prDvincial.1 f?.ovi::cial Lisa!, Wows SALVATION ARMY TIDES RED SHIZLD September 1. If53 APPEAL standard Time) ill"- 9:43 15 8 feet Quota S3500 21:20 18.0 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 6.4 feet TO DATE: . 3:118 15:17 10.0 feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 217 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS $1150,00 r' i sS"il jit' J R H SmSlS HQ I Clue Flight Family !Iip UMiOnittl Pri'M n n yi(o)S if mm m I i LfWIPJ Oil SANNE, Switzer- C to flie black Chevro. in in wntcn miss- r i t i s h diplomat Mac Lean's wife i i . r.v i - ; s-" - -. j .. . Tim " ' . ami last rnoay Trial of Nudists . Opens in Burnaby By The Canadian Pni SOUTH BURNABY, B.C. Three of 141 members of the radical Sons of Freedom Doukhobor sect went on trial here this afternoon before a special court on charges of contributing to' juvenile delinquency by parading in the nude. Fines Net $3,926 For City Court fines and coats enriched Prince Rupert city coffers by $3,1)26 dur- innr A nmicr iha Pf'MP eneva was found ausanne gar- ii a Xp1 Ch fOVVrJ rageman said It was n early Friday night an wllh three children u to t lie missing fam- The remaining 141 of thef- rlptiun and that the hed aeross the street jway station. city detachment report to j the city council tabled this j b tlie woman told him lc come bark for the car a week. i,rLean and her children Bill Bond Installed By Kinsmen Bill Bond, popular living In Geneva with LANCE CORPORAL IAN OIJVI R Is burled in large pebbles at Portland. England, where local manpower took part In a recent exercise to test the city's defences. The young corporal may not be comfortable, but no one can dispute the protection offered by his stony surroundings. L ean's mother. Mrs. Me- group arrested Sept. 9 were remanded. Because of the large number of prisoners involved, the trial is taking place in Jubilee Hall, a one-storey brick building about a mile from OaJtalla jail, where they are being held. Meanwhile an attempt is being made to tie up all rail traffic in B.C. if the menace of the Doukhobor track bombings In the interior is not removed soon. An authentic source who declined to use his name told Canadian Press Staff writer Joe MacSween at Ne.son that the bar. I police her daughter the children Friday to week showed. Fines payable to the city last month amounted to S3 596 while costs pa:d totalled $330. There were VJ3 convictions under other than municipal bylaws and 14 under city by-laws. Only five cases during August .ere dismissoU or withdrawn. The RCM received and investigated 116 complaints during the month and handed out 35 warnings under town by-laws and 45 under traffic by-laws. Police officers during their niahtlv rounds also found 18 i week-end with friends t 'ux. 45 miles east of young Prince Rupert businessman, last night was e discovery of the car Search Near Exstew Fails to Find Plane m only clue to the fam- installed president of the running trades of all railways throughout the province are being canvassed, for a "withdrawal my pearanrc whs a trlr-d early Wednesday Montreux suburb of 'o Mrs. Dunbar. Pur-!rora her daughter, it y sorry delay In coti- For the second time this week a Queen Charlotte !c'ty p.-emtses unlocked and re- from work" to back up demands of trainmen in the Kootenav Kinsmen Club at that group's annual installation dinner. Dudley Little of Terrace, deputy governor of the northern, zone, officiated at the cere Airlines pilot has left the air base here on short notice j Ked" iTfu-'e"8 They division of the CPU for safer working conditions. unforesecn clnumstan- to search for a plane in rugged, heavily-wooded areas, and both times has been favored by fine .NICOLE MAl'REY, the beautiful and lucky French film actress who played opposite Bing Crosby In "Little Boy Lost" indicates good-bye following a whirlwind 96-hour visit to Hollywood, where she set some kind of record with 21 TV shows, 12 radio appearances, and an average of 14 press interviews per day. Nicole Is In this country for premieres of her new picture. The request came at a recent meeting of the railroad brother Of the cases tried in police court, 130 were liquor cases under the Indian Act and also under the B.C. Government Liquor Act. mony which saw Mr. Bond, as- arlscn. I am staying r. Please school. hoods at Nelson, and now Is In slstant personnel manager lor prnlng about a week's the woods division of Columbia weather. He returned last, night frc;n a journey up the Skerna River in search of a twin-encmed extremely well. Pink narvelous form. Love the hands of lodges of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engtnemen, and the Brotherhood of Railway Tran- Two . articles were reported lost and two reported found and I arc hld by elty detachment. I Exp'ehsr-s Tr holding prison- f Melinda." ., . iibar told Swiss secur- Native Girl's Death 1 1 plane, reported missing after It Cellulose Company, and six oth- i ers installed in office tor the 1953-54. term.., . r . ' Other officers - are: - Curley Barbour, vice-president; Roy Paulson, secretary; Wally Isher-wood, treasurer; Carl Sauer, men throughout B.C., the source he believed the hund- saia. , fas not her daughter's In the last three years there have been more than 20 blast Caused by Drowning formation. En route back from Terrace, the pilot agftln circled for miles around the location and neither the air nor ground parties reported sighting anything. Airline officials nere think the plane may have been a Orumman Goose, owned by an American, which passed through here early Wednesday en route to Ketchikan to take part in the search for the Ellis HjII plane. NO TRACE FOl'ND Meanwhile, searchers combed ings and eight attempts. Bridges registrar, and Jimmy Mellor were damaged as well as the 1 and Frank Da foe, directors. railroad itself. Deputy Governor Little com ers in jail amounted to $1,119. Fine! payable to the provirf-clal government amounted to $160 and costs of $26 also went to the province. Fifty dollars in fines went to the federal government and costs paid to the Dominion amounted to $202.50. Total fines levied under city bylaws totalled $156. In the course of duty during mended Mr. Bond lor his con- William Towhey, chairman of Death by misadventure caused by asphyxia from drowning was the verdict given last night by a jury under deputy coroner George Dawes inquiring into the death of 16-year-old Cora Spencer of .Metlakatla.. Miss Spencer was found dead -j :' '' 7 rancwritiiiK expert is I :t today. ty Seeks t Hunter P Party of 16 men Is plie area south of Mas-f'ham island for an cl- II who failed to return passed over Exstew, Just as a heavy downpour of rain began and continued throughout the night. On Monday, the 'same pilot made an exhaustive aerial survey of Wales Island, 30 miles north of here. In bright sunny weather for a "parachute or balloon" reported sighted by a fisherman. In' neither flight was anything seen. Flying a Norseman yesterday, the QCA plane left Rupert shortly after a report was received here stating a two-engined grey-colored plane ap tributions to Klnsmenship in Prince Rupert, noting that last January he had directed one of the most successful polio fund the joint running trades at Nelson, who has been leading the fight of the railwaymen against the Doukhobor terrorists, would neither - confirm' nor . deny the report. ' At present, bridges are floodlit and guarded, but it would the month RCMP city detach' the donselv-woodcd mountain campaigns this city had ever seen, as well as the Coronation aboard the Prince Rupert about sides and twisting water chan-1 ment vehicels covered 6.439 miles u a m. September 11 station to be taken to the girl's industrial school in Vancouver Cora Spencer was in good spirits Mrs . fllnvtnn RRiri firm sat According to evidence given contest to raise funds for the Kinsmen Kiddie Kamp at Lak-else Lake. outside the bathroom door while ake thousands of men to "guard mting experltlon last Mr. Little urged the club to Big Drug Raid Made on Ship the railroad adequately. ncls ol soutneast Alaska lor .1 trace of the five persons aboard Mr. Hall's wrecked plane. Latest radio report from the Coast Ouard cutter Santa Monica said ground parties had not found the bodies of oilman El work together for the success Watson, 70 started out The source who reported the tte-up attempt said not only CPR of the B.C. Kinsmen convention " 10 am. yesterriav unions but also those of Cans- be neld 'n Prince George next '"I 'hen he failed tn VANCOUVER (CP) City detectives boarded a deepsea freighter in the pre-dawn fog peared to come down across the Skeena from Exstew and then disappear. An RCMP constable accompanied the pilot on the' flight ' night friends, other the girl had her bath. While talking to Mrs. F. L. W. Smith, ship stewardess,- she heard a strange sound. They tried to get into 'the bathroom, failed 'and called the police. Mrs. Clayton, a graduate nurse, said she had drawn the water for the bath herself and lis Hall of Albuquerque, N.M., or dian National Railways and the Pacific Great .Eastern, which runs unto the northland, had been asked to co-operate. by RCMP, a police matron, a steward and stewardess aboard the Prince Rupert, the young native girl was found, fully clothed, slumped over a bathtub with her head in the water. She ship, which sailed from Prince Rupert at 12:30 a.m. September 11, turned back when the incident was discovered and attempts to revive Miss Spencer were continued from the time she was found until after the ship docked again. Testimony by Dr. Donald the four others with him on the Tuesday, making one of the an RCMP con-i to search the woods wt. The woods where I Of the number who appeared 'i Intended to hunt year, at which S3 clubs will be represented. The installation dinner in the Commodore was attended by some 53 Kinsmen, their wives and guests. Special guests included Mr. and Mrs. Tony Crawley, president of the Rotary Club; Dr. A, W- Large, Gyro Club president; Ernie Robin, president of the which was extended as far as Terrace. NO PLANE MISSING A check this morning disclosed there ore no planes missinTi Sreat deal of heavy before Magistrate Graham Lad-ner this morning, 73 were men and 71 women. Their arrest touched off a new outbreak of arson In the Kooten-ays where 13 homes have been flight that ended In disaster soon after the twin-engined plane left Annette Island, Alaska, Aug. 17. There remains only the faintest, hope that anyone survived. Pilot Herman Ludwigsen of Ketchikan, who found the wreckage 35 miles east of here at Boca de Quadra, said he believed the plane disintegrated largest narcotics hauls so far this year. The detectives, in company with two RCMP officers, raided the China Mail, seizing five containers of drugs, with an estimated value of $6,000 on the underworld market. The raid followed the discovery of narcotics In a rooming house. Four suspects are being held for investigation. Oakley of Prince Rupert, who fm or overdue in normern o.i. JPjfprcrin Tne CNR agent at Shames, a! "iiUKjII ,horl dtanee from Exstew,: Afiarl 71 NlaUon on lhe Rupert-Jas- "yyZU f per line, said section workers re- j examined Miss Spencer on September 9 in the city jail and It was lukewarm. On the witness stand, Mrs. Smith corroborated Mrs. Clayton's evidence, describing the strange sound, forcing of the door and how she and others applied artificial respiration.' Stewart Zygmuny Orezegor-owski told of preparing the bathroom. Chief Officer Kenneth Darby said that the ship had reached Terrace Kinsmen Club, and Ernte Shave, past-president of the Yorkton, Sask-, Kinsmen Club. - In flight. destroyed. Meanwhile, Tom Ooode, Liberal member of Parliament for Burnaby -Richmond, said the Doukhobor problem probably will be raised on the floor of the House of Commons at the next porieu ine plane missing. i The same report was received Jefferson of 117 "t died m Prince Ru- again on the morning of September 11, and also performed an autopsy, showed there were no signs of external violence, no marks and no bruises. Death had been caused by asphyxia In Terrace bv Crawford Moore "al hospital at noon Travel Agency and Mr. Moore "-Known throughout immediately dispatched two .of session of Parliament. "pen district where , n's '"en to the scene. Holland Rock by the time the accident was reported. Statements were also read brought on by drowning. The girl's head and clothes on the entire lITo i RrMP ol Tnrrar nlsn snpd "I think it will be a major debate In the House, although the federal government does not recognize any liability in the the wife of Wil- to Exstew with a small boat and rsn, formpr Fnran,n- hnuun a unurnh nnifinff t.h. upper part of her body were from Dr. R. Ross of Akron, O., and Mrs. Reuben Borkrrin, a hrItevedorlllK a"Cl Con-1 heavily-wooded islands in the WEATHER North Coast Region: Rain in the southern part today and variable cloudiness elsewhere. Cloudy tonight and Friday with rain again Friday afternoon. Little change in temperature. Wind southwest 20 in the southern part today and light elsewhere. Light winds tomorrow Increasing to southeast 25 at exposed points in the afternoon. Low tonight and high Friday at Port Hardy pnd Prince Rupert 45 and 60. Sandspit 43 and 60. '!ny. hne wgs born . river ""Won 74 years ago. The Skeena is broken up by damp, he said. Asked by RCivIP Sgt. Norman, who was conducting the inquiry, as to how it was possible that the girl got into the position in which she was found, Dr. Oakley said it was possible that Miss Spencer fainted after "to oy her hus- i islands for about two miles t t 1 nurse from New York, who attended the deceased. The coroner believed everything possible had been done to save the life of Miss Spencer. The jury commended personnel of the Prince Rupert for the co-operation, they gave police. Avenue u.. i ! . 1 u Magistrate Dies VANCOUVER CTt Mackenzie Matheson, 74, senior police magistrate in Vancouver since 1947, died in hospital here Wednesday following a lengthy illness. Win- ""t, iwqi wnne me ponce wjuicu uic "'"lam flnci-mll .(1IUJ. V... 1 1 ,r,t1. 4Vo Lmrt,TOm Oostl'll Of dressing. QCA pilot hovered back and forth over the area several times before heading for Terrace to check for further in- 1 1W V i ' ! I ws nd nier-e. Constable Mason, who was aboard ship on escort duty, said that on advice from a stewardess that a woman prisoner had locked herself in a bathroom, he and Constable Wassen invest!-, gated. When the proper key failed Circus Gives Public Chance To Add Extension to Hospital Departs Tonight There should be no lack of ex to open the door, they pried it open with a crowbar and found the young girl slumped over the citement for either children or adults when the Odyson circus stages its three-night stand rinal Trip of Season dl"" tupPrt knight will make her final call of the into h,,, I1' and tnen nead for Vancouver where she r4ui,ykIw overhaul. resent tttkfm Met by tne Prlnce Oeorge, which on h "st,.. cnartr to a party of Shriners. touring the tub. Parents and children who attend the Rotary Club's Odyson circus here September 21, 22 and 23 will be combining business with pleasure. Many of them will be attending their first big circus and will be seeing animals of which they have only heard before and see She was Immediately carried out into the corridor where artificial respiration was begun. An American doctor aboard the ship was called and he pro So far this year there have been 3,998 patient days recorded in the children's ward. Total potential patient days for the ward is 4,028 days which gives the ward an average occupancy of 99.25 per cent far above the national safety figure of 80 per cent The Children's ward which wa originally sponsored by the Rotary club in 1947 now contains 20 beds and at least eight more PilBht ... . "ert and .u6 one of tne rare occasions on which both ""o the QP. ,,,, ... . .A ... . , , nounced the girl dead. However, win Hrnve in port aim leave w- after the body had been tukea pl" are . . here. The huge big top, capable of holding 3,000 persons, has two rings in'which acts will be going on simultaneously. The children will get their first good look at the ponderous elephants, see dogs and ponies perform trieks, watch aerialists whirling and flying from trapezes in mid-air and roar with laughter when clowns cavort and tumble in their Inimitable manner. In addition to the big top entertainment there will be a full midway and rides and other thrills. . ing artists doing thrilling acts which they had never dreamed possible. Parents will be doing their part in helping the Prince Rupert Rotary Club and a much- N at midni t0 arrive at 8 'clock and P"11 out 'or h F south. The b althouBh they won't stay together on tll.ltt tl are needed to Improve the safety rBe will i, wul "ead direct to Vancouver while f of ,u?nilnue tha- Shriners' cruise. factor. Interior alterations, fur- to the stateroom opposite the bathroom which Miss Spencer shared with Mrs. M. V. Clayton, police matron, artificial respiration was restarted and continued until the ship arrived back in Prince Rupert. Mrs. Clayton told the Jury that before leaving the police needed extension to the Rotary nishings, painting and beds were USING A LONG EXTENSION LADDER, Roman firemen rescue Mario Puzzoli, who had minutes earlier threatened to jump from his perch on this ledge of the ancient Colosseum. The firefighters were able to convince the would-be suicide that they would help him if he came down with them. , . S m Purser t0T her final trlP ls CaP1' R W' helm the rT W' Don) Jehklns. Captain Eocles is Club sponsored children's ward all supplied by the Rotary club. at the Prince Rupert General Estimated cost of the extension. including equipment is $3,880. Hospital.