PROVINCIAL Uorrows 1L . ?n;vi"iAL L.::r.- "ORMES-DRUGS i I. , v mat mm , J 22. mi 1 ( - ,v Or DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 , I , ,wrv nurd Time ,,r smi. f, 24 20 1 feet ,. 13 10 1 feet . fe,-t 13 07 0 8 '''t J m, 1 v- " - '' f NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published ot Canado' Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL1I. No. 17 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 81, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS !laG! Jilo)M fihlm "" """ -- ,m I i 1--I n in 1 1 - I ' , , ' ('' "?2 A N V- . : ji si II Mfj n 0 P O r . . , . Two Ships Reach City Unarmed Aircraft Carried Eight Men By "The Canadian Press TOKYO. Japanese fishermen just released from Soviet captivity said today they saw Russian fighter plane3 and ground guns shoot down a U.S. For Grain One ship Is loading grain at the Dominion government elevator here and another Is hav-ina her holds lined after the B-29 Superfort last Oct. 7 off northern Japan. he saw One fisherman said planes gr- two Russian fighter ..i. ,- V S. ' I rhm irve R-29. heard guruue. , .r j two .ship arrived yesterday only plane nd then the American crashed into the sea. a lew nours apart. ! The first here was the Elxho Tn a strom? note on Oct. 1 Bikes 'Togged' For Safety ! Maru. 7,000-ton Japanese! trelKhter which arrived a day 1 ahead of schedule. With the Department of Traaiiwrt pilot not due until the U.8. government protested the incident to Russia, charging that Russian planes made a "wanton and unjustifiable attack" on an American B-29 missing out of Japan since Oct. 7. lou by Vn Meer fcliKllu I (Hi; 'l l'I!.S to lake pari m the Pi ince Rupert Parent-Teacher Council current safety 1: .'.ikc-fidlng children show off th ir icwly "reflet tor Wed" vehicles. Fenders, .:.,,, 1 Ir .t furlu have been serviced with "icotch-llte," a highly fluorescent material , i .i Hie oark The demonstrators ar; from left: Thomas Floss. Ondi VI King '! v. iw H'aiiley Mki shall. Grade VIII. B oUi Memorial High School. George Denning. last night. Captain William Kouglian, harbor master, met the ship at Triple Island and brought the Eisho Into port at noon. But her holds were not completely lined a ad work was begun immediately to prepare her The note demanded compen- , g sation but nothing has come of w. f r V ,-. ad. and Chris Downing, Grade V, Borfen Siren. Last Saturday a working bee of . -I i .i h' m applied the tape to 40 blk .5 of Conrad S'net pjpi:. Next Satuiday eight. : ty vrtll ervice bike of King Edward and Borden Street pupils. The U.S: declared at the time It k v lor loauing. itie Liino Maru will take barley to Japan. Loadins of the Lake Mlnne- that the plane was on a routine night off the northern end of Japan, was unarmed, and its officers were under explicit orders to remain in Japanese territory. The nmtcst note rejected a cariety Show Replaces Play fter Court Issues Mew Order wanka began thus morning. She arrived with two pilots on board yesterday afternoon from Van couver. The Minnewanka will take a full cargo of barley to Soviet claim that the bomber . via , a . , :. i . i:. lv. ,i (ruin the at ace to a arllv wa. made alter Mr. Justice Korea, the second such shipment out of this port. One more vessel this month i T ,.v-SfH U ,-:.:i was over Soviet territory. A U.S. Air Force aiinotmce-tnnf tho rili fnllnwine the in T.-baeco Road--curt ,. A M Maiwoa ordered Everyman . . i . . . .. ... Repertory Company U rkun up y iivln ut he Avon: The decision to put the play its controversial ".,.., . production '.i,,. linrlP1 undci l.n- s.s spotllnhts'in molhbalU. at least tempor and two in February also are t exBccted to load for Korea. A cident said that the plane disappeared shortly after radar penalty of contempt ol coun - Business manager Doug HeHler mid: Cnorlllu as demanded .Ii fourth ves.stl Is due in between picked up an uniaenunea piane these. FLT.-LT. ERVEST CLOVER . . . excellent record VISMER NOT IH RUNNING approaching It Irom tne direc tion of the Russian-held Hu rtles. . - HUNDREDS of additional telephones will be made available in the city by the use of this relief switchboard being hoisted to the top floor of the ciiy hall. Weighing close to three, tons. t)e board OR BENCH APPOINTMENT Th air force said the radar tracks 'of ttertwrt planes-wwt Canadian Wins DFC Alex Hunter by Mr. Ma mo.) would mean the text of tho sltow would be com-.ilrleiy loust and we lelt we must ' piTwiit the play as written tir not jut U.- . : Tli' )oUiiil swiiiki to police court this morning with the appearance ol live actors on charges of participating in a -lewd and ' show. ' j U being installed hy me Canadian B.t;.j leiepnones ana duw'j Award A WArn C Com nmmittPP mi 1 Company and is on loan from the Automatic Electric Company of nWalU V Vllillll HvC Canada which has the contract for the city's new $675,000 auto merged. No other U.S. plajhes were in the area at that time. matic telephone exchange. The board will be kept until the new system is completed. . . - Meets Tonight T AV uf '. I K - Former attorney -K' n' iai Gordon Wi-mer ;r I? a!M.I'ieijr no MlbUlty at the lime" he be appointed tj ihe BC. Supreme Court Bench. Wviner 'nhowe name has been mentioned as a likely .!.,! said he will continue In private law practice In : .!ir;n..i ;eXJi mures saki It was understood the pending ..-nr.. ni would go to II. W Davey, QC. former president of . ,t,., Llln-ral AoclaTlim. ; The producer mree.or anu mlma 0. he Alex Hunl In Korea OTTAWA 0 Fit. Lt. Ernest A. Glover has been awarded the first Distinguished Flying Cross ever iV, i:.y w- 41 ". V' - s -.- i x -. t r f 1 I n, i i,i 'P. I w ' iHfJV V v v. .Vj i 4 r " ' " i i ( i fr. . -t k v. , If! i , V ., . ' -4 V ''v',"C-v- S J ' 1' 'ii. I h'v: . . X ,.'xi " f '' ' it f : i . 4i(- - ,'.' t , - ' ,;"' i v Ty i : r 4 i , ' 'I S ' .- v . 1 ' I ' k i if . . 1 1 I I r 4 1 -" . f i el ; CCC Guard, Stephen Zbura T Memortal award committee moused h on charges of of P"11 mltung resenting major city organtea- " w 'J.'l'l 1 Lht thi, indecent I tlons- h cslled for t,,nif!ht 'Quiet Man" Eludes Capture By Women won while Canada was officially Dies Suddenly at peace. He destroyed three Communist jets and damaged m Andrew Leaves Hospital favor Ihen we will once again the many stores offering those The Unlet Man Is still at larsi Meanwhile, ballota for candi A former Canadian National two others In Korea. valuable prizes in the "Quiet northern' Tne 30-year-oia puoi irom Railways employee, rutllWBJS III1HIW..V. .....ij. rw Tnmnln mihiirh dates for the Alex Hunter good citisenshiD troohy are currently present Tobacco Road. said lleliier. Police say thi' play Is -lewd and today. He reports several amusing incidents encountered yesterday In his travels through nfe Not Seriously Injured being " " published in the Dally Man" contest. Annette Mansell's was very crowded with fur-coated ladies, so busv sliouuinn that none had police guide and lately guaru i, at Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. if 50 missions against the last Communists while on loan to the pulp mill died suddenly puiy . ".vl TTnii.H Ktt.oi Air Fnre.e. The Wav filthy." They Tllcy seized seiea actress acwraa Tarn 1 v..,,i .,..r. ... . i. . i.nit'viK. i uuuv tin uanuk DliKlos low-cui. wiori. iru - ' . . i, Bra . :nei Andrew of ways Continental Limited whlrh " , ,v,riml,f She had to 011 P .mi Mr.- J nioht ot his nnme. w - Rlillrri l:,i.-r ,.,. r, II,.' WM Wrecked 111 northwtern'.?" ""'Veni from1 O'rry PrttenuEzo. chairman of have clothes brougnt to to her her irom .... , committee, ,mi,,, Is urging aU all clti he told it at a press conference, it noiinrierl as easv as driving an thought to buy a copy of the Daily News, nor Inquire for the miiiriithe morning arc Ontario yesterday . C'.ti ;i i,, 11 s t Kin st l ,ii- the theatre before she automobile home from the office. Quiet Man of the hapless male zens ui turn 11 irieir umiu'h He was Stephen Zbura. 70. Commercial Hotel, who came to Prince Rupert 30 years ago. He is survived by his wife and hru, nhurirrn two dauKhters, not In serious condition. It was leave the polite station. soon as possible. It is planned to wandering about in their midst learned today But his citation told a different story: Mr Justice A. M. Manson I- : ! per Probes -Fit. l,t Glover, while attached Fir reports said ooth were' 1 " ,nlimrUo 1 last Friday makp a cl-Mon on the top four i nobMy injured, but a wire was VaWs a er candidates by Feb. 7. All ballot reni ece.ved In the city yesterday Vf,.,i by' .lawyer V Thomas Dohm "ThargeS charged IU be treated Later, while trying to attract attention in Art Murray's Men's Wear, the "Quiet Man" was Mary of 8634 Montcalm Street, to the United States Air Force, Vancouver, and uaisey, uua AIII.O' ' ,J .l.lll,,,,!!, ri. close friends. Mr and Mrs fourth fighter interception wing, .i th Korean theatre, displayed Change In Ninth Avenue, New Westminster; a son, John, of Hope, B.C. the most commendable aggressive un 11 y " u..v..b.v lay In holding the players, bul Mr. Justice Manson'a new order u incite Tuesdav. A;uierson. JH Ninth S'reet. lo the contriu-y Signed bv Jiinmle (Andrewi treated to a full lesson In civic affairs. Mayor Whalen had Just left, city clerk Bill Long and Art Murray along with several other councilmen and interested citi City Bartender Mr. Zbura pioneered early ;n )guin Charge spirit coupled wun exceueni fighting ability. 1 the wire said: ' . a-,..!...., l... a nritnri lh(V Wllllld "Because of lus above-average the northland and for a time lived at Dawson Creek where he often acted as a guide for the RCMP. zens, were In such heated de-H Iff'.'- ' : ! It""... " S'JmtJjS I ? 1 in train accident at "sl:close down u,f ' T play unless It River. Am okay. Peggy being . qualities as a combat pilot, he "MA 1 D Duty atlor-''Mi Krir I'cpler ivay tii'-' Iive-vcar sentence m ,ii , S, r Mispect Henry Found Bleeding In Home Here was rapidly promoted lo ingtii leader, and whUst so employed. Nut a line was rut from tne He was employed on the pulp ItlMIIHtl (II - ' till. But. not serloa'-ly hurt. No bate that the "Quiet Man had no choice but to leave, unattended. At Simpsons-Sears, one lady came dashlnn un to the coun r.rskine Caldwell plav and the mill security staff at the time completed his duties w-ith dis ! wiiiii.nw Luke . . .ll l.,.,ii.a ha. :lotln - tinction, valor and me'it. 1 ';,; : K:.l,l l.wlt, l, U : noiis was a n n,,,,,., One man-a CNR section ".f()re tlie curluln row last Satur- nurine his tour ot duty he traw-miig as a pas.M-iiKv. . , t "y "t-"v 1.1,,. j 1.. nl,-.i (Mvnr hit . destroyed three MiG-13 aircraft.. ILllll'll 111 WiV v.l", " seriously damaged -to others. dent and B4 others were Injured. This excellent recorrl not oniy brings credit to Flt.-Lt. Glover seven seriously. Eiiilit Bt residents were among the 1 ljured. jf his death. Siamese Twin Dies After Operation , r-HirAOO Oi Roger Brofie, AL BERNER . . transferred Th. westward-bound train tie- but has greatly enhanced tne reputation of the Royal Canadian Air Fore In this theatre." A city bartender is In hospital here in critical condition with head Injuries. He was discovered yesterday afternoon in his home, lying in a pool of blood. In Prince Rupert Ocneral Hospital Is Walter Choopka. 50. of 30 Fifth Street. Doctors have given him an even chance for j survival. I RCMP said they are holding a I'lmmii In connection with the railed, overturning five of its 11 cars, when It. struck a broken rail ter, had the clerk approach the only male in tne store, and ask him If he were the Quiet Man. But she had neglected her copy of the Daily News also, and had not asked him directly if he were the "Quiet Man." Possibly the lady is the shy retiring type, but she seemed bent on those prizes wnen talking to her clerk. Better luck today. Harry rilack announced just before press time today that besides the urizes offered by the St. Laurent Takes Issue With Remarks Al Berner tl, reii.son lor 3. kii at templed murder ilH,ims Lake to lesser ; "nil a S m h t fi-ntenee. n. chan:, d with a hold-!n8 111 Ontario, was rup-'"r WilllMiiu Lake last '' l!er a Kun battle with :ilii,ti h; an abortive bank ill'' at tempted murder as withdrawn, Beguln I kh',:iv to wounding with sli'Kiting at a police of fill robi)i.ry early Tuesday as It sped ueross the northwestern Ontario wilderness. The Andrews were on their way home here following a six-month trip to their native Transferred To Prairies weaker of the Siamese twins separated in a surgical operation Dec. 17. died Tuesday night. I otTAWA 0 -Prime Minister case and that she Is under medial. Laurent took lame today with cal observation. Police would Roger, larger of the twins, was H.nrivpri of the sinnle superior f A 111 Dn,nD ka-trnar-rtlrl Harry Daggett Satisfactory' City Assessor Harry i. Daggett, is In "satisfactory condition" and resting quietly after having been admitted to Prince Rupert General Hospltnl yesterday Mr. DaRg.'lt collapses suddenly at his home. it.-. - .h., iimi in ! he!"" """"" many stores participating in the contest, he has added another 11 r uhls, - saggltal sinus, large blood vesse: Choonka was Dlcked un by city superintendent of the Canadian National Railways here, has been $5. so that it is now $15. The which drains about 80 per cent nt t.hf hinnri from brain to heart. ambulance about. 3 p.m. Drivers said they found the man lying HA Reg MacDougall Dies; J. n r n . .1 transferred to the Prince Albert division. "Quiet Man" has many of tne angles beat, and hopes to out He had been in a coma since the on the floor, near a -bed. with received from Igor OouM-nko "certain documents" foundation of Canada's spy trials which he knew were stolen. ."The CCF statement,' he said, "w as made in a broadcast Mon He plans to leave next Wed operation. wit followers again today. blood all over and his head was nesday. bashed In." wuces rro-ion dtrengin In his position here for the last in vears. Mr. Berner first NevsDaDers Can't be Forced f A R iReii MacDoimall. Pronressive Employed by a city beer parlor, Choopka and his wife came to the city about seven months ago. came to Prince Rupert In the r"i' vr mchiImt of the Legislature for Vancouver-Point die I,,, ,. f,., i.,.,.. in....... ii. .... cn n, I a iuhk iiiiit'na. lie: t, no vv day night by Stanley Knowles (CCF-Wlnnlpcg North ' Centre). It was a comment on the Prime Minister's own statement last ii To Print Story or Photograph . . manaclnir i Aiitn editor u W. II H. nwirdu records showing jthnwhn? thut. that, bull lust two weeks before the oDelling of tile .'.Ii ur;. H'diieoH ii, nr,w,,.BuiiA r-.iiiArviit.lVn jitrencth In .... v, nv. t , , , V ." Ir, i onrf two. 'BS mit im in one of the cases. The ATLANTA, Ga. The -WEATHER- Forecast North coast region: Gale warn lnir lsxned. A rrnl'v,, or Moiyton, N.B Mr. MacDougall was a Rhodes week that M. J. Coldwell. CCF leader, might very well have known that the advance copy of i,ii spring of 1B14 and worked, as trainman and later as conductor for 28 years. Then he was promoted to the supervisory branch and remained here as superintendent of the Smlthers division. He was advised of his transfer late yes-day. Mrs. Berner will Join him later. Mr. Berner replaces D. C. Gough, who Is retiring and goes to live in Vancouver. " u uuer became a Vancouver barrister. first elected icu tn 10 lh me ToisUiturn uro in in a a tg48 ibio bv-electlon ijCgisiai ' the Currie report which came to Ruin todav. cloudv with scat -...v,jVt ni Uie ana lvo geiierm eipi:uiia. IlK lie ,11. t . . . . . . . . . tered showers tomorrow. Not - "u,u In me seeonrt suffered by the minority Conserva- Fields to 20 days in Jail and fined each $200. The case stemmed from a highway safety campaign run by the Constitution. One article said there were cases of persons arrested on driving charges but never brought to trial. Nichols objected and demanded that the Constitute', publish photnbraph of co :rS Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that a judge has no right to order a newspaper to print a specific story or photograph. The unanimous ruling handed down Thursday, grew out of the court's dismissal of a con-tempt-of-court charge against two editors of the Atlanta' Constitution. Judge H. E. Nichols had sentenced Editor Ralph MeGlll editors refused and- Nichols cited them for contempt. The Supreme Court ruling said there were no grounds to sustain a contempt conviction because space in a -newspaper is private property and a Judge Is without power to compel publication of any. story or picture unless he pya foi it as an advertisement. . , " I'i'i .snt at in In the B.C. lcgLslature. ; him was stolen. j The Prime Minister described las "quite untrue" a statement by i Mr. Knowles that Mr. St. Laur-l . minui.r of tustlce. re- much change In temperature. Wind southeast 45 in exposed e" r p"'jl!'" v-'orhs minister E. C. Carson, who was re-'-Wooet cotiiUluency. died suddenly last fall. , e:it stnciinii in th. leutiitiir. nnw Is- Social Credit, 19; aieas. decreasing to soutl erly 25 lv viilnur and j cf CVlVeu ived documents UUtuiiiriim that ta, Oouzenko ...,, The Prince Albert division is comprised of 1,370 miles of track, has 140 sections, 95 agencies and 39 Junctions. 18. Liberal, 8; Conservatives, 2; Labor, 1; Vacant 2. Total ; ., - - took when he fled the Russian ; hlsrh, tomorrow at Port Hardy, 38 Embassy and became a key figure ( and . 44; Sandsplt and Prince in the 1945-1948 spy probe. I Rupert, 35 and 42. &" '