Borden Parent-Teacher I Ball- tnnua Prinee Rupert Daily Nevs Thursday, September 17, 1953 Tour Party Gets Quick Look At City Before Departing Group Installs Officers fi; it nmnirtly meeting of 54 school year was held on Tues- couver to Prince Rupert, and! , full of praise, too, for the hos- ! pitallty of westerners. ! i"1"'-""""' ...." .uay ine school with a iar An excited, and visibly impressed group of some 40 Americans spilled off the Prince Ru iation of the 1953- tier Aw The annual nurses' ball was a . uicu visil 10 B.V. racK- jers, where they fired questions 'at. nlont Affiii pert when she docked here yesterday afternoon, eager for a quick look at the city before oose Women i " r1""" uii-iuis, uiey returned to the Rupert for dinner, arid then boarded the train. 1 ', Oil i ' V I? I attendance present. " Mrs. A. Logan, retiring president, called the meeting to order and asked Principal J. S. Wilson to conduct the installation ceremony. Two vacancies occurred since the June meeting and these were filled. Complete list of office follows: Honorary president. J. 8 Wilson; president. n r. TattA- MONTREAL. September 17th Is the eombioa-tion of Fall houaecltaning and a iluffy head-iW making you feel bluer than a ruinv ilav? Here's what to do! Spread MKNTHOI.ATUM liberally inside each nostril and enirl well back for cooliua, J soothing relief. Meulholalum'a medicated vapours relieve irritated membranes almost iinmrdialely ease the sturhnere and, first thing you know, you can breathe e;u W Hum M..mi.ol.t,.n, a jnurpridridye major topic of discussion at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert chapter of the Registered Nurses' Association, held In the nurses' home. Tentative plans were made, but no date was set for the popular Prince Rupert event. Another feature of the meetinf was a report by Mrs. Neil stron-dahl on the annual B.C. Registered Nurses' Association con hristmas Tree ir a special Christmas; ROSENEATH, Ont. (CP) Virginia Belfer of Gait, eight-year-old pianist who has won honors in various competitions, gave a recital of 15 numbers in th)s town near Peterborough while visiting her grandparent's home. Virginia played Each and Beethoven among other works. v lor orunanaEe m combination of fast-acting ingredients in a bland, soothing baie, relieves many other diacomforta, too. Send far m g'nerout fr sample Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.y. llu NsW ...4 Special Shampoo Brunh It Voutt FREE I (For ' - , - J -.1 At ... . . . vention held in Vancouver Ii June. r b. "' ium-iismtu t vice-president, Mrs. M. Wayman' )s ol the Women of the ; secretary, Mrs. G. Calderwood-. ,, ( ax night in the j treasurer, Mrs. A. Logan' social Ti'inpie. iconvenej, Mrs. O. Cook;' mem- h- -'i;:ikine committee i bernhlp convener, Mrs R a the project which -uf ,-haiui Lewis; literary convener, Mrs tt gifts sent to Mooneheart, More; programe convener Miss ,,(-sponsored orphanage, p.urnhof : publicity, Mrs S Strom-l0nmittee appealed to all bold; film council representat-om uf the WOTM to at--tive. Mrs. R. Munro; dental ;!,emxt meetiiiK. October 7, clinic, Mrs. j plnniger. music starting on the homeward leg of their northwest tour. The 40 men and women, of Buffalo, New York, and district, participating in the fourth annual tour sponsored by The Buffalo Evening News, were taken to see the B.C. Packers cold storage plant and other points of interest in the city, before boarding the tiain for their jaunt eastward to Jasper and Winnipeg, and 011 to Buffalo. H. E. Boyer'of the Northern Pacific Railway company Is leading the party which left Buffalo September 8, and visited Yellowstone park, Spokane, Portland, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver before boarding the Prince Rupert lor the trip north. Few if any of the visitors had seen the American or Canadian West before, and all were Impressed. ; . . Mr. Boyer said they were the Wl MIUUIUK BUU liaiKlllIlgJ iNOthlflg more satisfactory tlian a sliampoo with tiiis prowr uutmpuo biwh designed by a hair export. It has dozens of tiny fiavcrt instead of bn.-ties. These plialjie - Huge gtnttg masmfe your s. alp and stimulate circulalion, to help keep vonr huir he.ililiy . . .'and gleatniiig! To net this f'ftfct' SHAMPOO BHVSH (worth 60 ctnt) tend BOTH f:U.f LAPS til any tnti ration oj etlhrr K (l. f Rt ME SHAMPOO OK LIFEBUOY SHAM CHF.AU ih VKio ' Cover handling and maUina " costs to: Shampoo Brush; Dept. D r.U. Bux loIH, Jul untti, Ont. . r prepuruiiuiia mi me ana arama, Mrs. H. Cobb- P-TA SEPARATES make full fashion news for ny tots In this piece corduroy panty sacque set designed by Princess Pat. With a panty sacque. jacket. The PUk Of The New Crop ... j ,.rfc f Then, with nl.,, MS' ttK BEBSS 1 mas party win ue maue. tre i lo. i' of the business n, refi-e.sliments were ser-,y die lionic-niaking com- council, Mrs. J. J. Bergen. The auditor's report showed a strong financial standing. Plans were discussed for the forthcoming year and committees aD- yes, Heinz gives you only the finest of tomatoes in their famous Tomato Products . . -. one reaon crawler, and hat, a variety of costumes become apparent to because I know that my 4 H.OjJ. Si'ourin.-., Pad9 will iki ) whatever I aeed " them for. in a " jilfy. Maybe it to scour the hath . tub t rw ' pointed to bring reports and rec- tne imaginative parent. w n v it h i n a v? T O M A T jir mimlon omniendationa. . . i In competition as to which di-- ! vi.ion had the greatest number ! K63Q I PIQ OTOUD i of parents present. Mrs. Calder- ! r most enthusiastic group he had worked with, full of praise for the beautiful scenery partieu-larly along the coast from Van K K T C H U P is such a favourite. It's rich with the f Iff! 7 1 , UUI'S Plans Season j wood s division was declared the ' winner. I Pictures of Her Majesty Queen The Shakespearian Reading inn I Elizabeth II had been framed invrnV f'fPl Tf-iT-rv Ci committee, i Sroup nell Its first meeting of by Mr. ,,,,!, t of the f,i- Downing'. the top of the store or a .burned S pot. Sometimes it's to take a, slain off linoleum '. , or remove old wax. Any time every time I"' SMS. do-s the job! It s reilly a mmjiriU combination of sturdy, interwoven fibres, filled with-grease-dissolving soap. They're so neatly made too a pleasure to use in every aay. I think that "SO.S." must stand, too,' for . "Secret of Sccrcts" for , evpry ( woman who wants her house to shine with cleauhiiese. It's certain- ly mine! flavour of ripe, red tomatcjes and of course the Heinx t'hefs add just the right combination of fragrant spices to give it that very special good tate. Then there's Heinz delicious Cream of Tomato Soup and Heini Chili Sauce that add sparkle to many a "Plain Susan" dish and. last but not leant Heinz Tomato Juice that's such a delicious source of Vitamins A and C. Look for the "New Pack Parade" of lleing Tomato Products at your grocer's now. Copies of English papers, "The the 1953-54 seison Tuesday night Sphere" and "The Illustrated ! at the home of Mr. and Mrs London News" with pictures of j ,tarry winstone, Summit apart-the coronation had been received ! and were issued for the various i ments- divisions. j The group, which reads the Mr. Telford took over the chair works of. Shakespeare for pleas-after the Installation of officers ure, chose a tentative cast for and conducted the business fori "Twelfth Night," whith will be th2 balance of the evening. i read October 6. mm o7 s n rlijinljer. included a talk on Kiimonton in his 4's lo the annual meeting Canadian Chamber of urf hi'ie, uu' jn lie s iici. Is increas-ixj'jjlation by more than 1 teonih. and has a total of 183.000 compared 1!M.U oil was dls-j ht-rr in 1947. f: : n-.oves from the v n 1. .rt th'in from : ai.pmt in the world. I Bleu The Bay when I first broueht FRENCH'S INSTANT POTATO ' (33HD WED ' lit. rff powder into my home . . . and threw out the old drudaery of potato preparation! All the full flavour and nutriments of the finest potatoes are ready in the twinkling of an eye as the best mashed potatoes you ever tasted ! . . . Or, maybe as a crisp brown coating to fih cutlets, or croquettes . , . Try it as a thickening for gravies, stews, and soups . . . or as a topping for baked casserole dishes. Shepherd's Pie . . . meat or chicken pie. It turns a delicate brown under the broiler and adds food flavour and food values that I need in nieal-Dlanniuz for mv CZ32IIED QSHD. 1 hungry brood. . . " CouiU Them I All the things you'll like about BLUE BONNET DE Q2CD LU.h MARGARINE! One of them is the srwff of the De Luxe Blue Bonnet quarters. Thev riht from the package to the plate . . . and they're individually wrapped in pure aluminum foil. That's to preserve the delicate flavour of De Luxe Blue ' i Kindergarten open j H:i: n'. .1218 : ::s i f the Koyal Purple: j't iul meeting Friday, ; 8 V". 12171 mem'iers of L.O L. Mf'ti-v prj,iay niRht. y.A::.' rs (.facial isit. i attend. 1 21.1 : 1 Tfctta onnet - delicious fresh from the refrigerator VJu or when served melting hot on toast, meat or ViVY vegctablet.. Incidentally, besides the natural nutri- ' ' r ' - w av ' When your doctor recommend) low butter-ftt lormuli lor your bby, uu Delta Partly Concentrated Skimmed Milk. T-r 1-1 1 1 nun ui pifuu uiK'tieuin. lo.uvu UOIIB Ol 11&1Q1Q & arc. odded In cvprv ninulp rnnmt nf Fin 1 tivn Uliiu Bonnet. And another tiling you II like about De Luxe Blue. Bonnet ' the handy chart oa the package shows where to cut for recipes. This advertl-ement Is not published or displayed by the Li fji:o:' Control Hoard or by tbe Government of British Columbia. 3 SI HUD D I We fnvile You To Compare Our Shelf UUi. CES ARE YOUR BEST GUIDE TO SAFE BUYING Ii ISLjZ'A JLTB. prtces Wffh Any Store fn Town 100?o B.C. FIRM Specials Effective SEPT. 18th 23rd -71 it '.1 I SUGAR PEAS LYNN VALLEY No. S 15-01. DILL PICKLES lS-oi. Jar Buy one for 47c Get one for 1 e BOTH ONLY CIGARETTES DAILY MAIL Pkg. .: 29c Corton .......... $2-85 DOG FOOD ZIP Ti 10 c MILK PACIFIC or CARNATION J Tin 15c j 47c J Lbs 2Ti" 25c T E Burns Quality Canned Meats Delta Snerial Prnrfw. 1-lh. 7V rU, Ovcrwcitca No. 1, Lb. , .. - - ; ggg COfi-CE, Ovcrwaitca, Our Best, Lb. . .1:. '.?. 99g J Delta lonn Grain )-lh Knt 4V JKK and BEANS, Overwoitca, 15-oi. 9. for 27c I AMY THREE -TRAWBtRRY JAM, Orcrwairea. 4-lb. Tin e;C brS Delia Long Grain, Mb. box . . 22c For CORNED BEEF and VEG. SPAGHETTI ond MEAT IRISH STEW SPORK BEEF STEW WIENERS and BEANS LAMB STEW ; ' VEAL STEW BEANS and HAM Delia Shorl Grain, 2-lb. box 39c Delta Short GrainMb. box . 20c JOCK EYE SALMON, Overwoitea, Fancy, iz--lb. Tin . .. gg HEINZ -BABY FOODS 3 tins 25c Robin Hood Products CAKE MIXES Hesnz Spaghetti bohu Heinz Baked Beans1501 29c 18c Chocolate Pkg. White Gingerbread 27c - 2 for 35c inzKetchup 15-oz. ANGEL CAKE MIX, Pkg 50q ; UZ, Gianl DELAAAR AAARGERINE " 33c WIENERS BURNSc. i 47c BACON SLICED SiDE i.'; 45c CHUCKWAGON DIMMER, 15-oz 41c ROAST BEEF and GRAVY, 55c CAMPFIRE SAUSAGE, 15-oz ; 55c LUNCH TONGUE, 15-oz 59c FLOUR, All Purpose, 7-lb 494. FLOUR, 24-lb. Paper Bag $ 5WD0U Giant .... ; 69c .... ; 69c 75c Giant.. 4 . Rpmihr fnr 75r t M ' U I W A, J HAY, Bath 2 lor 25c 0, 1-lb Carton 34c r3-lbTin . ' 99c KRAFT FOODS VELVEETA CHEESE, 2-lb. Box .'. $.10 KRAFT DINNERS, ... 2 pk9s- 29C PREPARED MUSTARD, Kraft CHEESE, Slices. rlb. pkg 35C GJETOST Goat Cheese, ',-lb. CASINO BLUE CHEESE, Wedges .... 29c SWISS CHEESE, Portions, 8-ox 49C MIRACLE WHIP, 32-or. Jar REMEMBER . . . Overwoitea Ltd. Gives You The Best Of SERVICE . . . QUALITY . . . PRICES -PLUS-FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OF $10.00 OR MORE TOMATOES, Ashcroft, 28-oz. Tin H0TCHOCOLATE.FrvVl-tb 2Gc 57c -