ii.-k i nut it Uuiiy i ifi Tuesday, June 15, 19t4 Last NightsF 5m? r5 ROUND-UP "t 1 n m m t now National League Undone NEW VOIIK (AP) ' Luther P One has to assume thr!'io. Home Games New York Giants had the record hook hefore th('in'1)yR0KLY!,--crm( when they outbid other eluhs and landed Paul Gitl.PinBaby ortf2rk ? the University of Minnesota pitcher, with a $',(),()()() 'Voam0 '. " - 'IMS Lo,. Bu' Charles. It's never been done Johnny ' '"' !ArU mo r ' ' " ' " " , - s- ; v - v ' ' s . '- : i i , . " C "t ' i v ? . '---I - -t f . hi N - ; , - L 'tint T l - iAhA..WAtKfBfeA. SO THAT ROCKY MAKCIAN'O (lefti won't be left holdir.K the bag defending his heavyweight title from Ezzard Charles, former heavyweight champ James J. Braddock pays a visit to Rocky's training headquarters at Grossinger. N.Y., to drop a few tips. Marciano will meet Charles in New York City on June 17. Exclusive Club Visits Marcia no's Camp; Finds Charles Chances Equal LaStarza's 2' New v.r Hill) rljlli MARIii' SEN0UE Exteri Pain FOR A LAST BEAUTIFUL F QUART GAIp.ON $77 GORDO AND AMHCDC By GAVLE TALBOT GROSSINGER, N.Y Here i at Rocky Marciano's training 1 camp they held the first an-; nual meeting of an exclusive I vrvr MJUIM-U It lip SUlCef alltl you've got yourself u 3coop there, Al. Remember Joe Louis? Well! Joe stopped Primo Camera, Mux Sehmeling, Jack Sharkey and Max Haer, all ex-champs. Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER anil Intermediate Porta Each Thursday ui una p.m. For KETCHIKAN H KUM SDAY Midnight Com fori and Service For reservations write oi cull City or IVprt Offtfn ' I Prince RuperR B C. mm COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a good economical ear try our A-30 AI STIN. A complete car with a low price of only Ml !!.", that includes foam rub-tier seats leather upholstery, lirr tiiinal signals and heater-defroster unit. AUTO SERVICE l 2 If MOXTUFAT. Starsa wa.s just a good amateur." . "Correct . . . when Ez has one of his good nights and feels like fighting he's about as great a , heavyweight as you'd want to , see - j "Yeah," was the somewhat dubious assent, "but how cun you ! be sure when the Gizzard's go ing to feel like fighting?" j "I think vou can go to sleep . on Ez fighting this time . . . I He's as confident a fighter as I little boxing club whose mem- bers are confined to Ihose fear-! less experts who picked Roland LuSuirza to defeat Rocky in their bonus. . Yet, only one pitcher in the' history of the game h:- made the jump direct from the campus to the big leagues and become a resognized star. That ; was Ted Lyons, who joined Chi - i cngo While Sox out of Baylor i in 1923. Plenty of others have made ;the grade after seasoning in J the minors. Robin Roberts of I the Phils, who starred for Mich!- jgan Slate, is a notable recent; i example of that. Any number! of college infielders and outfield- , 1 jers have becom" immediate m.t- ! jor league regulars, too. Unless Giel is another Lyons and the odds seem to be against : It the Giants are taking a terrific gamble. Under the bonus rule, they can't farm him out for at least two years. A friend j of ours who sees, much Big Ten i baseball says its belter teams ; probably play about Class "15" ball. That is a long way from ! pitching against big leaguers. Al Weill, manager of Rowky Marciano, was patiently ticking the numerous reasons hy hi.? puncher is a cinch la whip Ezzard Charles. "Finally," Al suit!. Rocky's got a terrific incentive to be the 'first man ever to beat three former world champions Joe Louis, Joe Walcott and now Prefer TV View For Football NEW YORK Thirty-nine per cent of the "average" foot-' ball fans in United States television areas haven't bought a ticket to a college game since 1950 the first year television "au u Ulg impaiiuil aiurimiiinr. The percentage might be higher 11 ' 'hof . . to buy their sets. Of those who did buy tickets in 1952 and 1953, nine out of 10 confined their attendance to games plnyed by a single team. When they turn to TV for their football, more than thre"-q',iart - 'a"s W3lt lo c"'- tinue watching their favorite teams or those In their own geographical area. LOUIS FINED NEW YORK t.1--Joc Louis.! former world heavyweight chum- nion. Mondav paid a $30o fine for six unpaid traffic .summon- i ses. A warrant was issued for j Louis May 20 after he failed to i answer 20 notices. ' AS SIMPLE PHONE CALL ever saw ... If you want to;1" i-ao.aiia By Jinx on By The Associated Pre The major league ball clu'is are on the move again. Back in the old days, the teams counted on building up a idee biile on the opposition during tile I01.3 home stands. But home isn't like that any ; mere, especially in the National League. ' Seven cf the eight teams r-an't win for lasin? in their own yards tlvs year. However. New Y i i k 1 Giants have won 13 and !os; ; eiaht in the Polo Grounds. j In the American League, Cleve-1 land, Chicago While Sox and. New York Yankee, 1-2-3 in the .standinus. own wi'iiiiin'; rero'Tls' both home and away. lu.sT iti:( oi;n : Cleveland has the btst home record in either leaaue-Hi v:c - :F . , , r . , i tones and six defeats and ; oper.s a 13-fiame home stand to-! nijiht against Washington. ,.,1 , t,..i.,.,i ..... 1 ...1 t,i v.". ......v. owtW.rM to sanies over tne White Sox! Monday by beating Boston for j the fifth .straight time. The sc ire ! was 13-5. with the Indians 1111-i i.;adiivj 22 lii-s ufaiutt Bill! Henry, Tim Ilonin and Tan Spokane Trip May Be Last Into Canada liy The Canadian ln .h The Spokane Indians headed into Canada Tuesday for what could be their last games in the Western International League while the f:ns at home studied ways and means of keeping the club in baseball's largest circuit. The schedule sends the Indians to Edmonton and Calgary during the week of grace allowed by league directors Sunday. The i directors, meeting to study plans' to keep the financially harassed, 1 league alive, declared the Spo-1 kane franchise forfeited. How- ever, they agreed to operate the club for a week while local fans worked on a program under; which ownership would be trans- j ferred from Roy Hotchkiss. The directors said if the community ownership plan fails, the league will be cut to nine teams. Hotchkiss. blaming the poor attendance that has plagued all teams of the loop and his own poor health, relu.sed to continue operation of the club after Sunday. He set S225.000 as the price for his holdings, but said he thought a lease could be worked out One hurdle was cleared Monday when the president of a rival club put up $7,000 for back pay owed the Spokane players. Orin E. i Babel HoMlngberv, former Washington State College football coach who now is president of the Yakima Bears, gave , a personal cheque to pay the players. j The Indians are scheduled to ; nlav three games at Edmonton,! starting Tuesdav niirht, and four at Calgary, before the deadline set by the league. . j AH clubs were idle Monday night. Rain washed out a ' scheduled Vancouver - Victoria, fame and an exhibition contest j between Salem and. Seattle of the Pacific Coast League. I Victoria will play a double-header at Vancouver Tuesday' ni'-'ht. I.ewiston will be at Cal-! gnry. Tri-Citv at Wenatchee and Saiem at Yakima. Wl lite know something. I don't think he expects to win easily." "That's all right, up lo a point. mean, I like to see a fighter confident but not foolish. If Ez thinking about wading in and exchanging punches with Rocky ; . he'll get his head knocked off" prpv.er. The ?,ame was the oniyj action in the American League. ; In the National Leagues single , contest. Chioaso caos eeieoraten their escape from home-- where , they lost 10 out of the la .t 12-! with a C-3 verdict over the Pi-; rates at. Pittiburh. HaiiKj Sauer's 20Lh home run. wi'.hj Ralph Kiner on base, gave the Cubs the deciding runs. Major League Leaders ' Bv The AiMK iat.'fl Press Miltl an i: RB R H ret 1 ' vitn. o'evol-md '. i"' 41 11 Itosen. Cleveland . 15!) 30 55 .34(1 House. Detroit ... l:t 15 4 331 Mtnoso. Chicago . 215 48 70 H'26 - Chic.. .. 47 73 .323 Runs Mttmso, 48 ,,, ,. ,nM!!M0, 53. Hits Fox. 73. Doubles Vornon. Washington. 15 . Triples Runnels. Wa.hinyton 10. Home runs-Rosen. 13. stnlen bases-Minoso, ftIMj Rivera. Chtraeo. seven, Pitching Morean. New York and Stone. Washington. 4.0-1000. Strlkrnuu-Tutlojr. Baltimore. 84 NATION l. I I .l l: AI! H H r.-t. Snider. BrtKiklvn . 217 42 K2 H78 Mtisiul. Si Louis 219 5C, HI .:t0 Jablunski, St. Louis 2:1(1 30 87 Ilamner. Plullies 201 32 74 .308 Mueller. New York 215 40 78 Runs-Musial 5(1 Runs batted in--Musi:il, 0!) Hits Jablonski. 87. ; Doubles Snider. 18. Triples Haniner, six. Home runs Mu.sial. 21 Stolen bases Druton. Milwaukee. 1 12 Pitchinir Miliken. Brook ivn i Noyliall. Cincinnati. 3-01 (100 Strikeouts Haddix, St. Louis, 7J i Seals Invade Hollywood f f f"fr "pflAC l aStl ItJ By The Associated Press Havins just c.u.vu five of :even games to Oakland, the San Francisco Seals invacio Hollywood tonight for seven games with th'o Pacific C"ast League . leading Stars. On pacer, it r.aW seem that San Francisco would be doin very well to win tv, o against Hollywood, but baseball has its-daily .surprises. One of the top not. v ooa 'liuvers won't be in the lineup. Carlos Bernie, the speedy out- fielder and base stealer, is o-i the bench indefinitely by order t.f PCL president Clarence Rowland. Beinier was lined $50 Monday and suspended indelinite'y for insulting some fans, who were booing him at Wrijley Field, and k'ckinT Bud Hardin, Los Anjcles shortstop. President Rowland said pp.--nier's actions could have caused a riot. Seattle, after a rough week !n T5....tl.,...i ,1....: ...u;-.i- .i-.. n ... Ulii.uiu UU1J1. ', WUUil ill. It.t 11- iers lost five of six games to the cellar-dwelling Beavers, v.i'l 'ly to find the winning formula a; San rieo. And Pot Hand will try to keep its win streak going at the expense of Sacramento. '. .Seattle manager Gerry Priddy nairind Bill Evans, who has-won five and lost one for the Rainier:;, to start a lainst P .b Kern- gan, who has .seven and record. Try a Daily New? C'.a&ifu Jl me "No, I don't think he intends to do anything like that . . . I'd off .say he means to stay away from Rocky and try to pile up points j with his left, at least until I Rocky begins to run down' a little. Maybe he thinks he can lent Rocky tip that way, get him I bleeding." "Sounds good, providing he t 'i nocKy mi mm. May be I'll pick the guy. at that. Can't look any worse than I did Any of you fel- low.s eoing to pick against the ! champ this time?" I The man looked around hope- i fully, for a little moral support ! All he received were three em- I phatic shaken of the head. One! borl 1h ul.inmu f-elimr th:r. the Marciano can be licked club was! a dying organization. ; i I 1 j I ' and Ken Earl; Jerry Groome and Francis Gavan; lan McDonald and Harry Pedrini, and Clilf i Uamm draws a bye. Anyone not playing by the date set forfeits the match. . Players from Prince Rupert j wishing transportation to the ; Thornhill Course are asked to ; get in touch with George Gerard. ... AS A Thornhill Qualifying Round Taken by Morris Wightman June - A tip im I'm all their weiiins! n!-.. m cm mr t your whLiihk -. lw iirtitf Clf tlxilH'M'nU li'J'plllS wnli t Lmcvrtll i-orns. (.ia HIJ K-JA ( "in IV-.-i 'i'Uvy cim'a n a n'W nili :in.-Q cn'M tlim ri-:ltt down ut;t r vnir ci"U ?n: H out from Unth mttith , . , Uio (ir.H nnHj n w v,vn' ari'i rritlu-c in over wnntv ycnis! In U' tuil -. l'-' '' v,ttk XV'c f:L"UT imtl wutkfil Wtc nidi'' Minly th.tn f;if ! iiH. S huny. all vou Imrlv l)ii'l" ... lor Biv rtniiyliutu at your (avounw tiiuK (Mimtcr l"i.t'. The Modern Way To Pur . . . the U hut tuke$ A Hpr The qualifying round for the men:; club championship a:irt the Geu'ie Ccok Trophy, pi.iyd at Thonihill Golf Club Sunday was headed bv Morris Wihtmu.i of Terrace with a course record of 63. Runner-up was "Bo; Jim Bogle and consolation ner was Clilf Hamm. The draw for Dlav im or before june 2u follows: Morns Wiehtman ,., and .,j Geo.'j,e -..., Grrard; 0jp S:;hultzik and Ernie havp. Mc, Peckvout and Pa ker Mills; Jerry Lemire and Ho - are van.-e Jim Bogle and Dick Wells; Bob Grabier and Frrti Groome.; Jim M 'Cotinell arid Ait Case; W. S. McPherson and Tom Speeehly. Taking part In the lower half draw are: Hal Windt and Slim Iiauser: Milt Alger and Dud Little; Bahe Rouleau and Jerrv Pettenuzzn; Verne Ciccone and Alf Rivet.; Art Howe and Phil Cyr; Ab H.U'l and Gary Reum; Larry Larson Phone (J0 Across the Town or (lie Nation. championship liht last fall, Four of them chanced to be visiting the Marciano menage at the same hour, and no time ! was lost in calling the group to- j gather. j Nearly a year ago the four had predicted that LaStarza, the I boxer, would outsmart tw crude puncher, Marciano, for 15 rounds is and win the decision. "I still think It was a good . pick." insisted one. "I had LaStarza well ahead on points until Rocky caught him in the 11th. I thought he was outboxin;; Rocky good." "That's right," another agreed. "The only place-wc went wrong on Roland was not realizing he had gone stale . . . didn't you think h? looked stale?" A GOOD AMATIlR" "Yeah, I thought so," put in a new voice, "but only after Rocky started hitting him in the belly , towards the end. Those punches 1 made him piety stale. This guy: hits awful hard.' I There ensued a discussion ofi LaStarza's merits as compared , , . , r , i to hose of Ezzard Charles, who , is to sample the Marciano tor-, r c7 i i vT , T i qgreea trial, i-nnrics is a lar i fiercer challenger than Roland was. "Th's guy's been around," nriint r! out the delegate from rhic.mn "He can box and he can punch. Compared to him, La Remember when By The CnriKjifin Press ' Max Eaer won the heavy-weijfht boxing title In a .s&isa tiotiar victory over champion Primo Camera 20 years ago to- ( night at ew York. Baer knock- ' ed the r"tant Italian to the can- j vas 12 times before the fight was stopped in the 11th round. The j Californian lost the title a year later to Jimmy Braddock. I such riXV OLD U1IISKV u ith MUte Horse quality hnown the tvorUl overt Lindsay's CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Not ju"i 'l" v'u N'r j'j-i y what you li"t v-h il yt tii'v! , , . SliliiM '"i!"tl kri" 1,1 ' li-r ihc:i-ch" ''V luaLinic tlioif ' a lj vuca'nm ouinn , , , . L.-i-'V tj 't w f- in tin- itsii'i sfvi- hki.i ; r fur to-Ill' -w '". hiiv (,-!, ..n-i fl.i j' l AS l l.NL.lf u !, ,.. slilf a m.m rln-- " n- v.iii w.mt il. ! ' " ,n.- fnk: .i.Jium !-"'' " , an.l "k 10 A,,l ..it i"'""1 i lin.,1 villi 'l!"1 :iy ... is 10 piv i )' 1 o r itnpon.iufc f .1 in i t y pur (h.iMfi out- nf int'diiif (i n l c n 1 u u t h e f r it tfo yt) u 're ph y inj ft r l h f m U.innnh Up IAC MKH1T IM.W . . . 011 ilo n"t horntw nun'-y. Vnu iriiiko ft tlown i.iyiw ni to iii:iin jM"wstmi of ttuino (wn tntl, w uwtul tlunible ftrtirlo, tnvh n.'t it car or rlrctnc rvU ipi'rator . . . a?nl VMi Bv to p;ty for it tlmiiiKli llif Mi-nt I'l.in wltilo yuaVe uo'UU(,it jU-Vwm. (ut-Ini'-I is (HHnplt iiMl ujthi nil your iir -a 1' r'p pri-miM . . . ni ilif t'o-t of tin "huviiiK h'-lp" i1 t"tr umi re onal 1". 1AC 1lniu-itinl Art f(t;inrp (.'nrpUl ilMOH lliitM-rn ilcvclupi it lv Can;i'it:iu for Cui.i-iiiini, ad'i its a WTV ifv I'm happv t.i tf H you uIkjuI. Ak your ilmlrr for (U'laila. ; MM A. . & m riifff'i A Serial rirmmre in r;?n!Vli'.RlNE For HIM on HIS DAY STETSON HATS fnn Ihr U" , 1 lm.. m, tiTif (ll.illty ,i-m"l"''l' "l ';'t1,. fin. arc im ri r ll'.l I 1 ' V .I,,!! nl ll imHHI'" , ." ,.,,. I, ! $8.95 - $15.00 1 f4A. -s. lliitin.-l ii" uii'-'i'ii milk.' 11 pn'."l w - w ,tlrv rrlrn convrnlcnrp o( Kl.ic ll.Hiii. I' ui'"1"1" ,llv lor n . i" "- Vnu ni'vor uii'il inciiinlii! nip such SMOOTH SCOTCH trith that spt-ial U lilte forme smoothness T mtu-h PEIUT.CT FIAWm ttnl satisfying . only Mldtf Ifttrsf run ttt .(iuwm c xari ly wlifre to t-ut. SklliKh Caff re Prim . wniti'l Iroiililc ynll. 'laki1 B HP from ni a n V tiinUKaml of other liomf- MI:lk.T. Turn 1.1 V i N S T A N I ('HAS K " S A X HORN COFFEE, iui.1 rave up I" . Txiliml nv.T arouTl.1 rntTi'cl 1 oil !l tinil it full-boil ied, frannint, llr Ui inm . . . Mid yoll ''H" WW 11 C'.iHloiii-innilo" jui II wy ra. li mrinhrr of your fnnuly lik.' it wi.W. rnciiiim or tlrmm. u ran why liwl.-mt Clmw tinhorn CoIT.-p lias lioronif w li.ipu-larl l iwvns vou plcniy f nioiv'T r,n your food huiliti'l; it ran Im wrv'cd (hf itnv p-li on.' lik. H il ; and il'3 mii'lo with no fuiw or bnlhrr of anv kindl Wont you trv it for youiwll' and order botllo today I ARROW end BVD VIYELLA DRESS SHIRTS . . ..$9.95 TARTAN SHIRTS $13.50 VIYELLA SHIRTS $10-50 GABANARD I HARVEY WOODS SPORTS SHIRTS . . . $6.95 T-SHIRTS . . $1.95 lo $3.95 JANTZEN T-SHIRTS $2-95 -$4.95 HICKOK I HICKOK TIE BARS BELTS ... $2.00lo $5.00 1 CUFF LINKS $1.50 lo $4.00 ino.nl.lv V I or .-ooLr. .,,,,,! 11 ll.ui'iy ITVird Im - l lii mil i" Ti:,ii' nl I hoy rr fro! like I'"';!1 vi : in : ... ,1 ".on I, .in'-: i,-,,, shn-'in'.;.',' , I (Vlll'l'" . .1 ill g'" . . In 'jpnnkm k r r P unf l.n.i' oim-n " " vi.iin!-" ;r hn.n ,iry -''.'"r'i'U anil fin- 1 mil Oil , .SiiWII."' a jw.nii ' tutu rlrnrP"1 il by 1 nhi-n i i B if ninrB nam .".fmwiT .....,.... ... , . WHITE! rmno in lo ti-ll ua how the got on wi n ' ,,,, U.0D I gave her. Hhoi sidved her noxt winiern i , and saved herself money m l .' I''u iNTIlKAh liuyin, her eoal will, W. NK Ot M f v h, k Cml loan whi.'l, .! nd her huJwml in i in eniv intalmenl. Thev II have " ,f j,,,.. I hey II i , i lif.iper suininer pii. e.v-und mVt. inenls extended over ten nioni lw "'f '"'r, m he Scotch IWliiskv OlSIItlfl), lUNDfO AND I O T T t E D IN SCOTIAN0 CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Watts and Nickerson Wli This advertisement Is not comimi itn oikii puhlished' or dlsplaved by the Liquor Control Koard or by the Government of lirilish Columbia. trilled in the wmler liinnnn , .,.), m o many extra expend. Why dnt V. ' ,,k , , i' ' ' thin monev-oavin. wony-savinK ullH your DCkrest ii oi M nuuiaor about oui