Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 15, 1954 .. i Accidents in B.C. Claim OUTDOORS 10: ( Four Lives Over Weekend brought ashore ti,i. j f V.i 'j. FUR STORAGE VANCOUVER (P Accidents claimed lour lives in B C. during the week-end. that gives all L T0 length to H those who .oi aiS'lng ur(rj prowess r 0R PROWESS? 18 r ! Extreme Interest t .. angling circle, taJ.11 "cre thin.. t tncnt. 11. PHONE (- r t .O . -. 2 a" A two-year-old West Vancouver boy drowned hen he fell from his father's yacht, two died in traffic accidents, and a fourth was killed when struck by his circling speedboat. Wayne Bezanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bezanson, drowned when he fell from the stern of his father's yacht, moored at Fishermen's Cove. Killed in the freak boat accident was Bob Thibeau'.t. 42. a Dawson Creek contractor. Thi-beault was circling to pick up a fallen water skier at Swan lake when he- was pitched from the high-speed craft. The boat continued in a circle and, struck the man as he swam. His body was 94 '.-' LA JOLLA, Calif., June 0 Six of us chartered a 50-footer and pulled away from the float at 3 in the morning. Ten minutes later we made a stop alongside the bait barge and bratled a quarter ton of sardines (five to seven inciters) into the live bait tanks. An hour's fast run took us to the kelp beds and the crew went to work chumming sardines overside a half dozen at a time. Very soon we saw fish boiling astern and then the first rod dipped down to the rail, almost at once four others were bending and bouncing, next the gaff made a fast stab and brought in prize number one, a very much unsubdued six-pound bonlto. The other rods were almost certainly connected to yellow-tails, for there was no sign of another fish showing In- the brilliantly clear water, and my own tackle was solidly hooked up to a barreiir)B. These fish I know well from Atlantic waters, the scrap is Just the same, never spectacular like yellows but strong and steady, but the Pacific fish Is very similar to an overgrown sand-lance since he here, and haMwo XP"rth 1 talks to mat ?l?h5 H KOK THAI EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY TODAY v V 't ,r . - way 1, I m Tuna boats down w ;equinnedwl.h.;;.ulltrt I 'carried on tZl tut. BILL SCUBY FURS ,"" .mams I pretty story operandi tsel( 1 for Inclusion how lot not found. j Isaac Bullivant, 75, was killed 1 in a highway accident near his; White Rock home Saturday. I Killed when his car was in collision with a truck near Quesn;;l wai Herbert Foster, who was riding with three friends .all i The oriKin of the ,, w carv nes n piil - .'v.:' the east coast of Vancoutcr 1 smiiv is UllriilUWil, YOUR FORD MONARCH SALESMAN from Quesnel. Puerto Rican Keeps Mum MINNEAPOLIS backs up its claim to have the loveliest working girls in the United States, by assembling this fair crew of maids The girls recently braved the chill of aqua to Indulge In the first dip of the season in one of the 22 lakes and inlets within the city limits of their town. Broadway Cale DERRY HE JUST HATES MONEY BUT r 1 Is so very slender built forward; I consider the Florida fish a better fighter because his shoulders and head arc somewhat heavier. My 'cuda, a I5-poundcr, was decked, and the yellows began to tire .All of them f Ml to the gaff, the crew continued chumming, scales from sardines covered the backs of the anglers, and an occasional ill-thrown fish landed on someone's head or neck. Wc took seven yellows around Doctors Plan New Campaign For Disabled BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD HE LOVES PEOPLE AND WANTS EVERYONE TO HAVE A PARKER'S A-l USED CAR BARGAINTHAT IS WHY YOU CAN BUY USED CARS FOR LESS AT PARKER'S. BESIDES THEIR CENTS APPEAL, THEY ARE AS GOOD AS THE BEST AND BETTER'N THE REST, SO COME DOWN TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. On Associates WASHINGTON A slight, young Puerto Rican Monday refused to identify three others with whom he allegedly staged a wild shooting spree in Congress, j Irving Flores Rodriguez. 23, j admitted at his trifll that hei fired three or four shots in the demonstration last March 1 in! 4 ' v V BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING ISy KEN MKTIIr KAL IOR TAKI-TT 0RDCRS Phone 200 Perfect Playing Beats No-Trump Came Contract The cards were badly stacked against Miss Brash in today's hand, but even so the defense had to play flawlessly to defeat the contract. Mr. Masters' opening lead was 1 20 pounds each from the school. I then headed for another kelp ; patch. Here we quickly raised a I school of mackerel and the in-jevltable 'cuda; I used a two-! pound mackerel for bait and ; sunk him 30 fathoms In a fruitless attempt to Interest a heavy '52 Monarch Sedan Automatic transmission. Custom heater and A-C. Sweet and easy to ront.rol. Top value S9I0' 1 ,.-.iVsL-.k '48 Oldsmobilc Sedan Hydromutic Custom heater, new paint, plenty of ease on that long summer trip. in9'? Drive it home XylU at this price the queen of spades which was permitted to win. The jack of spades was continued and Miss grouper or sea-bass. Pelicans flying in precise formation six "-1 E-Z TERMS UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY Ctiiii4(h:in l'res suifT Wi ner VANCOUVKR (CP) An Intensive drive to further rehabilitation of disabled persons will be launched by the Ogiadlan Medl-cal Association. In a cli sed meeting tlvit extended unlil late Monday night. 1 he lOO-mrinuer CMA general council adopted a report calling for more active participation in rehabilitation. The council meetings are continuing today. Dr. Norman H. Oosse of Hall-fex. chairman of the executive committee, said rehabilitation followed with equal Importance !hp first two phases of medicine diagnosis and treatment but South dealer. Both sides vulnerRblc ortli (Mr. 86 a H 3 D K Q J 10 5 C Q 8 8 8 2 which five congressmen were wounded on the floor of the House of Representatives. But, while testifying freely about himself, Flores would not ?ive names of the three persons he said accompanied him. He would say only they were "one woman and two men." Mrs. Lolita Lebron, 34, already has testified in her own behalf. The two men, Andres Figueioa Cordero, 29 and Rafa"l Cancel Miranda, 25, are expected to follow Flores to the witness chair. Flores deciaitd his "moral '50 Studcbaker W r-t '51 Cher. Sedan S-tone paint, practically new tires. Mechanically perfect. Not a rattle anywhere. Start your SIFQA Knot ( Mr. 4')uiiiii pickup. Well built plywood canopy back. Like new con 11) feet above the water grabbed the chum as soon as It hit the water, 1 so skipper Mac moved us again j Into a bunch of the familiar I Sebastodcs. (rockcod and rock-bass so-called ) more fish were loaded aboard and so the day went by. We counted 19 yellows ; (an excellent bag) and numer- j dition. SI (Mr.Maxtrrk) S Q J 10 B 7 H 8 5 D A S 3 C A J 5 !885 S-fl H 10 7 4 a D 8 4 a C 10 4 3 Utility plus for vacation right Brash won with the ace when Mr. Champion discarded a heart. ; She started right to work on ; the diamonds. On the first dia- ' mond Mr. Masters ducked and i carefully watched for Mr. i Champion's play. He thanked 1 his lucky stars that he had a good partner on this deal. ; Mr. Muzzy, holding two or j three little diamonds in the East , position, would have played any I one of them at random. But Mr. j Champion could me counted on to play high and t hen low 1 ous miscellaneous others, the i to a 33-pound 1 mat me mi'iiicui proiession naa 1 Jackpot went been centrally slow in apprccl- 1 hlark sen hn. Kolltll (Mini Ill-ash) 8 A K 5 4 3 H A K Q J ' D 7 8 C K 7 The bidding: Marty took hoo- YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LIMITED THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE 1 principles'' prevented him from I saying what other persons with j him did. United States District Jude I Alexander Holtzof f said he would ' reserve action until later date. ors for mast fish, but no financial pain was attached. Back at dock late afternoon we fell to a feast of broiled spiny lobster and F.ust Pas at lug the importance of "salvaging the human wastage from disabling disease and Injury." In other action during the opening day of the five-day 87th South West North 1 S Pass a D 3 NT All Pass suitable potables to end a mem- "r Dciilv Nft.s Clussifieo annual CMA convention, council 1 orable day with an even number of dia-' monds (either two or four). With permitted to win the first two I an odd number, he would play ; diamonds, she would have aban-! low and then high. jdoncd that s lit and shifted to a club, setting up a trick ther?. formally accepted the resignation 4 of Dr. T. Clarence Routley of I Well down In Mexico it Is quite Toronto as general secretary and disturbing to read a menu and appointed Dr. Arthur Dill Kelly find roast venison listed at 25 of Toronto as his successor. pesos (that's only two bucks SKMOK MKMIIKIIS ::i.KCTK.I (these dnysi and wild duck and Eleven oul.standinn Canadian ! aov t 'he same reasonable 111 v..., ' - . " ' WINS Dl ImOM) THICK Dummy's kintr won the first diamond trick and Mr. Champion played the deuce. The queen was led next and Mr. Champion's card was the four. At this polnl Mr. Masters knew his partner ! which would have been enough for game. "VERY LLTKY" ; "You were very lucky lo decide to take the second diamond lead. Masters," said Mr. Muzzy, Ahiaid or hhoots! Then yon wouldn't int to he one o( tin men who recently did repairs 19 imong the garioylei el 1st Peace Tovier, stop the hrl tent Buildings ill CHUl The scaffolding, rising 20 (eel, MS the highejt ever erected in Ci da. We were pleased, b Sdrprined, that il waimiJe of - light, strong, easily awmhW aluminum tubing . . . 3'. te of it. Saved a lot of time ptnmi up and taking don. Ami incidentally saved Cinadiinm1 payers a tidy sum of nw AluniinumCompanyiifCiMili. Ltd. (Mean). had started wnn exactly tnrce . wno was kibitzing the game, diamonds. There was no reason "Very lucky, very lucky." to lay off any longer and he ' agreed Mr. Ma.sters. with a grin, won with the ace and returned . "Tne onv iuky th-ns for hlm the ten of spades. ; ()n this hand," btrked Mr. doctors, one from each province plus an additional one from B.C.. were elected senior members of the association and the 1.500 convention delegates attending an action-packed program that Included colored television broadcasts of eperations underway at the general hospital two miles away, and a number of specialist technical papers on anaesthesia, psychiatric treatment, pathology and price. Oame laws are very much on the non-extstent side, but there are signs of a gradual shift to a more modern viewpoint In these matters. The depletion of the larger game fishes, (swordfish, etc.i in American waters has brought high prosperity to a few well equipped Mexican small boat fishermen. They take the angler Into warm blue waters, whore long-nosed fish are still plentiful: too many of these splendid Champion, "is that you weren't his partner." i Miss Erash won with the king i of spades and sneaked out the j seven of clubs. But Mr. Masters ! pounced on it with the ace and j took two more spade tricks for down one. For YOUR PERSONAL Fathers Day Gift June 20 : WALLACE'S MEN'S SHOP! a fa to Dr. Oosse noted in his report ""''u" vnjwurru. uiu that a $500,000 grant made "I ' '11 0 in mi . t : toii, for hid provincial h"al'h authorities relvihilitatinn work in 19"i3 I s " . . . S A 7 To beat this hand, note that Mr. Masters had to win specifically the second diamond lead---not the first or third. Winning the first lead 'would leave a diamond in Miss Brash's, hand, with which she rould reach the set-up suit in dummy. As for winning the third round, there wftulcin't have been any. If Miss Brash had been TODAY AND WEDNESDAY "MISSION OVER KOREA JOHN HODIAK JOHN DEREK Also "SKY COMMANDO' DAN DURYEA FRANCES GIFFORD ' f KIMIW TIMES .M TOTEM 'Mission Over Korea' 7 - 9:10 'Sky Command' .... 8:30 p-m. yJ H .AV:l!.STH1ll, THRIFTY-THIRTY FRIGIDAIRE June 20ih You'll be tur to pleas Cad en Father's Day with a gih of Gillette Blue Blades or a Gillette One-Piece Razor Set. m Gillette Blades are first choice with men everywhere and Gillette Razors are rarnnnlr.rl ik. not b i n fully utilized. About 1 0(10.000 had Teen spent from the grunt, increased to $1,000,000 for 1954. "The success of any rehabilitation program wiil depend on the secure t.e medical assessment of the disabled persons,", said Dr. Gosse. M'l'KOVK HUC'OMMKNIJATION C nmcil approved a recommendation that immediate steps be taken to Incorporate the need for reh-ibiiitatlon as a more Important pait of medical school training. Dr. Kelly sr. id the CMA aim was to transmit to civilian treat-inei't Ihe .same type of rehabilitation used in he tinned forces with "outstanding success" during the Second World War. .Dr. Roul ley's retirement nvirk-ed the end of un era in CMA. Tin: 65-year-old physician took over the or general .secretary In l!)'.!3 and during his 31 veais l:i off'ce travelled more th;,n 1 500.000 miles in his efforts to raise the standards of medical I raining and facilities both in Canada and throughout the world. finest shaving instruments money can buy. The most practical gifts you could find for men. Flash Floods In Kootenays CRANBROOK B.C. (P - A' lond which originated in the headwaters of the Kuotenay ..hi ivionuay tore up the Koot-enay Central (rank? ot the Canadian Pacifl" Hai'way, inundnt...! a grain field and threatened Cranbrook-Banff Highway No. 95 at the south end of Columbia lake. The niching wall of water was held in check by Urn Canal FKi' i diUcs. but skipped eress-eouniiT about one mile smith i f the v'l-I.ikc thri)u:h a 50-ycar-old canal Ahih was oriinallv used to ,-otinect, the Columbia and Kooi-enay river systems. Pin"'e car triffie wis bci.i", nvintnlned on "Ii" hl'hwnv. ' Ml. olfictals said tlie road may have to be closed . There is a foot o water on the highway. Four Remanded For Kidnapping VANCOUVKR H' Four men were charged with kidnapping in Bumuby police court Monday. The charge followed the kidnapping of chain store manager Tony Anselmo from his Burnaby home May 2!). Three bandits took Mr. Anselmo to his shop and at gunpoint forced him to open the safe and hand over $120. Another (unman held his wife hostate. Charged were: Gordon Thompson, 31 ; John Michaels, 30; James Davidson. 30: Benin rd Mrlsnnc, 25. All were remanded to June 21. the four were apprehended In New Westminster June 6 after a rtmnin,T.E!n fin lit following an nttpmpteri robbery. Davidson wbs , wounded in the skirmish. They were sentenced to long prison terms in the New Westminster Gillette ROCKET Raxor Sets mm MLEHE MTWCtt w UMAS'tAXl-MEOIKA Z-VV vp "Boom H' Zero the He" TODAY e Gold-plated Deluxe Rocket One Piece Razor, 10-blade dispenser and Sty-rene travel case that opens at a touch. $59 Nickel-plated Standard Gillette Rocket One Piece Razor, 10-blade dispenser and Sty rene case. $J 29 Nfs 9:05 Mrmm I oeaaea ' 7 , " ' Olft-Wrppped Carton of j ' 'T f " 30 Gillette Blue Blades ' ' , - -f f Father's Day carton of . .'''hi' easy-shaving Gillette Blue i ,f y., j .',' j Blades in convenient dis- fk ' ' Jr-i ' ' pensers with safety com- : . partmenls for used blades. s '' : ' Each carton holds : .'.Ty v 50 blades. '-'. : $250 ; " .". f ' . t f 1 mmrnmm jf " - ' " X.Hai' fiii.i'll' ' IT mm Mmmwmiif weawv. 1 ss- .P A"i"TD ,i.nWV.ill'V, '"'i ieV-!,-r 1 '1 Mils: wwm Gillette No. 38 Razor Set e New featherweight one-piece nickel and 1 Gillette Aristocrat No. 66 Razor Sat e Choice of gold-plated or rhodium finished one-piece razor with 10-blade dispenser. Packed in beauti SEE IT TODAY $339.95 $34.00 Down $17.00 Month McRAE BROS. LIMITED 'The Store that Service Built' Phone 6 or 36 razor with 10' blade dispenser I & 2 V Canada's Mifel- ful presentation m vm i case. $5on and chrome-uimmed case. $379 Best-Tasting Cigarette