Soccer Presentation Dance Tonight iTiOby Decen her 4. 19h3 BASKETBALL-TONIGHT CIVIC CENTRE 6:45 junior Sports Shop vs Annunciation v.K.t..ot N.B.C Power vt Bulgers 8:45 Girls Dom's vs Frosty Food Locker seas n in games wiU Heavy But tor and General Motors. They will receive the Manson's trophy emblematic of the league championship and also the North Star and Sheardown awards. Three football trophie- w 111 he given to PYO soccer club representatives at the annual Football Presentation dance to be held tonight in the Navy Drill hall annex from 10 until 2. CYO captured all three tin- Wings Blank New York, Father O. P. Mohan itftid today Habitants Dump Leafs phles in Prince Rupert Football ' tj,at a present.ftion will also be! association league play this post, made to long-time supporter of! local soccer, Alex Hals, who K leaving the district shortly. FoUr Injured FIRST END STRATEGY Am By The omaiMcn Prcs 1 times while yielding only nine Sometimes you can almost goals to their opponents. i convince people that Detroit Red But there is a. growing sus-Wings are human. ' picion in National Hockey League' Only two weeks ago somebody circles that despite these ocras-scored on Terry Sawchuk on De-lonal manifestations of human-j troit ice. ity the Wins bear no rasem-; In IAIHI Mn-lOU ! BOXER 1)1 KS ARTICLE No. 4 if you were on the same spot?!1" w w . j All he has to do is nass m.t. By The Omutisn Press HOLLYWOOD, Cal. Snowy It is about time to get into ur snot cosest to the centre I In Tra". one roan was sent to i Baker, 69, one-time famed Aus- Two days later they even last blance to ordinary man than the tne meat of lnis skipping busi- P,,rrc what IT hp nits It. nnrt ml nosuuui uiivi uiicr uuicia ncu- irauitii unm-vi; m,, ...... ..ti'v etui v,- v,. i notrhed un in the dipsslni? rooms I Australia in boxing at the 1903 a game in Montreal. Piltdown fossil. ness s0 let us start right at the At Chicago last Sunday the New KorK Kangers, victims of ; beginnjngthe first end. Usual-Black Hawks beat Sawchuk four a 4-0 shutout at Detroit last , tnp ,, ss un't vn-' Put it up t him. He has to last night as Spokane Flyers and Olympic Games in London, make a perfect shot to count. the league-leading Smoke Eat- mmMtm m night, fired half-a-dozen labelled your lea(j is ln the hac, readv. .-hots at Sawchuk that appeared ' . d t him t0 plat.e .o be turned aside only oy me orce c! public opinion. I All the more credit to him if ers battled to a 4-4 Western he does, but if he misses. i International . League overtime miss he will 50 per cent of the tie. line, there k-;s the ball game,! At Vernon, the Canadians because it will shake not only I moved into undisputed posses-ends to recover. By then it may slon of first place in the Okana- , .. Sawchuk Amazing Comeback bg tco late. that all-important firs, stone . In front of the rings In the four-foot circle? On to the side of the house? For 20 years I called for it in front of the house, in the old accepted tradition. If you want statistics from 1922 to 194:!. From 1942 on, with few exceptions, I signalled for a draw ti; the outside rings. Could this change of strategy have con Although it was common Knowledge that the Howe-Lind.say--teioel line and delenceman Red Kelly are the only scoring threais in the Di-lruH line-up, three of the four goals against New York were counted by people named Alex Delvecchio, Vic Stasiuk and Johnny Wilson. The fourth goal NAVY DANCE DI'II I. II M.I. HMCS CHATHAM In Honor of the , Ship's Company of HMCS ANTIGONISH Saturday, Dec. 5th Ml'SIC ItY "Ill'KKS" $1.00 Each PROCEEDS IN AID OF CHILDREN'S XMAS PARTY Next article, "First End Strategy" (continued) Dunbar, Gardiner DETROIT (API Goalie Terry Sawchuk of Detroit Red Wings, a self-admitted "flop" in last spring's Stanley Cup playoffs, is gan Senior circuit, defeating Kamloops Elks 0-5. Veteran cen1 reman Doug Toole of Spokane i.egan the bandage parade lute in the second period when lie cut a neck muscle when he fell with teammate Tommy Hodges. He was taken to Trail-Tadanac hospital. Apps Dorohoy suifcred a twist- by Howe was the only one tney compiling an amazing comeoack nad a rl(,ht to expect. tributed to our winning six con secutive aggregates in the Win I Pace Men's League nipeg bonspiel, as well as two Dominion championships Ian Dunbar and Wyn Gardiner !ed ankle to renew an old Injury. CANADIENS itUSTKATKI) Montreal Canadiens, who normally would consider a o-l victory over 'loronto a satisfactory night's work, must have shared the Rangers' feeling of ecora. The 23-year-old netminder has given up only 29 goals in 20 games an average of 145. He also has turned in five shutouts, but most important, he has regained his confidence. After the Wings were upset by Boston Bruins in the playoffs last April, Sawchuk said: "I've been a firm all year but that period? I honestly bcliev" so, for we played many well-balanced rinks who were every bit as good individually as wi were. raced both divisions of the Men' Playing coach Moe 'x .ung took Five Pin Bowling league this a cut instep and Spokar.3 captain week, when Dunbar bowled 337 . Red Tilson got a three-inch cut and 766 to capture high single j above thi right eye from the and high three In "A" division 1 stick of Trail's Frank Kuzma. EVERYONE WELCOME Montreal fans have watched' lot's trff in thn rpusnns fnr the Habitants knock off Detroit .h. .Hrtpn ,,hnnp. , , .,U-M three times in as many visits. and Gardiner rolled 298 and 807 to toD "B" division. PhilDott-Evitt chalked up 1170 play. Placing a stone in front Grand to Give . . . Great to Get I'll be back and I'll be the best!" j making it hard for them to un- f lhe ringg whpn tne opposing sawcnuK is d:ick ana nes me jerstana wny meu.u.c skip nas ,ast r0(k ls an open! and 3214 to test. i in .second place, a point behind rimi,sinn ,, ,. nn 1he hifrh teams take "A" division single and high Blushing Bride . . . or married for years, every woman knows that the best food value on her budget is MILK. And the best milk is the Freshest Milk . . . milk shipped the shortest distance . . . milk from the Grade A farms of the BULKLEY VALLEY MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION. And the easiest, least expensive way to buy that rnilk is straight from the delivery truck. FRESH MILK ' On your doorstep, Quart . JLjfC ft Phone 18 FOR HOME DELIVERY NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTH F.RN CONSUMERS He posted his third straight the Wmgs. WEARABLES FOR MEM rlofuncivp Pertninlv bp htis lnst shutout at home last night, j They were world blanking New York Rangers 4-0. against the Leafs " beaters shot-so what? If he makes it.! Thursday . , h prif.;iPfi n rrnmt. one' He made 27 saves, at least half a night, scoring four times ln the But rio(?s ne 0jwavs make it triple. Davies won "B" division hi"h team single and high three wi.h Srnres of 1133 and 3010. Results: - "A" Division Art Murray's 4. Cook's 0: NW Construction 3. North Stars 1: CNRA 3. Family Market 1: Local Authentic Tartan Shirts and Vests 100 WOOL dozen robbing the Rangers of first period with Maurice Rich- wnen ne is a iittj0 rllsty or "sure" goals. j ard counting twice and setting up when ne doesn-t know what aawcnuK, wno nasn i oeen r.e n musueu ior a inuu iun. draw weight is? Whit if vou are lying three or four when he goes down to play his last 708 3, Short Circuits 1; Moose 2, rock? wnat mental turmoils Thnm sheet 2: Philnott-Evitt ?. his confidence, but that of his 537 Taxi ' j, players, and it will take several ; ..B.i rjvjsjon would be going on in your mind JavcpPS 4 Rupert Motors Or GIFT BOXED TIES SOCKS HANKIES SHIRTS SWEATERS Drop in and see the complete stock at ' 633 Third Avenus West ACME CLOTHING STORE "nrwai'ea 4. Savov 0; Davies 4, I.CB 0: Legion 3, Don Juans 1; scored upon in Olympia Stad- Just to rub it in, Johnny Mc-ium in 211 minutes and -24 see- Cormack, the defensive expert onds, is at a loss to explain his whom the Leafs peddled to Mon- j comeback. ! ti eal twe years ago, set Op the "It's the finest start I've ever -ounh goal by Floyd Curry and had," he said after last night's ! scored one himself in the third game, "but I'll be darned if I period after Rudy Migay con-know why. Maybe it's my weight. 1 nected lor the lone Toronto mar-I weigh 177 now compared to 165 ker. last season. I couldn't even work Boston Bruins drew within a up a sweat last season." j point of the third-place Leafs by Sawchuk has been a more re-J whipping Chicago 3-1 before a laxed goalie this season. He dis- gooa mid-week crowd of 13,110 ' played mid-season form even in -ans. the first exhibition games. j Last period goals by Dave Slashed across the knee, he f Creighton and Milt Schmidt gave missed three games earlier in the Bruins their victory after Joe Nelson Bros. 2, Kaien Ind. 2. Frosly's Out For Revenge Curling Results Frosty's are seeking revenge Results of last night's play in for the recent 22-4 shellacking Ue Prince Rupert curling club's thev suffered at the hands of Oordon Hardware trophy com- j league-leading Dom's when the Petition are as follows: Ford 12, j the season. His replacement, Klukay matched Billy Mosienko's Serving Canada in the Army i the two teams meet, tonicht in a tP"rEeson o, meignen v. warren Dave Gatherum, gave up three opening Chicago The loss was the scheduled Girls' league basketball 5; Stewart 8. Ostertag 10; Moore j goals in three games. second frame last- at the Civic Centre, uom s at:". "ICJ n"cw fifth' present sport a two-win-no-loss ertson 8; Bhier 11, Butterick 7. j This gives the Red Wings 32 20th in 27 starts for the goals-against in 23 games andlp'.ace Hawks and their r puts Sawchuk in the lead for the meeting with Boston without Vezina Trophy. i win. vou serve... record while Frosty s have won j i one and lost one in two outings. LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS , Other cage fare tonight sees DETROIT Harold Lyons, 150, 1 two Junior League encounters Detroit, stopped Tommy Mat- with Sports Shop meeting An- thews, 143 '2, Detroit, 8. nuficiation in the opener and LOS ANGELES Art Aragon, NBC tangling with Eulgers in Mfi, Los Angeles, outpointed the second game. Danny Womber, 148, Chicago, 10. Seattle Latest Coast Pucksters To Fall Victim of Prairie Clubs By The cnname.n Press , f0Ur penalties and did not affect j The keen, bracing nip of win- j league standings. Flyers are ; ter breezes on the Prairies isn't within- two points of Seattle, I having much effect on Pacific j wnicn is in sixth place. Coast members of the Western 1 Roller Skating Civic Centre Wednesday: 3:30 to 5:00 Junior Friday: 7:00 to 9:30 Open Saturday: 1 :30 to 5:00 Open and 7 to 1 0:30 Open Hockey League. t Seattle Bombers, latest far west ; FOr oction- -try Classifieds club to tackle the Prairie section I Big tanki commanded by young men form par) of the vital forcei which(de(end Canada, today. Keen, alert and highly trained, our soldiers are men to be proud of. They sere our freedom - and build interesting, reward-inq careers for themselves. of the circuit, went down to their j second straight defeat Thursday night with a 9-3 walloping from choose &..tZL .a iLtjfSliiu i -cvr :!iA - An the til-erd Fdmonton Flyers. And with Bombers scheduled to tackle high-scoring Calgary Stampeders in the cowboys' home ..ifwiilfe . AT Gordon &. Anderson Ltd. - , -'. it. "'. H"'''.''-J ft1 corral tonight, odds are better ; than even that Seattle will be ! the third straight Pacific Coast i tlub to; fall to pick ug; a point ons , i vjitto the three Prairie Shem- berA," Bfeibcrs lost k'-i t Ssss'S' katoon Quakers Wednesday ni"ht. ! i W-' ,7M. . ...... nana" 1 , 1 I sjwmiu. - jit- SL wm n , ' )T mrr t Edmonton took a 2-0 lead ln 1he opening period, moved ahead 5-1 in the second and left it up J to Poile to wrap up the victory I in the final period. the cleanly-played game brought! t 7v mmmm37 r00t. II LL h tLSrV ASK PO SCOTIANO'I FAVOURiTC SON JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY CI 1 L fl I I I fl II II IV II I? If II T . I M I M -1L VIH'J" "I , ; - W- :. L 1 Uu 1 HI T-'- 1 I M and trad., tar wnicn "bl. fip.rt Hoch.rl, in. mi,i quipm.nt and .p.".nc. 0.. JL flnfcn Variety: Travml at horn, and ov.rwat if pari or fit. in fh. Army. You I.. mor.f Imam mon and p.t mor. qufcltfjr In th. Army, today. b..r future no h.lp you to a wh.r. you go. MM or ISM-rT Sttll Goin Slronf 7. y ... .. .nnlvina To be eligible you mujt be 17 to 40 year, of age (trodnmen to 45). wne COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION! Specialists of many kinds are needed to man the tanks of theXoyol Canadian Armoured Corps. The Army will train you if you make the grade in one of the many specialties of Armour. You will be proud of your place as a member of a fighting tank crew. You will enjoy Army life . . . the security of good pay and pension; the 30 days holiday every year; the sports and thi training. Here is the career for a young man bring birth certificate or other prooi or uM.. XfrlT HIGHT AW r -Write or visit the recruiting centre your I No. 11 Personnel Depot, 4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Army Information Centre, 119 AA Bty., RCA, Work Point Barracks, Victoria, B.C. Aieii"8 Dixtilled, Blended and Vottled in Scotland ContcBia 16' oi, JOHti WALKER & SONS 1TD. Scotch Whijlty Dislilleri KIIMARNOCK, SCOIIAND ' HI This advertisement vci not publlfhed or displayed hy the Liquor Cortro Braird or bv the tlnvernment of 1: tsli Coliimlilt. GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. PHONE 46 interested in his own future and Canada's. listen to "Voice of the Army" Wednesday cid friiay evenings over the Domlnloe Network