4 Frince Rupert Daily Nev.a Wednesday, Marcn 11. IS5 - ' ' . i Gordon & Anderson Eke Out 50-48 Win in Second Game of Cage Series C 1 IV 4 ' Fred Saigh ! Parts Company With Cardinals NEW YORK tAP rred8lh and the 81. LouU Cardinals of-flcially parted company Monday when the former owner of tha Redblrds left their Bt. Peters-burg camp for St. LouU to turn the club over to August Hunch. Salgh. scheduled to tart a prison sentence May 4 fur Income tax evasion, sold the flub to Buwh. head of the Anhruser-Husrh Brewing Co.. two week ago. He stayed with the team In at. Petersburg, FU.. until the XT ill Manson Omegas Wilt in Dying Minutes of Crucial Game Roaring spectators got their best basketball treat of the season last night in witnessing Gordon & Anderson jiiek up a six-point deficit, then go on to win 50-48 against Manson -Omegas- in the dwindling seconds of the game. It gave Alex Bill's O-As their I V mi htv i.v ii t ilr lliu a t vti V, i position finre thu group last fell ice under their y: of the Turonto Varsity Clrada of the mid ivrnlm Ottawa Sliver Seven u the greatest hix-ney teamt, of the century, gathered at Toronto for a wih!,'"' Rom Tayloi. Roger I'laxum. Ir J Huiiinn K,,n, Mueller, and I Lou Hudnon Three of tw grml,',, ' Jack Porter. I Hive Trtittier and Grant Oimi.ui second straight win in the best-of-five senior city rage playoffs The terrific comeback in the dvine moments of the game was 11, Helin, Stewart, Newton 1. Total 31. Eraser & Payne Ciccone 13. Tait 6, Nickerson 13, Kristman- r V 1 r;: very end and before leaving gave the player a short talk. "Thi U the lust time I'll ice a major upset. Throughout the : son 7 Morrison 7. Sheppard 3, night Omegas kept ahead, at one Ford 10. McAfee 4 Total 03, I ' ...... -4 tune by as much a i..r.e po.... It was GA's desperation ball-hawking that seemed to throw back the leaders in the final RAY SPRING . Omega sensation INTER U , Nelson Bros Newton 15. Ya- ; inanoto 17. Tanaka 2. McKay,! Mat-suo 2. Nakatsu 11. Total 47. j Sports Shop Ware 20. Morven ; 8. Toth 5. Dumas 2, Turcotte 2, 1 Prystay. Total 37. i yuu as owner cf the Cardin.nK" he said. "I regret very .muih having to leave you My aenti-ments will alwaya be with you and I want you to play aa hard tor the new owner ui you would for liif " Said manager Eddie B.uikey: Coke is on the menu! . Iknwm iwum 'nor n - 11 m J 1- Its so good with meal "I'm terribly sorry to ee him I TV Equipment Used to Study Lives of Fish NO TWO MEN II1I.0 WOULD CHAMPIONSHIPS In their respective potts longer than Willie Hoppe defu and Joe LouU Hoppe has been Mr. Billiards for nearly a half-century while Louis held the heavyweight boxing title from l'37 to 1949 They met at the second annual Celebrity Pinner of the Ontario Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association In Toronto. The $25-a-plate affair produced 20fK0 for the work of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. : moments that turned the tide. At the end of the first quarter. i Manson? gained one point on G-A.s; at half time the score was 27-20 for the Jewellers, and at I three-quarter time, 37-31. ' IIOLKESTAI M T ! At the mast crucial stage of the game for the G-As. mainstay Rupe Holkestad fouled out. The score stood 48-42 for Mansons . and less than two minutes re- kiavi'. He w.u wontwrtul to me He was the best Uiwu t ever r. i worked for" 'ThT it U right next to swnixi, nwnts find dt-wterts. WASHINGTON AP Th re- V 0 Canadian wildlife officials, a mained in the pame. Yen, Coke with nwalH i crowing St roolly uuike gil fiMxl Lit I Quebec Hockey League Faces Suspension Canadian Pirat Start Writer MONTREAL 0 One of the greatest upheavals in Canadian hockey eame into clearer focus today with a clean break by the powerful Senior Hockey League from the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association. lain iraiKi picicu ' Rookie Butch Currie got a Mild Winter Produces Freak Break-up on Francois Lake Max Dentley Has Returned SASKATOON CP-Max Bent-ley, veteran centre tor Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League, has returned to Toronto to rejiun the Leaf. Bentley spent last week rest-Ing at hi DelLile, Sask . home He was suffering a back Injury and iiivo had an attack of 'fiu. North American wum.ie ' comer- friendly pat on Uie shoulders as ence, Monday described natBiU Mnt him in to replace Holk-they said was the first use oi j pslad Here js thf play f rom tnen specially-made television equip- on. ment to study the live of game, ,;4J cf .'left tn nlav the Jewellers had nn Water Is on the lake Ice. and Spwlal to Tlx- DmIIj Ne FRANCOIS LAKE. BC. while cars are crossing they J. P. Cuerrier, F. H Schulta ana ; control of the ball, but missed ipend little time on the way V. E. F. Solman. of the Canadian c oring on a fast break Joe Davis across wncime service, ui, ""'-! Q-As got the rebound and t Under threat of suspension by .tuciies done at Lake Minn.- manuge(3 to squeeze out of the; the CAHA. the league decided wanka. in Banff National Par. ;tjeht kev or . iong pass to team- Runrixv without a dissentimz The report said about 45 hours mate Ted Arney, who was fouledj vote, to set out as an indepen- was spent in actual observation alMt one ,rom free throw ; dent organization. freak winter has produced a freak brak-up of the Ice A crack generally comes In the ice down the centre of the lake, giving the ice both sides room to expand and contract. But thl.i year the ice formed so qulcklr that there waj no crack. On Monday the sun shone an'. a west wind blew. With no room to move other than this way, the ILL I PHONE 266 v.nn . ... -, "ne. j Representatives of the seven depths uw w 1 JO 'W. al,a all Flaten was next to get a free; dubs were told by President tir.wi whicit ranged from 5 a.m. try. scoring one to make it 48-44 George Slater that he is satis-to after H p m. It was found that for Mansons. fied all rights and protection n nn. dav even at denths of 00 ARXEY SCORES ! enjoyed by the QSHL in iU rela- tion to professional leagues feet Lhe amount of liaht avail- With 34 seconds left to play,1 be ac- H reieiiliert:y niovru 111. 11. nrr. through the CAHA will kMMiMlrni ' 11 able wa, such that artifieia, U-,Arney ,acec .the Jew- , M Am Prince Rupert L, jj Up on the lane.snore, ana car.-which were coming across the lai : could not get off this side luminatiun was not required to To bring about the break with on them, ball-hawking severely. . . 1 .. t l- . . I.V. 1111 I tha r-.CIT hnH in hi examine mciuuiiuirui n.c '- pavw ciuu-pea tne ball, passed ' " - , , tll. , hiri ehomx-rt a road bom. to Ame, who scored on a .ayup. ! ZZ2 ! way through the hped up Ice A primary purpose of the studj j The same tactics were repeated; H key-with whlcn : Tne unuie ,irengin f the was to determine to what depth ". similar lesulu, Arney again u has nQ quarrel ' whole ane of e wM too nlucu lake Ucut spawn and on K The QAHA was suspended ! lor the old wharf and It col- type cf lake bottom. ' "?n ' February 28 for defying an edict : lap.sed near the shore. The Pub; ntroet. enervation determined rtlnc. t J iJat or. moV- g : 0 the CAHA. The dispute in-, lie Works gang worked wej mt, to KETCHIKAN with connections to the ni.ht. spelling each olner that lake trout egg3 were found At exactly seven seconds of 1 year-old Ron Atlwell, now with to depths of 80 feet, lying on top tlpie remaining Davis snapped a 'Montreai Canadien juniors of Amateur s.iu iium mr muc. una .i """ the Quebec Junior of roefcs and beside sticks. 1 lburi WmU ml C.-CJ ao-ix m. itfc C won me game 10 ,ra P""'- Hockey Association. monium of 400 rooting special- , .... WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE SPEED-COMFORT SAFETY SEE VOI R LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT rv NORTH STAR BOTTLING WC ArinAr UmrfA .within its rights and within AOneS rlClCe ONE-MAN TEAM (regulations of the CAHA by issu- ' . Can.AtiAnal ma.bnliin t n w 1 n lttwJ)H a nluvinu .ft i f ilu t a Phone I JJ I'niir Ru.trt, C. imlrrr1 Iralr-mtir Tops Trundlers Mansons was Ray Spring, who i The CAHA helj otherwise, not only made 20 of his team s i Component leagues of the total points but was dynamite ; QAHA have stood by the Quebec on floor play and rebound. For . branch's decision. No leaRue or G-As. Davis and Arney each dub was susDended bv the CAHA of f with the saws. It as lmp sible to use the power saw a-s the pressure of the ice kept jamming It. It was almost as bad with the hand saws. Contractors have started on the new whurf. If the lake opens up i.nd tl.e ferry can cross before the new one is completed, contractors will repair the old one to allow traffic to crass. It has been necessary to cut a channel In the Ice around the Southbank wharf for the first time in history, to give room for ice to expand without pushing the wharf out. Other years It has been only the one on the northshore which was In danger. There may be an early break- scored 12 points. when it took this action against In Mixed Loop Agnes Pierce of Fashion Footwear again crashed the honor line in Division A of the Mixed Five-Pin league with a aiazling Third game of the finals U scheduled for Saturday night. If G-As win, it will finish the series, giving them the champ DAILY NEWS 'HANDY' WANT AD ORDER BLANK DAHY NEWS WANT ADS WILL HELP YOU SELL OS BOY the branch. But all are threatened with suspension. "If we are an independent body we cannot be suspended by the CAHA," said Slater.. "As to the professional leagues, I have satisfied myself that our rights will be protected." Annual gates in the QSHL ionship. On the other hand, Omegas, now coached by Don single game of S08 and a three-game eount of 725. For the men, Steve Daiapka of Cook's rolled a high game of 287 snd Don Hawryluck of Canada Life topped threergame counts v. ith 709. High team single waa captured hy Canada Life with 12J5 and fashion scored high three with Scheik, must win the remaining three games for playoff victory. In the first game of the inter A league playoffs, Fraser It Payne sacked North Star 63-31 behind the leading scoring of Ciccone and Nickerson, each with 13 RENT A ROOM, HIRE HELP, FIND A LOST ARTICLE OR DO PRACTICALLY ANYTHING YOU CAN THINK OF! schedule and play-offs total $1,000,000. The QSHL controls 200 players. In Midland, Ont., secretary- points. High for the Stars was Ron Black with 11 manager George Dudley of the , The Daily News, Prince Rupert, B C. 6 DAY RATE IS CHEAPER THAN ONE DAYD CAHA reaffirmed a statement he made Saturday, saying "the CAHA does not recognize the SAVE MONEY Order Your Ad 6 Times right of any league to withdraw this way at any time It desires." In B Division, Jean Sharpe of Jersey Farms scored high single for the ladies and also counted hii;h three with totals of 270 and For the men, Don Fraser of Conrad rolled a high of 212 and Ed Clarke of Harold's counted a t'.tree-game high of 899. Nelson Bros. - ousted Sports Shop in the semi-finals of the inter B playoffs, winning the second straight game 47-37. despite high scoring Ware of the losers who tipped in 20 points. Lineups: SENIOR Mansons Hartwig 9, Olson 4. He said the QSHL "is an or ganization registered with and operating under the authority You nav only lr the ml" Team honors went to Jerry's Webster fl. Bill 6. Spring 20, Du Please run the following ad for .; days. Enclosed is $ in full payment. ' NAME ADDRESS ; : Phone No TLEa.se print clearly For lhe Finest in Office Supplies SEE DIBB PRINTING COMPANY mas 2, Sather. Total 48. Gordon & Anderson Flaten 9, liiM-rlion. The other l"' M-rtmn are I KI II, R"""'1' the InM-rti.iiis inul i ftrrulivrly. and control of the CAHA and there is no middle ground." Unless the QSHL "signifies Its intention to continue with the CAHA it will be suspended," and the CAHA will Insist the NHL recognize this suspension as the agreement between the two bodies provides. . Davis 12, Holkestad 8 .Webber 9, Arney 12, Currie. Total 50. INTER A North Star Cameron 3, 2, Becker 7, Sankey 7, Black with scores of 1283 and 3419, the letter being a new high score for the division. RESULTS A Division Fashion 4, Shen-tons 0; 99 Taxi 4, Broadway 0; Miller Bay 4, Ocean View 0; Canada Life 3, Penguin 1; Headpin-ners 3, Orphans 1; Cooks 2, Pushovers 2 B Division Haroldg 4. Hijackers 0; Jerry's 3, Conrad 1; lUlls 3, Bulgen 1; Booth 3. Thorn 1; Acme 3, Northefn Glass lr Jersey Farms 2. Dailv Newa 2. STANDINGS A Division Headpinners 34, Pushovers 34, Fashion 30, Broad Write your News Wont Ad below. Begin where shown "START HERE." Put ONLY one each space. (Each group of numbers of letters count as one' word). Put your address or r "number, or both, in the ad. In case you want a box number, leave space for 4 words (e g Daily News. Hotels Should Take Interest In Expansion NANAIMO A constantly i LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1911 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING blllPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipment. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S Agents Allied Van Lines l.l. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. START Ilf'.RE way 29, 99 Taxi 28, Shentons 27, fW t-i rnnseeull" No. MXtS 1 -ays J I. Crioks 27, Canada Life 25, Orphans 23, Ocean View 21, Penguin 18, Miller Bay 15. B Division Jerry's 35, Northern Glass 30, Hills 29, Jersey Farms 28, Harolds 28, Thorn 28, Bulger 26, Acme 25, Booth 23. Conrad 22, Daily News 21, Hijackers 17. SI.J3 panding economy and .population that would keep the eyes of all Canadians and Americans on British Columbia for years '.o come was forecast by J. E. Ben-gert, president, B. C. Hotels Association. Mr. Bengert told the monthly meeting of the Association here that the hotel Industry should share in this boom and contribute to it by constantly improving its service to the public. tl.M $1.25 Curling Final This Saturday One hundred hotelmen attend To earn the r.lcs must run ronsMrtlveJ. ed the meeting, at which Dr The Bateman and Boulter Larry Giovando MLA, was guest rinks will meet Saturday morn ing in the finals of the high school curling championship for he f.1"" NOTE Make your money order or cheques payable to the PRINf L RI'PIRT DAILY NEWS. Ails m:iv 5 p.m. day prior to publication. If replies are to be mailed, please arid lr postage. You reach over 12,000 readers with your Dally News Want Ail. speaker Mr. Bengert said the Associa-tions's co-operation with the government in implementing changes in hotel beverage roorna was winning the Association the confidence of the public and 4;oyernnieut. . - .... . .. the McDonald Trophy. Bateman beat Morrison 16-2 yesterday afternoon in one semifinal and the Boulter squad, skipped by Ken McLean, beat Rowbotham 8-4, This advertisement I not published or displayed by the Li quor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.