Canadian Prince Kuptil L'uily Hci Thursday, February 5, 1953 ,6 "X rheelite III to Start LINDSAYS CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. f:thlihFtl 19I0 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATlNr MIIITIMi . . . K)HWAKI)IN(i . . . STOK,t(.j F;.lK'ii'iiec(l handling Local, Nutlnn-wiilc add World-wide Shipments. ".MOVE WITH KASK . . . SHIP VIA I lis,y s Audits Allird Van Line Honora Silversides Again Heads Guides Association Navy Ships Going to U.K. OTTAWA (F Canada will di; patch three big warships find three smaller ones to participate 1 : In the giant Coronation naval rmme hu or b ( or. 2iii ami . it, . District Commissioner Honora Silversides was again fleeted president of the Prince Rupert Girl Guides Association at their annual meeting. Other officers elected were Mrs. B. E. Eyolfson, vice-president: Mrs. Ernie Paulding, secretary-treasurer, and Mrs. Bill f VNCOUV(' R (CP) Columbia id and Zim- Mines Ltd. has lipped the last of its mill quipment to Albert Canyon reparatory to milling schcclite r$ later this month. The new mill wnl have an : Uial capacity of 100 tons daily i t capacity can bo doubled ( th additions to the crushing y slpmcnt. vomoany oinvtorf in Vancou-cr said that for the present he lead-Fine ore bodies at their leposits will be by-pas.sed in irfler to concentrate all efforts -in the development of scheelite. Milling of lead-zinc ore will be jeferrcd until metal prices are more attractive. f; vn V-w, V ex I.. A v, v' v i review at Splthead, England. i j June 15. i i The navy announced also that s i two of Its four squadrons of ij i craft will also take part in the brilliant ceremony 13 days after the Coronation Itself. 4 1 Three thousand officers and CLEABAKCj Kergin, badge secretary. The commissioner's report showed steadv progress in guiding in the district with three guide companies, numbering 50 guides, and five Brownie packs, numbering 119 Brownies, in Prince Rupert, and one extension pack at Miller Bay. For these groups there are only 12 guiders, the commissioner told delegates, and urged greater interest from the public in the training of girls. During 1952 the Fifth Prince Rupert pack (Salvation Army! and the Sixth Prince Rupert pack (Miller Bay) were registered. The Miller Bav pack consists i men will be aboard the warships il the 18.000-ton aircraft carrier 3 Magnificent, the 8.000-ton cruis v. : v. CLEARANCE SALE STILL GOING ON we xr:r:D the room Come have sme but there are of 14 enthusiastic bed patients of Brownie ace. .if V still plenty to choose from 1353 MONAKCM SEDAN fjovelv Miade of green. Reserve Army Expansion Under Study OTTAWA The conference of the defence associations has decided to give further study to proposals to expand and strengthen Canada's reserve army. In a brief statement at the close of a three-day meeting here, the conference recommended further study of proposals irat forward by Lt.-Gen, G. G. Sim-onds. chief of the general staff, to determine how be-t reforms might be Instituted. TUi inference was held in clused .sessions. The statement indicated that Try this on- - $1975 159 PI.YMOITII One of t'.ie belter buy-, $1425 ers uniario ami future, ine destroyer Sioux and the frigates La Hullolse and Swansea. By day. the ships will be decked from stem to stern with flaiis. At night they will be outlined in electric lights and be bathed In the glare of rockets and sean h-llghts. Of the 3 000 men. 78 will ro ashore early to participate in the 736-man Canadian Coronation contingent which will also Include 46! soldiers and Ufi airmen from Canada and overseas detachments. They will be In the great Coronation parade In I.on-don June 2 Other sailors will line the route near Canada House In central London, i This will be the second ocra-islnn on which Canada's navy luc; i been represented at a Kplthead i review. In 1937. the dr ;tinycr Skeena and Saguenav took prt in the review which followed the ! Coronation of Kiiu Ueor;o VI Plans for the leuev have barn ; fitted Into the lis vy s training A great deal of badge work has been done this year and the commissioner thanked the following in her rt-port: Mrs. Lem-rn. Miss Hopkins. Mrs. Anficld, Mrs. Pick. Mrs. Paulding, Miss Chisholm. Miss Thain. Mrs. Pearson. Mrs. Becker, Mr. Miles ,md Mr. R. Eyolfson for teach-in? and passing tests. Sixty-four Brownies and 94 guides won badges during the yeir. Companies ard packs are as CONTINUES BUY NOW JOHN STILL celebrates his 100th birthday playing with his great-great grandson, 21-month-old Dcen Haight. Mr. Still operated a farm In the Toulon,. Mun.. district until his retirement 11 years ago. He now stays with his daughter. Mrs. F. Haight of Winnipeg. 1018 CHEVROLET Smart two-tone, radio and " heater. Don't miss tills o ie at $1195 IMS PLYMOITH Nice all around $1095 TRUCKS IMS FARGO ' -TON PANIX Lots of good running Prices Are Lot Threat of Contempt Action Against Fred Saigh Removed - left $875 I follows: I Firt Prinze Rupert Guide iCnmnany (Cathedral Claire Hitrhnrk, captain, assisted by ! 'iss Rusty Thain. Rcqular 4. 95 to 1 5.95 SANDALS end SHOES no Iinal decisions were rearncn on proposals by Gen. Simonds which, it is understood, would simplify training for the reserves, take some of the administrative load off them and porsibly put some of the less energetic units oh an Inactive basis. Now . . 2.95 to II! . BEFORE YOV Bl Y TRY - YOl'R A-l I'SEI) CAR DEALER Bob Parker Ud. rhoiie !)3 Ttip 'Home of Friendly Service ST. LOUIS (AIM The threat of possible ton program. SalllPC i ' th" fiv Second Prince Rupert Guide Company ( Catholic I Mrs. Ben Wrl's. acting raptain. Thi-d Prince Rupert Guid-j Company ( Conrad i Mrs. Dun-ran Black, captain; Mrs. Frank Baldwin, lieutenant. tempt action against rretl r.l. Satgh, troulikvl owner ami La Huiiois wni be ttehyed of St I nula r'urrlitv.ilc liu n r..i,i,. 1... I ! I until alter the rlo c of th uni- distr't attorney George L. Kobcrtson. SUCDES. CALF, Kj; in All , Possibility of a c o ii t . : p 1 1 ' charge followed Saiiihs New of .stttatun'.ial" business m: u ii teictcd in buying the oistaiii- ver ity year to iemilt more (h oi lfKl officer cadet:-, to make th-journey. Ontario and ft-':: will ; n' from Fsqulorilt. lit... to arrive H Halifax Ajrii -7 They will leave Halifax with th" Ma-nifn cut and Qucbfc May 7 FLATTIIS CUBANS HIGH HEELS MVENTORY SALE Continues Merc arc a few of the items on sale oi the Universal there are many more. Fir.-.t Prin-t- R'ipert Brownie Pack (Cathedral! Mrs. St John Madelcy, Brown Owl: Mrs t.i-nel Holthv. Tawny Owl. Errritl Pnnre Rupert Brown e Pack (Conradi Mrs. Wil-Inrns. Brown Owl; Mrs. Kurd-;-icl. Tawny Owl. Third Prince Rupert Brownie Pick (Catholic) Mrs. Maloney. TJrnwn Owl. Fourth Prince Ruuert Brownie "ark (Conrad i Mrs. Pearson. Krnw'i Owl Fifth Prince Rupert Brownie r.'fl; (Salvation Armyl. The Girl Guide Thanjcs bad'ie was presented to Mrs. Duncan Black, who leaves tonight for Vernon. -,t:. n .S.-luii, who Ui'-t u . j-d futiiie invn'-rlnp rt th" C'ti'dinalK with hall olficial in New York, has announred he will nam-? three St. Ixmis men to run the club until the sale is completed. He has until May i to clear up biiimv, affairs before enict-Fm-nt of the prison wnteme Saigh's rKiited asking price is $4.&tM).(HiO Iih the club and iU ininor-ltague HANDBAGS York television appearance after lie was sentenced to 15 .10! :h in p:isn It i:r eva- icn last week.' Robertscn. after mr : " "-rh Judge Roy Hartxr. wno sentenced Saigh. s;o1 "no nction 's ... i.i- :e.. . . me." Robert -in :.jid ii' .. i :;aii"r had htudietl a tr.n -r'Tt of .ih's remark ; relating to his entencina and S'.S.doO tine and also had considered SaiKh's tele-ram to Harper in which the rase ball club owner offered to make a public apology if his remarks were ruihinterprett d. ... Rca. 5.9r - 10.95 Now. 3.95- 8.95 ff OA Giant Airport FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 f As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW SUEDINE LEATHER COAT5KIN Value in Dresses Sizes 12 to 20 Reg. to 14.95 special $8.05 PILLOW SLIPS, pr. $1.00 KNITTING YARN, 1 oz. balls.. 4 for $1.00 Giant Paper Empire Seen Being Built At Cold Like Riigh declined to rommi nt oil. Robertson's 'no action'' state- ' - ' ment. The short, dapper executive Is back In fit Louis to meet a heavy schedule of np-Dointments designed to remove ' Vogue Shoes Limited VANCOUVER D- The Vancouver Sun in nc r.-page story said a $35,000,000 mci to give Brit -- rifr- CO! D LAKE. Al'a. rp ish Columbia a new timber- him from that capacity. Several sums oi money are bei' HOUSEDRESSES, Green 595 506 3rd W. under groups interested in buying the )n this formr-ly i nlatd i.rea of i club are on Saigh's schedule. north-eastern AibiM ta. ISO m'le i newspapering empire is negotiation. eoch $1.99 The newspaper said Crown-' William Walsingham r.. Car- northea't of Kdmor.ton. See the numerous other Sale Items and compare them. Zellerbach Corporation, one of dinal vice-president and ru-,. Cold Lake has been ( hos' n by the largest U.S. producers of mored heir-apparent to the club the defence department as the timber and pulp products, will enterprise, said ht already h id base for a new SIO.C'IO 0",J a'n .oii take over all holdings of Cana- met with "five or six" gro ic ard bombini and ro-l;et i -r Dibb Priniing Co. ! NEWS ADS get RESULT dian Western Lumber Company. whi"h will ft.rai!.Ll" the Albc.tu-Saf k a t che wan bnu n Va r l UNIVERSAL ffHE Hockey Scores ia''"9 ?eath M'HL Edmonton 1, New Westminster 3. WIHL Spokane 2, Kimberiey Third Avenue at Sixth Street Hundreds of people. sr. ntovlna in to tike advantat-e of the district's new-found prosperity. New hotels and hundreds of homes have b?en built and the Canadian National Railways Is pushing a line into Cold Lake. An all-weather road has b-en completed and ample electric V-NCOUVFR O' i.rclerafd safety drives In BrIUsh Colim- lies- Mm 18. :Hand-ejKSP19 .bla'r. No. 1 ir.dusiry. Iocumit and i,i.- mi,; fi; r.-it'i a reduction in deaths and accident -. wer is a"ailab.e during 1952. Ficures from the Workmer Th"? iOreort. (ive miles frcm Cnm..i.u"i(iA!i Tnn rd show 71 the will Include of the iriivrt i t vmp in to?- town, one largest hangars In Western Can- einc operations compared to 77 ft 91"- ;ada Tenders estimated at $10.- ' a n.i'nr t a in iiiM a,e,e riown to 000.000 OCO.000 have have been been called called for for ron construction of 21 other buildings. They will house staff and resi mice 5 Kil from 6.442 In 1951. in lnmhor i.,ill.-' sawmills. A perfect cook is Mm. 0., Her roaata tire great -on Hund.iy. But left unwrtippod thoy loao their su:.t And turn out flat on fcondny ! uhlnelp sash and door and pu!n id dents unofficially estimated at between 3.000 and 4.000 persons. and paper operations. 14 deaths were recorded in 1952, two lesi :. II than the previous year. Accidents i Men! Old at 40, 50, were cut to 4 4(u, lowest wen in fix y?rs. in ii5l there were mcome... 4,848 accidents. 60! Want Fep,Vim? : -Mm IT PAYS . TO ADVERTISE iwl rjfd iWi, U.fct t tjj Al fell ilc.f'iM.; Hut Mr:i. J. , n wiser ln:;3, In Hand-e-rtip preserve 'w'i Her rofists stay frenh mid riavorf No uiattbr whuu liu aorvei 'tm! I i You'll welcome CALV I K l IIOl Si: Jitsl, for its Miuxilliiiess, li;lit ImhIv and dcliglitt'ul 1miii(IicI . . . again, because its outstanding ((iialily blinds yon rate tiilue. It's 1 1 ic-best buy in line liuiadian Whisky! - B - and-e-uira HEfiVV UJflXEO PfiPER I (r.i m i , .Va ' -.fc- vW ll'msiiat kitrhen ei-omtinv to r(i yimr inrul. Hnl tricrlidilra in ln'My, . ! 1 1 mi .1 --v. rn . (( nlhi r inilu I nil eimipli'lely 'i ri' foml Rnur Hliil (irrvfiila whIi. RSYALClTY CANNED FOODS A CALVERT HOUSE CAtVERT DtSTIHERS tlMITEP, AMHERSTBURG, ONT. xTHIS'AOVFTISEMEMT IS NOT PUBLISHED O DISPLAYED BY THt UQUO CONrOt BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT Of MlTRIf COIU: