! ; Drop From Plone Fatol Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Tuesday, April 13, l!tt4 JonORE BAIinu. Malya A Chinese fell or jumped to his death from the renr hatch of u Kinuupnre-hound Malayan Airways plane today. Politte recovered (he body In a pineapple field and Huvt! the inun's name u.s Client Chen, a business man who boarded the plrmo at Kuala Lumpur. . , I e -' o'l - Fast P.. n lnJpwJdent daily nawspaper ctvoted to tlie upbuilding ot Prlnca Kupn and Northfrn and Central Brltuii Columbia. Mmnlr of Canadian Press Audit Bureau ot circulation! Canadian Dlly Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily New. Limited. J. P. MAQOR, President. H. ft. PKRRY, Vice-President Subscription Rate: -y earner Per week, a5c; per moutn, II 00; per year. 1 10 on. ifeTX.Tsn y mall Per month, 75c; per year, 8 00. i jtnorlzed as second claw mall by the Pint Office D-partment, Ottawa Develop Bulkley Valley T V " "IHIV,f , c.-j It: THK NEW Criminal Code ''! fx ' f LATEST REPORT Aik yawf Invaitmanl DaaUf In laMtl lUaort ' mn4 PraifMClut ml - fe, tlrvt.,., . . . " fc. of Canada has now been j passed into law, so far as i the House of Commons is' concerned. Only the three most contentious matters remain for fit-! tore det-Lsinu. Tiny arc, the! -i' dentil penalty, corporal punishment, und the li-yal ditlnitiun ol insanity in criminal cu-ns The lir.sl. two questions ure. now being .studied by u purhamerilary committee, and llu- insanity question will he dealt with by u Hoyal Commission, before Imal CALVIN BULLOCK lid. Kru .... .. THERE are reassuring reports from Smithers that the Chamber of Commerce there is continuing to urge Htllktey Valley fanners to organize their production and marketing methods with a view to increasing sales in this area. At the Chamber's last meeting farmers were old they must hp prepared to meet grading stand-irds if they wished to find markets. Comparison A-as made between the systematic grading of milk to ensure a pure standard and attempts to market poor .grades of vegetables. It was also observed that the district lumber industry had been obliged to adopt a more careful grading procedure to meet the demands of market. The Smithers and District Chamber of Commerce is to lie commended for pressing a point which, if given sufficient heed, will benefit not only central B.C. f; trmers but consumers as well. Vancouver and adjacent communities are ex PROFFSSOB AFGHSTF. PHTARI uses IkiIIi hinds for .speed to sketch his' latest invention on a blackboard "in Brussels, Belgium. It Is the "M .'soscaphe," an underwater helicopter which will be used for research at depths down to fl.000 feet. A huce rotor fixed above the conning tower will allow the sphere to ascend and descend vertically like a helicopter. Two profilers, protruding diagonally from the tower base and powered by electric motors from within the shell of the machine, will propel the "Mesosciphe" forward and backward. Doily Ne Cfe decision by parliament. i IT WAS a tin-Mine, and illuminating; experience for me, as Spend EASTER h3 OTTAWA DIARY I3y Normon M. MocLcod a new M P., to sit m on this major revision and codification of the laws of Canada. For this of course was much more than a routine overhaul of our Criminal Code, which has been on our law books since 1892. For the first time in the hLstory of Can in Alaska! ada, all the crimes are now periencing their lustv growth not just because thev f piuiniy set forth and the oi.i ' ,, ,. ," 'common law" inherited from Just a few days ag-o this Correspondent happened upon an informant who had some arresting views on the gold situation generally and the outlook for a return to the gold standard particularly. LETTERBOX I NAHI K TO GKASl' VISION occupy a htraiegic position on Canadian iraue ; Britain has been suix-rsedoi Leove Prince Rupert . . . Saturday, April 17, 2 JJ routes. An asset of at least eoual imuTirtance is the iThat is- from ,l0W on. nobody m Canada--may be charged wi'h the French fnihc. In the free liold market of Tangicr.s. it now took some thousands of French francs fewer than it did a year ago to buy an ounce of the previous metal. At the time that seemed an amazing development. And tie; more we thought about It afterwards, the .stranger it seemed. For tin? French Government has earned the reputation since the war of being the most unstable in Europe. And confidence in its currency has suflered accordingly. Why the French francs .should be growing In value and Imperishable gold be decreasing in value seemed a first class my..- tery. 1 The more we thought about (t, the more it feemed to us that here was a .subject worth clieck-! inir Into further and writiti", i about. We determined to look I up our informant at the first ; opportunity and go Into the matter thoroughly with-liiui. . Well, we Just won't ba able-to any kind of a crime, unless that offence i.s plainly named in the Criminal Code of Canada as a ciime. ' THE PRESENT parliament worked for months on this codification of the Code, and the basis on which It worked was a draft bill which emerged from many years of previous work. All the work of the House of Insh and proelhctive k'raser. Valley which feeds them at comparatively low cost. Until we up here can.match this condition, we will never realize our fullest possible expansion and will never reduce our cost of living to the same level. The Bulkley Valley holds the answer. With the use of imagination and method it could become the lunch-hox of the north, and we would no longer lt; paying the neighbors to share theirs. The point he made In the la'.-1 ter connection was that the prii-e inflation of the war and pa-a- war years made a return lo tiie j gold standards completely Im- j possible. Since prices have ad-; vunced generally anywhere from about 250 to 400 percent, one ! 1 two thing's would have had to, have hapiiened to gold to enable! It to function attain as a base, namely, (al its price would have; had to have risen procprtlnna1"- j ly to the rise in the price of .?omi- moditie.s or (bi Its amount wool I have had to have !n::rc:ed I proportionately to the rise in the ! price of commodities. j But a-s neither of these Uiin-;- had happend. our informal t emphasized that there ju:t wasn't enough gold in the v.o-! I to serve as a base for the amount of currency that has to circulate in these days of Inflated prices. The obvious answer, if thj economic world wanted the slab-.Ulty traditionally associated with the jiolil .standard, was aa Increase In the price of gold. -and quite a sharp increase, too. i Then our informant added another ralher asti.nbhiiig piece ui ' j Information. He said that duiiiis! Dip past year gold had clepieci- r uted nuite .shaiply in term c,' Return to Prince Rupert . . . Monday, April 19, 1:15 For Reservations Phone 266 The Edilor, The Dally New.,: It must have rccn inspiring to i the northern pioneers who read I the uncompromising resolution) of the Liberal executive on the drydock question forwarded to Ottawa, protesting against the Gordon plan of seutllin!; the' Prince Rup-rt dr." luck. j The drydock is a vital portion of the Lauricr plan of bridging j the Pacific to the markets of; the Orient in connection with ! the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- i road ... a vision Donald Gor- j ' Commons was completely free ; completely non-partlzan. Both : the Prime Minister and the ' Minister of Justice had told the On the Other Foot ELLIS AIR UK House, in advance, that members were to be free to speak mid vole on every question, without any dictation or pressure from ONE OF the truly heartening signs of the times is the disappearing practice of designating the race of a person in the news if that person Office Opposite the Past Olfire 1 do that now. For our informant- the government or any politicsil, i was Rodney Adumson, MP, And ! as everyone knows now Rodney party. Thus was carried out no should be colored. Today the respectable practice (nniy m letter but in spirit, m Adamson and his w'fc were; pas. enters on the ill-fated Flight No. 9 of Trans-Canaoa i Airways which crashed over! Moose Jaw. In his death Pa"b j anient loses an aulli trl'y on 1 , gold who had a, world-wide icp-l 'illation, in the light of the im- J ; p-irlance of the gold-minnim in-., ; !uslrv to this country it is Iruiy I I" i ll iii in-1 I , , II : , A lllll il X iS to designate race only if race is pertinent to the thought eVent being reported. ' Minister of justice went, if J . . " ' ' , ; , , I anything, too far in trying to J J he injustice Of the Old cOstom was, placed ' get, junaiiniity : from the whole iui intentionally in a mercilessly revealing light a iST5 aJT'st tve,'y, flause- . b " i He had the patience of Job. lew days ago by way of a letter to a Texas news- , There was not a single am-paper. The public, complained .the writer, might lendfmenl" "uP,m"ied Jvom lnllT 1 ' v ! or from outside the House, which assume the i alleged criminal was white-! - ... -did not, jceive the fullest con- . , Isideration from him. and from 'nu. n-. ic t I,, i r ii . I he Texas the took paper published letter, full ,'ius w. advisers. Many of the resnonsibilit v for its noliev. and stood its p-round- i uegestions submitted by the don appears unuble to antnp : . . . a vision founded oil tewr j ocean miles and superior railroad ' grade connecting the port of Prince Rupert with the hufe Oriental markets. V If Donald Gordon's wish and ! will .come true, then the words uttered many years ago byjl George Foster, that the port f Prince Rupert appears to be slrugpling under a curse, will have come true, beyond a douHI. Therefore, we must .strive o hold what we have today and pray that the day Is not far distant when the Dominion government will find a Vanhoin, a Jim Hill or a Harriman to direct the affairs of the CNR system and the fulfillment of the Laurier-Hayes vision . . . the LONG II M l, Water is piped iOO miles, mostly uphill, to supply gold mines at Kalgocrlie, Aus'.iitlhi. n national los. CCF. ' Cunservutive, or , Social Yhich i.s another piece of commendable news 'alf by itself. Now's the time to get ' DUTLER building Christian Science Monitor. j GENERA ! ;) ' rTrPt I Buttcrkeepcr (: !i ; JJ ' Door Shelves I ttHiiiiii!U!yi'tfOfli.Hl;;VT-- . Si foundation of the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Port of Prince Rupert. Those two great men, have passed on, and bequealhed to us who remain a railroad and h up, ready for this year's t( Credit members, were adopted provided only that their sponsors could make out a rase which convinced ihc majority. THfiRE was no section of the Code which got with thorough consideration as that of .special interest to organized labor and trade unions. For months the Minister of Justice carried on consultations with the three great trude union bodies in Canada. In addition, he met with and considered the;' submissions of Communist ied trade unlnns Hh , fixiUiUxjthfc wj n,x.ojosj &$r .... I .,t;.. -,..- ..n.n.... WANT A PERFECT HOME? Take time to find the one you want and be sure your goods are stored salely with a responsible warehouseman. Phone 60 THAT'S drydock. and told us how 1 frTVrtmh:Z-i I k Full width Frceier I . III Within days, you can havt Butler itl tain,il ready for the aafe, clean Moragf tpict you nml f' tr(,n . . . frir vtrv rrftn should be used In world trade lutlar roln storage buildings 40' wide withlM and 20' bayt for any dwired lengtli-iv you b rn fr space tliot kef pt storage cost per builid low. j w i. i . j e . ... tl,t and rodfltlton !ndsaytet f .1 9.16 eu.lt. FTrfr'? Vf f "1 Regulor $364.50 rUSfe ' . . .. "i iiiJl7.Syl :-' i; ( j ,'- : SPECIAL , " jiiSikH '299-00' : 7-.-'. 5-Vear Warranty L Mm-'w ' ITT IT.l W W-P ? "J w raw arnin i provvevwa iiihii t- wuHx.ked galvanufd tteel shcfting ttot U- with little upkeep. And, whan you are not using a Butler building fa f can house machinery and livestock in it for yf Big doors-12 or 16' widlh x U' high-let joul w anu loag Instance Moving WIIUU U.-l lit All the Important submlssioas on which the three unions themselves were agreed were a.'-.. Lv it to Lindsay's" Your "Allied" Agent l 1. r .... : f.A.,.ila or move iui nr uuiKi lur lusiri kikiii ntfii"" lienvy farm equipment. bi Don't gamble with yoi" P of storage. Cull us today. :ii.1i!.vfar'itTOP!l! RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ) 313 Third Avenue West Phone 644 V Mjjjr?. f" P"" everything service covers START The government did not aurce, however to relax the main laws against treason, sedition, or use of violence in labor or political disputes. My own impression of the Criminal Code of Canada as it now stands is that U Is a first class job. The biggest deba'e, of course is still to come on whether or not we arc to retain the death penalty. erection. affairs. So let us forget the coupon elipping idea of Mr. Oorduu and reaffirm our faith on the original designers, l,uurlrf and Hayes, anil the Prince Rupert harbor, tseeond itt none In Dip world, "i : - ; Mr. Editor, while the the CNR system Is truly the property of the people of Canada, let It be understood that the city of Prince Rupert, its people -and the pioneers of the north have made a' great contribution lo that enterprise, I venture to say more than any other settlement In Canada. . T Now, after more than 40 years labor and investment, we are confronted with a Gordon torpedo blast. . I know not what course the government may take on this vital question. Hut I venture to say any Liberal government foolish enough to agree to the sale and removal of the Prince Rupert floating drydock Is oam-mltting suicide, through tlie betrayal of not only a revered leader, but also the people who have faithfully worked und Invested for over 46 years in t.iU district. May I further point out to the dominion government that tho "Prince Rupert drydock has been officially boycotted hv mn m SAVING rp 1 I i 1 he rox rapes 1 Follow the example of 80,000 other Canadians. ,Srart saving the Investors Syndicate way! Ask your Investors Syndicate Representative for full details. ' T. M. (Tom) CHRISTIE Office 315 3rd Ave. W. Phone 384 8 Rattlesnakes By Ton Caught In Big Roundup OKEKNA, Okla. ( Nearly a Un of venomous rattlesnakes buzzing their defiance, were captured alive in Bait Creek Canyon In the 15th annual rattlesnake roundup. The bizarre "sporting event" drew an estimated 20,000 persons from 26 state. The foray into the reptile-infested gypsum hills was sponsored by the International Association of Rattlesnake Hunters. . Joe Durham, chief rattler, said 1,676 snakes were snared, either with forked sticks, special snake-catching tongs or by the braver souls with bare hands. ciaLs in the annual owrhauiin.. MORAL Instead of saying "tour grapes" when you can't Immediately attain your ambitions, build a ladder to success by opening; savings account with The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Add to your balance regularly and vnn'll artrtn Km irt m rtnaltinn of their own coastwise ships. May A I IUNGRY FOX saw some fine hunrhr ol Gra'S hnnging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his Ix'st to reach them by jumping as high as lie could into the air. But it was all In vain, for they were just out of reach: so he gave up trying, and walked awny with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking, "I thought those Grapes were ripe, but 1 see now they are quite sour." suuic caDiiiei ministers ask Donald Gordon why. I wish to insert Mi of our friend Ted Applewhaltc that he pass tills letter around to some of the cabinet ministers at Ottawa. to 'get what you seek. -H' niuHrntian ar Arthur Raekham, from a Aid. GEORGE B. CASEY (Now serving his 23rd year as Prince RuK'it alderman.) The Canadian Bank of Commerce SHttI ISLANDS The acreage of the Falkland Islands, crown. -eUny.. in, the South Atlantic, is divided into HIGHEST RANK The title of, Field Marshal hlahest rank lu the- British Army, was Introduced by Kin Oeorge II in 173. sheep farms. nit