Utile Chance of Popular Uprisino Prince' Rupert Daily News As I See It iff I MA 5T0PID V ' . ' ' J ( 1 ray . . . r fl Wednesday, March 11. 1953 in Kimid Aydiiiii ueorgi Mate A mistaken a uooje ) Itr KICII ltl O RIGAN dispelled that, h VIENNA iAPi talln's death j f fi"1"1 ,ur" unt,m!.s i ..i . ... I Balkan Balkan " un' imr. unrt . b IniBfN-iidem dullr newspaper dfiotm to the upbuilding of Prino Kupr uid Northern nd Central British Columbia. WmntM of Can-uiian Prr Audit Buru of Circulation Otnadtan Dull? Nrwspaprr AMorlstlon. P-Jhllslifd bv "he Prior Hupert Dally Newt UmltM 4. F. MAUOR. President H. O. PERRY, Vloa-Prealdenl Llts ! Reminisces 1 iipnt-ars to have changed nothing , In the Kovii-t satellites. 'J'Wsmmd i r i .. -.71 i more plans to . . . ..... 1-1.,,,. iU l.arHt.. - ...,A l .... - - , - irarninff rf m.i. -i. Subscription Rate: miHm T r tu-f y;So- rwr tnrmth ! 01,! tie Tear. 110.00 t mall Ppi inuilh 1Ac wr T.-nr. 8 00 S' X PUroll when he wandered out of the liwiuauna cimme oi a popular, iWit woods and saw an automobile for uprliing against Geor.l Malen- ' Mjfnko the first time ... He didn't see th " rulers of the " J'" Uy min 10 ' ' ' it soon enoush.-Ex. Kremlin There U scarcely one n chance In a hundred that a new V. f, ",wlr, 'Ji , " 1 A change, possibly profound, j Tito will appear amonf th : p""lr.,i has taken place in Soviet Ruwia l"'" I'oland. East Germany,! ,'omraur" W-Herhaps even more so. could the ; Czechoslovakia. Romania. Hun- Uh to h, s iron curUin be folded up B"lKria and Albania j wltm?T'. W te- . &k.y ilk 1 nuv n someining snouia nap- , ' "V. a ia ! fwn in the Balkans It would most I . " momh s $100,000 For Vets HERE is the address of i the executor of the i estate of the old soldier : who died and left $100,000 , to other ex-Imperials. To be eligible for possible erants up to $250 each you must live in Canada and have served in the British army or navy be- SYSTEM ANO S IIOOI S We supimxe teurhing was quite likely be In Albania or Bulgaria, i ,0 new tu TIUw. There might have been a simple before whools were known ( nrirr for satellite detection had ! rrpect, W US Oil Cliu HUOIIUI ny. inn. ... . . inuuulDn ty alMiut Stalin s successor. But W 7. """""''i h M.ilcnkov's ieedv auixilntmenl,! . . "r tir fore 1915 not as an officer but! Canada and the United Rtaits are each others bcj.t toui'Lt customers, un each sine, tne totnU are around three million Of these, quite a nuinlx-r climb street In Quebec, and see mure halibut In Prince Rupert than anywhere else. the control of Walfnte, Communist pn, v Union. jlhoriirrrt u cord cltss mall b u' Port or Department, Ottawa. A Poor Impression from the fact that they cause anxiety ASIDE and distaste among- Prince Rupert's own citizens, there is another unfortunate circumstance of these stormy city council sessions which could do with some serious thought. It is the poor impression they are making for the city on outside observers. . Newspapers and radio stations in the larger ; ' cities make a point of reporting activities in other municipalities of the province. To catch public attention, they will emphasize the more sensational j aspects, and there is nothing more sensational than j a first-class civic row. , In this respect, Prince Rupert has a high bat- ' ting average. Possibly there are other places in B.C. ' where dissension is just as pronounced, but not many, as a day-by-day study of outside newspapers .! ' will prove. It may le claimed with some justification that , there are issues here which are particularly sharp and which nrovide stronee opposite opinion. It is MILESTONES trum the im irt ll Italljr Srm I ' further mteihte p, 40 Y.fln Aon TH- '"":rj.".Mt . 3 - " - f cuiuamuaw nu Mrtu, Hev. W A Mi lod In hU ferjh!s old rival Moloim rion hotly dcfeiided the right cf But even l( .. Oh. for the days of plenty vacant houses, so that houses to let at high prices ran be houses to let alone. tne press to criticize any uwi r-) commue to shake u , imcf5 of a public nature w lactors prntm j desertion of it n;o Tiie Prince hupert Liberal As- Prtwnce of Riiur lust s-i iaMon ut 11 meeting endorsed ,0,1 rm ot fcu. GITS HIS K.O. James J. Jeffries died NOT A SCOTIA'S CHANGING fl IM ATE Is also changing the moose population of the province changing the majestic big game animal Into a woodland moiuii. Biologi.su trying to discover the reason for depletion of the moose population have discovered that the moose Is becoming stupid and simple-minded. Examinations of dead animals have show :i that parts of the brain have decayed. . week in California where he waa the lailtc of Kir Wilfred Ijiu'ir'n"ll'- These rt U born His age was 7" He Is still ' ,n oppmng tne Borden naval a"y c"""" Ian fc regarded as the greatest fighter propi,ui.i Russia. of them all H12 Jims career, I Poland can forty y. in the ranks Write to: Eric H. Gilmer, Swlnerton ti Co., Brough-ton St., Victoria. B C WATCH FOR Tzinquaw, the all-I Indian music and dance play coming to Georgia Auditorium. Vancouver, near the end of March. It has been a smash hit wherever played and if you want to see an authentic native performance, this Is It. It was a sell-out In New Westminster last year. , KATHLEEN Elliott of 222 Rogers Building. Vancouver. Is a bright business woman who carries on a fine work as a non-paying sideline. As a service to home-bound, handicapped people Miss Elliott sells a wonderful range of hand-made articles. A. J. CLOTWORTHY of Salmon Arm, the retired teacher whose brief sparked the sensational controversy over BC. schools, writes thanking me for "consideration and courtesy" In asking for a full copy of his brief before commenting. He only had one, he explains, and this was sent to Victoria shows 23 fiKhLi, eleven won by knw kouLs. He was the last of the old line of heavyweight tillo-holdcrs John L. Kullivun. J.tmes J. Corbett and Roljeit Kll.s!m-mons By the time Jeff was stopped by Jack Johnson he had . tt-iu.Sl ..... ......I 30 Yeor AqoTodoy ! T ,mT ,n " !' " r Krrgln. M.Ji for Allln J ..T left for 8t Catharines. Ontario rml tn(S xhwmnfl : lo attend the funeral of h'' watchful 8ot fatner W H Kngui. Hungary and Roan. i tens of thoiuaiuu ( More liiaii 2ol attended trie troops ;onrert nivl prize giving cew! Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nbitt VICTOraA.The lej,n,Iative rudenesses go on..to kwp Uie mwt , ,t. KIimv 111 tho Ralvatlon Arniy Bia FatnU. l yn"'. Vl l,mc )"- " Met UlUtlve children have nlcl t f.irht. Mayor : WINNIPEO tR -school enrollment m session. He said the neonle of rernie are hornfiefi eouuiiv talkative nnrcnt.s That's N-ton at in the rhait of ll !, V,.,.!, wnnl f., . f- Viij ciu-iMv.il what comes from a lilctlinc of )( V.nrt Ann Tnnw U"1- I-""' IW ci i clil me iiui n vi u.i aim ivui x j i iiiu. "i orded In tne ll-itcs frying to get a word In edgewise j-Lethhridt'e Herald Certainly, rude, very persnn.il wo.ve, are ravaging uie area .rnt to u M-sj- PAitiarbi ca r rv nftn hanrlU""! ..t . i i ' around Terrace according to paiin diuiimii . . nc - - j,irK5 sunt;, ana nw iinu inrn : dinner word received here and It Is te- 1 port lust Uau(! f". ."'T 1T1?JCAT "lt that they have never before .., lrmB d ntnle to WM ulai!y SPrv(1 wltn bless- porua m. y nve practical y cr,Jrf jk, m i i'aiM d o il the oi cr from tt iba i yMr whole district. ' noticea sucn personal nmerncs'. existing between MLAs The Liberals, of course, are ..n.-wir her. Ing Hut today, its found mii' h The male MLAs are getting. more convenient when a can-pretty good at snapping back opener Is made use of about two weeks ago asked me to rush a copy." This clears up one mystry. It is clear that the demand for ammunition to try to "get something on" the B C. schools came still smarting under tne iernnc: :,t tnp fl.maP MLAs Gallantry It would seem there Is still a licking bocial crraiiers gave ,, , . , abo Hisanpfarcd In Ihem JnB Ttio (IT ti !1 the legislative debate Which Is shortage of houses The other Irtv nrf nnt rJ ,,1. .2" "l wt. T ) as I Y H should be. The lad.cs day a New York woman pave. houldn't take advantage of i birth to a baby In a telephone The Canadian Legion, B E S I... r.i .Mil a roolutloti to ask tne Minivrr of rVllM'all,,l, 'v the Iliiihan version of "O Cait-ail.i " taj.;l.t in the school 10 Ye on Ago Todoy The Attorni-y-ficncral's de- St. Patrick VARIETY CONCER their sex If they're In politics booth they should accept the rough- j anri-tumble. be able to take it1 Women's Co-ordinating f'oun- , - - nut 01 governmeni ny one scat. rooU. ' iThe Social Credilers. being a ,,.... ' minority government, lack se- THANKS to two more responsible, IL, curilyand an mM,rur( pernor.. Vancouver people who sent me ot couriM, un to be a bit details of the flying discs they ; tml,.hy and . oH al vi,f. saw on the afternoon of Sunday, i sljRhttst provocation. only right that these should be fully aired, and no one will suggest that all parties sit complacently back" to give the impression that Prince Rupert is a United city. Hut issues are one thing, and personalities another. If there has ever been a meeting of responsible men and women in which name-calling, insults and personal vilification have advanced their purpose, it is yet to be reported. The only effect they achieve is anger, which is surely a destructive course. . It is fatuous to say we do not care what others think of us. Prince Rupert is not so big that it can afford to repel newcomers. With attention everywhere directed towards the blossoming north, there are certain to be many sufficiently interested to consider moving to this part of the country, of which Prince Rupert is a focal point. But the man making a reasonably comfortable living where he is will assuredly think twice before sacrificing it to enter what is apparently a'mad-house. Although admittedly he must take his chance no matter how attractive the conditions, he is not likely to be encouraged by the thought that the city seems bent on destroying itself by, giving vent to personal animosities and factional differences. It is time Prince Rupert took more pride in its place in this promising realm. It is not true, as some suppose, that our fortunes died with Laurier. If others have failed to encourage us, at least we can encourage ourselves, for the opportunities have not changed. Indeed, they are greater than ever before and, as a source of inspiration, have much more to offer than bad manners in city hall. well as give it. True, a lot ell will supervise an informal of the men hate scrapping with social at the Civic Centre to-'parttient unnonnced It Intend the ladles; they find it difficult : morrow aftermxin The oreaslnn '" l lk"' attioii unieM sewage dis- rcuiutiij iviuiij uLiitrs nave t 1 1 II,. 1 1 .1 .. n .1 C. ' a , lnnmK . 1 it.. . l - i . . . .. r . . . . 1 1 ! Inn. n , A r ,H, ,1 -'"'" - i J'MKri. Lot rniu HIT um-nrinii, mooer 1 - done likewise Over the lns faar , rnnnth. ! rial Creditor Mrs. Rolston can, I heir mothers' knees. But then, last Christmas which went over ;nim:i3lJy at the Rushbro.k iehts wartime housing see. ion in yiriLV i Liue un-wo. n : nu rnouirr ever rxijf-v'vru wuivi WHn a Dana. I Iiey usually cio ie CAPITOLTHtA not call it rude; let s call it rin. In the legislature. that , Yes However, no Libera., for In- j At or perhaps pert, .otinds better pert Putting !t stance, no mafler how gallant. this way is sometnins line ...n notiucnllv afford to oerinit Watch for a big story to break on all this, probably before the end of 1953. A LADY wanU me to boost along the campaign to have the SPCA take over the Vancouver city pound. Good Idea. Why not? A Trail man wanU me to urge the government to stop the Flood SUNDA MARCH withdrawal In the Legislature. M formidable an opponent as A member deliberately says Tii,v . R(llsUm t0 pmlI,cl him something unparliamentary. witho,lt nt )(,a4t trymg to pum. knowing he'll have to withdraw mt,, b;ull No g. CrediU-r And so he withdraws but he tan p,rmjt Nancy Hodges to got what he wanted to sny off a 0VPr nlm without try- hls chest first And, once said,;!n), a f,,w kl,.k4 himself much It really cant be unsaid. ti np miRnl himself for Mrs. Rolston gave a perfect rising so Doort 0p I jrceuei campaigns ana msieaa give five million bushels of wheat, meats, butter, etc., "right off the shelves." Good idea, too. Our government owns 29 million pounds of surplus butter and example of this technique the yes. a session of personul re-other day. She wont after Lib- marks. The public, galleries al- Presented THE WOME OF THE M0C SA VE MONEY 1Qo Discount ON ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PAID -. IN. ADVANCE the U.S. government owns 80 million pounds. I also see that jour surplus of dried milk powder is double what It was a year ago. MUCH and all as I would like to j see Hon. Jimmy Sinclair get . a top job in the cabinet I think ( rai leaaer nenney Pne saio ways pnjoy such rcmarks. but Mr. Kenney had said there's ton it'S tm observer's opinion that much freedom in Canada Mr tn. public, too. grows rontempt-Kenney protested-he said he UOU8 aftPr a tlmei for surh p,.r. had said nothing of the kind. ; Mma bitternesses and rude re-He asked Mrs. RouOon to with- marks. It s a kind of Franken-draw. She shrugged her shoul-' jtcin. ders said sure, she'd withdraw , , her remark had done it's ; f;,ft.J Tnwn ' wjsrk. But she kept right on th' , KAMSACK, .o. Bask. t CP e Council subject-and Mr Kenney was thl 40 m,le northeast and t(""i up and down protesting, Tickets ovoloit Star's Style ond 99 To PaSAuge isiane 0 tor or Jocla yoaau re '; he should stay right where he Is r?t.'(ntiniitiig instaht in prayer. Romi ll:12. 1 till he makes a solid success as i Minister of Fisheries. This is l fiiat. about tie m fist imnftrtfltii asking-withdrawals Mr. Speaker'01 '"ma rememo-rm-tnc am NORMAN cabinet post there is, right now. '-' Metnher-H4 turned In W Tto"' tlie 12th. that came to Kamsack alter a OTTAWA DIARY MN Irwin said that Mrs. Rolston 0CLE0D ' for B.C. Let's really go out to sell cyclone In 1944, voted $M0 to the having once withdrawn, should not keep repeating the remark, relief und for European flood our salmon. NOTE to Ross Thatcher. MP.: Ross, what are you kicking for But that was all right by Mn lunorers. . ' Rolston. "I'm finished, any- lmlmmmmmm A veteran personality of the him by Chief Whip Stanley Federal scene who is taking on Knowles. And his return deflnite-a fresh and Imaginative interest ly has contributed to the vital in the new Abbott budget? It came pretty close to what you land I) suggested. We asked for a 10 percept cut In Income taxes and got 11 percent. But we did not get our suggested 2 percent way," she said. "These casual withdrawals . . ." said Mr. Kenney. They're like the small boy's "I'm sorry" when he's caught swiping Jam only to run back to the Jam closet the minute h'n mother's back It tinned an-1 these days In trie eyes oi 'he nature of House proceedings, i Capital s corps of more or less .The real truth seems to be expert press observers is one M. that the CCF Leader has an ef -J. Coldweil. fective talent for sensing the The Interest isn't due to any. issues that are realistic in Par-srudrten brisrhtenin of Coldwcll's liamentary debate. And added chances of ever becoming Prime to this Instinct he has a flair for Minister. In fact, those chances , political showmanship. The corn-look right now as if they had 1 bination is powerful. OUR FIRST SHIPMENT 1953 LEONARD REFRIGERATORS cut in sales tax. I was one up on you Ross for I did my bit to end the nuisance stamp tax. , ..,.!..-,. a ,nc m. For example, the Coldweil ! ft I J T l Periods of prolonged prasp-nty showmanshlp exploited every; K ( JUflflP lO DP 'V. U UC such as the one tnut has laslea ib, 11Uca, advantae , JUUVJt with "MAGIC CYCLE" Self-Defrosting then comes another "I'm sorry " Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Rolston. when they spoke In the budget debate, wouldn't permit questions and abruptly they tossed them aside. The Premier wanted to know if he could ask Mrs Hodges a question. She said no, he couldn't, and how does he like a dose of his own medicine? , Liberal W. T. Stralth asked Mrs Sworn In Friday VANCOUVER O Herbert W. since W orld War II just aren t gained from tne rst breaking favorable to the growth of the', lne Currie report wnen tne Socialut cause. j alterations from ' the original What has restored Coldweil todrsft But report were exposed. the press correspondents' spot-U,nen the CCF Leader returned to light is rather the Interesting Mnne after his nw, t:-,e Full Fred" Davey, QC, appointed a Judge of the BC. Supreme Court, will be sworn in at the Vancouver court test to which the vasfarles of house Friday by acting Chief Floor Justice A. M. Manson. jr Magic Cycle Defroster Roll Our Dairy Shelf Buffer Conditioner ic Three Door Shelves Currie report then was of only perfunctory Interest to him. Instead he seized on the latest Abbott budget, which he termed a "big business budget". Nothing could better illustrate the Coldweil Instinct for political values. He sensed that the Currie Only 2" Wide ill-health recently caused him to be subjected. He is the onlyj party leader in the Commons who ha been removed from the Parliamentary scene for an extended period approximately two months and then returned. One question which observer! waited for events to answer was: Mr. Davey, 54, was born and educated in Victoria and has spent his entire legal career there. He Is one of Vancouver Island's leading lawyers, and he reached the top of of his profession without the advantage of formal law school training. Mr. Davey was articled to a Rolston If he might a.sk a question. Mrs. Rolston snubbed him with: "No thanks nobody gives way these days." "I didn't think she would," muttered M. Stralth Now. are such remarks from the ladiea rude, or are thpy flip, or are they pert? CCF Mr. Squires of Albernl was so annoyed at Mrs. Rolston that he called her unladylike, At this Mrs. Rolston let out a most unladylike cackle. Yes, said Mr. Squire, Mrs. Rolston wai unladylike In her treatment of Mr. Kenney. Mrs. Rolston wanted to know who was unhidylik" herself or Mr. Kenney? Ah-, Postal report had reached the limit of Its ability to saturate the public tmlnd, which accordingly was Would the Coldweil absence from the House be noticed? A second clamoring for new material. The budget supplied It and Coldweil companion question was: Would lawyer and after passing all his examinations was called to the his return make any Impression set about serving It up with a MOIIFL I K PC 0.1 Cu. I t. $459.75 MODEL LNIIC 7.1 Cu. Ft. $339.75 pon the chamber's proceedings? -;-lngi bar In 1922. He is well known as a lawyer, and served as coun THE COI.nWFLL I The PC's to their amazement ri.RSONAI.ITY were left with virtually a mono- Now both these questions have I poly on the Currie report issue. sel for the Sloan Commission on SEE THESE ULTRA-MODERN MODELS of fa-en answered. And in both , What Coldweil realized shrewdly Just hadn't occurred to them that proves the point, Mr. Speaker, said Mr. Squire, and he became more convinced than ever of Mrs. Rolston's unladylike behaviour. 8o far CCF Mrs. Jamleson hasn't been rude or rather, pert. But she's good when it comes to biting sarcasm. She namely, that the government never will call a general election forestry and hns also acted as counsel for the B.C. Power Commission. His appointment follows the recent amendment to the Judges' Act permitting B.C. to have nine instead of eight Supreme Court I Judges. Rupert Radio and Electric - cases the answer is definitely complimentary to the CCF Leader. Coldweil was muwed during hi two months' absence from the House, despite the excellent Job of deputizing that was done for on the Currie report; it coneelv ably might, even yet, on the budget,