. . f Tuesday. June lo, OTTAWA DIARY Dy Ncrman M. MacLeod The lands As S See It rulers o! in tht p., direct a. ..v ug , , 10 wheat, it would have dropped the BY An InrVpMidPiU daJlv newspaper devoted to the upbultillnf of Prlncf Riipm and Ntrthern and Central British Columbia Mpmber of Canadian Press Audit JJureitii of nmiliitlons Canadian Dniiv NV'A'SjMipfr Ass-K-ialun Published by Th- Priifce Hu(-rt Dally News Limited. J. F. MAOOR. Pw-Mdr-m H (i I'F.rtRY. Viee-Pre?1dent isutscrip:uni Kates: cmy. By rarrier Her wwi jo-. w.nth II 0; u-r year. !()(). yk Vja, Hy mail Per moit'ii per yev.r, mjo 'V-'- Authorize) a sex.tid cin. maii by t!:e P si Otftr IVjiHrt.inent. Oitawd. OPTOMETRY cent price cut. the important factor is that United States wheat Is being offered at exactly the same price as is Canadian wheat That leaves a definite ; advantage still with Canadian wheat. For its protein content and milling qualities are known to be higher. Price factors being ejual. it logically, therefore, will get the call. price substantially below the minimum which the competitive Argentinian price required. And it would have seen to it that United States wheut was offered at a more favorable price than Canadian wheat. In other words, all that has hapiwned has been a joint Washington-0 1 1 a w a move to Pne Green? Privacy Going Out O Itulo-Cliina Test ALL 'WW. reports coming' in from Indo-China indicate that an even bigger battle than that at Dien P.ien Phil is shaping up at Hanoi. jcooiii! , meet Argentine ni tres tv.. What Ottawa wheat experts has been no move whatever In realize u that if Washington had the direction of a dumnin,, ,, been intent. Informed wheat circles here are unable to understand why the cut of ten cents per bushel in the price of wheat announced by Washington and followed by Ottawa should be Interpreted as possibly the first shot fired in a trade war between the two countries. Actually, the ten cents ner bushel cut by Washington, instead of suggesting dumping tactics, indicated the very opposite. It was just the minimum reduction that could be marie with the hope of getting North American wheat to move. ,Si.(-.-f jni.. it un!v ..if'-.iii United States and Canadian wheat to meet the price which Argentina has been minting to Importins; countries. The siluutiomis that last War North American vien. principally Canadian, enjoved almost a monopoly of the South American import business, liiail bought simply on dumping ; Even s.i level heaaeJ an fwr- 'fV'v ChincAe CHOP SUEY ... - . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 o.m Hollywood Cafe 1 fnt 4iitrmeni-nt i nui nuliltliol . 4)rpUcit by ttit J itjimr ouirol Hiunl For Outside Orders Phone 121 See tlie new! 'AifUnar- the bulk of her requirements r .r hv the (.mommi-m tit Hmnli Dunkirk of 104u and the threat-! ned Dunkirk in Indo-China is th'.s: It will be big U.S. ships which may go into action. And if they do, only a miracle will hold back direct intervention by Red China, exactly a it hapH m d in Korea. CANADIANS are wilemnly pled:! ed by the UN Charter to come to the aid of any country attacked by some other cotiniry. Thus, if Red China were to In-cum.stanccs which would lead the UN to brand that invasion as an aggression, Canada would be clearly bound to help repel that agression. However, this would by nu means automalic-ally apply in case the U.S. navy had first intervened In the Indo-China war. Tli re i- no obligation whatsoever on the part of any UN member to intervene in any colonial war. Canada is even more explicity bound to help defend the Kuro- from Canada Peru impm I' d ex- ' l vcr as Walter Lippmann writes lhat the French army there may ! !,u(j,'i he i;htin3 uiuer mil : h tin i :ame -(.ndltion u.s '.lie rs.iti.-Jl j (ci 'l. t at Dunkirk. Tile cumpari.sion is omino'H. ; Kir liie Iliithh army at Dun-j kii k v a.-. savi d only by n miracle, j Hill :'.s ni.ij.r blunder is not closing the trap on the escaping Hi ili. ii ii'iny; ami Hie in leniuus use t j r ilie l.imors hi'1, fleet i)f "little .ship.-." which snai'tied Hie firilisli army literally from Ine ! Jaws of death. THE difference in Indo-China is lhat Jiir:t off th? coast of tint j .iinlry i- a pmerful fleet of tti" U.S. navy which is by far the j must p iwenu. t:...e has been j has been in the history ot maii-, That U. S. navv is armed wish j weapons devastating enou.'h to ! wipe out. entire cities - and dine say - deva-tatiiit; enough to wipe out whole countries us well as to poison the very air. and sea and ail living things in it and on it Ami also, jus' a few vore miles to the north, is the border of Red China, now ranking again as one of th" world's ' great powers, us it always was : lor thousands of year.;, until the defeat by the west about a hundred years ago. The difference- le i.wei n the SPECIALS on T IS an astonishing i'act that well within the I memory of niot of m the Atlantic Ocean was crossed for the first time hy air. It was exactly years a.eo that John Alcock and Arthur Hrown iiloted their clumsy J.ijilane from Xewfoimdlaivl to ;i crash landine in Inland. Now aircraft cross the Atlantic so many times 'a day that the join ney dues not rate any public- attention at all except what the companies can jj:et "through advi-rtisiny. The l.rjtadcr Pacific has . likewise .succumbed to man's inve ntiveness. '. This is not the occasion to speculate on what the future will brine, in air transportation, for so much has been written on the subject already. We .hear, for example, that there is an aircraft in de- sign which will cross the U.S.A. in four hours, describing one continuous arc which will be more than - ()() miles above the earth at its crest. Presumably this w ill be followe I in short order by something .' still faster. Hut a point about all this which receives less attention is the erowinu; difficulty of everyone minding their own business. Privacy is e;oine; out of date. The world is becoming a back-yard across which neighbors can watch each other. If man ever devises the space satellite which is now discussed to keep an eye on things all around the e;Iobe, then we will indeed be exposed. Hut the invasion of privacy also has benefits. As the world rows smaller, perhaps It will become more circumspect. Neighbors watching each other are their ow n assurance that they wilj be on their best behaviour.' This back-door spying does not make the world more comfortable, but it may make it safer. clusively from Canada. But this year the picture has changed. Brazil has taken only a fraction of tier imports from Canada. Peru has imported only a single shipload. The rest of the business has been going to Argentina at prices just about 10 cents per bushel lower than Canadian and United States quotations. Actually Canadian wheat is worth more than wheat from Argentina. Its protein content and consequent milling qualities in ANCi SUMMER SHOES AUTOMATIC CVEN PUSH-BUTTON (OK Dean areas of the NATO mem spacious mm hers. But this obligation sped-1 arP substantially superior This I ha bp,'n lho t'n'iadian argument fically excluded the colonial possessions of those NATO conn- ln "'""'"B tor a higher price Hut tries, including France, it u! h year's experience has shown well to remember that Canada thu S(,mtn America Is not a par- STREAMLINtR 0!! S9S - $4.95 :,n,I nthnr NATO .nmh.n mllo , "cu.ariy quaiuy-conscious mar- $359.0(1 ! ket and that price rather than a Ladies Men's rnjtr hive tiirnnH lha W A Tl Styles Styles pact had it been stretched to ! superior product is the detcr-; mining factor in making sales. Rupert Rai (over colonial areas, for confused "nationalist" movements were clearly on the rise in all such : ureas. $.95 Footwear But from the standpoint of , assessing the possible trade war significance of Washington's rc- The vahe of goods Imp ",'ed Into Canada ln 1053 was 5 ;50 and Elecfr 31S-3rd f. W. Pi ray ... Reflects and Reminisces Fashi ion i I million more than in 1152 while the the Value Value of of Canadian Canadian exports exports was down by nearly SHOO The ORIGINAL and PATENTED . j ! HUT apart from the legal obli-j ! gations under UN and NATO thou; are considerations of common ' sense. The world Communist mc; -ment has developed a techn..,uc of creeping extension of its .world power, through native underground armies. 1 The only places where th:y have been successfully checked hi that part of the world are in . Incio-Burma and Indoesia. We should ARK those countries (low ffio 0) (0 (ol m o d Forty years need no! be thou '1H an unduly Ion? time to xmain suspicious of ronimtui-i m. This is the crndid opinion-t f P'.'Ps.dent Eisenhower and he .said it, with considerable force. Guards on each of Canada's ! BC, p.'oide a year-iuunu '..p c-1 tacle to our visitors who U'us ' the troubls to Investigate the l north-centre areas of the province. Inr.kknlallv. the pap?r , fays Sniithers is .sixty miles from ' Prince Rupert. Nofth-ceatral British Columbia hastens to Rive I assuiance that all this is w-.l ! worth investigating. TubelessTi wj can help them check Asian Communism and not try to pressure them into helping us our way. It is their Asia. is the answer to ALL 3 Tire Hazar wk y aaaBr:. i V. LATEST REPORT 1. PUNCTURi Atk your lnvatmnt 0alr or ln la1t Rart nrf Fiettctu f w in i SEALS PUNCTURE! AS YOU RIDE iw mm Widespread Forgery ORG HPS, a Canadian bank investigator reports, F made $f'00,0(K),0.')0 in Canada and the United States last year. Theirs is too profitable a business, and the sooner a crimp is put in it the better. The forger is a more practiced crook than the run of the mill 'rubber cheque" .passer, who writes his chetjues against depleted or ron-existent accounts. The forger cleverly imitates signatures, and because of his artistry the cheques too rarely bounce. No perfect system to frustrate the forger has yet been applied, but he is handicapped most where credentials, or an identifying mark such as a fingerprint, are required before cheques are cashed. A .W)0,0i)!),()l)0 a year forgery is big business, with a proportionate toll of victims. Windsor Star. I'iM'H? f."r-''f $j'-y iyi'i:; iijj ' .' .Viihout faith, it ik impossible to please him." - H..!i. 11:6. Patented gummy sealant ur : tread seals around punctc object instant ly. Plugsholtr anently when object isremo Canada will experience all sorts of sp-j; t this summer, ranging from Royalty all the way down to plain, everyday sport-iveness a'-id than ome. In otiur words km of v.lini nii'ht re-.en. b! : war. Guards on ea':h of aCnada's 'ca.s1 s wi 1 be considered, ac-rordin to rc-ent advice from Ottawa. But it's just us well to' be cairn, and assume more or lsj loubt. Heaven knows a coast iiarJ is badly wanted (Britisn Coi.imHa in particular) but r-''-r1' i 1 jtirtfft rtlfiir ii i r i 1 2. BLOWOUTS CHANGES BLOWOUTS TO S-S-S-SLOWOUTS CALVIN BULLOCK lid. ha:' on i h" i, saying Thil dvti1(SCmtf4 if n9t ptibliilxd w dttpltftd by At Lwet Control bWd or by tfco Gommmwii f Britisk Colwmbit. p 11 s, I If-' . l TUBfL' TIRE WITH TUBE Special air-retafniriB liner, built, right into tire, lets air out slowly . . . gives you more time to stop safely. a oW VliU HP YU 3. SKIDS GRIP MOCKS"') riAMAFROU 9" We Could Save Only About $9 a Week "BUT IT ERO'IGHT IIS THE . . . $5 000 Mate kaw's fasw; Stops you a car-length 30 MPH on wet slipT'I ment.No..r fir. to siv taftty tread I DOWN PAYMENT FOR OUR HOME (inAUbara to V,iK.V can . - M"fTlO"'M'"'l,,0""'''' I f savifiI'aW sec y,,r l.alan-i,e tl,U Compare eagerness to .V.. J eip ya 1 ihe Safety.. "We found it fo hard to nave and could put by so little that our dream houre ml'.'ht have remained a dream forever if we hadn't hoard about Investors Syndicate," says Mrs. C.J.B. "We .'eemed to get nowhere until we followed your simple practical plan." "All we had to do was to choose our objective for us $5,(X)l) to make the down payment on the house. Then we regularly set aside a very modest .sum actually only about $9 a week. The power of compound interest plus your expert investment made our savings prow faster. Not so many years Jater, we received our $5,000 and made the down payment that .secured our home." qu"mimt 6'7()j vft wvn 143.40 I IUMIIM .T.7 P ItOUtAI Till 145 AO A NO SAfITT IUII ruNfiiuai MMiMO ,4o.40J tAfllf IUM 1 I PKMMJM THH "A" CJ QT AND WH tUM j MfuM'niri - I AND WNCIUH '55.18 I IIAltNO IltH J . .t.e cornersv Compare the Cost.. .... I.ran-Vi-e have nu.re tbao f 1 t 4 B.E Goodrich FlSfMSP tsJ You can make your dreams come true more quickly and more surely with the aid of INVESTORS SYNDICATE which assures you the amount agreed on as a GUARAN- ' TKKO MIMMl'M when your plan matures. Follow the example of 100,000 other enthusiastic Canadians. Contact your Investors Syndicate representative NOW. T. M. (Tom) CHRISTIE 315 Third Avenue V. Phone 3G4 SAVE IT NOW... LET IT GROW ... KNJOV IT LATER .. . RUPERT AAOTORS LTD H Second Avenue and First Street' Phone j Prince Rupert Rraneh P. F. P. BIRD, Manager