie .""in' i f a 1 ' ; niinute buyuii; ni-'i ': th- ;'7 h iirtvra-.le pi"-l U'-il for the lounvy back to Con id 1. "Two yeir.r over helv iinii ; .ill 1 left it to the lo ('o i.iy slioppliv; " Id lie!:'. "Vne-ilv ,,f ''irinto. air Inch In New e:i-lr P.jrinn s-ild, but (oik1 i:r luwr than ill Canada. ,i Jii,) a iniuitli for a fur-i home but milk and meat in- draper than here, li? r are ,c n)y of jobs ill liiii i. but w:.;es are simiI half of pn vailins ook's Cousin S 15 Years Jt( Old St. Nicholas himself could not be more helpful than your 1 Frigidaire dealer right now. You'll find among 28 different appliances that bear that famous, trusted "Frigidaire" name, iha thrillingly wonderful gift that will make this Christmas morning the beginning of a new, era of freedom, pleasure and economy for the entire family! ireason lharge V t R'i ' R' oLtm - Prince Ab- j i :i'i. Ii"!iin-K-I"d cousin Kiii't Farxiik, h is been '-ye n- pi isi.n sentence I n. althouah he claim- ! Cj 1 - --"- bp a s! rung opponent of . T".-"1 fion reh. ro'-oluti 0 n a r v trlbunii: DOMINION TUN -t th r-i p of stay of: n, however, jii.n.liiv - 'If iippMl. lliliui. wll.l pleaded :t. j nil e n I'-cN- i )(l.s irr j m!";:prl th it F ii ii i ' Hi" r.rcitt lover lv w ; t be. lie :,, id Favnu' s a Don Jiun but ac . ' to ieijKitent. r-- r j rt"i t l iui'hed ai Prinn j stated in it Fa'fiik h I apriority cninplex wi'.'M M wis "a spoiiej clu. I W i ll tiiiuiiac." M the ninc-h(ur tria: 'fnrlanl t in nv nl 1 w:n-jais eoirerniir; tii i '"yil lituiiy an! tlr; !"!";lm". c v;as c;nvict- j fouinniiiim iu-k consl-l- 1 v'ii In t!lr i.i,,ili(.,i,,tr 1 it.i se runty." frncdo His Xwr;n;A. Li. (cr ki it. Ttv . ?; ; j 1 wnoiiio1ilUHSkij1W3 r ; 1 R "'V".v' "! ' - 1 is t " 1 ' j ' 1 ''curled a tornado sUsh :u till-ill Loili;.!,!! J.v kilim.. at least six Silifi four rliort ivlii. hit the town of '' ami two more weie Tuilcs. 'Iionnm-i i.. Nfld. (CP) All oral C'lnmlSidon which .flea MONIMOIINCY DISTIL1IRY ITD. av- w , "I'Aiouncl'and ' n Ss iessss-B- 1 . 'i : 1 could be bobtered by JwberriM. tiling- ' raising 1(4 mink IUIUK nt"S the poultry bus,-. Ilii ndvrtti'.rncnf ts not pnbti,.hiJ or deployed by the Liquor Control Bonrd or Iy the Government cf British, A SPECIAL GIFT For Men or Boys- 15 .JEWEL WATERPROOF WATCHES Fu"y Guaranteed. ONLY ?X .Vj 1 -pi 1 r mi- t i 4 ' Si ' GEO. COOK Jeweller's See your Frigidaire dealer now! 5 TERMS TO SUIT CHRISTMAS BUDGETS ,LTERRACE PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Gordon & Anderson TERRACE, B.C. JoiWone j. Michiel SMITHERS, B.C.'Eby's Hordwor