Friday, Deccmiter 4, Uj3 . , Mrs. V. Duncan ; New President Of Legion WA Mrs. Victor Duncan was named Iran-Britain May Resume M Talks Only 17 Days Til Xmas 4 WAYS TO BUY AT M ANSON S JEWELLERS: ANNOUNCING - the opening of new offices at 303 3rd Ave. V. FRED E. DOWDIE Optometrist Phone Green 960 "THE STORE OF FRIENDLY CREDIT" president of the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion at that erouD's election of officer 1 here last night. She succeeds SvaSov .Layawoy Bud9C Chr9e CASH won 5 p,an f Plan Mrs. D. Gomez. Past President Mrs. G. V. II in- i,4,'i'i'iiii",,','i',i''','XJ',','i' . " , .; - ; - , - ? V LONDON (CP) The foreign office today expressed optimism nout an early resumption of diplomatic relations with Iran alter receiving a communication ; from Tehran. Iran Thursday replied to a message from Foreign Secretary Eden proposing renewed diplomatic relations as a prelude to direct oil negotiations. The contents or the note were radioed to Eden, in Bermuda for he three - power conference opening today. Mans cf bringing Iranian oil hnrif tn wnrlrl markets after the FLOOR SANDING United .Fishermen's and Allied Workers' Un'on CHRISTMAS PARTY Oddfellows Ho'l Saturday, December 19, 2 p.m. Or Rent a Sander ley presided for the election which also saw t.e following officers named: First vice-president Mrs. Myra Gilchrist: second vice-president Mrs. R. Montgomery; secretary Mrs. Frank Lewis; treasurer Mrs. Tommy Glenn; sergeant-at-arms Mrs. Ed Morrow. Scrutineers were Mrs. Keith DeWItt. Mrs. A. Pihera and Mrs. Mary Brown. During the business session, the group heard a report by Mrs. Gilchrist on the Christmas Tree oartv for children of Legion and Name of Child Ag? .... Sex Union Book No GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED 215 First Ave. W. Phone 909 All nicnilKjrs are Invited to register tlr-lr children; age limit 12 years, before the December S deadline I'linnc Uiark (i.'.tl or Green 6(i0 or mail above coupon In U.F. A.W.U., METROPOLE HALL auxiliary members ,to be held December 20. Mrs. J. 8. Black, first vice-president of the provincial command, reported on the provincial I always Insist on.. j executive meeting held recently In Victoria. ' Wholesale 6c Retail Phone 372 WORKMEN MX THE IIXISI.ING TOl'CHES to the ferry William Carson which will operate between Newfoundland and the mainland of Nova Scotia. Built for the transport department and Canadian . National Railways by Canadian Vlckers at Montreal, the ship has a specially reinforced bow and forward propel'er for added strength in ice-covered waters. 30-month-oli dispute Is expect-, ed to be the subject of important, "side talks" between the British and American delegations dui-! ing the Bernmda conference. I Reports from Tehran mean-! while indicated that strong polt-! ileal opposition is mounting against Premier Fazollah Za-hedi's reported invitation to Britain to resume diplomatic relations. ' However, other leading Iranians, including former cabinet ministers, senators and top busi- , ness men, approved the resump- : ticn at a meeting earlier this ! week with Z ihedl. Relations were broken off 13 months ago by former premier Mohammed Mossadegh as a result of the dispute over Iranian rationalization cf properties of i the British-owned Anglo-Iran- ian Oil Co. m m m m mmm 7 W- f it frozen areen peas. GIFTS for MEN V.'c carry a complete lint of IMPORTED l'iprs, Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco and all other SMOKERS' SUPPLIES If Hall of First United Church Scene of Xmas Bazaar j If you fee! ALHH The First United church hall was the scene yesterday after- noon of a Christmas tea and s.ilej LISTEN TO . . . and for the LADIES A Good Supply of BOXED CHOCOLATES All the best known brands. Koth Domestic and IMPORTED apron table were Mrs. A. Logan, Mrs. J. Marchant, Mrs. B. O. Irvine, firs. D. Santerbane, Mrs. G. C'kcone and Mrs. G. Flddes. Mrs. R. Pollock. Mrs. R. B. .Skinner, Mrs. E. Pierce and Mrs. K l iiimht were at the bake table whiie Mrs. David Owens was in charge of the fish pond. M .-. R. W. Large and Mrs. J. S Irvine were cashiers for the tea. which was officially opened :. ; the Rev. L. G. Sieber. is VfeS i Wuuor M. S. WU sponsored by the church W..V Chri.stnris trimmings docked : the hail for the vt'll-atlei:u-cl event, with red and green streamers and bows, sprays of lovely white 'mums plar-i-d. rrrc j and there, an attractive arrange- ! ment of red and green candles, and 'mums a-top the piano and ; pretty little centrepieces of evr- j green boughs with silvered pine i Cll Then 4ijri nest people work unrfer prcMVc, mwrrg mart, sleep leu. Thu tram m body and brain nakea phrsiral fitneu asicr I Use harder to regain. Tsdajr'a tense living, Uwered resisUnce, e?enrrk, verry any ef these may affect imtruI ktdnejr action. When kidneys fet twt f stder, excess arids and wastes remain m the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, thai "tired-eut" heavy-headed (eelinf ften follow. That's the time to take LWd a Kidney Pills. Dodd ttimulste the kidneys to normal action. Then you (eel better sleet better work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at on dn rrnrn. Daily News Classifieds Commitments i To NA TO Remain Same OTTAWA (CP) Canada won't make any change In NATO commitments next year, it is understood here. Defence problems of the North Atlantic alliance will be threshed out at Paris in mid-December. Defence Minister C 1 a x t o n leaves today by air for Europe. He is expected back Dec. 19. Before the Paris meeting he and Lt.-Gen. Charles Foulkes, chair 12 S R0TT0 CIGAR STORE cones and bells on the tea tables. ' 'Royal Purpie Mrs. C. T. YoutiB. W.A. prest .; -.., .,.,., j, t'ent. and Mrs. L. G. Sibr re- I Reporting to the Ratepayers OVER CFPR Friday, December 4, at 6 p.m. and Lodge Plans Rummage Sale 7 ? 'V, '4 T ST TUini BT 1 rt. . J r bV It LU n W 11. m :mm m mm wm. fm.. II I I I I ceived guests at the affair vhi h included sales of home conking and sewing, candy booths and a tish pond. Mrs. O. R. Green wus tci r,m onvener. assisted by sTviteurs Mrs. A. D. Ritchie, Mrs. A. E. Young, Mrs. F. Lewis. Mr,;. C. Ma.ineau, Miss Joyce Face and Mrs. P. Downing. In the kitchen were f.'r-. E. 95 m s . Monday, December I, at 6:50 p,m. Plans for a rummage sale were ( finalized when Prince Rupert ; Loilge No. 8. Ladies of the Royal Purple, held their bi-monthly , meeting last night. j Mrs. J. Currie is convener oJ j the sale, to be held tomorrow on j m i man of the Joint chiefs of staff, will visit un'a of Canada's RCAF division and the new German heme of thi 1st Canadian infantry brigade. Canada nas fulfilled her NATO army and air force commitments on cr before target dates and the government feels the country Is carrying its full share of Western defence. I Rt"' Mrs. K. F. Harding. Mrs. J. Div-,lidn Mrs. Nicholas Qurvlch, hon-i 1 tdaon.- Mrs, E. More. Mrs. R. U. Barclay and Mrs. O. W. G1-:in''.n. The Explorer Girls sf-r "u.r-1 cne candy tab'e with Mr-,. A, Oswald in charg; and th Y'i't ' (iult group sponsored the other, with Mrs. I. Franklin loik:n; pfter the booth. At the fanr.ywork, knit tin" r.rd ored royal lady, conducted the f m- .a which plans also were innde for the lodge Christmas : party to be held Derember 14. I KiBrti--n mfciVihTf attended I the meeting, at which prizes for ; tr-; evening went to Miss Mild- ; red Fureness, Mrs. Tom Mosley j and Mrs. Nick Odde. - ! 70 a REAL Time This Christmas FLY... MAY WORK LONGER SASKATOON (CP) Faculty members at the University of Saskatchewan will be able to continue teaching until 67. The retirement age was altered from 05 at a meeting of the board of governors which also made provision for "tapering off" in work as retireemnt approaches. IMS i firs' xn 'ith 'Met' Opera To Be HeerJ Here ScUmJay The popular Saturday morning Iv. jiropolitan opeia scries broadcasts will start here to ELLIS AIR LINES to m. morrow. Carried on CFPR, starting 11 a.m., tomorrow s opera v.ill There's Still TIME Call Todov - ,i KETCHIKAN Connections to All Alaska, Seattle and Whitehorse Phone 266 Or Call at our Office Opp. Post Office TO YOUR NEW HOME OR OFFICE Commercial or household furniture moved with caro. '1.00 SPECIAL 53 Cards in Box... the Metropolitan's 00'Jih performance of Gounod's "Fau.-t," one of the m ist populrr :n th 'Met' repertoire, rnd 1ln f " t,i-.o nv lir? oncra cor.ipar.y at its opening in ISf'.'J. ,! " ru'o will be f-rurr; by the Swedish-Amrrion tenor Jussi Bjooriinr;, and fcpur.i'h nrano Vi'toria dr? Lc.s Angeles will be heard as MarRur.rite. Pierre Monteux will conduct. The entire four-hour prtR-am DIBB PRINTING COMPANY u 1 r ii'ipt, courteous service iov cost. O PACKING CRATING SHIPPING l.dCAL OK LONG DISTANCK MOVING will bn. carried by CFI'R. 18th Century Dining Room Series Traditional Beauty Styled for Mcdern Living LINDSAY'S PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (CP) Toamto tnice, oft. drinks an.l packaged snacks have been popular purcharPs in her nai'lnr; here since the provincial government permitted thflr sale i.i "-"n'ei nremhts. Hotel mana-grs aid the innovation rciiu..e.1 .i unkennc. And STOUAOE cnrHi!' I'tcnc ( 9 "Leave it to LTD. Lindsays" 1 11 I DROP LEAF EXTENSION TABLE 38" x 25'2" closed, 38" x 76" fully extended Beautiful mirror finish. BE 1 M. u Oak eJu &MsJ j MATCHING CHAIRS with ladder backs or lyre backs. CHOICE of Nut Brown Walnut or Stripe Mahogany. Fully ged nd imported in cask from The Demerara Country, British Guiana, and bottled at our distillery. A really dark, fully-Havored , turn that Westerners will enjoy . Now Available in Biituh Columbia I m mmmw 'I'1'"1 1 II ' 1 $4.25 5rD4CHA,".$183.5o . Matching Buffets and China Cabinets also available COMPLETE CREDIT SERVICE AVAILABLE A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy . . . For Over a Quarter of a Century" &,Third Avenue : Phone 775 ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT OF - - V.pec. toth ; FASHION FOOTWEAR ! i CANADA ALBERTA DISTILLERS, LIMITED CALGARY, This advertisement is not pi published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board i Government of British Columbia. or by the