Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December 4, 1!)53 RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR Ferrying of Canadian-Built Sabres Across Atlantic Nears Completion (Subject to Change) By ARCH MACKENZIE the RCAF leap-f r o g g i n g of , but unofficial sources uti I Canadian press siu .nier 1 ground crew to maintain and i four or five only were i ' LONDON CP Operation "Be- ref Uel the fighters. I in Scotland. Mnr. tL- i J' cher's Brook" the ferrying of, Tne air ministry doesn't say the original 400 have m J f 400 Canadian-built Sabre Jet how manv Dlanes cracked ud. I crossinu "Me t CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 (It AT lT. PAIRING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street M i 1 fighters across the North Atlan- tic is Just about iimsnea 772 The air ministry expects the 1 TODAY and SATURDAY Evenings j. Matinee Saturday .. ,, last of the swept-wtng fighters i to cross saieiy Dy tne enu oi December. It hopes to wind up the complex, year-long operation, which borrowed heavily 1 7 i 7W-l ED ANCE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION from Royal Canadian Air Forcu know-how and "co-operation," with iignt casualties. Trials and tribulations of Be-cher's Brook are outlined in an air ministry report, paying direci and indirect credit to the RCAF whose personnel pioneered the iNv ;t Ruth Roman w K Hi itiiiT -MLtBF mmmmmmm& a . ,T .... r. ... .. , ANIHUNI UUINN I U I fcVU Famou. Pyer, The. FRIDAY PM. 6 00 -Talk by Mayor H Wlialcn 6:10 Musical Program :)0 fjmllov H'Tnetti- Show 8:45 Musical Program 6:50 Talk by George Hills 7 00 CBC News ' 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Toront't Symphony "Pops" Concert 8 30 Ford Thi"itre 9 :30 John Flslirr 9:45 Speaker's Choice 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories 10:30 Parade of Choirs 1 1 :00 Weather Report Musical MasterpleceM ltd.-, Music Till .Midnight 12:00 Sign-oft 3ATT M ' V AM. 7:011 Musical t'lixk :30 CBC News, Weather Iff -ft 7:3.-1 Musical (lock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:l.-i Morning Kevuliolis H:3U Hcconl Allium 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 Stu Davis 9:59 Time Slunal 10 :00 Message Period Musical Program 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News: Weather 11:00 Metropolitan Opera PM 2:00 Ballet Club 3:00 CBC News 3:10 Week-end Listening 3:15 This Week 3:30 Sports College 3:45 Armdale Chorus 4 :00 Now I Ask You 4:30 Musical Program 5:00 Dad Taylor And Presentation of Trophies ''wM.CS. CHATHAM ANNEX Friday, Dec. 4 Dancing 10 2 Tickets $1 .50 each Including all refreshments Paul Stewart, Nina Foch and William Eythe Story of Undercover Work By FBI on Ford Theatre v r - Tr trans-ocean flight transport system using stepping stones at Labrador, Greenland, IcUant, nd Scotland. Pilots were given special t.ain-ing In Canada, completed In Just iver a month "thanks to excellent co-o p e r a 1 1 o n from the RCAF." And 12 RAF-plloted Sabres left Bagotville, Quebec, Mi TECHNICOLOR A fast-paced story of under-1 Sonny Is shot and his sister cover work by the F.B.I, will be comes to his hideout. Jeff and Jkfo Met Jsoji me sister iau in love, mis en- rages Sonny who banishes Jeff. featured on the hour-long "Ford Theatre" radio drama tonight at early in December last pear, Prince Rupert Film Club Sonny continues his lawless witn tne rcaF In operational W Shows ft at a 7-9 p.m. 8:30 on CFPR. William Eythe, a j ways even though the police are cont,rol and the United States Broadway headliner, will be ! able to dispose of the gang. Alr jrorce providing communl- . "tiesu Irolicj" "Let's Co llshlnt' Cartoon - Newi neara in tne leading roie oi Later, Drone ana inenaiess, ue cati0ns and other facilities. announces ONE CRASHED Three of the 12 were left be FIRST MEETING JAN. 17 hind en route to Britain and a Sonny Black in Public Hero No. j looks up nis sister wno is casnier 1." i at a movie house. Action starts when Jeff Crane, Jeff has anticipated this and secretly an F.B.I, agent, is placed closes in. Sonny wounds Jeff, but in the same prison cell as Sonny is himself shot and killed by and helps him stage an escape, another police agent. The idea is that Sonny will lead ; The final scenes are betretn him to the hideout of the no- Jeff and Sonny's sister as they torious "Purple Gang" of which try for a reconciliation despite Sonny is a member. , all that has happened. 4 at which "Henry V" fourth crashed. The RAF de-ided to re-organize operation "Becher's Brook" from the ground up. More pilots were added. They were given among other training a special seven-day survival course In Labrador. The RAF moulded a new system based on Fun is like insurance the older you get the more it costs. i t.. 'J will be shown. f OPEN TO MEMBERS ONLY Memberships available from Civic Centre or Club Executive 'MUW Fred E, Dowdie OPTOMETRIST 303 3rd Ave. West Phone Green 960 BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results IIEKI MIEIIXDIlIEiaS RYE Aristocrat I ytart 1d Anniversary S ytort old Viscount 4 yar old Old Keg 3 yoart aid CN London Club London Dry bunt M Don't Iiedouble When You've (lot a Slam Hand When partner opens the bidding with one of a suit and second hand doubles, you sometimes find yourself w ith a hand strong enough to redouble, but unsuited to that call by reason of freakish distri KEEP YOUR CAR UP TO PAR Cold weather'8 no excuse for poor car performance! See us NOW for a general check-up and tune-up . . . and we'll winterize your car too. You'll be pleased with our service. melchers bution. South dealer East-west vulnerable North (Mr. Meek) S None H 9 D K J 10 B 4 3 C A Q 1 6 5 2 Superior Auto Service Limited Wrt IMm Kwn) S- Q 10 7 1 H- J 10 8 6 4 3 (Mr. AM) S AJ96 5 3 H -A K 7 2 D-5 C 3 Mr. Meek had such a hand in today's deal. He had an average 5 h?nd in high cards and, on th m ysis cf honor streneth alone, would have been Justified in re- doubling. But one of the pur-' poses of the redouble in this situation is to put ycur side In. J a position to double the opp.3- ! nent for penalties if they conci " -ut in a suit wh :re yc i arc 1 J itrens. However, Mr. iicek corr.'tl : figured that the opponents I strength was in the majors. He I mid absolutely no interest in J ic ubling a heart or- spade con- a tract for penalties. This was a hand to be plpyed in diamonds! , by his own side, the question ol ; This advertisement is not published or displayed by tho ItqoaJ Control Board or by th Governmont of British Columbia. C 10 4 HVMHMHMMMM hmilll (Mr. Muslrra) H K 8 4 H - S 5 D A 7 6 2 C K J 8 The birtfllnB: South West North East 1 D Dbl. 3 0 3 H 4 (' 4 H (ID All pass .low many diamonds to be tie crniined laier. iters could fit the club suit, then Mr. Meek made the correct i small s)-tm wowld be an odds- Give Your Laay Fair a Gift From Wallaces IF YOU really wont to make Ih's Christ mas memorable for someone you lovu, express your sentiments witS a gift from WALLACE'S. Nothing elsa can say so much, so well ... or g've so much pleasure for so many years. Choose now from our brilliant selection of gifts for everyone! :iill three clubs. There was no j on ch'ince. nr. nee of Mr. Masters passing,) Mr. Misfors free club raise .s a jump shift after an op-j -ftrr Mrs. Keens brave three iciing takeout double is fore-! heart bid ws ell he needed ing for one round. hear. Against the slim Mr. Abet Miss Brash probably would j 'Mod tho "surprise" opening of have' jumped straight to six I the ace of snaries. Mr. Misters i unonus cn the North h md j ruffed on the board, took n nd th it wcuk'n't have been a j round of trumns and discarded ii bid. But Mr. Meek went at j dummy's lone heart on his king it more scientifically. Hi., ! of spades, makinc seven. CO it'll thought was that if Mr. Mas Aggressive bidders may con-idemn Mr. Mek for goin? to the 1 1 rouble to find out about the I club fit, But they must admit I the chances for the slam were X m r .1.1 I V 1 I s I J better with the club fit than CanofJa Packers presents TORONTO SYMPHONY Lingerie without it. And, of course, Mr. Meek is very cautious. He seldom bids a slam at all and wight wll have passed this one up if his partner had been a lesser player than Mr. Masters, ai n V 'C -'i Beautifully styled gowns, slips and pajamas. Exquisitely fashioned. Priced as usual at Wallace's low prices from to $H.95 Paper Reports $1 Million Profit VANCOUVER (CP) The Van ' ORCHESTRA pop concert EARL WILD PIANIST toni3ht CFPR 7:30 n H B n n m 1 the gift to make her dreams come true- an electric range Hoecoafs IK ons couver Sun had a net profit of $506,235 during the last year, an increase of $240,113, it was shown today in the annual report of the Sun Publishing Company Limited. Profit before taxes was $1,061,-935, compared with $558,122 during the previous year. A stock dividend of $75,000 was declared during the fiscal year. ontej -. ZZW' ade non!r and es Gi W VaiwfPented ; -ia$ c oou$es D0' Dresses Scts Coof$ Tb'ccotf,s Purses Scorves Stocs P'onj P'"ow$ m IN VANCOUVER r 'ook of n,l Lovely t Tlie gift that will do o much for her, that will rid lier for good of cooking drudgery, that will save her time mid energy, give her leisure to njoy living. Willi an automatic electric range, her linking, roasting all her conking will he fingertip controlled. She can pop the entire meal in the oven, ct the automatic tinier and forget it. The meal will be cooked to a nicety, tastier, more nutritious, with all the food valuci kept in. That automatic electric range is economical, too. Il'i rcuHy tl' best and cheapest way to cook. Drop in and see this gift of gifts today. DRIVE AN n m m m H M m H n H M a ' r;ccd From $8.98 to $27.95 AUSTIN U-DRIVE Lowest Rates By Day, Week or Month Phone, Write or Wire BROADWAY U-DRIVE LIMITED Broadway at Oak BAview 1616 II M II II M H WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE m mil : H:l