I'llllwC l'upCII 4UII lYtZMJ Thursday, September 17, 19d3 ii i ii mill -' '" . ,"-t.v.. ii r"7 BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL 1240 kc. CFPR ' 1 A'K Prince Rupert SAILS FOH VANCOUVER tad Intermediate frt Each Thursday t U:!5 p.m. For KETCHIKAN EADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS THE DAILY NEWS" RADIO DIAL (Subject to THURSDAY : I'M. 0 0O Don't Destroy , 8:16 Canada n Work I! Sit khm MrrriiRdp 1:00 CBC Kws CBC Hpwi Roundup 7-30 Eventide 8:00 The Jefferaonlnti Heritage 8 :30 Homer's Odytmey 9 00 Th ursday Playhouse 0:30 CBC Vancouver Concert Orch. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC Newi 10:15 Midweek Review 10:30 Winnipeg Drama II:imi Mwnlr Till Miilnli;ht 12:00 81)01 -off FH1PA1 AM " :0u B C FluhermenS t:IS Muleal ( Ik k 7:30 CBC News; Weather Report 5:3.i lu ( lin k 8:00 CBC Ne 8:10 Here's BUI Oood 8:13 I. Illle (oiktii 8:30 Mornlni; Devotlma :4-1 Mulnl March fust t on BBC News and Commentary .Mnleal Minteru)een WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House - 909 Third Ave. West ' Phone Red 878 SPECIALIZING ' CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally CIRCULATION" TODAY 3729 Lost Year., 3312 John F. L. Hughes, D.C: CHIROPRACTOR . ' Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 ' 21-23 Besner Block " Phone Blue 442-- KEITH H. TUCKER OPTOMETRIST 527 3rd Ave. Phone 212 PHONE ! 458 ' 1 MESSENGER ,., j Pit K-l'P AND DELIVER! I IF YOU WANT A . : ' j CINDER DRIVE WAY,' ROCK OR CONCRETF- WORK, Rent of Truck;, ind Equipment Pn. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS I H. G. HELGERSON , ; LIMITED ,.t. REAL ESTATE St INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 899 scott McLaren , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd A. W ; Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Phone 347 P.O. Bos 374 PRECISION SAW FILINC All Types of Sews Sharpened . 115 1st Ave. W. IMiun WO? a tnt&e CHOP SUEY . . ... CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Change) 0 :45 Famous Voices 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 1W:I.V KeilMiarfl and C'onMile 10:4. Imitation In the Hull, 1 1 .00 Your Good Neighbor Kate Aitken 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air 11:30 Menage Period Rec. Int. 1145 Scandinavian Melodies PM f! :(m I ill In American Melodies 12:15 CBC Svs 12:2(i Program Reaumc 12:30 B.C. Farm Broad-aat 12:55 Kcccrded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:30 TransCanada Matinee S: I "e Records for Von 3:45 B C. Request Roundup GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 1!7 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TASK OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 215 First Ave. W. ii Exclusive Distributorship For Prince Rupert is offered to on oggressive person or soles organixarion oble to contact the industrial and automotive fields. This is a real opportunity and will stand the closest scrutiny. Initio! Stock investment required. Apply Box 785 Daily News PERSONAL 20 OOINO to Kelowna Sept. 20 by oar. Anyone interested phone Red 788. ,itpi WILL board baby by week. 711 I'r 5th Ave, West. Hp II 1USINESS PERSONALS '4 PLACE your classified ad In this paper at the economical .six time rate. 15 words for 3 consecutive days cost $1.35; 15 words for six consecutive daw rost $1.80. And remember, you 26 ran phone your ads Ju.st call 748. Dally News. itf-ne) RE-CHROME bumpers, frills etc., with "Bumper Re-Ntt!" Not a paint or polish! just like en chrome! Lasts years! Send $1.U8 or COD, Fernlor, 772 Kin;; West, Hamilton, Out. (Dealers wanted.) ,22b) 27 LANDSCAPING AND GARDKN-iNG Rock walls, rockeries, rock flower boxes, lawns unj fences. Garden keeping. iVrt estimates. Phone Ked 1:0(5. C.tfipi NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-lleu, Distributors tor M;i:.i.g, 28 Sawmill, LoRKinif and Contractors' Equipment, Inquiries invited. 1 Granville Island. Vane Hirer I, B.C. (tfi PUBLIC NOTICE i The City will, empty bepU-j tanks on request, at cof t price G. E. Beaton, Superintendent of Work: (21SP :S9A AGENTS for Canadian Liquid ' Air Co. Ltd.. for oxyf.en, atvt.v-1 lene unci all welding .Mi;i)iii.v Lindsay's Cartage & KUra;te : Ltd. Phone 6u. 'c) - : 34 WE NEED your old tires. For Liberal Trade se KNUTSOM'S TIRE SALES & SERVICE, Bil Fraser St., Phone Red li'ja. ' THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatl. House wiling ami eitc; nciil repairs. 140 0th Ave. Wis:.: Phone Rod 165. 2t! i IV; WORLD'S FINEST CLKA.NiiiL ELECl'ROLUX. Pbone lliue S! 970 for Parts Sales BtTVi.-e. (cl RE-ROOF... with DUROID Asphalt Shingles Inquire about our Instalment Payment Plan FOR FREE ESTIMATES SEE OR CALL GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. (Daily except Tucsda,y1 ... Hollywood Cafe ! For Outside Orders Phone 433 i Dried Up Resources NiCfc.NEw.CtfiSP ) I TWENTY-DOLLAR BILL WEDNESDAY Midnlfhl Comfort and Service Por reserrstlons writ o :all Mtf at' bepot Otttv Pr a Rupert, 1.0. DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe t(S I u ill I ii1 (hi! JvfHMHMitf it mt pikltJd m 4ipUrJ W Lmim Cl (W m T Gimn 4 lm C.l..i fII NO PIPPSREST FRO THE I r JH0THEK...00 HONESTLY THINK JULIE FROM? f MAPE WE LIFT THE YOU ?.' ' SXlTS FROM THE BACK Mot Use YOU UP I "i HAPPY I WANT r-s. ' H Classified Hates Hmf 4-M P" "T pr"l"u w;:i. . ;) mr word rwr ln- : minimum ."harxe M ni , ,ti' i. .w cen's; Cards ol , ' Ith Notion. Punerel MarriaKe and Btifapment iBiii.nl';. 2 00. ilrmble prtc. No Refunds 11 nut accvpt responsibility m.-il uds Inserted Incurred! f r tvuk ciuwuncuilim un!M nil il suth rrurs U recee.etf 4 injure ul llrsl Insert I'.a. yANT AD REPLIES aw holding replies ie following News ores: i 774 776 731 'optics must be 'Ic-I for in person (IMHNG EVENTS EGION W. A. DANCE , September 1 8th jimh Auditorium :'. A.y Mountain Boys" .xincing 10-2 ::li-UIll S 0(1 CUcll (218) i AimlLuy dance Friday, t-r is. W Sale allspices Pres. . Lidios' Aid. Kept. 19. ' Cbaicli W A. bake sale, 4; Anderson's, Saturday, D iualiters R u m m age jii-mlji r 26. . Auxiliary evening fa- : '. 'I'lill! r.tl.l.V, October i-il Ru:nm.ige Sale, Oc- Bazaar, October 7 iiii't Rummage Sale, " "i Tea. Oclober 10 i -M' n's Tea, Civic Cen- uuer 15, Star D.mre, October '1 Full Bazaar, October ', f Card Party, Oct. 227 I-cRlnn Ladles' Aux-:" Bazaar, Niv. 4. '""if-iU naMaV.'Nov"- F-ll Hazaa Nov. 13. Pall Bazaar, Thurg-19, 'HiIxt 1953. M liu aur, Friday, No- -I). VM BazaarTEiks zaar. Novem - Uri:n Ladies7 Aid Ba- ' ruber Uiuivh W.A. Chrisl- ', Ut. 3. l loving memory o 4 s:;1 " !hi, .. .. 4 - he is clead- he is Just a Chferv amlln !J the hand and a an un- Us H,. fair 'ouing how ' "fs there must be, since he ;hiu,. Sm-in-law, i mi and Mrs, Harry Ut) KSONAI, FT AI..I Pn '"""ICS Anony-Phone 343. (234) Daily N,"y l'ie day. 36 ROOMS FOR RENT BOARD and room for young quiet gentleman. Nice home. Non-drinker. Write vnur particulars to Bojr-768, Dally News. i-221p) ... m ONE housekeeping room and one sleeping room. Blue 62. (221) LARGE housekeeping room, central. Phone Green 736. (217) LIGHT housekeeping room. 701 . 5th West. (2221 39 , HOMES FOR RENT FOUR - ROOM self-contained suit, central. Fully furnished. Furniture for sale. Box 718, Dally News. (221) THREE-ROOM suite, partly furnished. Quiet party. Phone Blue 377.; . (219) CENTRAL three-room suite with furniture for sale. Box 782, Daily News. (219) FURNISHED bachelor apart-(218) ment. Phone Blue 292. THREE rooms and bathroom. 533 8th Ave. West. (219p) SUITES for rent. Red 984. (235) 44 HOMES FOR SALE SIX-ROOM house, excellent condition, close in. Cement basement, coal stoker furnace. Nice lawn. Phone Black 924. (219p) FURNISHED six-room house. Full pi ice $6,000. $2,500 down, $75 monthly payments. Phontf Red 973 between 2 p.m. . and 7 p.m. (219) IMMEDIATE possession Fully furnished four-room home. Drive-in garage, full basement, oil furnace. Apply 1546 8th East. , (222p) TWO-BEDROOM house, oil heater. Available immediately. $4000. Terms. Phone Blue 710. ... .. . (217)' LARGfi wartime four, hardwooj floor, furnished or Unfurnished. Apply J42X Piggott Place. ' 219p) 45 PROPERTY FOR SALE I'i ACRES with lnke frontsie, on far side Lakelse Lake. Box 787, Daily News. . (222p) 46 BUSINESS OPPORTlNITIES CAFE business for sale cheap. Inoulre at Sandy's Cafe at 71!) 3rd Ave. West. (221p) 47 AUTOMOBILES 1946 CHEVROLET sedan for sale. Fair condition. May be seen at Frlzzell Motors. Please direct bids to Bodard Adjustment Bureau, Prince George, Box 2253. (221) 1949 FORD custom sedan, un-dercoatmg. radio, heater and accessories. Owner leaving town. Priced for quick sale. Phone S4. , . - . . - (219p) 19j.CWfta)ii.le0wyo6(l. thdlti6r"I8 Std-cWest ih-ment). , ;' .,- - (222p) German Riot Squad Ready BERLIN (API Berlin's 3,000-nian riot police force was pronounced ready Wednesday to cope with, any Red violence in West Berlin. Headquarters said the ranks built up to help the regular police have reached scheduled strength. VANCOUVER via Waypoints SUNDAY S Cnmosun, 8 p.m. FRIDAY . SS Coqultlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CH4.RLOTTE ISLANDS September 9 and 23 SS Coqultlam, MlUnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISI ANDS SS Coqultlam, Midnight ... . September 16 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 561 Phone 909 BLONDIE t BLOND' E-J( CX.800 - HCO e-J-,f YOU'RE. )N EVERYTHING VTl CffYlNG" 1 WENT WRONG 1 PLUMBING, automatic oil heat R4-!fe vM&m 'kLim tc4!i -. IIIXP WANTED FEMALE TI-T.MINAL Lunch will be under !.'".v management Sept. 15. Two hifh school girls required uiirt-tlme work. Applv Northern Distributors. (217) SITI ATIONS WTO MALE MARRIED man, 33, desires .steady employment, any kind. Phone after 5 p.m. Red 911. I222p) Bl.LDING MATERIALS INQUIRE about our budget plan fur your home improvement. o down payment. $100.00 to $200000. 6 to 24 mos. to pay. i:. putt, evitt & co. ltd. Phone C51 or 652 (229) Fl'EL FOR your fuel requirements: Oil--"Shell" stove and Furnace. C'cul- Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Oh:- P.icilic" Propane. ' PiIlLl'WTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 ' (229) Fl'RN'ITl'KE FOR SALE Ti new single beds, Ideal for roomers. Couch and other items. b7.) Summit Ave. (217pi CinkNEY combination propane its ::nrl roal-or-wood range. Complete, with two tanks. In excellent condition. Blue 697 after (i p.m. (21Upt SIW1NG MACHINES 5ALFS - Repairs Rentals. Singer KewiiiB Centre. Phone 864. (t) FOR- -SALE MISC. CEN'i'KAI, Electric refrigerator nii'j Connor washer, good con-(iiticn. Apply last house Wan-tare l:;,(t. or Box 784. Daily New::. (217pi 22-iIO RIFLE-sTJoTOUN combination, with ammunition. feet d ntiition. Price S3S.0O. L-!.(k511. (251p) AI-T cement mixer with motor. Phone Red 186. 1120 6th Er.;t. (219p) rR'C.'DAfRF. In iood condition. Ch.-ap. Phone Black 993 after 5 p.m. (217p) MOVIS camera Cine Kodak, 8 m.Pi., 19 lens. Phone Red 430. (221) MAPI E flooring. 739 5th West. (218) Oil, .il.nve. fridpe, washing ma-(220) chine. Blue 002, A'OTOR-KKOOTER, $60. Black , 1-13- v; .' (217) V'v S W ATTR him WTT,T, trade' late model car as down payment on house. Box 713. Daiiv News. (217p) ;3I WANTEl MISCE1.LANEOU, WANTr.n TOP MARK2T PIIICES PAID for scrap iron, nicel. brass, copper, lead, etc. n.ne.-.t (trading, prompt pay- ment made. Atlas Iron Sc. Metal Ltd.. L'50 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific 6357. (H) CASH FOR Scrpp. cooper, brass, batteries, radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) 15 BOATS AND ENGINES HUNTING or FISHING TRAILER Sloops 2' . . . Built-in Cupboards. Spare wheel and tire. New tires all around. Priced Reasonable Phone 383 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (219c) BOAT "Varuna" 33 ft. trollef 'complete with full gear, skiff, marine radio, etc. $4,000. Owner V. A Hanson, 3321 Knight Road. Vancouver 12, B.C. (See P. R. Fishermen's Credit Union.) Boat moored nt Fairview Floats (co J. Blake, boat "K.O."). (221p) 12-H.P OUTBOARD engine with gearshift controls. Almost new. Phone Green 725 before 2 p.m. (219) Classified MNtU iHt "'lAL MOUNTED , H.. A(vi- (ikrv , !. --rrSjri 'wa-,tM5 aveivfiiget iHtrVKWBnmHTPuiLmis.'mTM J ie Moose mil. lrvrmi.' 'I'D Sen eg l JAMffS0IH6MiAUATMACK'Jr?& JAMltOUTOfTHftVAi,neNOAICg ), S?BIAM . mATMYAM UPTof j LI L ABNf Ah, Sweet Mystery, Of Life . . "TOS'APSVCHOLOQfSX VJEPLAiTE A ' " -at- p fTTREACHlNG ' -X , f OH MAM SWEET ) o-Dont VJ ! IT'4 MERE CHILD'S DOL ON ONE 1 J 1 XX TOR THE BOU..T ) Ol WOFULLI'L , PLAY TO FIND OUT TV SIDE A ijPY, J ,T A . : IA Svxplipft Vr 1 (iSiSSZkT55 TIU WHAT KIND OF A 5rfc BASEBALL. " f4f,lVcl 1T A m 5Zi- VWTKKii 'Mm, TTv'l., V WICL " - 1 , l( HERESA hi" I f V TOCHEER WHERE THIS WILL 1-J VlAlC TWJ lAt N PARlS,..THE WRETCHED CREATURE WE HAP tn an ti fs 1 -i l i By CHIC YOUNG' f By STAN UkaKr Them? q ing, sheet metal work, phone 543. Call 630 8th West. Lctour-neau. to) DRESSMAGING and alterations j all kinds, vcrv reasonable. , Apply 200 11th St. (2201 , W1LTORD Electrical WnrksMo-: tors bought, sold, rcwotuul atul TptUred. . (toj ... PUfiLIO jiCCOUNTANT. Ini ome Tax spi'clulli;t. S. C. Ftirk. ' Stone BulldinR. Rcu.593. , ,i;'0; ldic,a ... i MAQAS'.INlr'.tJi srV.le. News tsianii. (c) NEARLY everybody uwi d. 16 . LOST GIRL'S navy ntincoat, M 10, ; outside basement of Kins EJ- ward School. Would person win ; picked it up by mistake return i same to Tiing Edward bclioni Reward (217) CIRCULAR gold and pearl ear pendant, between Masonic Temple and Noble's. Reward. Phone Green 782 evenings. (Upi. PtNN rod and reel, near month of Cloyah Creek. Phone Ultie 612. (217p) 18 HELP WANTED MALE WArjTED , 2, or 3 CARS and DRIVERS For Taxi Business , Very Low Rent No" Overhead Enquire: Box 789 Daily News (2!9c) 19 Help Wtd. Male Frm.tlc THE International Correspondence Schools Canadian Ltd. will consider applications lor the position of representative for Prince Rupert and arc.!. Apply stating age, education, marital status, to J. Wilkle Haynes. 1013 Robson St., Vancouver, BC (218) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES I fj'' T H5U KNOW PAN.UlO.' I I j.n. f CAN'T 0U SE LEAP TOf &Ht Iff sZZ. VONEV THAT ISN'T Y00RS...0H, WN. 6HES NO PlFFERENT Q THAT If"?? P NO, HOW CULP T TAKE,,, lj. 'ELL, I'VE JUST COKE J ANYTHlNS I 'm. FAT' FROM THE SA A. ELSE.'.' I ' ', AWRJL 6119. UTTLE ens w-: jj HiJmBM i mm You Read The Ads Regularly - Why