ti n.-a '3.. C0 CpTQMETR and REMINISCES Frjed E. Do; have long been noted for the Thursday, September 17, 1953 -. Mndepeadent dally newspaper devoted to the upbu!:ltng of Prince Ru)ert i a and Nbrtbem and Central British Ccumbla. j --- Mmlirr of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations j She hud a hip-haard way of 1 walking. Richard Babcock.. extent and richness of her fish-1 eries. It is being widely heralded i As I See It t PlJroii Clmore by Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. i i. T. MAOOR. President H. O. PERRT. Vice-President " . , Subscription Rates: k- ay rrrler Per woek. 25c; per month. $1 00: per year, 10 00. ivXaTD today that such a thing as an international fish shortage is becoming an unassailable fact. Cod, for example, Is said to be scarce off Newfoundland. Imagine that! How many of these yarns are true, anyway? ATTENTION BOWLERS , The plain fact is that only : the very poorest recipients of old ape pensions receive anything like $4 80 net. The. rest of us e.et anything from $300 down snd Uie down may easily approach very close to zero. Even so there is a pleasant sensation in handling the monthly cheque. Vr mall Per month, 75c: per year, 9 00. ' authorized as secord class null by the Fast Office Department, Ottawa Seven .. - nt - i . ' AN OLD FRIEND We always regarded codflih In a matter-of-cours spirit-something that had always been here and always would, ament In youth we swallowed cod liver oil by the teaspoonful, table- About 48 cents of every tax dollar Is going to defence. That's a whale of a big bill. quirea for Friday , Mixed Bowling and; needed for Momla.v' Men's League. Leave names atfci Alley after 7 p.m. One 20-Cent Tomato WHEN we were up near the Rocky Mountains and doing our own holiday cooking, my wife bought one nice big tomato. The price was twenty cents foi the single tomato! We talked a lot about that twenty cent tomato next day in the Okanagan. For around Vernon there were some fair road spoonful and part glassful. An 1 1 i ' For the life of me," said the , t-at. drawing his lust breath, "I c;m't leuiMuuer what I did With the other eight." many the meal, not beefsteaR, have we munched. Nor can i A ft) I ! Tlt lT GI ARANTKE! I In business, comments the tlsement showing the figure of k stalwart fls!f rmen with a huge cod, safely caught and ' landed. It's about as long as himself, extending from shoul-1 dcrs to feet, and he seems quite ; Fimnciul Hast, there can be no sut h thing as a. guaranteed an-uu;.l wage. Money Is paid only side bargains In tomatoes four so long as a business continues pleased with the way things are i :ln hi nr-fifituhtp When it nrnrl nets and services cease to be,,0'"5' 9 Ford Coach J: '50 International 1 ;.'-ton j '50 Plymouth Se!: ; iiltractive to consumers, ths i business will fold and all Its jwoikiTs from the office boy Ui j the big boss himself must find ; other jobs. ' . DR. JAMES B. CONANT (right , U.S. High Comir.L.-.ioner for Germany, visits a food-distribution centre in if-nrn. v.li ;? thousands of East Germans are flocking to receive- Ann p. ;m f .mm parceLs at the rate of 70.000 daily. Commuta-f, t.r .t, ;i . t East Zone residents have not retarded the flow of por.,(.-n.; ri k;.:", punishment In order to obtain food. '43 Internaticnol The law of supply and demand has never operated very wi ll with respect to money. -Kiii!:;.t.-n Whlg-Ktaiutard. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, Sept. 21st, for the position of: l.i:nK-STENiORAPHI.R For the Assessor's Office Applicants must apply in their own handwriting outlining uye, marital status and details as to previous office experience, Further details as to salary, etc., can lie obtained at the Assessor's office, city Hall. fihortliaiKl not essential. R. W. I.ONfi City Clerk 1 -ton '42 Chevrolet Ca '39 Hudson Te rrc NEW INTFKN.VTIIi Keep the Elevator Open FOR NEARLY two years now Prince Rupert's waterfront has shared in the activity of the nation's all-around first industry agriculture with the reopening of the Dominion government grain elevator. Canada's grainfields have yielded splendidly in the" last three years. This year promises to produce ' a-crop only slightly helow the record one of last season! But somehow, the federal government has : deemed it necessary to warn the nation that its .."crop might be difficult to market. This situation lies in the face of thousands upon thousands of near-starving people in the Orient and . in Other countries less fortunate than we, who are ' among the world's primary bread-wheat producers. A stoppage of grain shipping would seriously affect Prince Rupert's waterfront activity and its economy as well as that of the entire country. But this could likely be avoided if the Canadian Wheat ' Board sharpened its pencils a little and narrowed down the margin of profit on a bushel of grain. . ' The buyers of our grain know that we have plenty of it. They feel, therefore, that they are entitled to a little reduction in its price. Perhaps we could do much worse than sell more wheat at a lower price. Or, we may be pricing ourselves out of another lucrative market in the primary industries. -We have already done so in fishing and lumbering. We Should be Prepared pO'R the second time in a week, -we have found .'ourselves unprepared to meet an emergency. . . . .. In the absence of any established arrangement for handling rescue operations in this rugged fly- ing country, precious time was lost yesterday while Victoria Report n r. nu its Freight rates are making Winnipeg the must easterly ..by J. K. r icshitl- pounds for thirty-five cents. But at one stand I saw many tomatoes rotting .on the ground. The disappointed farm wife, no donbt, had been unable to sell hei ciop at any price. THERE IS something radically wrong with our deliberately bottle-necked distribution system in Canada, when you have to pay outrageous prices for a product only a few hours drive from the country where surpluses are allowed to rot. On the same Okanagan weekend I heard of one peach grower who had decided to let the remaining crop rot on the trees because the cannery could accept no more peaches. ' This is not written in criticism of the farmer, nor of the canneryboth of whom ' acted as you or I would act In their places given the same circumstances. But it is written as a reminder that our greatest, swiftly growing problem is still unfaced and because it is unfaced we have not yet begun to try to solve it. SINCE THE invisible but very real Roosevelt revolution, Can Jt'ST AHRIVlJj SUPERIOR AU triPTfini A n o i rp, , ,,, . I"1"" where British Columbia VJLIOIJA. Mr. Speaker Thomas Irwin, M LA fruit can compete with Ontario for Delta, lias been delvillfr deei. into bi-dnpr t Vim- ulld Q"-"'C produce. This is not aying that the B.C. harvest w'll SERVICE LTD be Unlit this year, but with the i;terling market gone, sales must be- discovered elsewhere. The prairies and western U.S., perhaps. , Canadians have never been famous for their fondness for fish, even If Canada's coasts MATERNITY WEA he may know every facet of his important lplat-tive position. - In the six months prior to the ' tllp crown in all his pomp, opening of the 24th Legislature' all Ws "v . ).. ; till.-, he has done a tremendous nis P"le a51'-1. l'is erases, his amount of reading and there i hat, and Ins i;i ;u uit. - his are few questions he can't an- i reception was coU : nd !! swer about parliamentary pro- ( nu mbprs would not speak. Th-cedure, origin of much of which i Sneaker, on in.s ki: i . pi nu-,',' 1 is shrouded in the mists of time that it was mnximt tb.. ru-.toin of the Hon.-'- o v- i. tin i... f.j-v-strangers. The result of this was that tin- dvnv.i ..-'1y cmi. Mr. Irwin says that nothing done in a Legislature Is meaningless, though sometimes it 3 Gabardine Suits 23-T-Denim Skirts 6 Orion Blouses J COTTON SMOCKS AND DRESSES j 13 to V2 OFF I THE STORK SHOPPE might appear so to the uublic. ada and the United States are: SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING COMMON I.Ol'NGK C'lVH; I NTKE 8 p.m. Sept. 21 1953 1052 Briar Films Shown New Members Particularly Welcomed Secretary Prince Rupert ; Curling Club "The pageantry of Parliament," says Mr. Irwin, from his research and study, "Is a monument to all those who have fought through the years for civil liberties." both committed to the policy of guaranteed floor prices to ers. I Canada right now owns vast I stock: of unsold butter, bought iby the government to keep the I l!oor price above 58 cents to Mr. Irwin puts it this way to parliament n ;r. o;r;im-' to signify t.'if n .- .-v.i: i money for ad!ni.ii':t:-..:i i, :in-J at the closin;; 'to rc i'v, friev-, ances of the people by assenting to their bills, and then to receive the grant of supply." When the .Hp' l:'"r i'll.-rs thi-legislative cUuniher." ih-' muill doors are iiiirwftfrfR'y" Irrred, and the goluVii h::f'f .-i !n'pltv; across the mnin enfance. Mr. Irwin h s found t;:c- oi i-gin of this: "In 15-!. Ob.iries I appeared before r-.-ril.-.mrai with a'n utr.n c! Ix.n1 conspicuous in the lobbies i to di aiand 214 6th St Gretn jth tarmer. we also own a,nuge ; "oneof the greatest battl (stock of dried milk, a vast sur-jaii history was fought without j plus of unsold canned pork. Re- i any individual heroes, but in (cently our government aisoj that batUe many llves were Iost; bought the whole unsold pack , , it was a batt)e tnat lasted more I of last year's cheese and the j tnan 900 years; lt involved tw0 policy is to apply to 1953 cheese ; civll wars; three Wngs were cH-as we"- I posed, and one king lost his ! Moreover, while the nation j head. It was the battle of the 9WL . .airline .officials discussed, the fate of a plane re-. ported missing between here and Terrace.' ' i, Thanks to the initiative of Queen Charlotte v?! ASJlines, a plane was readied quickly and took to the air. Speed is probably the most important thing jjr during a rescue, yet unnecessary delays are caused by failure to establish a set-up here. T. A man's life could be lost while waiting for directions from Vancouver where RCAF air-sea i"&Cue operations are supervised. does not Itself own outright the j British people for their freedom wheat crop, it has a very real j from absolute monarchy. The financlal, stake in the 1952 crop, British people were far in the MMER the arrest of fivv nu :nb, rs. The members were n-Jt picseut. neither would anvoiip tell His Majesty whern tiny wort, the Speaker p: ui cNt.n : 'May it please Yi,u.- i nave neither evi :; it.-. ,:.. iorKie to speak, but, : :; t. ,' Hoii'- i pleased to Hirect me-, vii servant I ain." vanguard in pressing for and fighting for their liberties, but all western- countries have followed their lead." We still hove lots of Summer Son- J t ' i ' t 1 - '.fc 'V 1 in o variety of patterns, tyles and colors. All sizes in the different groups. which is still totally unsold and in storage, and also the new 1953 crop, now held on farms, for there is almost no other storage place for it. - ALL POLITICAL parties In Canada favor this procedure In principle and the only criticism made of it in the 1953 election was that it did not go far enough. Hence,' we may take ' lt for granted that such a policy, or t In cases such as yesterday's and the recent gwnt search of American oil magnate Ellis Hall, tr first few hours can mean the difference between lifg and death. We should always be prepared to go irJXp action. ONLY ONE WEAPON Mr.. Irwin continues: "At the outset, the king was all-powerful, but he had one vulnerable spot, his necessity for money to administer his own and the affairs of the nation. The peopie had but . one weapon the After that epi oi'o, .;-.fy.s Mr. Speaker Irwin, i:ie C-.w, of the House were 'locked 'nn.-i the bar put up. and this practic e i-; still honored, ri:;ht cU. v.-;i I j jjrovin-cial legislatures. Tliee Are Kxciplionul Value At The Sale Prices Scripture faJiuge for JoJai Sbow me the kindness of the Lord 1 Sam. 20:14 money; they used this weanun constantly, gradually attaching one condition after another to thfeirgranCS' of"hf6ney. resulting ultimately In democracy " 'ft I.' f.&, .mnethiiijj' which' 'even better! serves the farmer Interest, Is !oin& to remain in effect.. That is why I think "w must face up t some very real decisions. I am all in favor of guaranteed prices for farmers $2.95 S , '. 3' 95 V . SIS - OTTAWA DIARY By Normun M. MucLeoo The monarch Is not allowed to enter the Commons chamber, save to open and prorogue Parliament. This custom carries right through to the provincial legislature; the lieutenant-gov in fact I think the day will come, and ought to come, when everything the farmer produces or the fisherman catches, will be bought COD by the nation. But it seems to me nothing less than sheer insanity indeed FAMILY SHOE STORE ernor cannot enter, except on 1J The fact that the Prime Min-T ,alled to announce his re-. orgwllzed Cabinet on his return r frrf his fortnight of reflection at Ills lower St. Lawrence sum- opening and closing days of a llamentary Assistant to Trade and Commerce Minister C. D. Howe Is cited as confirmation of the rumoi. Brilliant yet eminently sound Mcllwralth is easily the most eligible MP for Cabinet ap legislative session, or when call-! I 1 ' I 1 I v .! X ... I iJ-41. - " I 629 Third Avenue Wsf LIMITED ed by the legislature to give as m. . ar . s- -r a socially criminal act to use mer home Is accepted In Federal Zr circles as evidence that the gov- sent to bills. He could not wan pointment. The fact that he the nation's tax monev to buv a ernment's sweeping election vie- dropped out of the race after i up food, and then to hoard that t tory did n-o-t solve all its polit- j waiting so long for recognition wx icai.proDiems. ! is claimed to be due to his hav infe learned privately that no lood at a ' price some of the people cannot pay. You can perhaps justify subsidizing buying of food for the people. But in my opinion you can never justify subsidizing a changes are in the wind for the present. der Into the public pallerles and tnke a seat like an ordinary citizen. Mr. Irwin tells us the origin of this: "In 1523, King Henry VIII, in need of money for his various wars, asked Parliament for 800,000 pounds. In order to compel this, he sent his all-powerful minister, Woolsey, who lived in a splendor and with o in- point or iact, the extent of 3 the sweep simply intensified in, some of them. The staunch showing which the Liberal can-didates made in the Toronto Mcllwraith's resignation as a Parliamentary Assistant points up a situation which better in 'Fresh from the -fields i1! : - lo YOU! flfe, price-raising process which de nies rood to anybody who lacks food. revenue greater than that of the Admiral Robert Peary reached formed Parliament Hill correspondents have recognized for some time now. That situation consists in the fact that the present Liberal Cabinet has reached an age of service at which it is blocking the way to promotion of king, to Parliament to impose the royal will. Woolsey appear T area, for example, strengthened i25 that region's already air-tight ,1 claim Aipon Cabinet representa- tioiirin addition, the fact that no members of the Cabinet were yj casualties In the voting increased the 'problem of reshuffling port-polios, since it created no new JJJ vacancies for outside talent. ifm The difficulties which Mr. 8t. " Laurent was facing were fully the north pole in 1909, and Roald Amundsen discovered the south pole in 1911. ed In Parliament to harangue the members In their duties to younger and able Liberal MPs. During no other Parliamentary1 decade has the rate of turn-over OUT-OF-TOWNERS In any Cabinet been so low. For the Cabinet members such a sit SALE ON GAS WASHERS REDUCED PRICES Thi. it the ent of me ' ariishis in die rich rir that Heii, .od anlr H ctt )Ptf jjpu appreciated In Parliament Hill circles. But despite their magnl-2 tuQef the Prime Minister was ex-W pected to come back from his jj holidays with some formula of .t solution. His failure to do so is i sprirklng widespread oomment Slw arM .speculation, no less In Llb-erJ circles than amongst the 2 opposition. ftmm On report which is being jjjj widely accepted in Liberal cir- uation probably has been most satisfactory, since It has meant the maximum of security and the minimum of problems of readjustment. But for the ambitious young Liberal MPs in the House It has meant frustration ot the most vexatious kind. When dissatisfaction in a party reaches the stage of open ex Htin .pent yrs prw' , 0i1 f.mou. ArU.oc"' . k : . L Urn ... , . ho B"1 grown. utj ""-- cui,j,. and JnqUL . g caiumJ pression as In the Mcllwralth i cieats mat me enure project -of re-organkatlon of the Ministry haUbeen shelved for the present qiaremeatt r " " ri0,-young pl.nt..Th growd., ( richly-Uden vines, ! uPr"; v.U by H.i own V? Jilt Z. ,,.au. Wifc ,h ' ' .ai." fW at least unt.il the ew at t.he HEim Tomato Products case the usual tendency Is for It to mushroom. Federal circles are watching the situation among the more able of the younger Liberal MPs with high Interest and some suspense. Developments !.' op'iung of Parliament in No-f vember. The resignation of C.LL OR WRITE: : RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 3rd Aye., Prince Rupert , Phone 644 " 9 , t ur n- i ftmou Hiu tomttotl Piwpjorge Mcllwralth, West Ottawa Liberal MP, from his post of Par- could be Interesting 4