- i " "' " 1 " ' ' ' 11 - ' I ) nj l'j I II 1 M ll I I I Ci F t "" KLipfert Uuny lNev; . '. TucMuy, Ap. il w Ib4 GEORGE PAWF.f? AUCTIONEER flume Mack 8ifi and Ited 1? RADIO DIAL CFPR1240 kc. (Suhlecl. to Chancel ' ioo rmcn Kenance On Radar Blamed For Ship Mishaps VANCOUVER (CP)- Radar and .'alvage exports assert many ma BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL v. 'V Tlx- ll:iorV (rti!T. MusWitl KlOlkfll Your Vnntit Nt-iKljlti Kli!'-ri!arU-n of th Msdi ivriinl k II I PM. (1:00 6:0ft 8:110 8:15 8:30 9:00 0:30 10:00 10:10 10:1 5 Id Mt 1 1 mil 1 TANKS iinoo . . . . 00 (Ml 751OC Ni:W KI EL 550 (ml. Tank 375 (;al Tank U75 f inl. Tank 12 llaur Steel rine aceldenls are caused by the substitution of radar for proper navigation. The assertion was made jointly in an interview by Alex Young and James Baxter, Canadian Marconi radar specialists, Capt. Ian Muctuvish and salvage master Ocorge Unwin of Pacific Salvage Company. DLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS N? ! 7 Kxtra. 1 4 CV.C News C'liC SlfcTasc )1 c;. li.ia iintuflcasl Illtl-rllHlf ; Hiimh-iI fnr Yoll Alterntsn CiiiK-frt 1 ruiis-CuniiOa Mutlnen Hrave Voyutfe rtiERDAV inir 10:4.1 CRO Nw 1 1 :isi NHL BrcMidcust il:ir l'h Nution's Durilnoss 1 1 ::m Cutiadi.nii in: ir, Twenty QucjftionB p M. Mr. fohow uosUicks ;l'2:l5 Vancouvfr I'lti'iiiro CHO NWR 1:30 chc th-wx i ::.-..-. New OtiU'flonla. t-.iM Here Ciifnen l.np BalHl 1 :30 Ufullier l(ipir( 2:30 .luslt-Hl M:llfrtiPceii 3:lfi Mcll-olT 3::l0 ... ' .WEDNESDAY ,1:45 . 4:15 B.C. Fiflhrnvn's BroadcnHt 4:30 Musical 1.mU . 4 4f. CDC New Weathtr 5:00 M 4l rlwk 5:15 orullii; liritiliDiis 5-20 CBC NteWH: Wrullinr 5:30 Hrre x bul U.svl j 5:55 INIII STR1AL WEI.D1NO CO. Cirw-n 8S4 - lli!l 1st Ave. fc. $ .... . . taw" l:IM 14 BIMNr.SS PERSONALS j 35 BOATS AND EKG1NK8 j AlOlTlLFi 1 A survey was made after I isified Rates ( Jo pr prTlou NEARLY every ocriy uses 6ft plnirOnrB'.OOO."1" underwriters completed Alt-wiles. 1952 FORD Al Shape. Reasonable ? three-year study of radar's ? 14-FOOT Peterborough built boat. Can be seen at 1105 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 981; (91p) SPENCE & MATIUK, Paintine- Hoeilown I B.C. Bminflilp VocnliKt and stock Quotation! : Jubilee II. wid Fh-miy Hie Hiishrul linxcar ll(w(iy Doody j IoO'rnaU'Hiiil Cumty. i CMC News: Weather Tlw pftfwion of Ohrli. Hivyc You Heard nffer Phone Black 2130. (92o) : Denems to determine whether Contractors Phone Ifltrlnw Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING i 234 Third Avenue East, ovrr Rupert Battery Shop. Phone biue 16. Line 881 Kvcnines. ()f)i . I 'nsuranre premiums on radar- - -1 i ii P) i-r.ii, at. Notlrrt. MAOAZINES, Novelties. Mdle's 7:30 5:S.-. l-.ir, 8:00 8:lUj 8:15 8:45 3h ROOMS FOR RENT Vfff (C I duced. Tho requests of shipping fringe tud Knagenwit Today News' Stand. (Court! 8. I. Ji'linnon In. Md.l CARS? Bob Parker's of Course. (951 the companies failed to show lower incidence of accidents with radar. Hrrakfant Ohili jLtiura Lkmlu-ft HHO News and Oomty. Aimt l.iu-y I whii. Khitl May 1'imft HiKnal Morning Vit ! 6 00 0 : 1 r, I ::tn i t .b'J llBf doume jir. iNO R'Mndt lit e)'t rfpMlWUt J .di inserted Incorrectly Zunt eialction "" "or iucn error to rcl m.ili of BrU Unertio, Findings were as follows: PAINTING. If house and phone Blue 418. you want your chimney clean 88p SUMMER WILL SOON BE HERE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW SO' YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED LATER Fully furnished cabins on the shores of Lukelse Luke. Private road. Safe beach for the children. A small store Is run In conjunction with the camp. Good fishing, swimming and boating. Write now. D. Colthurst. Water More sea-Roing collisions have,JL , OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 7 1 mm occurred throughout the world VANCOUVER American Standard .15 Beaver Lodge Uranium .07 Beta Gamma 19 Bralorne 3.70 Cariboo Gold QuarU . .90 CASTLE between radar-equipped vessels WILFORD Electrical Works, Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. 9fl) than non-radar ships since the The Castle of Dunbar .fishing electronic device came off the , port In Lothian, Scotland, dates secret list following the Seeond ; back to 1218 i World War. . . I- .' , IS HELP WANTED MALE Lily Cabins, Lakclse Lake. Ter 06 'i 06 i race, B.C. -.. (88)- Cronln Babine Doreen Efitelja .. nAVO rv,.l.. iJVfu wiwu iui 1,uii.v news,. - 1 - City Nlreet Sales. Apply DailvROOM for rent. Private homft. News office. , (tf) J 510 8th Ave. West. ' - , 87l CAPLING TRUCK LINE aves Pr. Rupert for Smtthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632 !! HELP M'ANTf.l) KEMAI.I Radar has "ho peer as an "aid to navigation," but too many ! mariners are using it as a substitute and are forgetting the old rule of charting a course by I "compass and dead reckoning." I ROOMS for rent. 427 5th East; i .. I92pi Int ad .EPLIES holding replies .following New 25 926 phe', must tv ) (or in person gMTMiTvF.NTS ";uaar. Aoril 14. Giant Mascot 50" Granduc : 3.50 Indian Mines . . 06 Pacific Eastern 37 - Pioneer 1.83 Premier Border 05 Privateer .03 37 ROOM AND HOARD STLNOORAP11ER i and book keeper. Must be experienced. Apply In person Mclean and Rndderham, 341 2nd West. RELIABLE baby-sitter needed. Phone Black 845. (92t BOARD and room for gentleman. 517 7th Ave. West. t9!p) Quatsino ... 16: Circus Acrialist Foils 65 IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR 'XNCRETF WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS 3i)A Sl'ITES H)R KENT .11 .11 .90 j LOS ANGELES ifl-Irma Rod-j riguez. 17-year-old circus aeri-i alist from Mexico, suffered a ! 23 Situations Wanted Female THREE-room apartment. Good Sheep Creek ... Bilbak Premier . Sll-Van Silver Standard . Spud Valley :. .:....;.. Vana'nda Western Tungsten I location. T. Norton Youngs, .01 YOUNO widow would like house I n,.....iliU ..I... I H'-m bstate si insurance. Phone 451. (88) keeping Job tor bachelor in Prince Rupert or Ocean Falls. ;:() the Moose Spr'ng of Mrs Fred Grlm-J Ave. West, April 15. fc'lcorr. 63 j wtlen sne ft'l' during an "iron ! jaw" act. She fell about 14 feet Mrs. Molander, 1593 West 3rd , 2-ROOM apartment. 960 1st Oils (nve., Vancouver, b.u. tHBPM West. No drinkers. Apply 221 Anglo Canadian 5.00 j after her mouthpiece, attached 5th East. (89p 1 Mrs. scoTi mclaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 . P.O. Box 374 TYPING and stenography don-? at home. Call at 1116 6th East, or phone Green 897. - (88) suite. 621 I Tea. home of iwn. April 22. $1 Bazaar. April : FURNISHED 8t. Fulton (88p) j nm .L - 1 I . - , a ' , Itiif vrtiwiMm it Mt publnhcd o, dtlyi by ' ' " tl4 CMiol 6nl by CmiMi4 mlfm' ' '' ' B'"l c1'"4"'- "' - 1 ' to twirling wire, loosened and she lost her grip on it. li ma was one of four girls in a "flying butterfly" act. . 12. WOMAN want housework. ! SUITES. Phone Red 984. (107) r.ird Party April 14, SjIp of Easter dalnt- , I'none Blue a. 1. -- - 1 40 HOMES t OK SALE Z6 Bl'II.DIN'G MATERIALS - . - V... ; 1 SPECIALLY priced for quick PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. ! sale. Well located Wartime Phone 651 or 652 , six. Lovely condition. INQUIRE about our budget plan 1 . ,r. 17. Wallace's. Gor- r.on, HtorK snoppe. (89) lor your home improvement. BEAUTIFUL large house. C.holce men's Union Dnnce, No down payment. $100.00 to: location near city centre hitonum AprUJKK Utrf bpriSg Show, $2,000. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. (107) Could be used as duplex. T. Norton Youngs. Real Estate k Insurance. Phone 451. 87 ) BFDROOM8 $1500 DOWN' A P Consolidated , 32 Central Leduc f 2.00 Home Oil , 9 00 Mercury ..'....: 11 j ' Okalta 1.75 Pacific Pete 11.00 Royal Canadian 10 TORONT' Athona .' .'. 08 'i4 Aumaque ':. 11 Consol. Discovery 2.00 Bevcourt .25 Buffalo Canadian .16'2 Consol. Smelters 27.50 f Con west 3.45 t Donalda .' :'.: 48 Eldona ; .24 East Sullivan 4 35 Giant Yellowknile 8.50 God's Lake 73 Hardrock 14 Harricana 26 "2 Heva Gold .04 14 Duvex .17 Jollet Quebec .38 Little Long Lac ' .76 '2 Lynx ." .08-,. Madsen Red Lake . .. 1.70 27 . Fl'EL Mav 1. Rum mage Sale, FOR your fuel requirements: Solid familv home, one block BLONDIE . By CHICK YOUNG " ' I i' . Y SOUND V" " IAr ,EC? TnANDlS'TuRB ) I THAT S ODD'-THERES J ' l?' Y, Ii V " j i WiS ASLEEP ) HiM, I'LL JUST HELP T t NO MONEV h- . .', J- IT MAV BE , . , . I S;, kV-J-- WEELFTOSOMErl'-'A-, ' . , IN HS rL . ' ' .- '' ( A LITTLE SOGGY ) &' kr . MONEY fORTHE tjp ' I WALLErJ ' Vr BUT IT'S ALL y I LI'L ABNER - - By AL CAPP : i l1 1 wHyHOULDVOU have nothing, i IbE CRUMMtiNISrS'.' V MO.ftOV.r-I I I I- ' I . I If . AND THE HEW HESS HAV HAVE 1 I THE. PHILOSOPHY OF LIK& THAT II I I II utui,io.wuv cuniu ni.ir A I rBiiMuivSCM i; IC I PHILOSOPHV A I M MD SO I uii tneu stove ana rurn- fm hnt,nin nnn him t.ivin ace. ' CoaJ Foothills ana Biy 'V. 3p:!?.g Bazaar an Mtn. Gas "Pacific' Pro" ! rooms and bath, down: one bed- pane pita'. Day 1 1 a. PHILPOTT. EVITT & CO. I room up. Full basement, oil heat. T Tn L .Some furniture included In ask-..nT.ilng price of $5250. Balance as """rent. - Phone 651 or b:z j Star jor the Eastern Ml I 28 FUUMTI RE FOR SALE jArmstronp; Agencies Ltd. 342 Eves. Phone Red SR ' (It) Phone !XH!ri BaMar'! FURNITURE for Sale." f 'Li5 1 Red 303. (87pV via spring uuur, " i T.AROF revenue house. Close In. . Box 921 Daily News. 189) 2BA . KF.WING .VI ( MINES SALES Repairs Rentals Singer i Sewlns Cent!?. Phone 864. i 43 LISTINGS WANTFJJ " ian Missionary Tea, I (122) to U)E Vt.om n lofirn lie rf hllWfO ' bazaar May 'i't. .36 1.35 67.50 .16'2 1.15 .55 .12'., . 4.20 McKenzie Red Lake MacLeod Cockshutt Noranda .. Louvicourt Pickle Crow Petrol Oil ind Gas .. New Senator Sherritt Gordon ....... yearly-new Sale, May innrymi;ioRjYci.! quick aiej FW KAIJ6350TcRivar En-1 H. G HELGERSON LTD. . field nitorcvele $150 Annl' P' Real Estate and Insurance K'campTlrBox 367 city V18 61,1 i (89p)S Bluck 197 evs.; , ! (Hi 1 iilo Tea. Mav 20 Inside V,"",,;. 1 youmave someboov else S setter S ua5 J TowKr A( ffk .S, WHATTHtV ) GOT IT -YOU . ( THAM HAPPV LANP MASSK" iWW'T P- ' CM5. ARRIVES ' Kff WlrM-' TOMORROW- I - THE HEART OF JULIET, JONES v Bv STAN DRAKE , ' 'rrm"m" si -T'-'-r, ,ncQV-TJJ'yCJ. . V M. il I I QUESTIONS. questions. QUESTIONS.' questions.' VOU vou I f ok. m-ss )f ist-m V ' I ' Sj.:!'1 mmmm 'Pf'i ,. j' .MIaN VyTl 1 TWO WO. WERE WERE 60CN BORN WITH WITH . JONES?- J VOLlf J I .- - -1. fNKlt.M. NOTICES "f- Steep Rock 8.10 Sliver Miller 1.04 Great Sweet Orass 1.08 Golden Manilou 1.85 FOR S Misc. -In the city, Sunday. "P. Muruaret Ralston. 4.-1 ritoPERTY FOR SALE : LOT for Sale. Atlln Avenue. Un-' I restricted view. Phone Red , 1 549. ! ,S811) fs 11 months, beloved 1 sensational EASTER . I 11; I)TS. Good location.. Near MfBrldc. Phone Black 921. - . (89DV "" hard L. Evans. 1360 lust. Rev. L. O. Seiber ui't services at Gren-ft Chapel at 2:30 p.m. fy. April 14. Interment Jin Fairview Cemetery. linkers in ehfirffe- -of ills. (II) $3.55) QUESTIONS ON K)UR LIPS.' 'WE: "OUS HiTS AND COATS .'WE THIS 1S 4 MATTER OF LIFE W "SPECI Air rtARraj''Tr7V:ilfl0 etlf'East ! opposite new housing.-Phone Black 977. 92 1,' OR 60 PLEASE, CAN ARGUE IN HIS re PLEASE wueRY.' CAR. HE SAVS IT'S l I'UtSON l. - . ! 40 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r: A.j - L Ji7-r A BAKaAiM AND . trvYi 1' Va-' V'' ' ' .-Af rt'F'i I HAVE TO ACT Jrj V&ttltA A-vi W . ' . - . . Z i.-A 1 i'l 1 .: It. , L Jl V 1 1 L NYLON TRICOT DRESS SHIRTS Were $12 95 j CAFE for Sale. Good location, 1 modern eouinmeut. For lar- J Alcoholics r0. Box 343. W I ' I- ..t. TV Mt3 " Anonv-1 1 107 1 1 void's zrAUl aw 'l?5r.!?5V'An r--tM;Hn I hat last for Easter. tlculars appiv toramooorc uk. Phone 17. 628 3rd Ave. West. (89) 'ie (Jilt Shop. (89) -I NOW ONLY i""KSS PERSONALS : I J"rA --r- .Vw .rr"-r J ir a Br - - 1 Thk tdvtttiscment 11 not published or displayed by (he Liquor Control foird or by the Government oi British Columbia AITOMOB1LES 47 it' ' -Al'COUNl ANT. TnconTe ' ta',''a"s' fi. G. fink, ding. Red rt3. (20m I '49 CHEV Coach, Sell or trade for Enclish car or panel. Apply 114 8th West. (92p) Eddie's I ' Tl: SHERLOCK HOLMES ' By EDITH MEISER ond FRANK GIACOIA i t V i.ArfZl l-L. U JA -'Jk.?;1 v,ic b,,t r uai ucc. I 1""??' 1 Rcr4iic;c p j I I tuic pfvoi vpi? IS &AIT. IT Iv4 ! fi'-s, novelties, ' B'ilDd. (CI ' $9.95 1' See Our Window Display ART MURRAY'S MEN'S WEAR (89c) '51 CUSTOM Ford Sedan. All leather upholstery. $1650. Call nt Suite 3, McBride Apts. after 6 p.m. 2pj LEGAL NOTICE ;RS tor Easier. A thin of! 7 IS a lOV fnrpup TnUm ou '. " 'I Shop nf I J0As TO HELP SOLVE MY WIFE'S 1 j feg I REVOLVER IS K THE 6INICER5 JU&T MAWAGE J u. (89) jK- WkJt&m REVOLVER THAT WA& FOUNP I I i P I S CAN'T,(?I9K h'fesySC? hf&Tjh& fkMk3 -A HIPPEN IN MISS 0UN9AK' J I ft aff V LOSING IT), . Ql"' '' "KY and chesterfield 12!, .,0ckl inM. Phojio ?J' Mr. J. Kempster. 1 101) 1!J0 nndlandscapin(r, VfVfrBreen planting ami 1 vvn w'.riisrnv act Re: Orliririite nf THIf Sn. 8MI3-I nf till Ifl. Work 40. Swtlon 1. Cllv nf I'rlnre HuKrt. Map BI3. WHKItKAS satisfactory proof of Inss nf the. nbov Cfrtlflcata of Title isciieH in (he tinme of Allred An THREE cleared lots and cabin. Phone Green 318 after 6 n.m. rterson lias linen fllwl 111 thin office. 1 "'V'iii 'j Anv 1vta (87p) imiloe Is her.v (flvn tna mail. 1,. i,ft f.vnirniinn of one month from X r ir i reasonable tlin date of the first iutllrtlon . TWO table model radios, one Dhon and one witn nitacn- ment to connect. 1142 7th Ave. East. 91P' a"t"ma,' oil heat- I mn na work pl,one 1 M 6U1 West. Letour- i - (c) That object under the hood Is the motor of your car Inspect It regularly prevent those high repair bills. CONSULT SUPER SERVICE LUMBER. 1,000 Fbm. I hereof, iMiie a Provlntnnal oertin-cRte of Title in lieu of salu lost Certificate, unless In Hie meantime vullrl objection l made to me tn writlnit , . . DAI'KD at the Land ResLitry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. tuts 23nd day of March. ll4. AD.. Andrew Thompson. Deputy RegLstrar of Titles. (94) x 12. (91p) ARCHIE By BOB MONTANA ; Blue 954. OIL stove, pqt burner. Red 883. I - - -f- - q v ".'' N rz .11 i i in i'POnds, nn tins onH ? FrP( ' vyXjmiCT, WE (MOW V THAT PK3HT, &' COX,tWZ TAX BATE I '-'. ,J .'(3 , " ' . I rCENEEDA A eON' X PCOV.DE if ON WOT ( WIU OO UP A LITTLE' A4INUTE. AKCMlt LJJ , e estimates, phone 32A, FOR RENT MISC innni I I rsJLl TV TrtUUL' LAIf I 'w -- i 1 " . - . 1 . f I I 1 II . . - , 1 :'lil( '? A vr cabin, 727 (89p) 3 -ROOM furnished Fraser St. U Ti'n'"K...ftna electrical liin Aim .Jjet! 165. 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOl'S (89) " T FWnK. 215 1st I MOTTO "A -NFRT' MCIL1HK.-A. 'LLJ " j A, , iinrsw m M-4 : ' CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 643 Call 630 6th Ave. West. . e MONTHLY GENERAL MEETING L.O.AA. No. 1051 ' ' . ' Tuesday, AjKi! 13 - 8:00 p.m. IMPORTANT BUSINESS fclection of Officers -- Decision regarding future premises ALt, MEfBERS URGENTLY REQUESTED TO ATTEND (001 WANTFD TOP MARKET i?"-- Phnno " ni.,a uiue PiV v"jne 1 PRJCES PAID for scrap iron,; -oaits--Servic. Bleel, brass, copper, ieuu, (c) 1 Hnnntr irrnnniir iinjiiiuu iitiv for ffif'1 Works' ment made. Atlas iron & Metal fKoiite Sounders. I Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, (BU) j B.C. Phone paciiic nyji. u