Major reconstruction Program Needed To Get Lobster Industry Back on Feet ill i'"n" I, TOIllY CHARLTON HESTON - RHONDA FLEMlv 6:50 - 9 in "PONY EXPRESS" " Sl'NDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY " BRIAN DONLEVY CONSTANCE MOOIl in in "HOODLUM "ATLANTIC CITY EMPIRE" HONEYMOON" w4W -Saw t ' a I Island fishermen that Ottawa 'would pay three-quarters of ; their rehabilitation bill. Fisher HALIFAX (CP) A major re- ! construction program will be required to get the Maritime lobster fishing industry back on X.s feet niter destructive storms in late May. Described by many veteran j fishermen as the worst they could remember, gales pounded the coast throughout one weekend, wiping out thousands of dollars worth of traps, weirs, boats and other equipment. ' Operations practically ceased in some areas and as a result prices rose to their highest level in years. About the middle of June fishermen were getting up to twice as much for their lobsters as they received last year. The federal fisheries department sent survey teams to assess the damage, and their investigations continued for weeks. Fisheries Minister Sinclair promised Prince Edward 'O $m& Item fait fT ,",fcL 1 - ' " f '- 1 & ' ; . imo i msuejKm A . - .... j i Starts Monday Two Features Dan Dailey - Constance Smith Also on the Same Program: "BLACK SWAN men in tne otner provinces sought similar assistance. At one point on the PEL coast four lobster boats were carried to sea and smashed by the churning combers. STAGGERING LOSSES From Gabarous to Glace Bay. on Cape Breton Island. It was estimated that more than 13,-000 traps were destroyed. Estimates of damage ranged from $25,000 to $60,000 and similar losses were reported from other sections of the Cape Breton coast. Some fishermen lost 90 per cent of their gear. Also hard hit was the Northumberland Strait shore, both in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. A fisheries protection officer predicted a "sharp decline" in New Brunswick landings. Hnnre Rupert Dailv Newb Saturday, July 11, 1953 ALSO NEWS Times: Taxi 7:00 - 9:56 Black Swan 8:17 CAPITOL A FAMOUS I'LAYUIIS TIIEATII Wallace's Dept. Store When You Wont The Best SWEATEES GM Mobile Training Unit Arriving Monday to Conduct Two-Day Course The General Motors Diesel Mo- Monday and Tuesday. During arrived from General Motors bile Training Unit, for the in- ! the last two months, the train- Diesel Limited, London, Ont., ENDS TODAY DORIS DAY GORDON MiicRAE j 7 and 9:05 "LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOQn struction of operators and own Avon Glenayr Jantzen Monarch Lcnsea Tish-U-Knit ing unit visited Dawron Creek, consists of Waiter Bediora, sup-Burns Lake and West Tahtsa. ervlsor of training, assisted by The two-day course aims to Art Semmler. Their parr in the acauaint more fully mechanics program is to provide the actual and others with the inner work- instruction, and for this they Until the storm hit, fisher- j men were having a good year, despite an upward revision in minimum size regulations making it illeial to land lobsters ' whose bodv shells measured less than 2''2 Inches. j The increase, one-eiehth of an inch, was expected to reduce catches somewhat the first The best at Wallace's isn't more expensive. Just your assurance of satisfaction. ers of diesel equipment, is inain touring British Columbia Sponsored jointly by Hoffars Ltd. and Rendell Tractor Si FmiiPment Limited, Vancouver distributors of G.M. Diesel engines, the training unit will be conducting its school here on vSuMect to Chnc) WALLACE'S 28 ,i -sSj DEPT. STORE year but raise them and make for better catches in succeeding years. Bill come armed with a knowledge of the latest and most up-to-date servicing techniques developed by the factory. They are further back?d by experience gained during the mobile unit's first trans-Canada training tour, which began In October, 1951, and concluded recently. Involved In this first tour were some 15.000 miles of travel by land, 1,200 miles by air, 1,600 by sea, and in all 120 classes were conducted. inRs of the diesel engine. Course starts each day at 9 a.m. at the Navy Drill Hall. First day is spent explaining nie funflRmen'als of maintaining the diesel engine along with air, fuel lubrication and cooling systems and their components. Second day will cover work on live engines, trouble shooting and performing actual tune-up jobs. Factory trained instructors will conduct the program. The instruction team, newly RADIO DIAL J240 Kilocycle CFPR LABOR DAY Sept. 7lh SPORTS For CHILDREN at ROOSEVELT PARK .GK YOUNG-JAMES WHITMORt HOWARD Km-JANE Ge PATR1CW Mm 1 tote; A Famous Players Thrstn j June Top Month For Customs Department A total of S3 19.530 in revenue has been collected here so far this year by the Dominion government Department of Customs. Highest custom revenues for the first six months of 1953 were recorded in June, Dominion Government Collector of Customs F. W. Grimble said this morning. SATURDAY P M. 4:30 Salvstlon Armv Pgm. 5:00 OK Ranch Gang 5:15 Stu Davln 5:30 Dad Taylor 5 45 Rhvthm Pals 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Saludos Aminos 6:30 .Soiree a Quebec 7:00 Hit Parade 7 .10 Ray Norrls Quintet 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8 :30 Musical ProRram 9:00 The Homesteaders 9:30 Western Hit Parade 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News STARTS MONDAY "T!IE (.IIIL" 7:00 and 9:23 p.m. "DF.SI'KRATE" 8:U Only BLACKWOOD on ridge 15 Dy EASLEY BLACKWOOD In The Afternoon SOAP BOX DERBY EOYS WANTED between the ages of 10 and 15 to enter the contest, also Organizations to sponsor boys by providing Wheels and Axles. Please contact committee chairman J. G. Dyck or P. O. Box 332. A DANCE at NIGHT in the CIVIC CENTRE Sponsored by the 1'rinrc Uupcrt Trades and Labor Council to commemorate the 80 YEARS OF PROGRESS OF THE TRADES AND LABOR CONGRESS OF CANADA Jm s 9 The Automobile Association tAAAt offers aUrattlve benefits to nioUiri.sU. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER Local Acent rilllL MN.FY Prince Rupert Realty Co. ' 315 Third Avenue Phone Ml Complex "Forcing liids" Ix'ad to Disagreements Some bids are absolutely forcing until game is reached, some bids are forcing for one round, some very strong bids aren't forcing at all, and some bids are "practically" forcing, which means that partner almost never passes them although they are not 10:16 Lloyd ArnUcn: Folk Songs 10:30 Easy Listening 1 1 :00 Weathnr Ri'rort 11:02 Fish Arrivals 11:05 Club 1340" SUNDAY A M. 8:30 Sunday Morning Rental 9 00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 The Question Box 9 :30 The Concerto 9:59 Time Sienal 10:00 B. C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report Total of duty, taxes and other levies on foreign vessels visiting Prince Rupert during June amounted to $74,731.68. This was more than $11,000 greater than the next highest revenue in the early part of the year when $53,189.96 was collected in March. Other collections for the year are as follows: January, $46,091.55; ' February, $52,712.88; March. $53,189.96; April. $42.335 51; May, $50,418.50; June, $74,731.68. technically forcing. mail indicates an acti My I interest In this subject and 11.30 RplitcUms PTiod 12:00 NBC Summer Sym. Concert I P.M. I 00 An Iunrx'cnt Abroad PRINCE LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established lniO MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING MIIPPINU . . . r'ORWAKIH.M; . . . STOKAOE . Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA MNHSAVS" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or l8 Cor. 2nd and 1'irk Aft j therefore want to do a series . I columns for you, starting with i the simplest kind of forcing bki land ending with some of thr MOONLIGHT SKATE RUPERT TO South dealer j Both sides vulnerable North t He. Kern 4 K 1 I (Qint C 8 7 0 2 1e (Mr. hl) (Mr. Meekl 8-5 S -0 7 6 3 i H -J 10 B 7 4 H -W I l- 4 n-l 7 8 5 3 3 O-A K 10 8 ft 3 j hotjtll , Olr. tlrn.) -A K 4 J 10 2 ! H A Kit DA I C-- -Q 4 1 Thr hlridlluc: I Houlli West Nnrl.h T-mX. 2 8 Pmui g NT Puns 3 8 Push 3 NT Pass 4 8 All puss ' . - .-' T-t'j - ningT m .'.- more complpx situations, where the big disagreements occur. The "primary" forcing bid, of course. Is th'e opening bid of two In a suit. After you make this bid, neither you nor vour partner can drop the bidding until game Is reached unlps your opponents are foolish enough to get Into the act and you .double them. Mr. Masters had a hand good enough for this bid in today's deal. With no suit good enough 1 :30 Critically Speaking 2:00 Hclrtle Joe's Yarn'. 2 :30 European Music Shop 3 00 CBC News K 05 Ask the Weatherman 3:12 Wpsther Forecast 3:15 UN On the Record 5:30 Distinguished Artists , 4:0O Sunday Chorale 4:30 Chcmbcr Music 5 00 WmnlpeK Sunday Concert 6:00 "Big Train" 6:45 People. Places and Things ,7 00 CBC New 7:lu--Wekend Review' 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Little Symphony Onh. 8:00 Howard Cable Concert Band 8:30 From the Operas 9:00 Ballad Time 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CHn News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 The Restoration 10:30 Leidcr Recital I(E TCHIKAN MUNICIPAL ENGINEER Kequired for The Corporation of the District of Kitinial British Columbia. Graduation from an accredited University In Civil Engineering or equivalent practical experience In the general field of Municipal Engineering desirable. Salary commensurate with experience. Plea send full Information regarding education, experlew' and references to Municipal Manager, eo 318 Marlm ItuildinR, Vancouver, II. C. He discarded a small diamond. "nd long cnouch to mention. He was only deferring the in Mrs. Keen merely did her duty by making minimum responses evitable. Mr. Masters next led WRAHGELL - PETERSBURG JUNEAU And Oiher Alaska Points the deuce of snades and Mr. 1 1 :00 Weather Re port and BIku c ft in no trump until game was reached. Meek was In with the nine spot With nothing left by diamonds, he had to put dummy In to give Mr. Masters two heart discards and his contract. Mr. Abel won the first trick with the king of clubs. He then cashed the ace of clubs and Mr. Musters carefully noted the play of the jack on his right., A shift 'o the Jack of hearts brought 'he ouoen from Mr. Meek and Mr Masters won with the king. IE lea ILa i s) - "k 1 Sf SATURDAY 9:30 to Midnight CSViC CENTRE MONDAY A M. 7 00 B C. Fishermen's Uruadcvit 7:15 Mimical Clock - 7:30 CBC News; Weather Repor 7:35 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Hill Onod n-tfi Morning Bouv i R:30 Mnrnlnr Devotions 1 8:45 Little Concert I 9:00 BBC News and Commentary tl'ts Musical Varieties I 0:69 Time Sluna-. 1 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Musical Proptsfn ! 10:80 B.C. Liberal Talk 10:35 Recorded Interlude U :00 KlnUerKarteu of the Alt !ll:lf Riiinflu Time i 11:25 Socred Talk 0 !&a Now the fact that the ace of 'lininonds was alone in the clos PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Phone 266 Office Opposite Post Office d hand was a serious defect. Mr. Masters still had two little hearts to do something about nd unless the heart suit broke 3-3 (an unlikely clrcumstancei, both these cars were losers. ZENITH Super Transoceanic Fill) OI1K.IVM. shout ham: portable kakio Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding FINEST IMPORTED BINOCULARS That are, Sharp, Precise and Clear. You'll be amazed at the quality and workmanship of tlK!se binoculars and at a most amazing low price. Highest precision to give better clarity and brighter images. All these wonderful buys are absolutely guaranteed by master optical goods manufacturers. Mr. Masters found a way to iiscard them on dummy's diamonds. He cashed three rounds of trumns and the ace of diamonds. Then he played the ace of hearts. As expected, Mr. Meek showed out but he did not ruff. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY n 1? uiay to 1 1 :30 Weather Hpnrt. 11:31 Messac;e Per'od 11:33 Rec. Int. 11 '41 Scandinavian Melodies PM. 12:00 Mld-D Mel idles 12:15 CBC News 12:25 ProRram Rename 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcahi. I'J S5 Rer Tut. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 TrunB-Canada Matinee 3:16 Records for You 3:45-B.C. Request Roundup 4:15 Maxlne Ware Show , 4:30 The Mystery Horse 4:45 Recorded Interlude 4:55 Stock Quotations 5:00 The Good Old Days . - - fr a I' tort !.! western mmm f I CANAD.ANsAFg i Ft 1 O $189.50 X:lo Keg. MU.U5 fur $34.50 7x50 Keg. 4i).r.o for $39.50 The only short wave portable with a twelve-year record of performance around the world. The proved world portable with Designed with a new foot In mind . . : Encourage your child's first step Ltlit witiht iii'icirl, F:xtra wirlr angle ficg. $79.50 for $54.50 Fxtra strong range. Super precision coat-rd lmiKfB. with ptg-Hkin carrying case and straps. irnscs. Marine miKir'l. humidity-proofed chassis that works anywhere. cjoalea optica, cjui-plcle with pigskin Kirrylng cane and straps. In safety. Patented detacnadle wavemagnei poma. M9KUT antenna for maximum efficiency. 'Brilliant virwlng with fniKef tip focal control. Very large Meld of vision. 4fM) ft. at KtOO yards. CotiW-d aptics, case and straps. 1 CATALOG woo qgaeffi Iax)ax&n i fTAjqNCL- J 13 ttumm ' I? i You J ist can't ro wrong with any of these spertacnlar buys in binoculars for Racing. Boating. Baseball, Hunting. Scenery or every Nl .-at""", h The unequalled world portable that's your passport to 73 countries. The famous world portable that li ts you hear ship-to-shore and ship-U-shtp conversations, marine and weather reports, ew Standard AM broadcasts too ! ! t Zenith's finest portable for 7 tuning bands. Operates on AC. DC or Battery. As necessary In your home as a flashlight In case of electric power failure caused by air raid or other emergency. I Please send me one Zenith Trans day outdoor uses. You will get more fun and enjoyment tjy using a Castiegar Chilliwack - Courtaniy Cnnbrook Duncan WHERE CRAFTSMANSHIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! TaUumtt . ifiMkArUM i rH-M muu u:u;u . uAiuima m pair of our precision made binoculars. righkin Osc and Straps Included at No Extra Cost ATTENTION ri.EASE Send In thi advertisement and you fevelitok RmM TrI Vmmmw Vtmon Vleterli will pay one dollar less. Limited Offer Only!!:!: Dibb Printing Co. With JUMPING JACKS you can be sure that a child's foot needs are completely attended to. FASHION FOOTWEAR B.C. COLLATERAL SALES LTD. oceanic Radio. NAME ADDRESS CITY COMPANY Vancouver 4, B.C. T7 East Hastings Street i.mi-a i,t. ftlli'flflllltriTiililllfi.iii Hi lr""l