: '; 1' , 1 Tomorrows i 4 TIPfc ' rtorday. December 5, 1953 Klc Standard Time) 0:48 18.3 feet Daily VDlivry Phone 81 X. V- 12:19 12:19 210 feet -.. j. -'si i 6:23 19:07 9.0 feet 3.8 feet ir,- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canadq's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Kev to the Great NortWsr" VOL. XLII, No. 282 U PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS urn .ttv...-.w,v.- . U n n n n n n ----- -. -w - -f rn " " j i - 1 1 fJ j ' f I h i- I - 13; ... , . " :' - v Talks May Boost Chances For Peace ji I 1 - U.S. To Free Prisoners January 22 PANMUNJOM, Korea. United States "envoy Arthur H. Dean told the Communists today thai repatriated war prisoners will be freed Jan." 22 unless a peace confer By STANLEY JOHNSON TUCKER'S TOWN, Bermuda (AP) Presided. Eisenhower, Premier Lanlel and Prime Minister Churchiil gathered in this resort village today f(,r conferences they hope will forge Allied unity again Red aggression and toward .world peace. ..... it. ' . . . i . . . . -V t ifi,T. f i - n . j : . i i-A.: - V, TV. ,1", As the Big Three talks open-- i i mi ir.-Mwimnm lli ..i ii i.. i. i ! i . ii iinmi iff irrn 1 r - v ed at the tommy-gun-guarded Mid-Ocean Club here, Bermu-J"ns took a holiday and wel Restoring The Wreck comed Eisenhower. The U.S. chief executive, accompanied JSEIS-BV TKE A SECOND look when they see 21-year-old Arthur W j r. rw. by State Secretary Dulles and on a light airplane In his garden at Hatch End. Ennland Rr th dad .. dvisers; arrived by air this U-fitter know, what he's doing as he re rtores what wa, once junkyard wreck. He ' has bed many evenings and week-ends to thi task over a two-vear n.HH a morning. . 4 Churchill and Laniel, already Wtii craft In shape for take-off. ' ' ' on hand for the meeting, es- ence decides some other course "and no human hand or mind or debate can change it." "We are never going to agree, under any circumstances, to a change in that date," he orted Eisenhower to the club. Dulles. Foreign Secretary ferenclum Seeks Continuation Fden and Foreign Minister Bi-dault met at 3 p.m. to get the '"My formal talks under way, with thir chiefs gathering around the table immediately Special One-Mill Park Levy v The group will dine tonight f k llir xsiMiit In rli- Dean and Communist diplomats conferred for almost three hours on plnnn for a peace conference while a few miles away 30 more South Korean war prisoners unanimously rejected pleas to return home. vlHln r)ilMhihiK Hit rrtrr- m ! bf iiltuiMl liHuri the : Bt ThurMlu).) place where the senior citizens n sit and enjoy fine weRther. hty more often than not are ' n err-Hionsl centres where the .city's youth can indulge in competitive sports. When looked penrled uolcly for the devrlep-ment ol the Aloina Park area." Actually the "adding" of such a one-mill levy, . if approved, U'niilH ha nhln K,nti i t- J DICK AVRF.S with governor Sir Alexander Hood at Government House. The conference is the first juch meeting attended by an American president since Pots-' dam, eight years ago. : j There have been four oneet-mgs since 1942 of the- governing heads of the United States nd two other major powers IltRt'S ONE HIGIIWAX sign few motorists are likely to ignore. It is one of many such warnings set up in the neighborhood of the Kansas State Prison at Lansing, with light-reflecting letters that transmit the. same message after dark. ? i Allied persuaders in threat d:iys have talked to 90 South Koreans who chose life under the Communists and not one fhJ"!!"!! eping at 'the city hn and mi. use raurauon, are Ny'i business. The-v Me , ' J to . the V," HUM does not boost the tax rate, as attractiveness of a L the one-mill levy approved by city taxpayers five years ago for Jig no dry can do wittily form o.i.,es In the "tn of both business and ; "ial zones in gi,wii Winston Churchill is the only jne who has attended all of Radio Operator Rewarded F.or Returning Lost Wallet has changed his mind. South Korean olficers whisked through 30 interviews before noon today. The United Nations command asked to Interview 40 prisoners Saturday. Tb Yepat'1 ii Ion commission said the request for an extra 10 was the Roosevelt Park reserve fund expires this year. It would be a continuation of a one-mill levy for another-five yeaw...w them. . Bidault and Eden had a hush uy The rcferrndum proposed by the pirk board will auk ulinlier the vote "Is in favor of a special one mill levy to ' be adilf d to the tax rale ench year for a period of five years, the sum so derived to be ex- r provide a lamer nlav- i P rKtoftirtW the hush two-hour meeting last night during which, it was re Jvd, they serve as a rest-! I While a , referendum is not j binding on the council, council I A former Rupert resident, Mrs. ered her loss, but did not know set for 1 the fontwc.ii v. i ULY GRAVE, 17, recent winner of a contest sponsored by a film company working in Djakarta. Indonesia, Is r,t, called "The Outdoor Girl of Indonesia." Lily, the offspring of a Russian father and a Japanese mother, lives ln the ''Paris of Indonesia," liably reported, they discussed a new oint approach to Italy filed too late, but tonight the r, EN ..- j ; . , 1 ' : ..!-i " , : .-. i ' i ! : - . - '. t, IV I- r' I - 1 t " . " WRnts to know if taxpayers will cgree to that amount of money being set aside for the develop ina Yugoslavia on the question commission p.pproved it. The preliminary peace talks are in recess until Monday. ment of the Algoma -Park area In the sixth year, the levy ls Ljn asked that a Saturday ses- oi disputed Trieste. It is believed, however, that Britain and the U.S. 'Will not go back on their Oct. 8 declaration they will eventually quit M. Beaton, has nothing but until she came back last Satur-praise for a young radio operator j day that her wallet had been at the Dlgby Island wireless found. station and he has been given a ', Hrehorka came over from suitable award for his honesty, i Digby with the billfold. While boarding a train here' "I was so happy, I could last week for Burns Lake, Mrs. I hardly talk," said Mrs. Beaten Beaton dropped her brown lea-I today, as she completed a shop-tber wallet containing a large! ping tour prior to leaving to-sum of money, personal effects night for Kitimat. and a return ticket to Kitimat, j FAST-TALKING CONVICTS WIH DEBATING TROPHY SVCKLAXD, N.Z. (CP) Auckland's top debating trophy will safekeeping for the next 12 months, in the local prison. n of prisoners won the trophy in comDetition aeainst the zone they administer and cancelled from the tax rate. lslon De callea 011 ecause ne The plan for Algoma Park as'111 be ln eoul for conferences envisaged by the parks board is!'1 South Korea's president a long-range plan aimed main- Synpmnn Knee, ly at providing a more suitable He r,efused to divulSe the sub-outdoor recreational centre for ect of tne talks and would not Egyptians turn it over to Italy. Eden. and Bideault also were reported to have touched on French ratification of the European Defence Community treaty. debating teams, winning the final by 388 points to 313. conu.iern, on rumoiea amer-tnces between the UN commund Shell U.S. Ship tnd the South Korean- government over plans for a peace conlerence. Snowfall Follows where she now resides. She did not know of her loss until early the next morning after she had finished breakfast aboard the train. Meanwhile, John Hrehorka found her wallet, notified Mrs. sy Weekend Planned Here ' Antigonish, Due Today w reserve navy person- officers' wardroom at HMCS By The Associated Press CAIRO. The Unitec the youth of Prince Rupert. The board hopes to develop the 39-acre site west of McDride Street lnio a combination football field, baseball diamond, lawn area with shade trees and perhaps in the future a golf course. , The board believes Algoma is a more centrally-located park for these purposes and, with McClyinont Park and tne swimming pool on the other side of Mr Bride Sireet, will form a hiine recreational area of which Living Cost Index Drops Half Point 1'eaton's daughter and kept the I Earthquake wallet until she returned. A wireless onerator nt niirhv City Building Drops Sharply In November fV were preparing a wel-; Cha I ham and will meet civic States embassy announced today the U.S. freight er Albion reported sh for the Dast vear. he had come ' Chilled uniuea by Dy the tne report report of an mnvie onH earthquake north of the Queen to Rupert to see a "d'W'ors and men (if (he (,mrlals tomorrow at 10 a.m. frigate Antii.nnUh ' Tours of points of Interest in OTTAWA (CP) Ending a steady noticed the wallet on the station ; riiarle Islands the weather- rl to nrrlve her,, o. :,,u ci are beln8 arranged for five-months rise, living costs de-clined during October, with the platform as he was taking aman cnaneed this mornings A sharp decline in construc sp-teut to the theatre n usiumary arizzie into a pre Prince Rupert can be proud. No ik. ; tomorrow and a public dance course of a training,; w.m be staged tomorrow night In about consumer price index dropping He rear! the "Inst, anrl fmmrt- Christmas snow storm ts 11 more convenient "for tion work throughout the city only reflected by the small ' coiumn in the Daily News to P."1- toaa. . . L arm nan in nonor oi was jCimtnams pubjlc access but the area.bor. uy one-nan point 10 118.2 irom 1167. The decline was due almost riererl hv McBrlrle Ninih Avr -. amouni oi ?,e o worm oi ouuq- find the owner i ogetner witn tne ngnts, tin- Mrs Rentnn' telenhnneH h.r spl anrt Yuletide motifs already Mdork this ufteriinon was ceeds earmarked for a Christ-F Norman Jermyn with aSmas party for youngsters. entirely to food price drops, the nue, Wantage Road and the. '"8 Permits taken out during mountains is more sheltered j November. from the wind, members staUd. i Of the total of permits applied daughter here after she discov- j bein8 erected by city merchants the brief snow storm with its ! oureaut statistics reported to "!part' j Chatham also is planning a schedule has been lined rfie competition to which Antl- andday' rhe consumer price index The board is hoping that use ! for during last month $3,000 was : T A ,,iJnr,i linre. Hree flakes flakes provided provided trees trees and of city garbage as a sanitary I for an apartment project. The! I erruCe MCClQeilt buildings with true Christmas i uaocu uu iati prices equalling Vi.SllmiT r,ffi.. .,1 ...111 k l..l 1 v- 100 fj,,. . wnn ri.-s iiu i .(iuisii men wiu uc iiivticu, iw lc'a'S Will be pnt.prt.nln. h.,hlu Rimrlnv nnr! thp vlsltnrs 1 . a i i decoration: iill will enable the city to dis-1 remainder was for minor repairs -!M at a Dartv in theiuill lis lnull,H ti tjike nnrt in n pose of its wastes, reclaim hith-! to homes and buildings. Last month's permits repre trto useless land and rid the Egg prices dropped sharply, along with most meats and grapefruit, sllJlng 2.1 points from the food column which dropped to 113.4 from 115.5. VICIim MWurOeCI A strong earthquake believed L rN to have occurred beneath the VaruSn VGmageS i ocean north of Queen Charlotte VANCOUVER (CP) Damages Islands was "corded by the totalling $29,721 were awarded ! University of Washington seis-James : mograph today. The shock, R. Revnnlds of Terrae hv had been fired on Thursday by Egyptian shor-batteries while in th Gulf of Aqaba, east ol Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. The ship's message did no say whether there were nir casualties or damage to the., vessel. . , The embassy said it has mad. "uigent representations" to tlv Egyptian government and tha the government gave "assur ances that action would b, taken to facilitate the ship', passage through Aqaba Gulf." The Egyptians also promisee, en immediate investigation into the shooting. Lloyd's register lists the A1-, bton as a 7,255-ton vessel own ed by Drytans, Inct, out of Wilmington, Del. The shjp was reported en route to the Jordan port of Aqaba, that Arab kingdoms only port at the head of thy gulf. pee Board nivy badminton tournament on Sunday afternoon. Commanding the Antigonish Is Lt.-Cmdr. H. R. Beck, CD, and executive officer is Lt.-Cmdr. D. M. Howltt. DSC. The ship's com- Petition starting at 6:58 a.nv. today was ine sneuer column rose to a new high of 125 from 124.5 reflecting higher rents and home ownership costs. The miscellaneous column. rated at an Intensity of 8 on a scale of 1 to 12. This would be city of the rat problem at the city dump. The park area was originally laid out by the Midland Regiment of Ontario. It was improved by American army units when they were stationed here. After the war it fell into neglect and was selaom used until public Interest was revived by the Prince Rupert Little League Baseball Association last TaII Iplement Includes nine officers iQii and 120 men- sent the smallest amount of building in one month in Prince Rupert since January, 1S52 when only $5,560 worth of permits were taken out. In November last year permits to the value of $31,425 were taken out. The eleven-month total for 1953 now stands at $338,511, eon-siserably lower than the total at the end of November, 1952 when permits for construction amounted to $457,952. O I Koad had about the same force as the 1P4!) ouake which caused much!ca"ed "othr commodities and Mr. Justice J. M. Coady in Su- i preme Court for Injuries receiv-.j ed Sept.' 2, 1951. Reynolds, an electrician, was struck by a truck on the Skeena River highway 30 miles west of Hazelton. His rfght leg had to be amputated and Tils left leg was injured. 'loThe DMI.kW. Tne Antlgomsn iraveueu irum Esquimalt to Rupert on the trainine cruise. She will weigh damage ln the Puget Sound and, services also edged ahead by t:.. " one-tenth of a point to 118.3 CE -Full Vancouver Island areas. I. "w1 OI " .anchor nere ai o a.m. iwunuay, B " . "le e Rovernment government; ; returnii returninn to Esquimau via Port i?" imi 'hthe AloTni from 116. However, the household operations column eased to 117.4 from 117.5, reflecting scattered Digby Island weather station reported this morning that the radio operators there had been in radio eommunlr.Etinn with ' ton ,m;e oeo Be: 'W.yipW!IW!llWM ! jr'"WWMl''''W'i ln various household logging camps on the west coast ! changes H ft mnnti.,.. of the Queen Charlottes and 1 uems- L and District Board of that no signs of an earthquake ! "jon, sponsored by B.C. had been reported there. Snow also fell in the interior today blanketing the lower slopes of already snow-capped peaks. Final Blast Clears 10-Mile Mountain Tunnel at Kemano l 10 start thp n,u ..,i- Of 1 uiiuri -rm( Whl(h Provides I ; 1 Att' NDrml. .K al,art from '-'luiai planning. Six Men nurt As Rival Unions KEMANO, B.C. (CP) A mite blast deep in the heart of M Terrace-Kitimat , miBht provide a solu- h m7 111 needs of the Clash in Frisco SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Rioting erupted on the San Francisco waterfront Thursday but thl '"I"1 will be H," matter. anfl O. McAda...- k, k Ti !i. " V ' prompt police action prevented The job, which entailed removing 2,300,000 tons of rock, was completed on schedule-Numerous world records for tunnelling were set by team-working drilling and blasting crews. The accomplishment was described by Alcan Officials as a "nr Ui". toward completion of the vast "Project British Columbia" which will eventually cost more than $500,000,000. - The first shiny aluminum ingots are scheduled to be loaded aboard deep-sea ships for world markets lute in the spring. Pth k mlne the POssl- a mountain Thursday completed the main artery of the giant power project which will generate electricity for the Aluminum Company of Canada development at Kitimat. The blast, fired by Alcan vice president McNeely DuBose, shattered the final barrier of a 10-mile tunnel through the solid rock of the Coast range. It marked the end of 21 months' work, 24 hours a day, six days a week, to drive the tunnel through Mount DuBooe. vk vj ' ; a major riot Detween some 1,400 Csff i backers '' bitter labor rivals H lc,lng- w- Wcll-CS of Montreal manager, Marry i.unaeoerg ana Harry Bridges. - Six men were hurt in the clash, fought in a drizzling rain. "McAdams and Jim cle namerl no ' Hie John McNeill, a neighbor, caught these samples of the kittens' antics as they cavorted in a minnow pa.il. FIVE KITTENS in the home of. Freda Dufresne, North Bay, Out., schoolgirl, folio her wherever she goes. Photographer Five men were arrested, one Irt carrying a concealed pistol. iiim cmmittce for the e'ectiou of of ik MS. !